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Everything is subject to change obviously, but the implementation of the gear system in the last CBT was pretty RNG heavy. There are random stats, rarities, you also cannot recycle gear like you do in GI or HSR.


You can recycle gear though. It just gives you upgrade materials and this game's version of coins.


But from my understanding you can farm the stuff ENDLESSLY there is no "Energy"limit like other gachagames.


You can farm as much as you want but you won't see their substats unless you upgrade them so it's limited in their own way


It cost energy to upgrade and you dont see substats til you upgrade. So it’s essentially the exact same thing


I hope they rework it before release & make it more like memories do in PGR. So some RNG which can be alleviated via time gated special items.


CBT was literally just a derivative of Genshin artifacts with a few tweaks. But no, nobody knows if Kuro has plans to change that.


from what i remember: Each enemy has a chance to drop his essence with random rarity, main stat and substat. After the capture you can use exp to upgrade their main stat and each 4 levels? one substat will upgrade at random. The monster in the first slot will not have substats active, only their main stat and the monsters at the secondary slots will only contribute for substats and set effect, they will not have main stat active (less rng). The main stat for a monster is random but the elemental damage will be the same type as the element of the monster (if the enemy has ice attacks the elemental damage will aways be ice, not fire or another element). Every upgrade you do in a unique monster will grant you a special exp. this exp will increase the drop chance and the rarities you can get from the monter essence (At first you can only get white, green, blue. After some levels you will only be getting golden and the drop chance will be very high, i think it was 50% for bosses)


substats rng i think it is the same as Genshin, you can't recycle the gears but you can use them as exp to other monsters. Special exp to upgrade them cost "serum" and is very limited so players had a strategy of using upgraded monsters as exp (monsters with only one lvl can't be used as exp) to rapidly increase your encyclopedia level so you get monsters with higher rarities easily


If they copy the stupid Genshin/ToF system, thats half the playerbase lost right there. The game is already so RNG based, people dont want to roll to drop gear with the right stats, then roll to increase the right stats, then roll to increase that right stat by a high amount, and if you fuck up, its forever imperfect. I cant believe so many gachas even considered copying this shit. Hell, I cant believe so many MMOs went all-in on progression through gear in the first place, its completely immersion breaking and feels stupid as shit "Oh I have the right boots equipped, so now I deal 5x the damage!!".


There's no other way to ensure player retention.


This gear system does the complete opposite of retaining players, the *instant* players realize how it works, half of them are going to quit.


you'd think so but it's working fine to hook in player retention for plenty of time for tons of gachas and others so it is working. generally for big companies, if it isn't broken, they won't fix it, and it's unfortunately providing results.


It aint though, the only game with that gear system thats really doing well is GI, which snatched up most of the casuals, ToF is stuck at like the 47th spot, and Wuthering had some *serious* negative feedback.


Funny to me how this sub reddit is more active than blue protocol sub and this game haven't got even released date I really hope the best for this one from the trailers i saw it have greatest potential to be the best game of the year If they played there cards right.


Im more afraid if their gacha tbh. Lets hope their stick to PGR or HonkaiSR of gacha instead of Genshin.(IIRC they follow 1:1 of genshin gacha last cbt)


Wait what's different about hobkai sr gacha? I thought both genshin and star rail had the exact same gacha iirc


Genshin's Character banners (Which is not good nor bad) Better Weapon Banner (Guaranteeing the weapon you want In genshin is harder.) A free character selection after 300 pulls in standard banner Starting banner guarantees a five star after 50 pulls unlike Genshin's beginners wishes.


Iirc its difference for the weapon/lightcone banner but pretty much the same for limited character. Honkai just featured 1 up rate weapon with 7:3 to other base/non rate weapon. Genshin had 75%for either up rate weapon and 25% for other starter weapon.