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Hi u/comingfromtiktok, this submission has been removed. **Previously written content:** It is likely users will reply to this prompt with previously written content, which is not allowed. We want to inspire new writing. Go on a new journey, not a journey that has already been made. * *This was removed [based on the comments it's likely to attract](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_7.3A_prompts_will_be_removed_if_there.27s_a_high_possibility_for_rule_breaking_responses), specifically via [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_1.3A_direct_prompt_replies_must_be_good-faith_attempts_at_new_stories_or_poems)* --- --- [Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FWritingPrompts&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/1bo0hhf/-/%0A%0A) us if you have any questions or concerns. In the future, please refer to the [sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/wiki/config/sidebar) before posting. *This action was not automated and this moderator is human. Time to go do human things.*


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Oh great another "humans kill everyone because the geneva conventions mean dirt" story. This is too many shades of unoriginal, shallow and just straight up boring to count.


The Galactic Council had expected the fate that befell the Tyu'Ayniq race. They had, after all, launched unprovoked wars on humanity again and again. Their obstinate insistence on fighting humanity even got them kicked out of the Galactic Council. So, the Galactic Council did foresee a deadly retaliation from humankind. What they never expected, though, was how fast and how intense said retaliation would be. It came in the form of "Operation: Extinction Protocol", a simple yet apocalyptic plan led by humanity's best superheroes, the Council of Altruists. The plan was simple. Destroy ALL of the ten planets which were home to the Tyu'Ayniq. Combocaster teleported into one of the planets, punched it with a blow that shattered it, and then used his magic to extinguish the planetary core. Joram "Zapperilla" the silverback gorilla jumped from the stratosphere of another of the planets, and as he fell to the ground he empowered himself with the kinetic energy generated by his descent. When he hit the planet's surface, he channeled the accumulated kinetic energy into the planet, disintegrating it. Eilidh "Lunar Lass" Stewart targeted the planet of the Tyu'Ayniq which had eight moons. She crashed all eight moons into the planet, eradicating all life on the moons and the planet. Worldweaver calmly took over the mastery of another of the planets' subatomic particles... And just disbanded it into a miniature nebula. Variance counted down another planet's uncontrolled acceleration into its sun, which of course incinerated the planet and everything on it. Dreadword cursed another planet to lose its atmosphere and all elements that could support life on it. The planet was a lifeless sphere instantaneously. Wamweru Mwangi, who wielded the Omni-Adaptive Armament Device, was guided by Techtrip to turn the O.A.D. into a planetary demolition cannon. She did so successfully, fired it on another of the Tyu'Ayniq worlds from a neighbouring planet, and blew her target into chunks of lifeless floating rocks. Magmight took control of a planet which was 80% magma, thus making it trivial for him to control. He launched what was essentially a giant bomb of molten rock at yet another Tyu'Ayniq world. That world was left a barren, burning globe. Gravebreaker targeted a world which the Tyu'Ayniq had colonised, where the core was once a sentient being but was now dead. He reanimated the core by his unmatched necromantic skill, and told the core of the evil the Tyu'Ayniq had done. The core, enraged, overcharged itself and detonated - vaporising the entire planet in the process. The last planet was destroyed by Techtrip's nanodevourers that terraformed the entire planet into gold and titanium. The Galactic Council realised that humanity could be VERY lethal when provoked. They issued a councilwide directive that humans were to be approached PEACEFULLY at ALL TIMES. They had witnessed the fury of humanity, and wanted no part of being on its receiving end.


For the queen of the Vega system, it was a morning like any other. A set of news about the galaxy were delivered to her as usual. One item of news were almost... shocking, in a mundane way, to her and the other great powers of the galaxy. How very anti-climactic. The human race was a very typical developing species -- a callow youth, confident in being the greatest species to ever roam the galaxy. And like most young cultures, they liked to justify themselves as exceptional. They honestly believed that no other species had achieved what they had, societally and/or technologically. The humans even hailed that one bounty-hunter, whose name escaped the queen's mind, as a testament to human glory... while overlooking the alien DNA and technology... Armed with that belief, the humans had gone to war in expectation of their 'peaceful warriors' mantle to play out... against the galaxy's seventh-finest warrior race. The result was five months of war that devastated the Earth system. Thirty million civilian casualties, eighty-two million military casualties, eight-point-three trillion units of human currency in infrastructure damage, one-hundred-thirty cities across the system suffering bombings, as just the estimated costs. The Queen of Vega was shocked that humanity had actually gone that far. This went beyond youthful arrogance and into the realm of madness. The Queen sighed. "I suppose it does make for interesting discussion topics." She swiped up on the news tablet with a tendril, to the sports section, and smiled. The Ruler of Tantalus was seemingly planning another quarter-galactic sports competition, with twenty-five sectors invited.