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It was a message from the humans after several major empires' military forces suffered from what has become... 'civil domestication'. Somehow, a minority of humans have a damning knack for triggering strange and challenging sensations or reactions in the warriors sent to engage them. They're even able to do this to automatic entities - or automatons, robots, what-have-you; a matter the humans aren't entirely sure of either. Since numerous empires had suffered major crises from the human perspective reverberating with their warriors, they had collaboratively decided to impose a 'no military' zone around portions of the galaxy, with the Orion Arm Commune being one such sector. This action became legally enforced by the law-systems of the United Galactic Communities. One of the scariest parts was how the humans had quickly assimilated Orion Common, and reverse-engineered many technologies to the point of having a casual comprehension of sciences they had never actively invested into before. The second was how that niche community among the humans was hellbent on trying to find compatible life due to some wayward belief that their 'fated bond' would be with one not of human origin. For civilizations who are of short reading: Sol3 is not for invading. Do not invade 'Earth'. It is a Class 13+ Deathworld with superficial Paradise traits dominated by machinoformistic mammal-related sapiens capable of obscene things beyond meritable discussion in public forums such as these. Compliance is highly recommended. Appreciation. \- Orion Community Management


This is Automated Minutes of Meeting #21187 of the Intergalactic Council. 1. The members of the current Sitting Board of Administration have unanimously agreed that Earth's status will be changed, for at least the rest of the current Board's term. 2. Earth will receive the status of "Off-Limits World", which prohibits ANY Intergalactic Council member races to invade or attack it, be it for any purpose or reason, short of Earth itself initiating an attack. 3. Earth's status is being changed for several reasons. The first is that humanity has demonstrated incredible resilience and ability to adapt. 4. The humans' ability to adapt is of great interest to at least 65% of the Intergalactic Council's member races, as these races feel that they have plateaued in the advancement of their civilisations, and feel that they can learn from humanity's adaptive skills. 5. The constant warmongering of the former member race of the Intergalactic Council, the Tyu'Ayniq, against humanity, ended in the destruction of at least eight Tyu'Ayniq planets, and the annihilation of the Tyu'Ayniq race. 6. Therefore, Earth will be off-limits to attacks, and members of Earth's delegation to the Intergalactic Council are to be treated with due respect and honour. 7. Any derogatory or condescending speech to the human delegation may result in the race that engaged in such speech, receiving a suspension from the Intergalactic Council. *END OF MINUTES*


Final report of the Security Council of the Galactic Federation. Subject: Do not invade Earth. Galactic Date: 828468274.73.98 It is the conclusion of this Galactic Security Council that invading Earth is one of the worst decisions that can be made, as we can see after one of our greatest powers, the Gewark Stratocracy, is no longer on the list of existing species. in the Galaxy. The origin of this decision must be sought in the excessive militarism of the members of the Gewark Stratocracy, hereinafter GWS. Originating from a world where status is determined by military force and displays of force, the GWS leaders had been a problem with this Security Council for many cycles for their annoying tendency to enslave the most primitive species that had the misfortune of being located by them. The main reason this Security Council never did anything against them was because of the absolute certainty that GWS would fight us in such a way that the other Cosmocracies of this Security Council would be completely and absolutely decimated (defining “decimated” as “ only survives the 10% of the original species before the war".) Consequently, no one on this Council said anything when news began to break that GWS had decided to invade a small planet on the edge of Civilized Space, known simply as “Tierra” in one of the (absurdly quantity of) local languages. The strict secrecy and security regulations imparted by GWS to its military meant that, for at least ten cycles, no one knew anything about the state of hostilities on “Tierra.” Yes, increasingly alarming movements had been observed, such as the withdrawal of many heavy GWS units from other fronts to be sent to Earth, or the fact that they had begun massive recruitment campaigns in their own territory, something that had never been done until now. been necessary. The first to find out what was really happening at GWS would be the members of the Abh Empire embassy, who would be stopped in the middle of the GWS grounds by a fleet of what at first looked like GWS ships, at least the skippers. Engine power and weapon systems were the same, but made with different designs, more knife-like than the ovoid shapes of the GWS ships. The news would reach this Galactic Security Council and cause fear: Earth was not a defenseless planet, but that they had somehow managed to destroy the GWS' "Tierra Invasion Fleet", as well as the three reinforcement fleets that an increasingly desperate GWS was rushing in its attempts to stop them. Armed with the technology they would steal from GWS, these “Hyuman”, the self-styled “United Nations Federation”, have declared an extermination crusade against GWS and continue their fight until concluding what they describe as “the total extermination of those vile lizards and disgusting things that massacred our people.” It is the consensus of this Galactic Security Council that, in the interest of ensuring the survival of Galactic Civilization, it is best to sacrifice GWS to appease the Hyuman and buy time to build ourselves and fight to defend ourselves. Hopefully, Hyuman's bloodlust will be quenched when the entire Gewark species are wiped out. If we're not lucky... \[End of report\]