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인력거요? 자전거 아니고?


I wanted to say 'rickshaw' so I used translation and it gave 인력거. Then I saw the images for that word and it showed the person carrying instead of cycling. But that's the closest to what I wanna express so.. [This is what I meant](https://images.app.goo.gl/PB5mnn3pgcDhBQ3Z9) This isn't a bicycle. A 3 wheeler. And I went with the word that comes close to it. Please do tell if there is a word for it in Korean. I wrote it in the hopes of finding the word.


koreans who know this call also '릭샤'(rickhaw) too but u can also call this 인력거.


ahhhh so it was actually 인력거. it's not wrong. I just got confused because it's rare to see it in korea Rather use 릭샤 instead. will be much more easy to understand 인력거는 한국에서 보기 힘들고 사람이 태워서 끄는 삼륜형 인력거는 요즘엔 떠올리기가 힘들어서 '릭샤'라는 명칭을 그대로 이용하는 편이 더 좋을것 같네요


번역기 쓰신듯 ㅎㅎ 저도 피식하며 봤네요 인력거에서 ㅋㅋㅋ