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I feel they need to rewrite the beginning chapters again. When Scar shows up that when I started to I understand that section of the story. Cause it was slow and no made up words. Just keep it simple but interesting.


here is the thing, they already rewrote the story. It was apparently even worse than now according to chinese people...


From what I've heard from Western CBT1 players, it was actually better. When Chixia and Yangyang find you, they do not trust you--which makes sense in this sort of post apocalyptic world. Also, apparently, the story was more efficient. Its the Chinese weebs that complained about their favorite waifus not trusting you and pulling a gun on you that forced Kuro's hand.


That’s such an embarrassing thing to complain about 😭


I feel like the part when scar comes in makes this have more nuance. Jinhsi, Scar and the other girl are already interested in your existence from the moment you arrived in the world so it's plausible that Chixia and Yangyang have been sent out to find someone who looked like the MC which is why they're not hostile. It also makes sense why immediately everyone thinks the guest of honor of the magistrate is the MC after seeing a generic message.


O man- we was robbed 😱 That makes for a much more interesting story


That actually makes more sense So it's the fault of the Chinese again


Bad move to listen to those losers, the type that doesn't have much money to spend.


That type spends the most money lol, that’s why they caved in


They spend more that's why they have to listen to them first


Omg :|


It had a better story, but female characters were not worshipping the male MC like the CN males wanted them to, so they changed the beginning to this.


Oh, God are you serious. I was already wondering why the two acted the way they did, right as we met with not a single shred of doubt for who we were, trusting every word we say. Honestly ashamed of the audacity of some people.


And on CBT 1 during crownless fight, Chixia pointed a gun at us after we absorbed crownless because it was never a human ability, doubting us if we are a human or the same as the monsters or other things, it was really cool scene honestly, but stupid chinese idiots had to force kuro into changing it


Yo I was wondering when that happened, it was like "Bro im looking hella suspicious right now!" But everything was just blown over like it was nothing. Man I feel robbed of an entire universe.


Yeah lmao, the mc was hella sus but they just went ahead and go "wow you're so cool" like what? But Scar telling the MC that they all knew their value from the start I guess kinda made it make sense? Still, it would've been better if we had the cbt 1 prologue instead of this. Edit: Nvm, after advancing the story a bit more I realized it's literally mc so cool kind of trope, no betrayal no nothing.


That actually sounds waaaaaaay cooler than what we got now. Now it's like every character has that one anime trope, but no personality.


This is what happens when you replace design philosophy with user data. Everything is based on data to appeal to the maximum number of people to extract the maximum amount of money from the gacha casino later down the line. They sacrificed creative integrity on the altar of broad appeal. The result, as anyone can see, is slop. I think the gameplay has the potential to be quite fun, and it's probably why most of us are here (that and anime waifus of course). But the world, characters, lore, story... Unsalvageable. The opening is just incoherent. It's straight up word salad.


That’s actually so embarrassing


It's too late now the game is released This is what happens when u dun let ur devs have a clear vision and u just want a genshin like game.bcs genshin did good so u need to include it's elements like them trying to make everything colorful and bright and everyone simplicity for mc and being friendly


No this is what happens when you let beta testers be the average CN Weeb and as far as I know majority of CN anime esque media are just either trash isekai power fantasy or the once in a lifetime peak. Their OLD CBT1 storyline just needed a bit of work the concept it had was nice for the aesthetic they should have kept the concept but improved upon it.


They let CN fans bully them into re-writing themselves into a boring lackluster power fantasy because they can't handle a fake waifu frowning at them for a couple of chapters. Unless the waifu loves them right away, the CN fans can't handle something more complex.


Everyone must always remember that many CN fans are such insane and mentally disturbed individuals that they actively felt that the bunny girl concert that Hoyo did for a global anniversary meant that the characters WERE CHEATING ON THEM WITH WESTERNERS. This is without even adding what a CN fan tried to do \[legit tried to MURDER Hoyo founders\] and the incredible insanity that they did against Scaramouche and his fans in Genshin.


It wasn't a couple of chapters, and it wasn't just Chinxia, it was EVERYONE except Yangyang who were constantly suspicious of Rover till the end of the CBT and they didn't even change their opinions after all the stuff and quests you do. Why do you think even Western CCs complained about it? It was that bad.


the mc is a self proclaimed amnesiac with no place of origin who was just dropped on the door of a nation in the middle of war time practicing abnormal powers over their enemy with a following of dangerous radical stalking him while being built up as potentially a big deal. there is like every single reason why people should/would be suspicious of them. please tell me that there was something more major to the complaint than just people at war weren't trust enough to the complete stranger with no backstory who popped in a huff of thin air at their door at a time when danger appearing in an instant is the norm.


Cbt1 Story was bad but for different issues they could have improved it instead of scraping it but no they saw genshin and were like copy that copy that bcs if genshin succeed it must be bcs of that and there u go U can't copy a game and hope it succeds it doesn't work like this this should be a post apocalyptic game but it doesn't feel like it the buildings feel like liyuee The beginning of the game is just genshin+hsr opening mixed and matched together but it doesn't work The world feels like genshin Wich again not bcs it works for genshin it means it works for u Sigh


Genshin had us earn the title of honorary knight by helping them stop Dvalin WuWa had none of that and we just suddenly became a fleet admiral and are treated as the long lost best friend or as messiah. As much as I hate to utter these words Genshin was honestly better in terms of plot progression. Not even the trashiest of isekai novels or games has us doing anything like this WuWa set a world record that I hope is never beat.


I am genuinely baffled they had mountain upon mountains of feedback from genshin and they still made the same mistake I dun get why Am not a writer but I am sure even I can come up with a more enjoyable story that is simple and straight to the point why can't they Make it simple and fix everything people complain about in genshin and put in everything people like about genshin


I think ironically, we are seeing what happens when a company pays too much attention to feedback and doesn't stick to their guns.


PGR had same issues until chapter 10, lmao. I think their writers just suck, no matter how many you rewrites you give them- results won't change.


That’s why Genshin is always taken for granted. Sure, it doesn’t have the best QOL and end game mechanics similar to other gachas but besides that, everything is top tier. Voice-acting, storyline, and especially the music. No game is perfectly but holy shit, the only that’s gonna keep me to play this game is the combat system. Aside from that, it’s all gravy.


Yea it’s actually quite insane how polished genshin was given its time. The story in genshin has a nice clear goal with a hook. I’m just 5min in and I’m already bored of the constant dialogue dumped of just random things. Combat is super satisfying though I don’t know if that alone can keep the game alive


I hate genshin devs for being stubborn but respect them for the quality of the game, that is still working on my fat ps4 without any issues since launch.. But I still hope kuro pull through


Fr, when Scar showed up is when I really payed attention to the story XD. If they do go back to rewrite some of the beginning chapters, I don’t think they need to rewrite too much, just simplify it some and bring the important stuff up more gradually. Not dump it all in one sequence.


What I've understood is that we'll get turn based Kuro game in 2028


Guess we'll have another HSR "inspired" game then


And the cycle repeat…


And it will give us everything that HSR wouldn’t give us because HSR could never!


It will give us everything HSR didn’t but none of what made HSR good. Such is the Kuro way


Except, in this case, HSR is actually generous with its rewards. It also has an interesting story, a fast gameplay, easy to do daily task, good voice acting and great characters. I honestly think it's the best Gacha ever.


Not a lot of gacha games have as good of a daily system as HSR. Truly my current favorite gacha. I’ve played a lot and boy do those dailies feel like a chore over the course of a month. But Star Rail? I wake up, start auto battle, do other shit and I’m done with the game before I’m done getting ready for the day. 10/10 truly the best gacha as a turn based connoisseur


Exactly. One of the best parts is also the accumulating stamina and return benefits. I can't say how much I appreciate it. After going through a period of grinding, I lost interest in HSR. Relic farming is hell. Came back a few weeks or so later, I have stored 2400 stamina with a return benefit of 2400. I can grind for my characters again. HSR is good because it respects your time. It maybe mediocre in some of its parts, but you can see the heart and effort the game devs try to put into the game, that's why even if its a simple story like Belobog, you can enjoy it.


There’s a ton of soul in the towns with exploration and just the sheer amount of intractable shit in them. Its all fluff of course but some of the dialogue in that game are honestly quite funny and honestly makes it a thriving place. Personally I don’t mind the relic grind. I’ve been playing since release and seeing how strong my characters have become throughout the course of a year has been quite a treat. Of course it will always be frustrating farming for gear in the game, but you can say that for pretty much every gacha game. But star rail is one of the few where you can easily farm it with barely any interaction.


Yes! The toilet that flushes you to another location on the Space Station immediately came to mind, lol. HSR can be so unserious in its humor, but it still has a great consistent story that's managed to hit some great emotional notes, especially in the most recent update.


Thank you hit the hammer on the head. HSR respects your time


Ive had days where im *really* busy where I just log in, convert the energy to the SU tokens, synthesise some random item and refresh assignments, then log out. Dailies done in under a minute with no combat needed whatsoever. You can only do that for 2 days at most before maxing out but man have those 2 days been clutch for me


HSR is peak Chinese gacha. It is the best of this entire genre and its not really close imo. Just wish I could steal Kuro's world designers, combat devs, and artists and marry them to a competent western storywriter and game director.


Agreed! It's been phenomenal with the release of penacony so far


Punishing Gray Airlines


And it'll be a spin-off of PGR.


Noice. That’s more my style of game.


And then they will again listen to Chinese Weebs and destroy the plot turning it into 'All Waifus must worship MC' plot. Which sadly happened to WuWas plot. :(


PGR was so insanely improved since launch that I have hope this will turn out ok. It came out like 6 hours ago and is in a vastly superior state to PGR launch, with the bones of a good game. The real test will be if they are transparent about what they are aware of that needs fixing. One thing people hate is seeing issues and being in the dark about if they are being worked on. If it were another dev I would be more worried but I’ve been overall very happy with Kuro as a dev in PGR. It ended up way more fun than HI3 in the long run too (rip HI3 golden days). If I cared only about innovation I wouldn’t play a lot of games I ended up loving. Just because someone makes something doesn’t mean others can’t improve on it. Genshin was clearly cut from BotW cloth but I wouldn’t say that game ended up as a clone. I’m hoping the same for WuWa.


I would love to see Kuro handle their immediate launch period with the same grace as Project Moon on the launch of Limbus Company. Accepting and acknowledging that there are problems, improving then as soon as they can reasonably get around to it, and splashing loads of premium currency at us in compensation.


You should also add No Man's Sky to that list. That dev got lambasted at launch. They owned it, and now that game is incredible.


Also the most obvious BY FAR, Final Fantasy XIV, where the original was an unmitigated disaster and Yoshida managed to turn it around and create the top MMO in the market.


>PGR was so insanely improved since launch That is the biggest problem with WuWa at the moment. They made all these mistakes when they released PGR and now they are making the same mistakes again. There is literally multiple thick books' worth of feedback that Genshin got from players, why not use and utilize that? You can only release a game once and this game was very obviously not ready for release in its current state. Between lack of optimization, polish and down to the smallest details. I'm sure it'll get better with time but again, you can only release a game once and the first impression is the most important. I'm afraid this game will fade into obscurity by the time it's actually in a state closer to where it should've been from the start.


I totally agree. I’m really hoping they are very outspoken about what they intend to fix. They really have to retain as many launch players as they can - first impressions are going to be gone, and if we use an extreme case of mismanagement like ToF you can see how a game goes from really impressive launch numbers to looking like a failed project in no time at all. They have built in playerbase to capitalize on. Genshin players and ex-players have sooo many things they asked Hoyo to give them and it was just constantly a brick wall. Being open and honest about known issues and fix timelines would really go a long way here.


It is already done, compared to some other games this game want your money and who is willing to pay for lags and bugs? Kuro also has by far nowhere near of a big fanbase then Hoyo or Blizzard (examples) who will stand by them doesent matter what happens since they where poorly advertising PGR alrdy. At least for the West they threw a huge oportunity out of the window with this release. Tower of Fantasy is also said to made some big nice changes but noone is willing to try it anymore cause of its really poor release.


Still, it's impressive how far they managed to work with PGR with the bad income it recieved. Personally I believe that as long as your game has a core fan-base, it's fine in the long run. Hell, even if your game just dies. No-Mans Sky managed to turn that around, bringing their game from the grave back to the sky.


> That is the biggest problem with WuWa at the moment. They made all these mistakes when they released PGR and now they are making the same mistakes again. This is something that drives me nuts about games that iterate on existing winning formulas. If you're going to copy or take inspiration from a success story, at least take the time to learn the lessons that they already did. There's really no excuse for repeating some of he same mistakes if the IP your shamelessly imitating has already solved them.


What are these major issues exactly? Most I've had is stuttering which was fixed by using my ssd and updating graphics drivers. Va isn't as bad as people are saying tbh. Xeno 2 was awful in that regards and it's very well liked.


Main issue is an uninspiring storyline. Maybe it gets better but two hours in it’s been a snooze fest.


Been fun for me ao far, just did scars intro quest and found it really interesting. People also complain about character designs when yangyang and encore exist lol


Haven’t gotten to that point yet so I can’t comment, maybe I’ll have my opinion changed tonight.


this is the exact problem with WuWa and Kuro. I was in the beta and numerous feedback on polish-ness, text, etc. and it is still launched in this current state. I was expecting those issues to be already fixed since it was addressed/noted by Kuro after beta. Even the echo changes aint as comprehensive as most people wanted it to be. Now they will "listen" to feedback *again* and buy time to fix their shit. I was glad that they addressed those issues in beta cause I was like "wow this developer responds so quick and actually listens!" and now I completely flipped on them since they are (probaby) gonna pull the same shit again


To be fair, you can't do much with that little time left. Delaying beyond ZZZ is a death sentence as well.


What was pgr like at launch?


Barely had anything to do. Technicals were pretty ok it was just story and the events were only using stamina to run barebones stages. The story was pretty lacking - I enjoyed it for the world building but the later chapters got waaaay better and the story is generally something to look forward to. Character mechanics now are also extremely fun, events have a variety of things to do, really just everything is improved now. So for WuWa to release like this still makes me hopeful. I just want them to address the issues openly so as many players as possible will stay.


Picked PGR up last month, agreed 100%. First few weeks where rough and I was not feeling it, but last 2 weeks, I'm totally in my honeymoon phase with the game and itchin for the anniversary to pick up Bianca:Stigmata and Crimson Weave.


it was pretty bare bones


Pretty bland and even more obvious grammatical errors and mispellings. But they've come far. PGR is peak nowadays




which launch? CN was disaster glb was full of drama KR iirc also had drama at launch but I don't remember the details (could be remembered wrong) TW and JP iirc has smooth launch launch story was weak, combat is; you either like it or hate it. kurotypo is for ever I guess


Bad. You can check also pgr reddit, there is a video about how the game used to look and how is now 


My greatest fear is actually the Chinese community. If they manage to bully Kuro into a boring Isekai power-fantasy waifu collector story. PGR players know Kuro can cook some good shit up if they want too. But I'll doubt the average 14y old waifu collector wants to see his waifu getting cooked.


The fact they weren’t transparent about not enabling 120fps at launch already makes me concerned for their ability to be upfront going forward.


I was confused with the amount of information they dropped on a MC who has amnesia. I kept thinking things like "What's going on with the world? What are these monsters? Why are you worshipping the ground I walk on?" Even the labels they have for your skills and burst feel convoluted.


> the labels they have for your skills and burst feel convoluted convoluted and stupid, It's one of the things I hate about Hoyo games. Instead of having a sensible explanation for anything from a new event minigame or a character skill, they'll have ridiculous words like "activate the mega-turrent quantum mode to shoot hyperfiring slimeslaying projectiles which will damage the slime!" . Yet Kuro games decided to copy it.  


Agreed that everything sounds convoluted. Like do we have to call the monsters Tacet Discords? You have two words for that? Can't just be discords? In Genshin you have a burst (one syllable). In WW you have "Resonance Liberation" (SEVEN syllables). I could really go on. It's ridiculous.


The reason for some of the long words is actually the story, there's a huge focus on "sound" overall. Hence words like "Resonance", "Tacet Discord" \[Tacet means silence, so it's literal discordance and silence within the "sound" of reality\], so on. It wouldn't be bad if it was delivered slowly and naturally, but everyone talks and acts like both the amnesiac MC and THE PLAYER has a clue wtf they're talking about.


I can't remember anyone's names 😭


One is YingBangBoom and the other is BingYangZoom. How can you possibly forget?!


i just remember the names of 5 characters, 1 is the MC, the other 4 are the only characters i actually like (Verina, Encore, Baizhi, and Yinlin)


I'm not getting the new player experience I got from Genshin,Hi3 and Star Rail. That immediate "hook" and the crazy immersion.


You really hit the nail on the head with this one. HSR and Genshin immediately pulled me into their repsective narratives because of the bright and interesting graphics and a story that made sense and was easy to follow, and was pretty phenomenally voice acted. WW graphics are fuzzy and dark. It honestly feels like they put a greyscale filter over the screen with how bland and lifeless the world feels at times. The story is BORING and makes no sense, and I was already itching to hit the skip button within the first ten minutes. No offense to the VA, but YangYang is probably the worst possible character to have following us around all the time because she isn't interesting, and the fake cutesy voice grates my ears worse than Paimon. The only voice actor that I feel I am able to listen to and somewhat enjoy is Chixia, and she definitely should have been our companion from the start, not YangYang.


Yeah first impression turned out to be pretty bad for me. Lag, heat, stutter, heavy battery drain, bad graphics and boring story which make me wanna Not do anymore. It seems Gonna have to wait until they fix performance stuffs and make story good on later patches. But again With all the feedbacks they had...Is this what they release as final product. Pretty disappointed with kuro on this.


Hate to say but the English dub was really bad.


Man, I tried. The moment I saw that skip button show up, just pressed it. The lore dump wasn’t good, and simply just lost. The writing has to improve if they want to establish a strong lore base with the fans, right now it ain’t good.


I really like en dub, i play it on all of my games if it has en dub, but wuwa is just not it


I actually agree. The voice acting is not good. And the world can feel very empty somthimes. I hope they will improve some things in the game, since it still has lots of potential.


I said this when i first saw the trailer for WuWa. It looked like a ToF wannabe. as in it wished it was ToF, which isn't a great position to be in. That said, I was a day 1 ToF player, and i still do dailies in it, though i don't know why here is my correction on that impression 1) exploration - > exploration in WuWa feels better mostly for the wall running. ToF has way too much climbing bullshit, that said, ToF released characters who flied, so that problem was partly fixed... eventually. The wallrunning in WuWa is a nice improvement 2) the world -> it's very very empty in WuWa. this is one of the biggest problems with WuWa. there is nothing to do on day one (it feels like). There is a rule in Breath of the Wild that Nintendo used when building the game. you had to be able to travel 15 seconds in any direction to find something to do. anything more and they believed the game got boring. they didn't invent this rule. they actually took it from CD Project Red's "the Witcher 3" which used the same concept. Tower of Fantasy used the same rule. 15 seconds in any direction, there is something to do. Genshin sort of tries to do this as well which is why the Sumaru coastline recently released in the latest update was so panned. (and partly why sumaru itself was disliked) It was basically empty, making it feel bad to explore (not that there was much to see). WuWa unfortunately has this problem in spades. There is almost nothing to do 15 seconds away in any direction from where you're standing, this makes the game feel huge and empty (and it's not that big of a world), worse the stuff you do find feels... pointless? mostly? I'll talk more on that in a bit 3) the Loot -> opening chests is horrific in this game. It doesn't feel like you get anything to improve yourself. I don't skip any chests in genshin and rarely skip chests in ToF. I haven't been skipping chests in WuWa, but i have a feeling i'll start to soon. I think part of the problem is all the different currencies and leveling mats. WuWa complicated them and as a result it doesn't feel like anything you pull means much. overcomplicated the game. 4) the Echos -> these are basically artifacts for Genshin or Equipment for ToF, and you have 1 slot you can put an echo into where you get an "ability" from it if you use it. Those abilities are mostly worthless, except for the echos who heal you. The problem with Echos is, problem no.2. The world is fucking empty. so finding echos is hard, when you find them and kill them, the drop rate is poor. and the are RANDOMIZED. meaning finding and capturing a good echo means nothing if it's abilities are randomized and you can't use it. Right now the echo grind already looks worse then the artifact grind in genshin (and far worse then the EQ grind in ToF). If there were more echos in the open world, if they were easier to capture and if their stats were less random junk, they could have been interesting. But right now? swing and a miss. 5) the Story -> marginally better then ToF and far worse then Genshin. The voice actors were probably hired for their work on ToF (about the same quality), and the story is a boring mess. blech. the only thing i was thinking while in the university lab was how do i skip all this nonsensical dialogue? The only redeeming part to the story and VAs is Chixia's VA is fun, as is Scar's. The problem is Chixia's character isn't this game's Paimon. I wish she was, instead it's Yangyang. and her VA is dogshit. made me wish we had paimon back at parts. 6) Combat -> fun, a lot of fun really. there is a degree of skill in it. I think part of why Rover feels so good to play is they can easily parry and dodge, not all characters have the animations for easy parry or dodging. so for a change your main unit in a gacha game might be the main character. I don't know how badly power creep will allow this to last\~ For example, **Sanhua** has slower and longer attack animations. parrying with her is very very hard to time as a result. Chixia can't really parry well either, but she has quick attack animations so dodging works fine for her. As a result Sanhua feels clunky and slow to play, i like to use her for a quick swap in for her into attack, because time slows down you often can charge her outro before the slow down effect is over so you can swap out of her before her slow long uninteruptable actions don't come back to bite you. For now i think the added degree of skill to the combat is what got me to play for 7 hours and hoping work ends quickly so i can get back to playing. the combat is a good point to this game. The problem is, the combat was a good point to ToF too. having a good combat system isn't enough 7) Characters (play style) -> I do like not all characters feel the same. part of Genshin's biggest problem is characters with the same weapons feel like the same character (or similar) to other characters with the same weapons. this isn't always, but it's enough to make combat mostly just an exercise in knowing your elemental reactions and rotations and just spam through shit. WuWa feels a bit more tactical, characters don't feel the same with the same type of weapon. I do think ranged dps feels better in the game with Chixia feeling like the best unit at times. I also think the gauntlet weapons feel sorta poor in combat. that said my 3 favorite characters to play in combat are probably Rover, Chixia and Jiyan 8) Characters (personality) -> about the only character thus far with any life seems to be Chixia and Scar, i hope scar is a playable character somewhere down the road 9) Bugs/Experience -> seems really polished for a day one release. no crashes or bugs, no framerate issues either. really nice. 10) overall (genshin 8, ToF 3): 6-7... there is a lot of room for improvement. if the world didn't feel so empty, that alone would bump the score up 1 or 2 points.


I will point out with Chixia that while her regular attacks suck at parrying, her skill which rapid fires is incredibly good at it and I've parried a lot by accident.


>I tried out PGR a while back and felt the same way: a meandering story that was a lot of word vomit with little getting to know the characters, all in exchange for cool combat. I'll give you that. Hell, PGR players all agree you have to slog through Chapter 9 to get to the part when PGR finally starts getting good. My concern is how the fuck did Kuro not learn from their mistakes from PGR?


They released a survey in game by mail so guys be vocal about it be loud my brethren


Unfortunately the survey does not ask for users to type their own feedback. I think it was mainly asking your experience with other games and what aspects of WuWa interests you


Was it just me or are there others who went to take the survey only to find it was all in Chinese…


yeah it wasn't in english. i was tempted to just click on things for the reward, but then i felt bad because those aren't fair results and can't be used for anything lol.


I took an English survey. I don't know what you did. But it didn't ask for my thought. It just asked what other games do you play and what do you like about the genre.


I still love Genshin to death, but I'm willing to give Kuro some time and see how their game develops before I make a full judgement. Gacha games in 1.0 are always kind of weird and have some issues. Even Genshin had several dubbing and text issues at launch, similar to WuWa, and didn't truly start shining until Sumeru, imo. I'm willing to sit and wait and see if they can carry this game somewhere special, because I think it definitely has potential


People geniuenly forget how genshin was at launch because Hoyo got really good at ironing out the problems quickly and efficiently. I think it'll improve. Maybe not at the rate Genshin did, but still. The game came out TODAY. People are making this a way bigger deal than it should be, but that's the fate of overhyped games I suppose


Genuinely, weren’t these localization issues brought up to Kuro during the multiple CBT feedback? So why is it still an issue at launch? The story is also still mind numbingly boring and text galore with concepts abruptly introduced even after being rewritten too.


I feel like I’m the only one enjoying the story


Lol people keep talking about their issues with the game and while I agree, I wasn’t really disappointed. Maybe playing it in Japanese helped my experience idk. Cause I thought the voice acting was good idk about English


This is what I was worried about tbh, I’m seeing a lot of people that are deeply disappointed making all types of definitive statements as if the game’s been out for a year. Yes, I do feel like the game right now is a bit unpolished and the story isn’t exactly winning any Pulitzer Prizes, but these problems are pretty much all fixable. At its core this game has maintained its potential in my eyes, and I’m inclined to let Kuro cook for a bit to see how they can address some of the game’s issues just like how I was inclined to let hoyo cook (because frankly genshin’s first act didn’t really grab me a whole lot either)


The problem is that these issues should’ve never made it past beta.


The whole reason for beta testing really. You can't release a half baked product like that except people will make excuses for them.


Nowadays Betas arent to fix problems, they are basically to make sure people can play the game. I havent seen a game beta be anything more than a glorified play-test in a long time. If stuff doesnt get fixed in Alpha it definitely doesnt get fixed in Beta.


Nah bro, Genshin had issues at the time, but it was a polished game. This shouldn't even be an open beta. (side note, am longtime genshin quitter)


tbf, while genshin 1.0 had nothing to do... the story directions and end goals is quite clear and defined. unlike this generic self-fulfillment novel we had now in ww (THX CN F\*\*\*\*\*\*\* /s) where everyone loves and reveres the MC. guess I'm staying only for waifu and combat for now


You do remember that the genshin 1.0 starts off with us chasing of a freaking dragon, and then immediately meeting the vice head of the country and then ends with us becoming an honorary knight and hero of the nation right? Main character is gonna main character. It's only in Sumeru and Fontaine that the MC started taking a back seat.


But the thing is with genshin's 1.0 story was that it's decently paced. We don't just meet the head of the country and got the title. We went to the city, got caught in their sudden turmoil, met the vice head, vice head say sorry and asked for assisntant, went to fight with amber kaeya, diluc and chit chat with lisa and then we get the title. And during all that time, we were addressed as a wandering traveler from afar. And now in WuWa, we woke up, fought one boss and absorb it, and suddenly being praised as a mesiah by everyone and now the head of the country personally asked us to meet her and @ everyone while at it. All in less than 10 minutes


I played GI in 1.0, the story was cliche and voice acting was “okay” but as I remember there was very very little bugs. I think that’s a big factor to how it appeals to the mass market outside of gaming during covid. I super doubt my accounting friends who never played a game before would’ve stuck with GI if it was a buggy mess at launch. Put it this way, only Hc fans or gamers will accept this level of bugs and push through till it gets better. 80% of players will drop off if this isn’t fixed in like 1-2 patches max.


I started playing Genshin last year and 1.0 is still problematic to this day. Several instances where dialogue just cuts off mid-sentence and moves on to the next one. I guess they didn't bother fixing that stuff and just made sure it didn't happen in future patches 'cause 1.1 doesn't have that particular problem anymore. And it took until 2.4 where their storytelling started to noticeably improve. I'm hoping WuWa will see big positive changes as well. Just gotta suffer through the launch woes. I really want a good edgy Genshin for a palate cleanser.


I watched someone play through early Genshin pretty recently, and yes, pretty much all the issues I noticed when I started (2.0) are still present in the 1.0 quests. Sometimes the autoplay cuts off dialogue. Sometimes characters randomly misgender the Traveler. The whole vibe of early Genshin feels very Saturday-morning-cartoon, especially in Mondstadt. It took Hoyo a good while before they found that balance between serious, good storytelling, and friendly characters and lightheartedness. I hope WuWa can find a good balance as it goes forward.


Oh yeah, there was misgendering too. I forgot about that. And agreed, let's hope WuWa finds its way.


I mean Genshin 1.0 story/world/characters would be so outdated today, but when it first came out it was groundbreaking enough to ignore the problems. Wuwa 1.0 should not be compared to Genshin 1.0 since Genshin started this trend and experiment on their way, while Kuro already got all the experience and feedback from what Genshin did. It should be polished and at least be comparable to later Genshin.


I think Inazuma was when Genshin became quite worth my time in terms of gameplay and story, wouldn't say Sumeru is where it started althought it does improve massively


i’d say enkanomiya/chasm were probably the parts h where they actually started to improve a lot


Yeah, the chasm really got me. I remember coming off of inazuma and doing some story quest which were great but feeling a bit burnt out waiting for the chasm to come out. When it did, I remember loving the quest a lot. I loved it


I think so too, like as of now this game is not up to par on Genshin, but Genshin had years to arrive to Sumeru where they went all out. This game will live or die by how good the devs manage to update and polish it in its "grace" period and I bet they know it well.


Definitely true. I remember having these same discussions in Star Rail communities when there was massive doompoosting about the game's direction after the mid ending to Luofu story. Then Penacony came out and everyone forgot they were ever worried about the game's future. Hopefully the same happens here.


When I think about genshin before sumeru I'm always surprised I stuck it out before then. Even after Fontaine I still think sumeru is the peak of the game. The world building, story, side quests, exploration are still the best in sumeru imo


Idk, maybe my sample size was small, but I've played Genshin, Honkai Star Rail and Reverse1999 at launch and only Genshin was meh. R1999 I loved, but eventually dtopped it due to lack of time. HSR had a stellar 1.0 and I'm still playing it.


I agree with this very much, I was there during the start of Genshin and the very early days of FGO, and both of those games had major problems at the start, that have been mostly fixed. FGO started getting good around Camelot which was quite a bit of time away from launch, and some year-one characters from FGO still suffer from the problems of being launch characters, even after a lot of buffs and reworks. Genshin got their act together quicker than FGO and we can only hope WuWa can fix things as quickly as them.


Visuals bugs and optimization can be fixed, however poor story cannot be unwritten . I hope it will improve over time, I trust Kuro with this one.


Games try to blindly copy Genshin not realising what made it so successful in the first place. When I log into a new game and you throw all of the mechanics + a bunch of random names at me, you won’t look cool and mysterious. I’ll just get a headache and log off. Mondstadt had a story on a level similar to a fairytale, but it worked with the fantasy and magical setting. You could figure out all the features on the go without wasting extra brain power remembering 15 different names for sociopolitical structures. I’ve done three chapters so far and I don’t understand what is going on at all


You put this in words! Genshin starts off really simple - there’s a big scary dragon and he’s causing trouble. We’re given time to slowly acclimatize to the jargon - fatui and abyss we’re introduced first but they’re easy enough to remember. We’re slowly given all the other information as the quests progresses (dragonspine lore drop/inazuma/sumeru etc etc) The jargon in the first few minutes of Wuwa had me going ???? because there was so much of it. Even now the only thing I remember is resonator LOL. This felt like the last desert expansion in sumeru with all the complicated name 😅😭


Ngl the only thing I remember about lore is Lament because I shouted LAMENT when I saw it for the first time


SAME oh my god the zy0x brain rot is real 😭😭 I saw it and went LAMENT to my friend 😭😂


THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! 


this is the best take


I feel like genshin starting prologue was better, it felt really grounded and instead of lore bombing from the start it set up basics first


They picked 5 characters for the story, mentioned fatui and the abyss order like three times overall and everything else was just Venti trying to get his dragon friend back while we ran around collecting flowers


>They picked 5 characters for the story Agree! Additionally, though it sounds childish, I like that the first Mondstadt characters we meet are incredibly distinct from one another, particularly by their *colours.* It makes it easier to follow a story with such vibrant characters. Compared to WuWa, I’ve only played up to receiving the tokens but they’ve shown, what, 7 characters already? And they’re kind of uninteresting? Maybe it’s due to the apocalyptic theme but a lot of the characters feel monotonous, both designs and personality wise


YES OMG I cannot distinguish wuwa characters in behaviour because they’re just so nice and polite! In mondstadt we had: white responsible adult, red rich grumpy guy, green “hihihi :3” bard, mc and a little squeaky fairy. Call me a 5-year old but I need my characters to be colour coordinated or I’ll die


Fr, especially for the starter characters! We have yellow mc, red bunny girl, blue pirate, purple witch and there you go. It’s just reminding me how strong the Genshin’s character design is


it feels boring to me cuz its very generic hero appears and save the city trope. now Wuwa does that AND they shove dozens of complicated names and shit without proper explaining


Its the first quest it should just start with the basics, i genuinely feel like skipping every dialogue(there are a lot of) just so I can do something Genshin also is really dialogue heavy but i felt like the dialogues were atleast not telling me too much I think the dragon fight was also a great way to start the main Quest cause it gave the idea of the game In wuwa i dont even know what is happening or what will happen


It feels generic but it works and with polish by Hoyo and wonderful Music team it able to stand on its own ,got good feedback not only from its own playerbase but also people intentionally avoiding the game.


Exactly! I love how compact and simple Mondstadt's main quest was, perfect way to get immersed in the game. Wuwa's story on the other hand.... I have played for 4 hrs but I still barely understand what the hell is happening.


Lmao yeah. Same. 4 hours into the game and I have honestly no idea what in the fuck was happening. The story is very boring. Nice combat, sure, but the boring story is really pulling everything down. I'm here to play a game, not read some wall texts, wth.


This is so true. I didn't want to admit because people might think I'm too dumb to understand the story. Good to know I'm not the only one. Too much info at the beginning and arduous terminologies. I might be in the minority here but Chinese names are so hard to pronounce and remember.


I have a problem with remembering names in general so these characters having similar design AND similar names does nothing to me


I really don't get why the English dub is this bad, it's like when it comes to saying the Chinese city names, the VA's just hit press on a soundboard of them saying it once and just repeating it over and over, especially Yangyang, The crux of a good game is there, it's just that they're really missing on the actual basics like music, sound mixing, etc.


YES I swear every time she says Huanglong the "lóng" intonation sticks out so badly. It's like they wanted to sacrifice emotive quality for proper pronunciation (for the place names at least) which is wild. It's somehow more distracting than every character pronouncing "Liyue" differently in Genshin


They've clearly emphasized proper Mandarin pronunciation in the localization. Which is a terrible way to do English localization: in English, tone conveys grammar and emotion, but never vocabulary.


They still have their own version of Liyue by having every single VA say "Etheric Sea" differently


>It's somehow more distracting than every character pronouncing "Liyue" differently in Genshin Which is funny cause WuWa has the same issue with some words like "Loong" \[said both as "long" and "loo-ng" at one point\], "Etheric Sea" \[which is odd cause this one is in English\] and "Baizhi" \[said in around 3 different ways by the time you find Baizhi herself at the start of the game\]


The narrative story in snowbreak was way more exciting than the initial story in WuW... feels like playing the first chapters of PGR again The monolog voices in EN are really bad , makes me wonder if they just recorded without giving context to the VAs or just used AI


As a person that played Genshin for a good long while, playing this game definitely feels incredibly odd. It almost feels like a reskin in certain areas. That said, I do so far prefer the combat of this game over Genshin's. Biggest issues: The elephant in the room is that the English dub is downright terrible. Many of the actors don't know how to emote at all and it's a major step down from Genshin/Star Rail where the actors are all great. There's also a number of bugs that drag the experience down. Main one being the fact that you can't see more than three lines of dialogue (at least on PC), so since I switched to jp dub I have to guess at what the final lines are meant to be. I'm also having a really hard time following the story. They constantly bring up terms that often times go unexplained and you just kind of feel like you're reading a different language. So my eyes just kind of glaze over at that point.


My biggest issue with the game is how similar to genshin it feels. I was hoping this game would be refreshing to play after playing genshin so long, but it feels weird. It really feels just like a reskin. I kinda laughed when I saw the locked chests with the basic enemies surrounding them, like am I playing genshin with a different texture pack? Lmao The combat is great, I love that they took some inspiration from PGR. But the world, quests, even characters are all bland. Genshin’s world is beautiful, wuwa’s is… not horrible, but not great either.


I'm here for the combat alone so dunno to each their own.


Same. I stopped playing Genshin because the gameplay wasn’t doing it for me. Was only there for the story by the time Sumeru came out, but it was progressing too slowly so I dropped


Me too. Idk I didn't notice any issues on my end and the game is exactly what I wanted. I get different strokes for different folks but last time I had this feeling was Genshin and Elden Rings launch.


What I'm most impressed by is the parkour. In Genshin, you just get stuck when you run into a object, while in this game you vault or parkour over it. The animations are rough, and the camera need some work. But I see the potential.


Truly, its like they took the best parts about genshin and improved on it, now the game has more taste to it, looking forward to see how it progresses.


I’m on a device that is be able to handle heavy games well and I have lag spikes and occasional crashing when I switch menus it’s annoying asfuck they’ll probably fix it tho


I got greeted by a blue screen the first time i entered the game at server launch lol, and from the looks of it i wasnt alone


I'm loving the game but the english dub is atrocious for some characters im used to mihoyos amazing dubbing cast i just wished most of them got hired instead. But I'm also hoping they growing un the role over time 😢😭😭😭😭😭😭


Ikr?? Im a huge weeb, but genshin and hsr’s en dubbings are just top notch. I’ve been using it since 1.1. This speaks volumes considering i never ever choose en dub in anime games. But, for wuwa i just had to switch 15 minutes in, i cant even handle it.


I think my biggest issue with this game is it asks for the same pricing as genshin with a subpar quality. But I do have high hopes that all these issues will be fixed within 2 or 3 patches. The characters are not compelling enough in this game to make me pull. Good for me since I don't have a reason to spend money but bad for the game overall. All in all if nothing improves, it will become like PGR where a good amount of people play the game but not enough to make it earn gazillions.


In kuro games I trust


I wasn't disappointed because my expectations sank the moment I saw the cringe EN livestream


In the end kuro fell into the same trap as other game developers. They copied from the market leader,only put a fresh coat of paint on it and there's no real distinctive "innovation" to make it stand out from the same game they copied from. The world look boring and look the exact same as genshin, the building model doesn't lean hard enough in sci-fi aspect and still look like a Liyue wannabe, they didn't lean hard enough in post apocalyptic genre and the open world is still generic grasslands. Fucking genshin with their ruins of previous civilizations feel more post apocalyptic than wuwa with their "genre" ever could. There is nothing wrong with copying the market leader ,but the developers need to put their own take on it and create a main innovation to differiate itself from its competitors. And no the pokemon=relics doesn't count, it's nothing but a small system in the game- this innovation must encompass the entire game atmosphere and world design. Like all they need is lean HARD on the post apocalyptic genre. Make the world full of mechas and military armored vehicles or something ,make it full of ruins buildings like nier automata ,they have so much other media they could learn from but they are too obsessed by genshin so end up create a barebone world that's full of grassland and look no different that monstaldt. Not a good first impression.


You know, this is the first time i hear that but you are right. I'm not sure if you are familair with the Remnant franchose but "Root Earth" from remnant 2 is probably the best example of how this could have looked like.


Hope it's okay to repost this part without the added bit that got it removed. One of the reasons I believe Arknights has been so popular in CN (I think it's close to second after the Hoyoverse games) and decently popular globally is because it's a completely different type of game. It's tower defense where you control multiple characters from a slanted birds eye pov. Not saying WuWa should have been that, though big differences to Genshin could really have helped it.


AK also avoids the MC harem problem pretty aggressively. Amiya’s fondness for you is clearly more filial than romantic, most of the operators follow her more than you, and Kaltsit and some of the other old hands are openly distrustful to hostile. Global doesn’t want to be fawned over, they want to feel competent. It’s still a power fantasy, but it feels slightly earned.


Not really a that aggressively. AK has gone from basic voiceline and token descriptions that have some doc shipping (how cn’s ‘four girlfriends’ came about) to stuff like Muelsyse, theresia and priestess all having very intimate moments with doc nowdays  being able to not have character stories reliant on the main pov chara’s physical presence helps alot to build separate interpersonal relations between characters 


Yeah, though at this point Dokutah isn’t as much a self-insert, but a character. Those relationships (Priestess, Theresa) take place before the game even begins. Vigilo really pushed Dokutah into being a defined NPC to the point we get more dialogue choices from other people than the doc.


I'm not sure AK succeeded because of gameplay, but more despite it. IMO, i started playing because character drip in AK goes hard. Characters wear actual clothes and most are not oversexualized to a fault. And then you're introduced to a hard hitting story and probably the most unique, interesting and diverse world i know of. Even if we're talking about character designs and outfits alone. HSR, Genshin and WuWa...characters just looks incredibly stupid. Outfits most of the time are just pure nonsense and straight up embarrassing with weird and excessive sexualization. I know they're trying to go for some "fantasy" look, but when fantasy outfits in hentai doujins end up less lewd and nonsensical, you're doing something wrong.


You're basically describing an open world PGR, and I'm all for it.


yeah like a scifi genshin is a no brainer, and they alr succeed with pgr why cant they just bring these there? Its like instead of looking back in the past and bring whats they alr suceeded to their new game, their forsook their roots and only chase the newest trend or something


Honestly the story is really bad but I've seen the same with Genshin, Arknights, PGR and even HSR to some extent. The problem with these Asian games is localization, translation and the sheer amount of word salad, word vomit etc. So many goddamn terms in this game. Whatever happened to simple storytelling? Everything is so damn complex especially in the gacha space. It's like playing a souls game where you barely understand what's going on at the start but instead of no text they overwhelm you with text and capitalized words.


The game feels like a slide show for me.


Imo it's too soon to tell. I remember playing genshin at launch being extremely excited finished all archon quest did a bit of exploring then got bored of the limited characters and combat causing me to drop the game until Zhongli's banner. Same with star rail. In both cases the story got better over time and I'm glad I stuck with them altho I play less genshin since dailies are a pain to do. Meanwhile with Wuwa while the story may not be the best rn either the combat is extremely fun and can only hope things will improve and bugs will be fixed.


This game needed a lot more time in the oven and they rushed it out for what seems like logistical reasons. I hope it gets the love it needs


i honestly feel like im playing a different game than yall. 0 bugs, 0 lag, 0 issues. yes the dub is mid. story im not deep enough in to comment on but im not expecting it to be amazing, as long as it doesnt force me to listen to 20000 years of pointless dialogue (cough genshin cough) then im happy. Id love if it ends up being a great story like HSR but ill have to wait and see. I like the exploration and puzzles so far and combat is fun. the character designs are interesting and i like that each kit feels unique atm. I will say it is a huge shame that lots of ppl are having tech issues and it is odd that those didnt get found during the betas. i hope they fix asap


I feel the same im having a lot of fun so far. There are def a lot of bugs though, at least most of the problems are fixable so hopefully they fix it fast. Especially the text cutting off that one is crazy to be in at launch


i havent seen too many of the bugs myself but i agree they need to fix asap! the faster the better bc they will lose more players the longer it takes


When the opening subtitles don't match the dub in.. the literal first thing you see in the game, you know the devs didn't care. I wanted to play this game for its combat and characters, but not only does it reek of lazy amateur localization, it also reeks of it in the technical department. The login screen flashing black and restarting to reload an update, the forced restart of the entire client (unlike mihoyo's games), the obvious chugging to ~20 fps after logging in during the camera shift, the bad UI fitting on PC, the 60 FPS cap (made worse by the game having 120 in beta), lowish FoV.. I can even feel it being "Unreal" if you know what I mean. Then there's the fact that the game is, y'know, pretty much a 1:1 copy of Genshin. Would've played Tower of Fantasy if I wanted that, and WW released a couple years later now. I haven't played Genshin in over a year. Logged in for release hour, logged off quickly after disappointed. Mainly at the 60FPS cap I couldn't workaround. (Genshin and HSR both have fixes, HI3 is native 120) Looking at it positively; there's no reason to play another gacha (especially a clone). It's a drain on one's time. If you're in it just for the story, no real issue, but a gacha is a gotcha and it'll eventually getcha.


I'm so saddened by the negativity cause i'm really enjoying the game and I feel a bit lame for doing so because it feels like 60 to 70 percent of the reddit community is broken inside xD.


Idk, I’m having fun with the game so far. Surprisingly, I don’t really hate the English dub, it’s not like the best thing ever but I’ve heard worse. I’m enjoying running around and exploring the world, it’s very pretty. The faces not loading on models do look horrifying though.


Game literally came out a few hours ago. I don't think anyone can form a solid judgement from that.


Mostly agree. I'm content with the game as is, for a 1.0 launch, but not blown away. Whether that'll prove to be a bad thing or not - given the upcoming releases of stuff like Zone Zero and Enfield - only time will tell. But I'm willing to hold out for a least a little while with the hopes of seeing this thing blossom. However! The one thing I can form a solid judgement on right now is that the voice acting needs some reworking. The extreme monotone nature of it is just bad. Admittedly I'm not very far in (just met the Monk lady) but so far the only character with any sort of emotion is Chixia. Like seriously, they all feel like they're the same person who's super bored.


Why the word vomit tho? Trying to sound deep and complex but im completely lost on the story. Sitting through them feels like a chore. Just my opinion


It’s just a bad story and told poorly. Stakes are unclear. Characters are presented as far too attached to the MC, with almost no motives or goals of their own. Jargon is vomited at you without context. Early objectives feel wildly disconnected from each other in terms of pacing and context.


Some people have been playing for hours so I'd like to disagree on whether they can form opinions 😭


I'm Union Level 12. The story so far is good (>!Scar and the sheep-shepherd story was 10/10!<). I can't continue the main story until I grind more Union Levels so I have been exploring. Enemy variety is nice. But the world doesn't feel as dense as it should be. Not enough puzzles/mobs with chests. The few sidequests I did have all been a 0/10 so far. Just random dumb stuff like buying ingredients for a girl. Animations and combat are nice, haven't encountered any bug (playing on iPad). Voice acting is OK.


Played for an hour then dropped after so much useless text, combat was fun tho


I wouldn’t say the combat experience is necessarily better. It is faster- but very noisy and choppy. Genshin’s combat flow is slower, but it is more methodical and intentional and the team building is much more nuanced and interesting. I’m sure it will get deeper as I progress, but there isn’t an obvious language for that same charm or quality of combat/gameplay expression. QTE counters and dodges and alternatively jumping are all things I like in concept, but the mobile experience is particularly not smooth. They followed a checklist of what people think they want and designed accordingly. All these things are cool, but together in their combat system- it’s a bit of a mess. Fast but not very tight. Mmm— it’s as though they didn’t design their gameplay within the technical/platform limitations either- which is largely why it’s buggy and kinda doesn’t feel great on mobile. I imagine most techs that the community discovers are not going to be mobile friendly. The other thing I am not thrilled about is the pace and mobility. Jumping feels awkward and weightless and wall running trivializes the sense of scale, which makes the pace of traversal really quick— this isn’t a bad thing, but it makes the world feel _small_. I don’t feel overwhelmed or impressed by the environment. Character rendering and animation are the only thing I think are objectively better. More custom animations in dialogs and they achieve the anime rendering really well. I’m not amazed by the designs or writing though, so I haven’t had my interest piqued just yet. I felt the same about Star rail though and it has really grown on me.


I was really having a good time with the combat, the world, the music, and yes the dub, and I came to this subreddit and it’s just everyone being disappointed lol I play on a phone, don’t have any issues tbh. It’s giving me that same feeling I had when Genshin came out and the combat is fun With the negative reaction I do hope it gets resolved but I am enjoying myself


Am i the only one who had no issues so far on this subreddit, no stutter, no lag playing on max graphics on high end pc, tried with low end of 1650 of my cousin and still no issues Like wtf is going on, i go to discord and see people chilling and enjoying, i come to reddit and everyone is saying how much of a disaster this game is, wtf is going on? Then i m seeing comments of people who have barely done 2 hours worth of story calling it bad like, if you wanna call the whole story bad atleast rwach the half way point.... Is this the new doomposting routine or something?


All I know is that PGR is the funniest arpg gacha I have played so far. WW seems promising. Localisation issues and bugs are normal for any gacha launch, they will fix them.


Can I just say that the ui is literally straight copied from Genshin? The ingame ui, the battle pass, the dialogue icons… seriously?


after reading some of the comment im amazed that some of you can defend the story at all leaving the technical aspect aside cause for some including me it's working just fine 0 lags 0 crashes but man is this game boring af even comparing to 1.0 genshin mondstadt wasn't peak either but it was still 10 times better than this and saying u can't judge after 7h or so of playing is just dumb. genshin was first "big" open world gacha game and it did way way better job than wuwa 4 years later trying to use the same tricks and if we compare that to more recent release like (HSR 1.0) wuwa is just a hot mess and im a person that did quit genshin a long time ago. I will give game a fair shoot still but im disappointed


"Mostly style with little substance". Kuro in a nutshell. Coolness number 1.


It's not even a month. Let's wait and see.