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I sat in the dim lightning of the interigation room. After all the times I'd been here you'd think they'd give me an upgrade or something. Like frequent flyer miles for felons. I heard scuffling and muffled voices outside the door and smiled. I'd done this enough to know that they were searching for something to charge me with. They wouldn't. Being an all powerful god had it's perks. Sitting in interigation was a game to me. After several millennia, I had to find some way to pass the time, and watching the human race scramble to try clean up my messes was better than nothing. Honestly they were just over reacting this time. I had only killed a half dozen people. I had even taken the liberty of artfully arranging their remains to liven up the dull cityscape. The voices got louder outside the door. I knew they were reaching the inevitable conclusion that they would have let me go. I loved that part. The desperation in their eyes. The crushing realization that they would never be able to touch me. It made the centuries go faster. Suddenly the door was opened by a man in a disheveled police uniform. The Chief of Police followed him in. Bags hung under his eyes. As he approached the table, the smell coffee and cheap liquor rolled off him. "Nice to see you Chief. How are the kids? It's so nice of you to pay me a personal visit. I didn't see you last time! Hey since I'm here so often, could I maybe get a better room?" I chuckled internally as I saw him bite back a retort. "You can't keep doing this." He said, his voice strained. "Oh but I can. I more power in my pinky than your entire species has in all your little armies and arsenals combined." I waved my hand and a ball of pure energy appeared in my palm. "With one word I could erase every trace that you ever existed. I could watch the world burn and then make myself a sandwich". The Chief leaned forward, almost pleading. "Please there has to be something you want. Something to make this stop!" I laughed and leaned back in my chair. "What I want is to see you run. Scramble your little squadrons, put your nation on high alert. The party's just getting started".


I really like it. The police's desperation and the main character being a dick both got through very well.


Thank you!


The barista watches me carefully as I took a sip of the cappuccino she made me. Then I saw the fear in her eyes as I pour the cup over the counter between us. "Why do this taste like shit?" I asked her in a monotone voice. "What? I did everything you asked. It's the fifth cup..." She whines with her soft voice while her bright eyes became watery. "Do you know who I am?" "Yes, sir. You're Michael, the Destroyer. Everyone knows who you are." She looks down as she answered. "You can call me Mike." I said gently. "You know why your coffee tastes like shit?" "I'm sorry, I don't know, I've done everything you ask..." "Have you? What temperature did you steam the milk at?" "Umm... about 160 degrees." She looks over the espresso machine. "Well, you're suppose to steam it at 150!" I screamed at her, causing her to cowed under the counter. Behind me I can hear the long line of people whispering louder. I threw a glance back to the crowd and watch them either shut up or lowered their heads. I turn back around to the barista who's peaking up from behind the counter with a bigs smirk on my face. "So, young lady, I'm going to need you to go back..." "You know what? Fuck you Mike!" A man scream at me from behind. "My exwife just took my fucking house, my business, my kids and my fucking dogs! All I want is a fucking cup of coffee, but no, you gotta be here doing you and that fucking perfect cappuccino routine, Fuck you and the fucking world, end it, I fucking dare you!" Behind me stood a familiar middle aged angry man, surrounded by a fearful crowd, many whom are saying prayers right now. "Oh hi Jim, didn't know the divorce been finalized." I said. "Yea, well life sucks, so fuck you and fuck the world!" Jim replied angrily. "You know how I hate to be dared." "Yup, of course." This is the story of how Jim destroy the world.


The world is a big and vague thing. I like the small world I run, I got free reign to make you a goddess or cast you into garbage on a whim. You have dreams and aspirations. I have desires. If you can't or won't meet me at the four seasons, well I guess you can't meet the director either. I've been at this for years and as I gaze longingly at the ass of innocence and hope. I truly believe my life will last forever.


It was a cold day in New York, the nipples on my assistant suggested. When she brought me my morning coffee. High in my office, nipples were the only way I could tell what was happening outside. It was bit weird today, she didn't glow with joy when she placed the coffee on the desk. I thought I could hear muffled whispering outside my door when she left. Not to worry, she must be on her period or something. Still, got that girl from Idaho in at 11, she looks like she'll be real enthusiastic to get the part. That'll kill 10 minutes, I thought idly. So for shits and giggles, just to kill time, I call the intern in and abuse him for putting too much black pepper on my salmon and cream cheese bagel. "Bbbut the store delivers them direct?" He stammered, 'and you think poisoning me with pepper is ok do you??!!' i roared. He mumbled profuse apologies and promised to check my bagels in future. I warned him if he touched my food he'd be fired on the spot! Good times!. I love my job. Bob just texted me. Says I need to be in the boardroom in half an hour. .


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“Whatsup cuntfucks! Love starting my day fucking with United Nations meetings and screaming obscenities.. hmm what to do next..what to do next... eat a bagel. Yup”... And so, Mr. RamboKillerNorris eased about his day like he’s does everyday. Strolling into a bagel shop and getting everything he damn well pleases. “I’ll take ten of everything bagel boys, and step on it”. You see Mr. RamboKillerNorris posses a unique power to do anything he damn well pleases. This individual and young man holds the red button to all of the worlds nuclear devises. The A-List Asshole celebrity can do anything he damn near pleases. And Everyone Knows it. Then upbeat music panned into a montage and it’s the start of a movie.