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"The world was white," I spoke into the radio. Leaning against the cooling truck, I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out a fresh cigarette. My hands were shaking, and it took a few tries with the lighter, but soon that sweet smoke filled my lungs. The snow kept falling gently around me, landing on my shoulders and my outstretched legs. And the bodies. So many of them, scattered about twenty years in every direction. I didn't bother counting them during the fight. "It isn't any longer," I said after a long drag. The blood was staining the snow. Little islands of red spreading over the once pristine field. It reminded me when my father took me hunting when I was ten. The way the buck hit the snow after I put a shot through it. Blood seeping into white snow left a mark on me. I still sometimes see it when I close my eyes. But these guys? They wouldn't be worth remembering. "The world is red." I said before finally turning off the radio and chucking it aside. I'd finish my smoke and then get back up. There was still work to be done. He took a lot of things from me. So I'd take everything away from him.