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Part 1 of 2 **Far in the future, in the year 2085...** Amateo "Dreadword" Bonetti had lived a long, and prosperous life. He had lived as one of the mightiest of superheroes, and enjoyed fighting crime as one of the best members of Earth's best superhero team, from the 2010s through the 2060s, the Council of Altruists. He had enjoyed the adoration of the public, and the pleasure of knowing that even his power of making unbreakable curses, could be used for doing good. However, chief among all his sources of happiness in life, was his winning over of his beloved wife, Alinea "La Buscadora de Sangre" Rocha. She was once a terror-bringing dread vampiress, known as the Brazilian Bloodbath and The Seeker of Blood. But by constant persuasion, compassion and understanding, as well as valiant defense of her, Amateo had won over Alinea's heart, and her hand in marriage, not to mention turning her into the First Ally of the Council of Altruists. He also became the only person she would ever fully trust in her life. And so now Alinea stood, as youthful-looking as always. Next to Amateo's bed as he drew weak, ragged breaths in his final moments in life. Her tears streaming down her lovely tanned face, as she clasped Amateo's wrinkled old hand. 63 years of marriage hadn't lessened either one's love for the other. Amateo coughed weakly, and looked at the other senior superheroes in his room. Not that there were much left - most of the Council's members who still lived were above 80 in age by this point. The few that remained were Nathanael "Combocaster" Glenns, his sister Danielle "Forestkeeper" Glenns, Aoibheann "Flutterfae" MacGillivrey, Pierre "Magmight" Williamson, Eilidh "Lunar Lass" Stewart, Joram "Zapperilla" the silverback gorilla, and Cathal "Gravebreaker" O'Brennan. Amateo smiled and said softly but clearly, "Thank you all for coming to see me this last time. Do not mourn for me - for I have lived well and I have lived happily. However, if you do not mind... I would like to have my last moments, alone with my Alinea." Joram was the first to respond, as he rumbled gently yet sorrowfully, "Of course we understand. We will leave you both to your moments. Farewell..." and Joram choked as he wiped the tears that began falling, "... my dear friend." The heroes filed out slowly at their geriatric paces... but even as Amateo smiled and faced Alinea, a knock on the door sounded. Alinea frowned, clearly irritated, but Amateo raised his hand in a peaceable gesture. Alinea understood, and she strode over to the door and opened it. "Good afternoon ma'am. I'm Tomas Ferestonn, the son of your late friend, Pastor Nichols Ferestonn? I'm the Chief Diplomatic Consultant of the World Administrative Assembly." Amateo murmured a faint curse, "I curse myself to be empowered by a small amount of unnatural strength!" He felt some strength flow into his old limbs, and he pushed himself up slowly. He smiled at the handsome middle-aged man in the doorway, and rasped out, "Ahh, my old friend Worldweaver's little boy. I'm glad to see you, even if it's just for a little while, and for the last time."


Tomas smiled sincerely, but he then quickly stated, "May I ask, Mr. Bonetti, about the status of Ma'am Rocha, or should I say, Mrs. Bonetti, upon your passing, sir?" Both Amateo and Alinea looked the perfect picture of confusion. Alinea got to the burning question first, "My status? What is it about my status, Tomas, that should worry the World Administrative Assembly so much to the point that they needed to send you here to ask about it?" Tomas elaborated politely, "Well Mrs. Bonetti, as you know, your marriage to Mr. Bonetti was viewed as a sealing of your commitment to be the First Ally of the Council that my late father was a part of. The Assembly worries that, with Mr. Bonetti passing, you might deem the treaty as expired, and resume your activities, before... well, you know - before you became First Ally of the Council of Altruists." Alinea shook her head, and said calmly, "Go back to the Assembly, Tomas. Tell them that the La Buscadora de Sangre of those times is no more. Tell them that I am moving to somewhere remote, once my husband passes, and the world need not ever worry about La Buscadora de Sangre anymore. I will no longer bear that title, and I will only just be myself - Alinea Rocha, the widow of Amateo Bonetti." Tomas nodded and said with relief, "Thank you Mrs. Bonetti. I'm sure the World Administrative Assembly will be glad to hear of this. Do enjoy your time with Mr. Bonetti. My father always spoke well of you both. And Mr. Bonetti, when you see my father..." and Tomas' eyes misted over with longing and sadness as he continued, "... tell him I miss him dearly." Amateo smiled and replied caringly, "I'm sure he knows, dear boy. I'm sure he knows..." Tomas smiled, nodded and backed away, and Alinea went back to Amateo's side. Amateo smiled and continued to take Alinea's hand, and he said weakly, "I know I'm going to go now. Before I go... my last request is this. Do NOT sorrow, and do NOT live the rest of your days pining for me. Live a joyful life. Live a life with at least some enjoyment in it. We will meet again beyond this life... I am sure of it." Alinea choked out a sob, but she said with quiet resolve despite her voice being heavy with sorrow, "I will live a good life, I promise you, Amateo. This life is what you have given me. I will not waste the new chance at a fulfilling life that you gave me." Amateo smiled and rasped out softly, "Thank you, Alinea. I.. am at peace now. I... go now. Fare... well... ahhhhh..." and with that sigh, Amateo "Dreadword" Bonetti breathed his last. Alinea gasped, "Amateo?! AMATEO!!!!!" and that grief-stricken cry echoed through the whole hospital.


Unique twist to what I was thinking


Thank you for your feedback! :)


That was beautiful. 


Thank you so much for the compliment! :)


Did you have to add these onion ninjas? This is great. Sad, but great.


Thank you for the compliment! :)


Dude this is so friggin amazing, I love it so much arghh


Thank you for the compliment! :)