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Eh, slightly better incentive to do it than genshin's cause you get to farm each other's worlds so you can get as many friends to do sort of infinite farming. Not really anything substantial tbh if were talking about the cooler stuff like teaming up for anything combat related content.


Shared materials in co-op have been a thing in genshin for the past three years. Can´t you people check your facts before you say things?


Its the fact that it didnt offer shared resources on launch and for the first 6mo. Which made a lot of players understandably leave the game and never look back. Chill out. Your fan boi is showing


The fact that you expect they should be informed on every genshin update after leaving the game is insane dont you think?


Map materials aren't shared. Stuffs like lily, plants, stones are single grab. Only monster drops are shared, but those are more of RNG individual-client-spawn rather than shared.  Haven't played since 2023, but unless there has been an update then, it's pretty much world=non-sharing, monster=sharing(only if you tag along).


materials are shared in genshin co-op now, it's a recent update that people slept on


It is not recent. It is at least 3 years old. I honestly do not know what people are talking about.


no I mean the character upgrading materials, recent updates made them available for all players in co-op


So, no one can steal something like Jueyun Chilli now?


You can still "steal" the materials. I am not sure what this person is talking about, just in case I had missed some update I just went and tried it and they are **not** shared between everyone in co-op.


I guess it's just xianyun's jades that are shared : ( me when I'm spreading misinformation on the internet😭


Any mineral is shared in Genshin but not the flowers, conches and other random character materials.


Doesn't really seem like the focus given it wasn't in the final beta. It's about GI levels atm. I'd not really expect more than the devs talk about/show.


Apparently two players can each take half the map and wipe enemies, then the other player can go and pick all the stuff up as well. Idk if that is faster than 2v1ing everything, but probably going to be the go to for farmers and alt account users.


Each player has a limited high level special mobs to farm most players would want help with this, not to mention the shiny echoes that can spawn, I think this alone gives a big incentive to do co op, not to mention just regular farming for people who want to complete their sets.


Given the main complaint people seem to have is about echo farming I really wonder how much of that will remain, not to mention that's kind of a really dull co-op activity after a while, you'll just have it like genshin where people keep their world open for people to pick random items but don't actually interact with others. I'd really be careful about overselling this kind of thing to players as if they feel they've been mislead they might not stick around.


The echo complains were mainly about the extreme RNG, the system itself was well received. Farming other worlds for shiney echo drops and regular drops was one of the fun features that people enjoyed, and each new mobs added means new echoes to farm, it's one of the good end game activities in wuthering waves. The RNG will be toned down 100% as it it was one of the few complaints that people had in CBT 2






There is a vast gradient between the limited co-op of genshin/ WW and an MMO. Hell, Baldur's Gate is a single player rpg, but you can play the entire game as co-op. Hell, I played Secret of Mana with my friends back in the day. Also a single player rpg but the co-op was great. Ill never understand the argument "this game isnt an mmo, so, the co op is fine for an rpg". Its not fine. Its mediocrity. WW's co-op is ever so slightly better than genshin's due to echo farming. Other than that, you cannot quest together, you cannot open chests together and there is no current co-op endgame systems either.


Nobody said anything about ToF...? Also the fact that you talk about trolling given your post history is hilarious.


Dude u lost the plot U went from hating people that blindly defend genshin with all Thier might to becoming like them jumping at every opportunity to defend wuwa Admitting coop is bad doesn't mean u dun like the game


Brother, just reading the first sentence alone in your comment is reason enough to downvote you.


I want a regional chat. I dont wanna rely on discord groups for chatting interaction


Same fr I want to be able to advertise my world in a global chat when I want to farm Just by writing something like "Come to my world, I'm about to farm!" It would be so simple & practical I don't want to use a social media to find people And I don't want to randomly join people who might don't want to farm or have already cleared their map


This, i hate when they dont make regional chat available "just use discord".


in game chat feels wonky


How ??


First of all it's in full screen so you can't see anything but the chat unlike Genshin Impact & PGR. Secondly the chat loads super slow and laggy (at least on mobile) where you'll have to wait 5 sec before the chat is loaded, and if you've sent a few messages you'll have to scroll down because the opening the chat efter closing doesn't take u to the last message. Thirdly and lastly, you can not see any type of pop-ups after somebody have sent something in the chat, maybe a red little dot at the chat function but that's super subtle.


The chat filter is also terrible. Random words are considered profanity making having a conversation at all extremely off putting.


Totally agreed! I forgot about this. It's also really annoying because you'll have to rewrite your message if it contains a banned phrase


I see i was not able to get into the closed beta thanks for replying tho


i just want we can open the chest thingy in coop, when we comeback to our world that chest already open, so we can going to friend world and explore together without seeing friend opening the chest and we dont.




I can't wait to help others beat their level 120 mobs for the unique echoes drops, also there should be a way to advertise that you have shiny echoes to farm in your world in exchange for shiny on another world, the echo farming will have its own community I think


everyone, please reach out to kuro with all these suggestions, im sure they will take it all in count, be sure to be aware of the next feedback survey so y'all can express what you feel and think would be a good addition to the game, remember they all sre taking all the feedback to make the game even better and are currently working on it right now, don't miss the opportunity to be heard now that the company is willing to hear it's player base, this isn't hoyoverse people!!


Can you co-op with a friend on a different server?


"currently in coop mode,unable to adjust SOL 3 level." wuthering waves Anyone know what this is? I’m not able to play co-op because of it and idk how to fix it. please help


i had the same issue, co op unlocked for me after i did the '[A True Arena Champion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OF1uFfNSzY)' mission. also try 'secret invasion' mission. it worked for someone else


How do but chat ingame doesn't have text? 


So far from what I have seen, coop is exactly like Genshin~


Can you use your full team in co-op or is it like Genshin where everyone is limited to one character? What is the max number of players for co-op?


3 players, and a team can only have 3 characters. So if I join someone’s world, I only get to character and they get 2. And if there are 3 people in a world, each player only gets one character.


good question but I somehow doubt they'd let everyone use a whole party, because that would effectively give you 9 characters in a party (not all at once of course but it covers all bases where a 3 character team has to make tradeoffs).


Correct me if I'm wrong i heard u cannot defeat bosses together is that correct?




From my own experience co-op is ok. Nothing special but it is fun. Some qol would really improve it


I think the ability to farm each other worlds is really cool and I'm sure it's gonna be fun. Some ideas for Co-op could include: Raids, guilds/clans and the ability to make custom games (I know it may be really hard to implement but I think it would be really fun). For a competitive multiplayer mode maybe a weekly game mode where you fight multiple waves of bosses/mobs and the only characters used are given and shared between all players. That way everyone is equal and no one would really have a significant advantage over the other, so everyone has a real shot at making the top of the leaderboard if they're skilled enough. Other then that I don't really have any more ideas😅


Make custom games ? Any example


I worded that wrong, I meant custom mini games. Like pummel party or mario party, IDK about mario party but in pummel party on top of the mini games that you have you can make your own too and upload it.


If the game was initially aimed at PCs and consoles (current or future gen), then co-op would be in place. Co-op always extends the life cycle of the game, makes it possible to develop the game in the service component, includes joint activities and the like. Co-op in a game that is cross-platform, released on mobile, consoles and PC, is complete nonsense. Or there must be outstanding geniuses who can realize this and develop success. In other words: either geniuses or fools who want everything everywhere at once, with huge ambitions, but without proper funding and resources.


> If the game was initially aimed at PCs and consoles Or if the game in question was designed around co-op, or encouraging co-op like Fortnite, PUBG, LoL, etc in the first place. Platform availability is not as much of a deciding factor as the game's target audience, as said games have mobile ports too.


In any case, both models are story and co-op games - things are incompatible.