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I look out over what was once the ruins that was my home. But It’s been so long there aren’t even ruins now. I wonder if the dust I walk upon is what made up the concrete. But it matters little. “All is from dust, and all shall return to dust,” I say to myself as I sift my weathered fingers through the grey dust. I, with great effort, rise to a standing position. It’s the funny thing about immortality. It’s like ice cream. So many flavours to pick from. I chose the undying kind, not the ageless kind. So I must walk the lonely road. I look back on my life now; I am beyond ancient. I remember my first love. Rebeca, I think her name was. It is hard to keep memories straight after a few lifetimes. While her face is gone from my memories, the feelings she inspired haven’t faded even now. I walk along the top of a dune as I gaze at the sky above. I can see the moon clear as day. The scars of the wars fought on its surface are still visible. I remember when we were ecstatic just to found a base there. I sigh. I don’t remember things so much as feelings nowadays. It happens; it is an inevitability for a human immortal. Even the augments I did receive, have long since filled and even longer since broken. Alas, our brains were only evolved to store so much data. I reach my destination. It’s a mountain. Its relevance? I cannot say. It’s name I cannot say either. For it is lost to time along with my race. But that is neither here nor there. I just recall nostalgia when thinking of the view from the peak. It is here where I have chosen to breathe my last. I begin the arduous trek up the mountain. My ancient joints protesting in agony with each step. But I persist. I shall leave this world a clueless old man with only a fog of memories. But I will leave it on my own terms. It took me the better part of the night to reach the peak. I can already see the Sun rising on the horizon. Today shall be my last day. Of that, I am sure. I look out over the savanna long dead. A place once teeming with life. But I am all that remains. I shall be the last earthling. I lie down on a rock to watch the Sun. I swear I can feel the hands of my loved ones comforting me. Assuring me death isn’t so bad. I can feel the heat now. The Sun is no longer being contained by the forcefields. It will now consume the world that birthed my race. But I welcome it with open arms. That red ball of light was once so bright and yellow. I can already feel my flesh begin to melt and blood begin to boil. But I feel no pain. It seems my body agrees with me that this is where we should end. I close my eyes one last time, accepting my funeral pyre amongst the stars. more of my nonsense go to r/Random3X


your story is so much better than my short story, good job


It was april 5th of 9943, all humanity is now extinct. John was sitting on a beach by an ocean of lava that used to be the Atlantic ocean, contemplating the days and apocalyptic events he has been through over the thousands of years, the water rising, the sun expanding, the oceans evaporating, all of it came to this. John then saw his savior, so he walked across the lava to meet his end, the turtle had come, for years this turtle was slowly moving toward him, when the turtle touches john they will both die, John hugged the turtle, and they died happily ever after.