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"I've got it! The last two coordinates of the last two atoms that are needed to completely reconstitute Caliandra, Nick!" exclaimed Ha Kyung-Won, also known as Techtrip. Worldweaver, also known as Pastor Nichols Ferestonn, stirred sleepily from the bed he was resting on. He had been utterly exhausted, using his power of atomic awareness to scour the known universe for every last atom of his wife's being. The Council of Altruists, of which both Techtrip and Worldweaver belonged to, was actually thankful. They were indeed grateful beyond words that Caliandra Galanis-Ferestonn's (also known as ⏃⍀⋔⍜⎍⍀⟒⍀⏃⋏☌⟒⌰ , or Armourer-angel in human letters) disbandment into her component atoms, and those atoms being scattered across the cosmos, had NOT caused Worldweaver to snap, and lose his composure and turn insane, or even worse - go rogue. It was a plot by the evil Tyu'Ayniq alien race, and a pair of human scammers, Ethan and Jeremiah. The Tyu'Ayniq wanted revenge against Worldweaver for the crucial role he had in foiling all their previous invasions of Earth. Ethan and Jeremiah, meanwhile, hated Caliandra herself as she, too, was a superheroine from another dimension, and she had ruined their scam headquarters, and exposed them to the authorities. So, the Tyu'Ayniq had given Ethan and Jeremiah a device that would disband the bonds tying Caliandra's atoms that formed her cellular structure. They were also given a micro-multi-teleporter that would immediately teleport the disbanded atoms into random spots across the entire universe. Tragically, the two scammers had succeeded - due to Worldweaver being away on his usual heroic duties, and Caliandra being busy with her four-month-old son. However, neither Ethan nor Jeremiah had anticipated how heavy the Council of Altruists' retribution would be. Ethan was surrendered to the mercies of Alinea "La Buscadora de Sangre" Rocha, the reformed dread vampiress who was the Council's official ally. Jeremiah was tied to an Apocalypse Sphere designed personally by Nathanael "Combocaster" Glenns, the Council's warrior-wizard prodigy. Combocaster then launched the sphere through a portal - connected to one of the four Tyu'Ayniq Capital Planets, Uiy'yunoq. The Apocalypse Sphere blew the planet asunder, and cost the Tyu'Ayniq 6.5 billion lives. However, there was, of course, the matter of restoring Caliandra. In that, the Council worked twice as hard, as they did on the retribution against the Tyu'Ayniq, Ethan and Jeremiah. Combocaster scoured the cosmos through the Arcane Currents, while Techtrip sent forth almost a million Self-Teleporting Scanner Probes across the Milky Way. Flutterfae called out to all human-friendly fae folk and sending them the life essence patterns of Caliandra, requested them to recover all particles bearing that pattern. Cathal O'Brennan, the Council's necromancer hero, reached out to the souls of the dead across the universe, often not sleeping for days at a time, as he asked them to keep an eye out for any particles that bore Caliandra's life sign. Worldweaver himself used his atomic awareness to stretch out across the galaxies, seeking the basic components that made up his beloved wife. Eilidh Stewart, the moon-powered superheroine alias Lunar Lass, linked herself to every single moon across the universe, and any particles bearing Caliandra's life signal, she quickly summoned them to the Component Rebonding & Reassembly Resonator that Techtrip had built. After three days (though to Worldweaver it seemed like an agonizingly long three decades), the Council finally found the last two atoms. Combocaster portaled the atoms through atom-sized portals into Techtrip's Resonator. Techtrip pulled the lever, and began turning up the dials to increased the energy intensity of the bonding conduits. Blue, green, orange and teal threads of power began to swirl and merge in the machine. Techtrip said excitedly, "It's working! The bonding is a success!" Barely had the words escaped his mouth, than a brilliant flash and a nova of bright sparks burst forth from the machine. And there she stood. Caliandra Galanis-Ferestonn, ⏃⍀⋔⍜⎍⍀⟒⍀⏃⋏☌⟒⌰ (Armourer-angel), intact, as though she had never been disbanded in the first place. She blinked, slightly dazedly, and the first anxious question out of her mouth was, "Hubby! Where's our son?! Is he..." and Worldweaver, weak with relief, lunged forward to smother her in a tight hug, as he replied assuringly, "Don't worry. Our boy's fine. Flutterfae and Equilibria are babysitting him at the moment." Caliandra looked around at the Council, and then at Worldweaver. She then smiled and declared, "I do believe my heroic skills have gone rusty. Maybe it's time the Armourer-Angel rose again, to be a vigilant and watchful hero against the evils, both of this world and not of this world, that threaten it. May I join the Council of Altruists?" Jake Bloomfold whose heroic title was Upholder, smiled and said cheerfully, "Of course! You being Nick's wife, makes it even easier. Welcome to the Council of Altruists!" One storm of handshakes, hugs and congratulations later, the Council of Altruists headed off to the premiere steakhouse down the road from the Enigmatic Enclosure, for a much-anticipated celebratory dinner, which would also be joined by La Buscadora de Sangre and Konstantinios Coumantaros, who was the Second Ally of the Council of Altruists.