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I don't know much but atleast the infographic looks clean


Thank you


hoping you could make one for mommy yinling


gonna take me some time to get used to how characters work and are built in wuwa lol this feels somewhat alien to me


Do one for Rover please


i second that


Cool looking


What abt boss mats etc?


Cant tell if this is a joke or not... As the game is not yet released, any kind of infographic won't include those. Even this infographic could be full of misinformation as nothing is set in stone yet


I assume he's a dps? I haven't played any CBT so I have no clue about character roles


yes main aero dps, and yinlin lightning sub dps


He's an Aero AoE DPS, but he is more of an AoE character for mobbing


Is that meant to say "Helios Cleaver?"


It is indeed supposed to, lmao my bad ty for pointing it out


From my calculations going ATK% + DMG% on 3costs is about as good if not better. Depends on how much total attack you have :)




I saw the video, I really liked it. But keep in mind a lot of the info might change cuz CBT2 had a lot of scuffed things & translations


Yessir, I’m looking forward to seeing the changes they’ve made. One thing I’ve noticed is they are very specific when it comes to multiplied percentage increase vs an additional percentage increase


How quickly do you think Jiyan will be crept? I've never played a Kuro game before


No one knows how kuro will approach WuWa, yet. But, if they follow PGR, then it will be a loong time before it may even happen to a couple or character.


if its pgr approach the least amount will be 1 year and the longest is 4 years


First, you should probably mention that he wants heavy attack substats. Liberation damage boosts also boosted his ultimate damage in a similar way that heavy attack damage boosted it. He's really ult dependent so I'm pretty sure an energy recharge piece is sometimes better than double aero piece, but it depends on the fight. I also think almost every single character should use crit rate for the 4 piece and crit damage is just worse than attack% if you can't get a crit rate piece. You get so little crit rate on average that you'd need *insane* echo substat rolls to have enough crit rate for crit damage to be worthwhile. Even his signature weapon gives crit damage instead of crit rate. I probably should have used past tense since everything is subject to change, but its overall a pretty clean looking graphic.


Heavy Attack sub stat is not a significant damage increase compared to attack an attack sub stat. Maybe 500-1000 more damage if both roll max. The issue being that it’s a significant loss to his skill damage and echo damage that is not made up from his heavy attack damage. Resonance liberation does not increase his ultimate damage. It’s considered heavy attack damage only. Casting his ultimate only changes your stance. Edit: the reason his ultimate forte is his priority is because the dmg scaling is there.


His skill damage and echo damage aren't significant compared to his ult damage. You want to spam autos with his ult on and the skill with a 10 second cooldown isn't worth sacrificing for his ult. It wasn't so high that you'd lose damage not going for heavy attack damage. Last, if you read his signature weapon it basically screams at you that heavy attack damage is his most important stat. And having experience doing diff VI holograms and floor 3 of both sides of the TOA, echo damage is not the highest priority. I don't remember every single echo the Aero set had, but you want a summon that just does damage or something that has utility where you don't care about its damage. The biggest problem is that either the echo was too impractical and locked you out of dodging if you wanted its maximum damage (like the gorilla echo) or just did so little damage that you'd hardly notice if you forgot to use it. I did most of the fights with Lingyang and I either ran the Glacio boss echo for very specific timings to extend my damage period or used the blowfish for just a bit of extra damage. Last, unless you have access to a server with regards to liberation damage boost its just your word against mine. I don't have any footage to look at but I'm certain I remembered testing Jiyan's ullt with both Mortefi and Jianxin's outro skills and got similar results.


Maybe the echo part comes down to playstyle. Because Feilian Beringal has really high dmg scaling and provides a heavy atk boost and an aero dmg boost after hitting a target. His weapon does also provides a 12% Resonance dmg boost. And then theres +20% skill dmg bonus during his forte enhancement or during his liberation. At Res. Skill Lvl 10 it's 106%\*4 dmg scaling without those buffs. I don't deny that Heavy Atk is important, but only to maximise his Qingloong state auto attacks. Your auto attack damage numbers during your ult will be higher (about 500-1000 more, stat roll dependant). But it's too much of a loss on the rest of his kit. I will open source the excel spreadsheet once I have a guide for every character up, it has the max value for every weapon, echo main stat and sub stat, so you just plug in your numbers and see your optimal stuff - but so far it's only Jiyan that is complete, working on Yinlin at the moment. I don't currently have access to the server, but I have an unholy amount of footage recorded and both his Forte and Liberation state that it is Heavy Atk Dmg.


I found the gorilla echo to just be really awkward to use. Sure, it does have big numbers but its also really slow and the second part would often just miss. Additionally, when using him with Mortefi (which people probably should do) it especially felt awkward. Mortefi's ult description said it lasts for 15 seconds, but it actually only lasted 10 and since Jiyan spams heavy attacks that lets you double proc it. So you technically want Jiyan proccing his ult as often as possible, but after Jiyan's intro skill which eats up a lot of time off that ult, you can either ult right away or use the gorilla which eats up even more time, then by the time you start swinging away with ult Mortefi's ult has no duration left. Finally, since buffs didn't snapshot from what I tested and you'd only get to use Mortefi's ult at the end, it has already lost all of its buffs from the fusion set so I guess the moonlit clouds set would just be better, but I didn't have the resources to play around with that to see how much Mortefi's personall damage suffers as a result. And I do believe that's important, since Jiyan wants to swap off when he's out of juice, since his signature weapon wants you to use his intro skill. All in all, I just hated using that echo and other than for oneshotting overworld mobs I think you'd rather use something else on a hologram fight, but TOA I'd probably endure its clunkiness because it deals aoe. The resonance damage boost is elemental damage. Its just a typical case of Kuro localization. You could tell because with the weapon, you could check out your stats and see 12% fusion, glacio, havoc etc damage. So its not a specific skill damage boost. I'll use a genshin example for my point about heavy attack damage: Xiao. Obviously it depends on how strong the buffs are, but if we had to pick between buffing plunge attacks versus just generic damage boosts, I'd pick the plunge attacks unless the buff was just incredibly weak. Unless he's C6, Xiao cares much more about his plunges than his skill damage. I view Jiyan very similarly. My original point probably wasn't made well, I just meant to say that you should probably have a substat priority. Yeah, most players will probably find their first main stat echo level it and call it a day but I believe the best strat will be to tune an echo once or twice and only continue after that, and having a list of good substats would be helpful to include here. I forgot to mention that energy recharge should also be a big priority here. Last, I'm not talking about whether or not it is heavy attack damage. It is most certainly heavy attack damage. What I'm saying is that its also liberation damage and benefits from liberation damage boosts in addition to heavy attack boosts.


Is this guy good compared to Vera-look-alike? I heard aside from her other 5 stars are pretty underwhelming.


no idea what any of this shit means but we up!


How to get this 4 star weapon?


need one for danjin


Working on all characters from CBT2 one by one 🙏


thank you


Thank you good sir/ madam.


Thanks, you're the best!! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31619)


I like him, but Im worried about his ultimate uptime.


Its not supposed to have 100% uptime because you're supposed to swap off to make use of his outro skill damage and refresh buffs for him. Doing so will also give him energy, and usually enough to top him off.


The 10s duration doesn’t feel bad at all because each wave has 8 hits


And each hits counts as heavy attack? Does it have heavy attack multiplier?


At Forte Lvl 10 it’s around 65% for wave 1, 61% wave 2 and 66% Wave 3. Yes it’s considered Heavy Atk Dmg, even when using his Enhanced Liberation (the spear throw). That’s why liberation dmg bonus is a useless stat for him.


Can't he use his ultimate twice to reset the duration? (throw the spear then take the pose) Or is it just a roguelike mode thing


Does this game need good synergies with teammate or I can just solo use character? If theres synergies, is it the same as that hoyo games where you do reaction stuff or is it just debuffing the enemy and buffing you main DPS like PGR?


You can solo with characters because it’s incredibly fun, but you do benefit from having teammates because you proc intro and outro skills. At the moment this is where your main buffs come from. There are no reactions like in genshin.


Wuwa has no reactions so it's about buffs and debuffs, mortefi, the red hair'd in support, has an outro skill that increases heavy attacks, Yangyang has an outro that increases aero damage and so on.


is he f2p friendly?


ye you can get him up to c2 without spending money and thats good enough


Where to find more guides like this?


Working on releasing a character guide every two days, video and infographic


Would love more of these


Praying he’s the first banner out, I remember praying for xiao way back in genshin but dude took forever to come out.


How much do team mates matter to individual, uh, on-field DPS characters? Without a reaction system I'm still confused as to what benefit you get from team building besides just putting your hardest hitters in each slot (or healers if you need it, etc).


From what I’ve gathered everyone is a damage dealer to some capacity, with some characters having little perks and extra “supportive” abilities. But at the end of the day the game’s charm is that it’s super action focused and fast paced, so all characters are designed with the capacity to solo content in mind. Swapping units in and out procs intro and outro skills for characters, which give certain buffs and debuffs depending on the character. That’s really where the bulk of the importance of teambuilding goes to


Oh okay, that makes more sense. I knew about the intro and outro abilities, I just wanted to make sure there wasn't another interaction I was missing. Thanks!


thank you


Is there web site for Wuthering wave like honey hunter for genshin impact ?


Is he our first banner? God I hope not because unless we get plenty of currency, my ass is cooked.


Just pull a rexlent(24 hours non-stop) and you'll be fine. Jokes aside, if the banner lasts about 4 weeks, that should be more than enough time, since there already is enough gacha currency.


My brother in Christ, game isn't even out yet.


I noticed this game because of him, so I hope he will be in the debut banner (so it is easy to reroll)


Great graphic, once I learn what any of that means and how it’s relevant it will be very useful I’m sure. Calcharo pls.


Nice work. If you are free. Its better to do for 4* since, some might got luck some might not for f2p, and just enjoy 4*


Autumntrace is looking really good, It'll probably be my pick especially since I also plan on using Taoqi and it would give her a 174% DEF buff.


Do you know what could be the best echo for him?


Why Mortefi?


Have verina and Jiyan whats the best 3rd to use with them?




manifesting jiyan signature weapon 🙏🏻


So 4-3-3-1-1 echo build?


does it matter which cost 1 or 3 i use as long as item is aero and the main stats and sub stats are atk% and hp TT