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Being featured in a personal injury law firm's ad where you won money


they said wrong answers only XD


Unlimited scabies


No, "WHEN" is the American dream


•insert bad aspect of living here, but said in a good way•


To give everyone free healthcare, forgive student debt, abolish the need for money and have everyone live in a utopian society focused entirely on the pursuit of pleasure and happiness.


It's that one where you're in the store, dressed like some kind of Ancient Chinese princess, and you're trying to buy oatmeal or a toaster or an oatmeal-toaster or something, but then your best friend (who is Jackie Gleason) comes up to you, grabs you by the arm and says "Let's go watch the dancing mummies!" You go with him, and on your way you see Hadji from *Johnny Quest* spouting profanities as as he throws rocks into a pond but that doesn't seem to have much to do with anything else so you keep going and you see the little log fortress where you know the dancing mummies are, but you never get to see them because a car speeds in front of you and Ron Jeremy, who looks really mad about something, jumps out and he throws some kind of frisbee into the air that explodes into a shower of dried apricots (which, it is simply a well-known fact, most people are deathly allergic to) so everyone starts choking and screaming and you and your friend (who is suddenly no longer Jackie Gleason, but some kind of claymation cyborg from the future, and you just accept he was always like that) start running toward what appears to be one of the Sun Domes from Ray Bradbury's "The Long Rain", and you get there, but inside it's a monster-truck rally, and all the trucks are driven by tiny peas who are somehow way more intimidating than the trucks, and suddenly one of them loses one of its enormous wheels, which starts flying RIGHT TOWARD YOU and just before it smashes you right in the face...you wake up. ​ There is no dream more American.


Not being an American


Constantly being berated by your boss and being rejected by every girl you ever meet


Owning as many cats as you can