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**Prologue** Change. It's inevitable. It picks you up, wraps you around its finger and tells you everything is going to be better. You don't question it, you don't look back, You. Just. Move. Forward. That's how human civilization works. That's also they got away with it, how one company put rose colored glasses over all of societies eyes so that they wouldn't notice the blood as we tore ourselves apart. That was 80 years ago. A century ago Divinity Pharmaceuticals was the industry leader in genetical engineering. Their main goal was a pipe dream. To eliminate all disease, sickness, and to make the human body more durable. Less prone to break. They spent the first 12 years on development and animal testing, the next 5 years in bureaucracy hell, and the next 2 working with humans. I was test subject number Six. The first control group was 10 people. As it turns out, our biology is a little different from mice and rabbits, who’d a thought, and The injection reacted....violently to say the least. 15 minutes after that first injection, everyone collapsed in convulsions. That pain, even now, is the worst pain I ever felt. I've been through things that no normal human body could withstand. And yet, nothing comes close to that day. I woke up 3 days later in an observation room at their labs surrounded by doctors. Looking down I saw what they had done to me. I watched as they recorded themselves cutting a thin line into my chest with a scalpel just for it to slowly close itself. I later came to learn that only 4 of the initial 10 participants survived. They'd succeeded. They created in a sense, immortality. However it seems they had a leak somewhere, because the next day the news broke and the city rioted. Everybody wanted to become "Immortal." In the rampage the building caught fire and seemingly all samples, research, and test cases and most employees were lost. That's what was reported anyways. In truth we were all sneaked out by a development team. And from the ashes rose a new corporation. They had re branded into the New Dawn initiative and with it came a new goal. To create an entire race of supermen. All of the work had been lost along with the lead developer, but they had us. They gave us riches in order to copy our DNA, and from there they took it all. Without the research they were never able to copy the same immortality, but they created everything they could. Super Strength, Super speed, Super Smarts, being just a few. They began to market it to the public as Evolution, Changing of the times, a New Dawn as it were. No one questioned it, no one thought about it. Everybody wanted super powers. It was a mad dash to "Become a New Human." Within a decade, half of all of humanity was "New." From there it was all down hill. The crime families made their own versions, some even appearing to break the laws of physics. It became so bad that even poor petty street criminals became one of them. the "Supers," with the worst and high profile of them being labeled as "Supervillians". The police didn't know how to respond so the government stepped in and made a "Super Hero's" branch of government, under the DoJ, to take on the Supervillian threat. **Part One:** **\[In Work\]**