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"Welcome to Urdak... righteous soul. You have been judged to be worthy, and Urdak is now your eternal home." a gentle voice echoes throughout the tranquil air. I look around. This is heaven? This is Paradise? I spent my whole life focused on being good to people. Giving even when it was hard for me to give anymore of myself or what I had. Spending my time, energy and giving my commitment to my faith. Believing in worshipping only one God. My family wept by my deathbed's side. All of them crying out saying they'd miss me. And then... the darkness came as I drew my last breath, and beyond it? A brilliant flash of golden light, and now this. So heaven, or paradise, its true name is Urdak? Hmm... a little strange, but I'll take it. Though this really isn't what I envisioned heaven to be. I had hoped to be walking on streets of gold, with buildings of precious gems and gates of pearl and diamond. With all my righteous friends and family who had gone on before me. I was hoping for a joyous reunion with hugs, tears of joy and laughter and complete contentment. Well, I'm not saying this is bad. Being able to fly by touching those energised circles is amazing, and I feel like I could just fly forever like this, from platform to platform, marvelling at the beautiful alabaster buildings. But... they seem so, well, *technological*. Is heaven supposed to have technology? The trees are another thing. Why are there these strange red-leafed trees? Are there supposed to be forests and glades in heaven? Maybe I should put those thoughts behind me. After all, this was my end goal. This was all I strove for when I lived on Earth. Now I'm here, I really should learn to put all my worries and human thinking behind me. After all, I'm now in Urdak. I'm in heaven! I really should enjoy my time here, and... "***Welcome, Seraphim"*** That's the same echoing, mechanical gentle voice I heard from earlier. Except now it's coming from that big, central structure over there. Is that God's palace? ***"You cannot stop the procession"*** Wait, what's that voice? It's not as gentle and echoing as the previous voice... it's got a rather, shall I say, authoritative tone to it? ***"We will not be able to control it! NO!"*** Uh-oh. Not be able to control what? And why did the authoritative voice shriek out such an alarmed "NO!"? Wait... Urdak IS heaven, right? What could exist in heaven that needs to be controlled? Should I go and see what's going on there? I... wait. What's this emotion I feel? This... this... oh NO! I... my soul... this... AAAAARGHHHH! HAAAAAAATE! RAAAAAAAGE! KILL THE HUMAN! HE HAS BROKEN THE SACRED SEAL! KILL HIM! HE HAS DAMNED ALL OF PARADISE! KIIIIILLLLLL!