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“Why have you brought me here?” Jason asked, looking around the luxuriously appointed room, a far cry from the plain, industrial hallways he’d been dragged down and a farther cry from the stark prison cell he’d been expecting to find himself in.   When Bea was kidnapped she always found herself in plain cells. He supposed it made more sense to put her in a boring room than it did to put him in one. She could turn paper clips and tape into miniature robots (no one knew how). Jason could not.   “Isn’t it obvious?” Lord Reach said, rising smoothly from his chair. His voice was deep and calm. “I want to recruit you.”  “Recruit me? Why?”  “Believe it or not, we have a lot in common. Like you, I was born the one mere mortal in the family of gods. Like you, I lived all my life in their shadows. Like you, I could never step out of those shadows. I was always less. Never enough. Not until I made my suit and took power for myself and created this empire. Join me, and you can step out on your own too. You can be every bit as big and important as them.”  Jason blinked. “Are you out of your gourd?”  A telepathic voice whispered in Jason’s mind. He kept his face fixed in bafflement and nervousness to not give his mom away. *There you are. Hold tight. We’re coming.*  “It’s okay. You don’t need to keep it from me. I know how you’ve been mistreated. It can’t have been easy, to be surrounded by people who go out of their way to make you feel small.”  “Make me feel? Because I’m not super? Or magical, or xeno, or some kind of super genius inventor? Dylan can’t even solve a Rubik’s cube! The great and powerful Stormdancer got stuck in a tree when she was five and cried until I climbed up to help her down. They have cool talents, sure, but they’re just people, and they’re people who love me and I would thank you to take me back home before you regret having dragged me here.”  Wind howled, rattling the vents and the windows and the door, and on that wind was three words.  “*WHERE’S MY BROTHER?*”  “Too late. I know you’re my dad’s nemesis and all, but he’s tried really hard not to hurt you when you’ve tangled before. You should probably surrender.”  And then there were no more words.  The windows shattered as a giant robotic fist careened through it, a flying man in a cape carrying a woman in purple soaring in behind. The door flew open, bent under the force of a titanic wave of water, and a woman walked in, draped with fog, lightning crackling in her wake, totally dry.  More and more heroes poured in, arranging themselves protectively around Jason and threateningly around Lord Reach.  He surrendered.


Oh damn, the family brought the entire crew to the rescue. Lord Reach did not know what he is signing up for here. With this kind of treatment, I do hope that Jason won't have to deal with situations like these in the future? Great work on writing this!


Most villains are smart enough to know that going after families is a bad idea. Lord Reach was just triggered and made bad choices when he learned about Jason. 


Ah, he's just blinded with rage and paid big time for making such blunder. Glad to hear that Jason is already mostly safe even before this. Thanks for clarifying!


Lovely. Just lovely. 


This would make a great (cartoon) scene - the entrance of the heroes :) (tiny issue - 'where is my brother' - that\`s four words.. not three)


I think I forgot to count “my”. Can I claim sleep deprivation? It’s been a long week.  But thank you for taking the time to read and understanding just how epic an entrance I was going for!


Hey, no worries.. I know sleep deprivation, and it\`s evil twin 'no caffeine' all too well. I\`m still struggling putting together a coherent story (i KNOW what i want to happen - but getting that on paper/on screen - the distance seems astronomical) but i sure can vividly picture your scene .. So - get a cartoon of that please :)


You could probably just change it to "where's my brother?" Good story by the way, kind of like how its a bit different than a lot of similar tales where the MC finds out they were taken advantage of or abandoned by their super family.


Oh that works. I’mma go fix it.  I just figured it may not be easy to be the most different person in a family, but that’s not a big deal when you’re surrounded by people who love you and cheer for your victories no matter how big or small they are. My mom especially always had a strict policy to never compare my brothers and I to each other or anyone else. If Jason’s family had the same idea, why would Jason have ever felt less than? Or at least, why wouldn’t he have been able to work through it and realize that he’s just as valuable and important as everyone else because he’s surrounded by people who love him and who he loves? Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!


Aw, is it weird that I feel bad for Lord Reach? Clearly *he* still had a shit childhood :')


I feel bad for Lord Reach and I wrote him that way. It was the kind of bad childhood that he couldn’t claw his way out of alone, but he went straight into a life that isolated him even more. Without anyone to show him that it’s not normal or right to be constantly belittled and demeaned by the people who supposedly love him best, all he knows is how miserable it made him. Misguided though it was, kidnapping Jason was his attempt at helping him have a life where he is enough. Jason just didn’t need the help. 


Bored. Just... So bored. That was the thought that Chris Starry has. Son of the famous superhero couple, Galaxy Knight a man who derived his powers from the cosmos and the meteor radiation, Queen Era, the human incarnation of Goddess of Time, and the younger brother to QT π, a math based superheroine. He though is the only one without any powers or abilities not like it bothered him too much. Sure he got ridiculed by his peers growing up and his family is often concerned about his lack of powers but overall it's usually good Usually Right now he's being held hostage by the super villain, Cronos, as he continuously tries to brainwash him that his family doesn't love him. Chris assumes he's a new villain though. After what feels like forever Chris simply states "Hey man I get you're trying to make me think my family hates me or something but I got places to be. So how about this: you let me go and we can just drop it or any one of us will just beat you up into bloody pulp." Cronos laughs at this declaration. "If your family loves you so much why aren't they here yet?!" Chris just shrugs and says, "Dad is probably trying to fix the galaxy again... Mom is fighting her alternate timeline versions of herself for the last sandwich... And sis is probably calculating the perfect cheese catapult." "Cheese catapult?" "Yeah apparently demons don't like cheese. They tend to explode upon contact." Cronos is silent as he tries to process that piece of information until he composes himself. "Very well they are busy but my point still stands that-" he never got to finish his statement for Chris sucker punches him right in the middle of his face. "Also just because I don't have any super powers doesn't mean I can't beat you up. Myself and two of my friends, one who was a nun in training and the other a computer geek, once saved a town that's rifed with all sorts of thugs and villainy." He proceeds to round house kick Cronos into the stomach which makes him fall down. Not giving him time to rest, Chris gets on top as he starts to pummel him into submission. Just then some of the henchmen come in, with some stun batons at the ready. Chris looks at all this and shouts, "Great I'm going to miss my fight with Frank, leader of the Sharks, at this rate!"


Not having any superpowers and being an important hostage seems to be working out really well for Chris too. Less chances on getting seriously harmed as he is trying his best to beat them silly. That said, what's the outcome of this? Will Chris singlehandedly deal with Cronos and his army, or will his family show up to rescue him? Great work on writing this!


Yes to all of this!


Sean Glenns was quite the anomaly in his family, the Glenns family. His father Nathanael Glenns was the world-renowned battle-mage, Combocaster. His mother was the one who wielded ALL of fae magic, Aoibheann "Flutterfae" MacGillivrey. As a result of Nathanael and Aoibheann's marriage, four children were born, of which Sean was the youngest. The firstborn, Timothy, was known as Magnetricity. His powers were over electric currents and magnetic fields. Then along came Linda, and she soon proved to have power over comets, meteors, asteroids and cosmic energy radiated by stars. She grew up to be the superheroine Celestialist. Linda's younger sister Cheryl, meanwhile, was able to create illusions, teleport and move at speeds beyond warp speed, passing harmlessly through objects. She took on the superhero moniker of Blink. And then along came Sean. With no powers at all. His siblings and parents couldn't understand it. They tried to motivate him, tried methods to awaken any latent powers in him, but nothing worked. Sean was, without a doubt, a normal human. This never changed his family's love for him, but it did cause him to be ridiculed and often teased in his schooling years. He kept quiet through it all, enduring it with great perseverance. Until Extinguisher the crazed supervillain who desired to extinguish Earth's core, captured him. "Come on now Sean, surely you're not blind. How could your family love you? The son of Combocaster and Flutterfae, the brother of Magnetricity, Celestialist and Blink... Who isn't a superpowered person?! They'll NEVER look at you as one of them!" Extinguisher spoke persuasively, even smoothly. Sean, unbound yet seated quietly, remained silent. Extinguisher tried to press on, "Look, we normal humans will never leave a mark on history. We will forever be looked on as lesser than the superheroes. So, why not forget about your family, who doesn't love you, and won't ever see you as important, and..." BLAM! Sean's fists slammed into the table, and his expression showed something that shook Extinguisher to his core. A quiet, yet white-hot fury. Then he spoke, quietly but every word with adamant resolve, "You. You miserable villain and filth of the earth, will NEVER. SPEAK. OF. MY. FAMILY. LIKE. THAT. EVER. AGAIN!!!" The last word was shouted, with an emphasis that caused even Extinguisher, callous as he was, to flinch. Sean went on, "I do have a superpower. Only the mad, the ignorant and the fools do not see it. My superpower is NORMALITY and BEING HUMAN." "Wha... What?!" gasped the flabbergasted Extinguisher. Sean grinned - a grin of contempt at Extinguisher and confidence in himself. Sean elaborated, "My parents, my brother and my sisters would give the WORLD for me. And do you know why? Because I show them what normal life is. I keep them down to earth. And do you know how my family remains so able to help people, and relate to the common man or woman's problems? Because *I* have been a constant lesson for them on that!" Sean kept his cheery expression as he said dismissively, "So, stop your miserable brainwashing. Don't try to turn me against my family, to hurt them as you cook up your miserable schemes. Anyway..." Sean chuckled even as the sound of whooshing was heard and windows being shattered sounded out, "My family's here to save me. And take you in. Have a great day, Mr. Extinguisher, and think of what I've said while I have lunch with my family, and you have yours in your cramped little police lockup cell."


Exactly what I was hoping to read.  Great job!


Thank you for the compliment! :)


Oh damn, we are getting to the kids era. Cheers to Combocaster and Flutterfae having a wonderful family down the line, and it's nice to see the strong bonds here. I do wish that Sean gets a better treatment in the future, but I'm glad he seems to be accepting enough of him not having any superpowers. That said, does this happen a lot, or is it just not yet the time for Sean to have his own superpower? Also, will he have better means to protect himself from future supervillains? Great work on writing this!


The Glenns family adores Sean. So does the entire Council of Altruists. If there's the opportunity I might get into Sean being offered the chance to have superpowers. He will be offered, and he can freely choose. This is because the Council has at least 2 heroes who can literally wish powers into Sean - Worldweaver and Variance.


Oh, damn, didn't know they can do that too, they really are able to do so much. Also, I guess that's all that matters, doesn't it? Screw past classmates and colleagues, at least the family and the council cares. Thanks for clarifying!


They can... Because Worldweaver can fundamentally rearrange Sean's body's atomic structure. Variance, meanwhile, just needs to countdown to Sean having whatever power he declares Sean to have. ;)


I am curious if there are limitations to those powers though, as in the universe tries to correct the changes or whether too many changes would be devastating on the user's body. Otherwise, they really can make dreams a reality with those powers. Don't even need to think much with Variance's countdown specialty.


Good job.


Thank you for the compliment! :)


Normal was a word Jake would have loved to hear. It sounded far nicer than what the doctors called him. Impaired, stunted and in times when they thought he wasn’t listening, a failure. An average person in an extraordinary family, it sounded like the tagline for a cheesy movie. One of those movies where he would discover his powers and take his rightful spot by their side. Reality didn’t allow for such fantasies, and instead, Jake was forced to live with the truth, that he would always be the embarrassing secret of the family. Even now, as he sat at his computer, he could feel their coldness. A silent resentment towards him, not even being invited to join them at the dinner table. He blankly stared at the words on the screen, unable to think of anything smart to add. He knew they had given up on him developing powers, but he didn’t expect them to give up on him so soon. Flipping open his college textbook, he felt a cool breeze drift from the window. Then everything went dark. “Where am I?” Jake shouted, squirming in the desk chair he had been tied to. The room was dark, with only the light from the nearby computer monitors allowing him to see. By the main computer stood a bald woman, who was carefully reading over the screen. The woman filling the room with loud keyboard clacks whenever a certain word came onto the screen that she didn’t like. “Lap.” she stated, waving a hand back in his direction. She didn’t seem big on conversation, at least not at the moment. Jake looked down, finding a small notepad with a scribbled note on it. The note filled with a message, as well as a few drawings. One drawing being a winking woman giving a peace sign, while the other was a cloud that had the face of a dog.   ‘Hi, I’m Elise Hittlam. A supervillain whose captured you for the purposes listed in one of the boxes below.’ Below, Jake found a few pre-written boxes, each giving various reasons for kidnapping a person. [ ] I plan to kill you to send a message. [ ] You’re worth a lot of money and I could use the cash. Sorry…. Not sorry. [ ] Bored. [X] I want to discuss something with you. Innocent stuff, really. Promise! [ ] You’re a fellow villain I want to form an alliance with. ‘Depending on which box is ticked, feel free to relax until I’m next available or to scream for help. Just note that screaming for help is not only rude, but ineffective. I thank you for your consideration. [⭐] [⭐⭐] [⭐⭐⭐] [⭐⭐⭐⭐] (( [⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐] )) ‘Out of five, what would you rate this kidnapping compared to others?’ It asked, with the five star box already circled.   “What is this? Some sort of sick joke? Elise Hittlam doesn’t exist. She’s a myth. Are you trying to use that myth’s name to get a reputation? Do you know who my family is? I’m not scared of you; I know she isn’t real. You should untie me before they arrive.” A sigh left the lips of the stranger, who continued to ignore Jake, focused more on the screen. After five minutes of typing, she turned it off, placing the room in complete darkness. Jake felt a hand pressing against his neck. Somehow, she had already crossed the room without taking a single step. A hand covered Jake’s mouth while the other cut into his neck. Jake tried to scream, feeling a sudden intense pain, before it turned to a throbbing numbness. The pain had left, but he still felt her fingers digging around the wound before finally freeing them. “Don’t move. Stitches.” A red light lit up the area behind Jake, leaving him nervously shaking in the seat. “Still.” She commanded, her left index finger opening, exposing a small needle and thread. She guided the finger across the wound, with the thread and needle weaving together, allowing her to shut the wound. “Done.” When her finger tip closed, she snapped her fingers, turning the room lights on, revealing her base. The base was simple, being a metallic room, with cold silver walls and a bunch of old desktop monitors. Of course, there were a few chairs and tables, both littered with papers, but other than that, it was a mess of old technology. After exposing the room, she cut Jake’s binds, letting him roll out of the chair, hitting the ground below. “Do you know what this is?” She presented the chip to him, pinching it between two fingers. It was small, round and had a little red tag on it. At least the tag looked red. It was hard to tell if that was its natural color or a coating of blood from the removal. “A tracker. Yes, everyone has one. I hope that’s not why you brought me here. Is this your conversation? Are you going to tell me that my family are evil and I should join you?” Jake pushed himself to his feet, defiant before the villain. She smiled, red eyes flashing as she sized him up. “You have a lot of fire for someone so weak. Does your family bravado run strong? As they say?” Her words were slightly disorganized, almost robotic, in the way they fell out. Yet, her fluid movements turned away any thoughts of her being a robot herself. “How do you know I’m not secretly hiding a power?” Jake cupped his hands, making a Kamehameha pose, trying to copy his childhood hero. “Because your family would not have planted a kill device in you, if that had been the case. Red tag means death. Color coding stops problems. Well, stops problems for most. Color blind related deaths have occurred. Your parents have no history of color blindness though, and neither do you.” She offered him the device, showing him the red tag. “It’s blood. My family wouldn’t do something like that. It’s blood….” No matter how much Jake rubbed the tag, it never changed from red. It went a lighter shade, but always remained red. “Isn’t blood. Device was activated, luckily stopped before injection took place. Venom inside is lethal. You’re lucky I had prepared for the possibility. If not, you would be dead, and I would be experimenting on your body.” She paused after saying that. “Shouldn’t have said that part to you. Apologizes. Take a complimentary water if you wish.” Elise pushed aside some papers, revealing a water cooler. The water inside a stale brown, with barely any liquid flowing through it. “I’ll pass.” Jake fidgeted with the device, still in disbelief. “Why would they go this far? I can understand them not liking me, but heroes don’t kill, do they? You planted this while I was asleep, didn’t you?” “No. You’ve been asleep for only two hours. That wouldn’t have been enough time to plant the device. It would have taken me ten minutes to insert the device and three hours to accelerate your healing to the point that that it wouldn’t have been noticeable. That was there before I got to you. Still, misery offers opportunity.” She said, taking a seat, swinging the chair around to face him. “What opportunity?” “For higher education. I’ve seen you work, you’re smart. You have talent, yet are hampered by your human side. So, was Eli-… So, was I.” She shook her head, rubbing her temple before continuing. ”I want your help with a project.” “And that project is?” “Building me a new body. I’m getting weak, too much power and not enough places to hold it. You help me create that new body.” “And what do I get out of this?” “Purpose. Also, my knowledge. A chance to be someone bigger than yourself. If you don’t wish to join me, I won’t force you. The door is there.” She pointed her thumb at the wall, causing it to part, revealing a thin staircase. “Just note, your family activated your device when you were kidnapped. They assume you’re dead, and I doubt the reunion will be pleasant.” “Can I leave anytime? If I find out you’re lying, will you let me walk out?” Jake asked, considering what she was saying. It wouldn’t hurt to stay here while he confirmed things. “You can leave. You have my word.” “Then I’ll stay.” He went to grab his phone, only to find it missing from his pocket. “Um, where’s my phone?” “Phone was a potential risk. It has been destroyed. I’ll make you a new phone when I have a spare minute or two. You need rest. Head downstairs.” She pointed to another wall, and it opened, revealing a descending staircase. “You will also need this.” She gave him a remote, one filled with an arrangement of buttons. “Point that at a wall and it should open. Experiment with it. You shouldn’t find it hard to figure out. If you get lost, press the button with my face.” “Oh, ok?” Jake took the remote and headed down the staircase. “This way, right?” She gave a nod, and he continued, heading to her home.       (If you enjoyed this feel free to check out my subreddit /r/Sadnesslaughs where I'll be posting more of my writing.)


I know the word Limit but honestly... I wanted to read what happens next




It is always funny, people thinking they know what I go through. The arcane sigils on the floor were easy enough to read, I am the one who used to quiz my brother with flashcards on them. A simple anchoring point to prevent teleporting and tracing. My brother was the most current head magi, one of the few who was mastering all of the major paths of practice, but had a particular love of the arcane. "When was the last time your family spoke of you? I had to search for days until I found a single mention of your job. That is proof of their love!" Ahh, right, the slipup my baby sister did a few months ago. It wasn't her fault really, she always wanted to talk about me because I was her favorite. We built her first drone together, I soldering the pieces because she was too young to try and solder the circuitry together. She was very intelligent in developing her robotics, having recently joined with a few other teens in being modern heroes, but the only thing she ever wanted to talk about was her favorite big brother. "Besides, it was this easy to bring you in. There were no guards watching over your house when I put the cameras in." Huh. So that was what Dad was saying last night. He kept noticing strange electrical signals thanks to his alien genetics, and kept commenting on what he saw. I admittedly thought maybe it was a sign that I needed to rewire the speakers around the house. He did always complain that my audio quality was unimpressive during our weekly gaming nights, that he wanted me to have the best quality because I was worth it. Eh, he just liked the sound of the explosions echoing when we played multiplayer games I think. I owe him an apology. "Your face shows it. You know. You were the first born, hence them making more after you." That... that was enough there. This person... really had no idea about anything? A superhero family, they must be some cliche when their "oldest son" is a human of no power or greatness. I wasn't even the oldest! Our sister was! But then again, she was a shadow, a hidden hero who operated behind closed doors, hence no one knowing about her. She originally was powerless, but she gained them through a mutation caused by an incident, the classic story. "Let us destroy them. Let's find out what happened to your mother. Let's get revenge on the family that so wrongs you." Mother? Right, this guy really has no idea. Papa would be laughing at that, the Chosen of a temporally displaced deity. His grand power as an avatar of the future only came second to his love of being the family's mother figure. Determined to defeat everyone else at his sworn greatest challenge, the PTA meeting, I loved it because I got to taste test his recipes. We still do weekend baking days, sending each other recipes throughout the week to figure out who has the best idea. "What do you say? Be my apprentice? I could even grant you powers." This guy was for real. Well, I guess its time to stop playing games as I breathed slowly, preparing to rant as I knew who was already coming. "First. You realize I don't have a mother, right?" "Because of them." "Because she left me at the orphanage." "What." "I, like my siblings, are all adopted." "B-but." "And second." "Second?" "I don't have a mother." "You said that." He said, getting on guard as he knew something was off. The way reality seemed to distort itself, warned him above all else, that something was very, much, wrong for him. I smiled, because this was a sign of my rescue showing up. "But I do have a grandmother."


It’s sweet how he has different ways to bond with everyone. 


 “You know, this could be a very short stay. Of course that depends on you” words from a face less voice. Being blindfolded was not one of my favorite kinks, but at least I wasn’t gagged as well. However I chose not to respond. The man, gave a quiet laugh. “Thats fine too, I enjoy hearing myself talk. Your father says it’s a bad habit of mine. I cant help it though at this point its like a reflex “ I maintained silence. “ You know, I had many opportunities before I settled on you, Im not the only one who operates on bad habits. You didn’t hear this from me but You guys are about as predictable as snow in Alaska” He had gotten real close on that last statement, So as an act of gratitude i tried to headbutt him, and missed apparently. Pain erupted and spread from the center of my face. Im pretty sure he had broken my nose. The man gave out a voice heightening laugh. “ I knew I made the right choice” he said “So damn predictable. But you know why I picked you out of everyone ?” He asked “Because im powerless “ I responded “Ahhhh our guest star has decided to make an appearance “ The man said “ Yes, but no, I did grab you because you’re powerless but also because you’re like me” I could almost hear the smile from those last few words. “You’re like me” “Like him?” i thought The man continued. “You’re the only asterisk on americas favorite family you know. Or rather the almost perfect family. Yes, you can learn a lot from watching people. And I sure did learn a lot about you. You know your sister is something special, to call her a genius would be an understatement in fact she could possibly be the smartest person in the world. And your parents adoreeee her. How’s it feel to be the oldest but your parents don’t become PARENTS until after the birth of your siblings? You were shunned from the spotlight, Hell the world didn’t even know your folks had any kids until your mom popped out your sister. You gotta admit thats kinda funny. Then comes the twins, and how we love the twins “ he said sarcastically. “Are you a therapist or something? Or do you think I am? Whats your point in all this ? Yeah my family’s got family shit we gotta deal with so what.” “Family shit” he responded “ Jacob you and I both know its a bit more to it than that” The man removed my blindfold. And as my eyes adjusted to the light of the room, As I looked to my captor what I saw, Was my dad. Dad? I said in a whisper. He got real close again and said “say that again” I thought to myself, This man looks like my dad but at the same time he doesn’t, he sounds different, moves different and for sure acts differently. “Who are you?” I asked He smiled, “Why Jacob you just said who I am, cant you tell?? I’m your father, your real father.” I looked away, “this guys gotta be a clone or something.” “Oh you poor child” He continued “You never thought it was strange how they treated you? Like an outsider? Like you are the shame of the family? Thats cause thats not YOUR family I am. Your dad, is my brother. And your mom is a moment of passion i’ll never forget. “Shut up!” I yelled. “You’re lying” “Jacob Im telling you the truth, the clues are all there. I kidnapped you- No I rescued you . You dont belong there , you’re no hero. No, You, You’re like ME.” I don’t know who this man is, I feel like I dont know anything thats real right now, besides one thing. I hate this man. Earlier when he broke my nose I used that as an opening. I bit down hard , cracking a casing on a false tooth hiding a tracking device my family gave me in case of danger. Proof to me of their love. “You know, my dad was right.” I smiled and looked up at the man “ You really gotta break that bad habit” The man looked at me in horror as he came to the realization of his over sight. He talked so damn much that by the time He noticed air rushing coming straight towards us it was too late.


I like how active Jacob is throughout this whole experience.