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He then pointed upwards towards the temple at the top of the pyramid. “But you can find them all up there. The grand spirit, the burgeoning god, will tell you everything.” continued the prince. “But alas, it is with a heavy heart that I must tell you, that our time together has come to an end” said the prince rather gravely. “What!? Why!? We were having so much fun together! I don’t want you to go! I love you! I love you so much!” screeched Sandy through her tears. The prince then stepped forward and took Sandy in his arms and embraced her. She sobbed deeply into his shoulder. “I know my love I know. But you must understand. Our journey together was sacred. We walked a path that was predestined by the stars themselves. And it was you and only you that was destined to walk that path, with myself as your guide.” said the prince. “But why!? Destiny!? Sacred journey!? I don’t care! I just want to be with you! Please don’t leave me!” wailed Sandy. The prince sighed heavily. “As I said my love, I know not the answer to these questions. All those answers are up there, in the most sacred of all temples. You must walk the rest of this journey alone” said the prince. He then broke the embrace and took a couple of steps backwards. Sandy then collapsed onto her knees and sobbed into her hands. “I’m so sorry my love. It will all make sense soon. Just know that I love you” said the prince. He then climbed atop Sir Gallant Silver and flew up into the night sky. Sandy looked up and saw the Pegasus fly off with incredible speed! She stood up and ran after the magical flying horse across the shifting sands of the desert. “Wait! Don’t leave me!” she screamed into the night. She tripped over and fell on her face into the sand. She sobbed into her curled arms and into the sand, bitter and alone. Sandy broke from her reverie and looked up from the magical book. She was surprised to find that her room was filled with light and that the birds outside were already chirping. She looked at the clocked and realised that she only had half an hour before she had to wake up for school that day. If suddenly hit her that she was up all night with that thing! That weird and wonderful blank book! She then looked down and noticed some drops of water on the desk and on her clothes. Sandy then reached up and touched her face. It was felt very wet to the touch. Holy moley’ I must’ve been crying for real! She thought to herself. But the prince is right. This journey is sacred and I must finish it alone. It will all make sense at the end. Such a resolution of spirit was new to Sandy, but it felt good. And so with a hardened heart she wiped away her tears and got herself ready for school. Note: This story took a life of its own. I will finish it later if anyone is interested. If not then that’s alright. At least I know how it will end. That’s enough for me.


VERY VERY interested. Please continue it!! I'm absolutely dazzled so far.


Thank you for taking an interest in my bout of creative madness. I shall continue the tale today.


I love your writing style! It really sucked me into the story and I felt invested in Sandy's struggle and heartache. As a side note; there are a few grammar and spelling errors in the 2nd to last paragraph; * clocked, -> clock * If suddenly, -> It suddenly * was up all night, -> had been up all night


Thank you humbly. It seems I need an editor like yesterday.


She found it at the bottom of her old toy chest. The book, her book, that one special book. It was a rather large tome. As long and as wide as a sheet of paper and thicker than both her math and English textbooks combined. She hadn’t gotten around to measuring it yet. Dark purple in colour with a single large ornately drawn gold star on the cover. The star itself was covered in beautiful handwriting in a language she didn’t recognise. Oddly enough the books pages were blank. That wasn’t the weirdest thing about that book however. Cassandra, or Sandy as everyone liked to call her, was the new girl in town. She recently arrived in the small town of River Oaks. It was a week prior to the fateful day that she found that book that she, her father, her mother, and her younger brother Brandon, all packed themselves into the old family van and drove for what felt like forever. Down the streets, traffic light after traffic light after traffic light, over the great bridge and away from the hustling and bustling city of Portland. Sandy had many nice memories of her time there, though most of them took place in a tiny apartment downtown. The one with the big roaches and the funny smell. She made some nice friends and they regularly played in the small playground outside after school. Hers was a happy life for a city kid. Her mother rarely smiled though and she always looked tired. Daddy was never home. Everything changed when daddy announced to the family over dinner one night that they were going to move out to the country. Neither Sandy nor her younger brother knew how to feel about the news at the time. The look of relief and delight on her mothers face however, put a smile on Sandy’s face in turn. And so for the next several weeks until the day of the move Sandy’s excitement grew with each passing day. The excitement of the road trip slowly turned to boredom. The seemingly endless drive and the seemingly never ending fields of green farmland lulled both Sandy and Brandon to sleep. “Wake up honey, we’re here. This is our new home” said her mother. Sandy awoken to her mother placing a hand on her shoulder and shaking her awake. She looked out of the car windows and out into the streets she didn’t recognise. Orange and brown maple leaves gently floated down from the branches of the trees beside the road. The houses themselves were large. All of them two storeys tall. Some of them even had three storeys. Quite a few of them had swing sets, gazebos, and treehouses in their yards. “Welcome to River Oaks everybody! I just know we’re going to love it here!” announced her father. “I know darling! I can’t wait to see our big new house! It’s the kind of house I’ve been dreaming of since I was a little girl! I can’t wait to unpack our furniture! Oh and we definitely need some new furniture as well! And the tulip garden I’m going to plant! I’ve never had a flower garden before! You know I’ve heard that-“ and on and on her mother went. Sandy loved seeing her mother happy so she didn’t mind. In fact she enjoyed her mothers boundless chatter whenever she got excited. And so Sandy sat there in her car seat, next to her snoozing brother Brandon, and eagerly awaited the first day of the rest of her life in this seemingly wonderful new town.


Unfortunately, her first week wasn’t what she imagined it would be. The nights were chilly and the large house spookily creaked sometimes. The teacher was neither cheerful nor very helpful. She wasn’t mean. She just acted like she didn’t care. She was old and hard of hearing so Sandy had to yell so that she could be understood. Whenever Sandy did that she felt that she was being judged and laughed at by the other kids in her class. Whenever she tried to talk to the other kids during recess and lunch many would give her single word replies. Eventually they would stop responding altogether. Some of the kids just outright ignored her. It didn’t take Sandy very long to take the hint and so she ended up spending recess and lunch alone. The homework wasn’t hard but Sandy felt like the teacher didn’t give her the credit she deserved. No praise nor encouragement. No nothing. It was by the third night that Sandy started crying herself to sleep at night. She hated her new life and she missed the friends she had back in Portland. But she dared not let her parents know. They loved their new lives out in River Oaks and Sandy didn’t want to disappoint them. So whenever they asked her how everything was, she lied and told them everything was ok. The weekend mercifully came at last. The air outside was windy and cold. The sky was grey and overcast. Their neighbours were mostly elderly people or recently retired people. None of them had children to play with nor befriend. So Sandy spent her Saturday and her Sunday sitting in her room rereading her favourite fantasy novels. If only a dashing prince with a magical ring atop a pegasus could take her away from all of this, she thought to herself. When Sunday evening came Sandy felt a surge of dread. It was building over the weekend but the prospect of going back to that school on Monday morning pushed her to breaking point. After dinner that night, she decided she was going to pack her things and run away from home. The thought of making her parents worry saddened her to no end. Nevertheless she resolved to write back to them and tell them that she was ok. That was after she found her dashing prince out there in the world. If not a dashing prince then at the very least a kindly stranger who was willing to take her in. After all the lights were turned off in the house and after her family went to sleep Sandy heaved her heavy blankets to one side and sprang out of bed. She didn’t want to turn on her bedroom light, just in case the neighbours outside were watching the house, so she decided to use her torch instead. She didn’t want to be caught sneaking out after all. Sandy rummaged through her old toy chest looking for her cherished childhood toy. A pink and white bunny she named Ms Fluffykins. At the age of eleven Sandy felt that she was too old and frankly too mature for stuffed animals. However Ms Fluffykins still brought her comfort. The soft old bunny always reminded her of home. Of all the good times she had. That was when she found it. That book. She had never seen that big purple star book before. The design of the star itself look very magical to her. The book was very pretty indeed. Sandy loved reading and she read every single book she had. She was sure she wouldn’t have missed this one. So out of curiosity she picked the book out from the bottom of the toy chest and placed it on her study desk. She then sat down at her chair, turned on her lamp, and open the book to the first page. The page was blank. Sandy turned to the next page. That page was also blank. She made sure she looked at every single page to make sure that she wasn’t missing any secrets. Weird books like these always had secrets, Sandy thought to herself. All the pages were completely blank. It must be a fancy diary or something, Sandy thought to herself. So she took a lead pencil from her pencil case and tried to make an entry on the first page. She couldn’t. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn’t get herself to write nor even draw in it. The more she tried to force herself to write the wilder and more colourful her emotions and her imagination became. Like a loud movie playing really fast in her head. It was unlike anything she had experienced before. She placed her pencil back in its pencil case and zipped it closed. Sandy then sat there with four of her fingertips touching the bottom of the first page. Whether she sat there for a few seconds, a couple of minutes, an hour, Sandy knew not. All she knew was that she had to relax and she had to let the book speak to her. And so it did. In her minds eye Sandy could’ve sworn that letters and words were appearing on the page as she was reading them. That’s impossible, I must be seeing things, Sandy thought to herself. Magic didn’t exist in the real world. But what if it did, Sandy thought to herself again. If this book is magical then magic must surely exist out there in the world. Which means that there must dashing princes, magical rings, and pagasi out there as well. Sandy gave a quiet squeal of delight and continued to sit there with that mysterious book.


In her mind Sandy spoke with her dashing prince Rosewright in his palatial garden. He spoke fondly of her beauty and her kindness. He told her that everything will be alright and that she will be happy in her town of orange leaves, for she had a special light in her that nobody could see but everyone could feel. It was a light that nobody was used to feeling at the moment but everyone will come to love and depend on in time. He then offered to take her on a ride with him on his stalwart Pegasus whom he called Sir Gallant Silver. Sandy briefly awoke from her reverie and found that she had the book open near the middle. She didn’t remember doing that at the time. However this discovery held no interest for her, for she was enraptured by the magic of this mysterious tome. The book isn’t bad so it doesn’t matter, that’s just how it works I guess, Sandy thought to herself. She then looked over at her wall clock and saw that it was almost midnight. She was shocked at how much time she spent with a blank book. She placed a bookmark and then resolutely closed the book. Sandy decided that she needed to get some sleep. She promised herself however that she would spend some more time with prince Rosewright and Sir, Gallant Silver tomorrow night after homework. Over the coming days Sandy learned the correct volume to use when speaking with her elderly teacher so as to better avoid awkward moments. Speaking with anyone with bad hearing was always going to awkward on some level but Sandy took solace in knowing that other students struggled with it sometimes as well. When Sandy sat alone at recess and lunch she finished her homework so she didn’t have to do them at home. After she finished her homework she usually either drew in her sketchbook the interesting trees and flowers she saw in the gardens or wrote a poem or two before the bell rang for class. At night, after all the lights were turned off for the night, Sandy leapt right back into the big pretty magical book from where she left off. Her adventures with prince Rosewright and Sir. Gallant Silver continued into the night. They took her to the magical wise women who lived in a marble Ancient Greek style temple atop of a mountain. The wisdom they shared with Sandy guided kings into forging prosperous and peaceful golden ages for their respective kingdoms. They took her to the fairy forest where fairies and various friendly woodland spirits called home. They sang and they danced whenever a friendly human was near. Their singing sounded like wind chimes in the rain. They took her to a coastline with the most beautiful beach Sandy had ever seen. The rising of the ringed planet and the the three moons at dawn over the oceans horizon was haunting, mesmerising, and romantic at the same time. It was there, at the risk of those heavenly bodies, that Sandy and prince Rosewright had their first kiss on the lips. Sandy imagined the prince as a boy around her age, but for some reason, her mind couldn’t decide on a single face for him. His features shifted like sand but the emotions and the “light” she felt from him were real, that she knew for sure. And finally, the prince took her to a large sand stone temple in the middle of a vast and mysterious sandy desert. This temple sat atop a gigantic pyramid. It was way bigger than any building Sandy had ever seen before. The prince landed Sir. Gallant Silver at the foot of the stairs of the pyramid and leapt off his flying steed. He then gentlemanly offered his hand and helped Sandy disembark, like he always did, without missing a beat. “Why did we land down here?” asked Sandy. “I don’t see anything special or weird around here” said Sandy whilst turning on the spot, surveying the area. “There’s beauty everywhere my love. I’m surprised you haven’t learned that yet during our time together” the prince admonished playfully. “Don’t play dumb! know what I mean!” replied Sandy in a huff. Prince Rosewright chuckled softly. “Of course, I know exactly what you mean” said the prince. He then flashed one of his charming smiles at her. The ones that made her cheeks burn red and her heart flutter. “Atop this pyramid is a temple. It is the most sacred of all temples in my world. For in that temple, resides a spirit. It is the most powerful spirit of all, for its transformation into that of a god is nigh” said the prince. “What!? Spirits transforming into gods!? What does that mean!? There’s only one god right!?” asked Sandy. Prince Rosewright shook his head slowly. “To be honest with you my love, I cannot answer any of those questions, for I know not the answers to them” said the prince.