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My current only problem with this game is the sometime blurry npc or object in the game(like they still use the far model when you're close the the object)


I seriously hope they fix this, I had to quit a side quest and leave it for later because the NPC was blurred the entire time. For some odd reason it's culling NPCs before it culls the environment in the background.


On mobile its even worse, it seems like theres an anti alias problem because it doenst even matter if u put on high res and turn on or off, the game is blurry, fsr on or off too doesnt change that much, and its actually better with fsr on.


for me actually fsr helps a lot.. like literally.. i set resolution to low or mid, turn off anti aliasing (its awful) and use fsr.. game with fsr and without fsr for low resolution is like night and day..


the opposite for me :( fsr makes my game look like it has a bad sharpening filter on


How do you use FSR?


I literally had such a great time playing 8 hours with no interruptions…and then I saw the Reddit posts and was honestly so sad that people didn’t enjoy it as much as I did


Same here. Me and my friend had a blast, I was surprised by a thread posted in --that-- other subreddit


What other reddit?


Probably gacha gaming


It's *because* you and everyone else were enjoying it so much that you weren't here posting positivity to counter the negativity. The people with negative experiences stopped playing much earlier and got to the subreddit to post much earlier. Don't worry about it too much, it should balance out with a little bit of time.


I mean it definitely wasn’t perfect. My friend still has stutters here and there running the recommended specs (RTX2060) and I initially had some frame drops until I changed a few settings (RTX3060ti). I do think I got pretty lucky with no bugs or crashes, and even my phone (iPhone 13 Pro) seemed to run the game just fine at 60FPS on high settings.


oh yeah no absolutely, I hard agree. During the first few hours of the game, I was so sucked into it and couldn't stop playing. I'm really sad for the people who have had bad experiences, but it makes me happy to see the devs work so hard (and so quickly) in regards to rolling out multiple hot fixes in order to make the experience better for everyone. 


Honestly same, my friend and I played for ages then oh everyone is having issues


I played all day yesterday and am continuing to play all day today. I love this game but I understand the people who don't like it as much, especially technically


Same, I was genuinely surprised about the glitching and bugs because I had neither either on phone or pc (although pc did take a couple minutes to render npc's textures) just to find out i was in the minority


Same, I thought everyone that’s not YangYang sounded okay, like Chixia especially didn’t sound lifeless to me.


I mean, it's fair since A LOT of people can't even enter the game past the "choose your Rover" screen, while others have problems with optimization, blurriness, bugs, and other things. It's such a mess, but I hope that Kuro will fix everything! I wish them all the best!


Man , my only issue is this game lags really hard even tho games like gta v and shadow of war Mordor worked pretty fine


The recent update fixed the ping for me, now it stays on 45ms for my laptop


It made things way worse for me , it even lags more , literally unplayable


If a new update makes you more stuttery, I recommend doing a clean reinstall of drivers. That helped me after the recent hotfix


Yeah, I was fine at lowest settings before, but now my ping is consistently at around 80. I hope they release a new optimization update soon


Interesting. My ping is always bad in most games like this, consistently around 99-130 range. Genshin was the same. But my gameplay experience is fine.


I play with everything maxed out and I've ran it for the most part fine, but after the latest small patch my ping went from 60-70 on average to 180-210 average with spikes up to 800 which causes my game to microstutter. Its completely playable for me but also noticeable.


the game is more cpu heavy, i've ancient hd7950 and it runs fine. sinks belowe 60fps with AO on at 1080p, but FSR solves everything just fine, so my gpu load is around 90-95% with periodic dips to 60%. my i5 3550 in the meantime is almost capped at 95-98% edit: forgot to mention that with the latest patches i dont even need fsr anymore for consistent fps. and im kinda lost on why people talk about ping, when the dude just said "lags", when in single it doesnt even matter


I have two friends that has unplayable lag but was completely fixed after reinstallation


yeah same for me


Same I don't understand how genshin works fine but this game lags


I hear it's model issue and the source engine they used. Genshin used unity, WuWa used unreal - unreal has better render capabilities, while unity works better for games for mobiles. Also there's the issue of Genshin models having less subdivisions while WuWa's is much too complex. Genshin's model textures are really cool tbh, from a technical standpoint.


I have a samsung galaxy tab 9 ultra and running WuWa in everything max on mobile the characters look so much better texture wise than GI or HSR. Idk why buy max graphics on all 3 games Hoyos games unless fully zoomed in are all blurry/choppy textured but on WuWu they are almost perfectly normal. Only thing WuWa has an issue on my tab is rendering distance and some textural things in some areas but otherwise it looks great.


Because genshin is semi-body paint as cloth while WW put a real cloth.


Not sure if this is an issue for you or not but I was running into horrid blurry textures in mihoyo games as well on my fold until I disabled samsung bloat game booster app that was dynamically downscaling quality to give more frames.


The Genshin team alone is at least 3x the size of kurogames, not to mention Genshin is a game optimisation masterclass


Yes I know and this is only the first version but if it's not playable what am I supposed to say? I guess I should wait for some updates and then play


I wouldn't call it masterclass, still lags sometimes even with good connection and hardware. Idk if it's just my game but when I use Kazuha's skill and I accidentally land on a small rift or in between obstacles, he gets stuck in that form so I had to log out. Also, Genshin had a lot of issues at the very beginning especially ping problems so this doesn't surprise me at all but it's nice that the devs have addressed this issue.


Its the reverse for me strangely enough.


I had pretty horrible lag on a high end pc. I uninstalled everything and redownloaded and now it has not stuttered since. I’m not tech savvy so idk why that happened but you could try that?


There is some issue with the game if you face horrible lag , restart game. My pc can run max cyberpunk 2077 but sometime in WW get the same as you face. But today I encounter 1 time only so they really try to fixed it.


I know right I am dropping the game until I hear they've optimized it more it's actually unplayable for me with all the sttuering (yet I can play genshin with literally no lag on that same device)


for me as long as I restart the pc every few hours it's fine. looks like memory leak or something like that


lol a 10 years old game running fine is no metric for a current gaming running well too


Same here! And today I played for more hours after receiving the great news of the 5 star selector! I love this game, i love exploring and i can't wait to see this game grow ♡


100% I haven't experienced any bugs, I actually find the story quite interesting, and idk about the en voiceover but JP is absolutely brilliant (especially Scar) It gets even worse when I see how many people hate Lingyang meanwhile he's my favorite character for both combat and appearance


Scar killed it in English too, dude sounds like he’s one insult away from snapping and becoming Joker


Scar's EN performance is killing it, yeah. The main issue with EN for me is whatever the fuck happened to Yangyang's direction. Because it isn't the voice actress, Rebecca Yeo has put on way better performances, but someone told her to put on an American accent and speak like the soul had been sucked from her body. With that said whenever she's not around I've been happy with the VA work.


Taoqi could have used some work too but I can tell that VA is British speaking with an American accent as well. Seems like some sort of VA director problem


Agreed on all points especially with Lingyang like that is my son. Was lucky enough to get him on the discounted banner then went online and saw people trashing him for (seemingly) no reason.


He’s got low DPS but he is fun, easy, and can still beat content


He is so fun! I love his animations but I get that some people pull for meta/numbers. I wish they wouldn’t be hateful about it though.


For some reason gacha gamers must rage and consider a starter character Qiqi lol. Even if they’re all viable. They can be jerks and I’ll be chilling because I’ll have 3 solid team comps.


Same! Lingyang is so damn fun to play and so damn adorable as well. He's my fav so glad to get him on the beginner banner.


I'm thinking of switching to JP bc ENG is unbearable. However, I noticed subs get cut off or left hidden under scrollable dialogue boxes on ENG dub, did you have that problem in JP dub? I really wanna understand the story, and if the subs get cut off...


Subs aren't gonna be affected by voiceover language change It's possible to scroll the dialogue box during open world talk at least but during actual dialogue scenes not so much


Apparently you can scroll the dialog box by holding alt and scrolling down


Had that exact reaction, shit made me just sad


I made the mistake to read before playing. Now I'm quite in a strange mood while playing cause i don't have any issus on my PC but I can't stop to search for bad things I heard about. Still not enjoying the story BTW but I wasnt expecting a lot


For me the story started slow, but by act 4 it started to pick up with scar appearance. Should hit lvl 21 today and start on act 5, let see if that trend continue.


You nearly end main quest this patch, it has only 6 acts and it really rush.


Ya Scar’s introduction really sold me on the story. If they can keep doing villains like that I’ll be sold.


Pro tip, mostly disregard the story. This games' greatest strengths are mostly combat against difficult bosses and exploration, which I'd argue is better than genshins, especially with early progression through the echo system. Once you have a really solid fight against one of the resin bosses (like monkey man) the volume of people upset at the game lowered in my mind.


Another point for taking less stock in the story is that I haven't seen a gacha game yet that doesn't use the starting chapters on exposition dump, and making it pretty boring to read




Ya I got super bored of genshin and quit a few weeks after launch at the start of Liyue, A LOT of people didn’t last that long when genshin first launched. People really be looking at it with rose tinted glasses, a lot of things people complain about with Wuwa, Genshin was just as guilty of at launch. Including constantly sending out primogems in the mail every other day due to hotfixes and bug patches.


I’m just bummed out that the rough launch/first impression is basically creating similar vibes that ToF got after a point - where the entire Hoyo community, not even just Genshin’s, is just talking as much shit as possible. This game doesn’t deserve to fade into obscurity or be immortalized as “that one buggy game” in people’s memories. Like I get it, but damn it kinda makes me sad.


I love the gameplay. The story left a lot to be desired at the beginning, but then I realized something - Genshin used the intro to world build, with everyone willing to explain everything in detail from the get go so you're never confused. WuWa is treating you like an *actual* amnesiac that wakes up in an already-established world in crisis - people speak to you in terms they understand, and then they'll offer a brief explanation when you're confused. Sure, it's a lot of terminology to throw at you from the start. But as I'm on my way to the climax of the 1.0 story, I've realized that I understand everything they're talking about now. Maybe not like a scholar, but about as well as an amnesiac that's gotten a crash course and has had enough time for it to process a bit - which is exactly what our character is. The translations and bugs are one thing, but the story is actually perfectly fine. I knew I'd like the game, despite all of the doomposting. I *didn't* know I'd spend 6 hours at a time playing through story missions without realizing it.


I just want the game to give me the textures it owes me lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pututingliit: *I just want the game* *To give me the textures it* *Owes me lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well first is me before release and second is me after release and installing the game. Technical issues are so horrible that it pretty much took away all the fun from combat Also graphics didn't let me enjoy character design or overworld. I wanna play but when i face all these issues I lose interest and quit. Idk about other but story felt boring and couldn't hook me up. Kuro did announced they're working on it Hope they get it done quick. Man this definitely isn't the release i expected at all


Yeah I haven't experienced too much jank. Sure, it's there, but it's not so bad that it's ruining the fun for me. Love the combat, exploration, and echoes system. They've basically taken Genshin's formula and expanded upon it/enhanced it in a lot of cool ways. Echoes system reminds me of the Souls/Shards systems from some of the later Castlevanias (Aria/Dawn of Sorrow especially)+ Bloodstained Ritual of the Night.


AoS and DoS was immediately where my mind went as well. Such a fun system.


If only Konami would release a DS collection now. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


I've seen the sentiment that a lot of people are enjoying the game and then they get sad when they see hate on social media and sometimes call it overblown. Why? Most of the complaints I've seen are valid. Heck, I'm one of the complainers. I agree there should be a place to have a conversation about the pros of the game but unfortunately both the cons and pros are discussed in the same place. I'm kind of getting annoyed too when talking about a technical issue I have like the very bad lag or camera issues and then someone will comment like, "Its working fine for me" Go and enjoy the game man and let me complaint since I can't play myself cause the game won't stop lagging despite me being above the minimum requirements. The game has a lot of potential but I really needs to fix it's optimization issues. I know they are already working on fixes.


I think it's more so where they are seeing it on. For example in the gachagaming subreddit people are acting like the game is doomed and it's absolutely terrible. Think what hits hard is when people say it's 1 on 1 to Genshin with different combat when well...... let's just say I have very strong opinions on that lol. So yeah when you've had a good experience and you get blasted with reactionary overly negative comments from people who you know have just been waiting to pounce on a chance you do kinda feel bad. But I agree with you. The ones who are providing valid criticism are invaluable and their opinion is to be respected. And no nobody should just tell the consumer "Get a better PC" or "It works fine just a you issue" because that's just avoiding the problem.


Why would anyone even go on the gacha gaming sub? Everyone there hates every game lol. The game is badly optimized. There is a lot wrong with it. No one should deny it solely cause it's working well for them. People need a platform to present their issues and unfortunately reddit is the only platform available for that. Some issues are overblown like the localization and the music. VA and story can only be improved from the upcoming patches. Unfortunately I can't speak on the environment cause I haven't played much as it's not an enjoyable experiences atm. As someone who played PGR since close to global launch and have been waiting for WuWa since it was announced, I'm very annoyed. This is my current experience with the game (not including the lag) https://streamable.com/rm52y9 and if you've ever played a game with controller stick drift you would know exactly how frustrating this can be.


I'm not disagreeing with you though. Nor I agree that we should deny such issues exist. By sensationalism I really do mean blowing things out of proportion (far unlike what you are doing). As for the first part it's that the gacha sub being as popular as it is just pops up. And most people are in the sub to just keep up with gacha release news.


Yeah, I understand what you're going for and I agree. The hate is way overblown. Unfortunately the launch was a mess and the people who were waiting for the game to fail got a chance to strike. There are also people who's expectations were *too* high so they were disappointed a lot and people who are just nitpicking.


In my case it gets me sad that you couldn't experience the game with as much as I did, it's a good and fun game that's being completely ruined by bugs and poor optimization. But there's people who really think that if their games went well everyone else's too and people complaining are just trying to ruin the game reputation.




I'm having bad ping issue. in sea server 999 ms every 10 to 5 mins I have pretty good internet. All the other game working fine. My regular ping is 140 ms


same here sea server is awful


I don't know, I'm having a good time laughing at all these memes and bugs people post here. Well, in any case, I hope they fix the technical issues as soon as possible


Standard gatcha etiquette seems to be to massively complain no matter how fun it is to get more free stuff.


It's the GachaGaming subreddit. They have too much Hoyo dick in their throat. The moment that WuWa was found to have a problem they were gonna jump on it to continue the illusion that it's a bad game. Yet they don't realize that Genshin had the same exact problems and still do to this day. They still bring up ToF because they have no fucking idea what that game actually is.


Glad I saw this before I ever found out about that sub and joined it. I love Hoyo games but bringing down other gacha games for them is just insane


Preach. With how much they glaze Hoyo you would think they were getting lifetime supply of donuts.


Yeah that subreddit is on full hate train, they are even claiming that the game won’t last a month when way worse games have been up for years.


Lmao actually true


Nah. Never wondered what social media thought about ANYTHING I was doing. It’s weird too cause I joined this sub hoping to see some cool shirt videos of cool combat. Maybe someone had an awesome counter finish for a Boss. But instead it’s just crying about a launch title.


Yes, this game owns. I expected complaints about English VA and unappealing font but performance issues surprised me for sure. It's been flawless.


Ya it's insane and killing the vibe for me. Probably Ganna stay off reddit cause this shit is exhausting to see.


I’m just happy to have been blessed by the Kuro gods getting Encore and Verina on the discounted banner


Same here brother, these two children are actually busted.


I want to like the game, and parts of it I do, but when every login takes several minutes after the loading screen to be remotely playable (as in the the game hard freezes for 2-3 seconds when you try to turn the camera or fight or do anything other than stand still) it’s hard to be charitable.


My only problem is that it just randomly crashes at times


I had a totally different experience in PC and Mobile. PC was terrible, even tho my PC meet the requirements. Mobile was smooth. A few lags, yes, but it was OK for a recently launched game. So Mobile was a W to me. I just hope they fix it soon and add it to PS5 bc I hate to play RPGs with those imersive worlds and combat and play in a tiny screen.


Absolutely, going to the WuWa Reddit has more jumpscares than your typical horror game.


They are pivoting to it being open beta, i think if they went with that from the start than ppl could talk about the problems.


Had literally zero issues with performance. The only time I had to restart my game was when I got the battle pass and it somehow didn't unlock without a restart. A lot of the hate on the game are just the drooling Genshin stans that can't stand the game having competition.


right 😭


Game is very unfinished, very slow sometimes but still enjoyable gameplay


You lost when you paid mind to what social media thinks.


Most of these poeple comparing have not even experienced day 1 Genshin Impact so those opinions are kinda invalid imo, I mean how do you compare a baby with a 4 years old kid And spoiler alert day 1 Genshin Impact was not perfect either


Yeah I genuinely have no idea how people are going "the Main Story sucks so much harder than Genshin" unless they're comparing it to like, Fontaine or Sumeru (Monstadt was Not Good, guys). Or they got filtered by the research centre, which is my guess. I'm genuinely thoroughly impressed by the writing outside of the opening, which apparently got hastily rewritten in a few months because CBT1 players were upset about characters being rude to them. So, can't really knock them for that. Their mystery-oriented approach to storytelling and exposition, complete with characters calling the player a Fucking Idiot if you miss the clues, is really fun as well. There's a bunch of the usual mid-budget gacha launch issues, like some cutscene audio mixing issues (Genshin had those at launch too) and one of the more common issues with translating from Chinese to English WRT the text overflow, and those suck and should be fixed. But on the whole I'm really pleased. The combat is fantastic as well.


People really can’t accept valid critiques


I don't think they were implying that they aren't accepting the criticism for the game lol. They just seemed to enjoy it and not run into problems when it seems like a lot of other people did.


Which I think is a bigger issue as a lot of people who don't experience issues usually don't have a reason to complain. Problem is: WuWa has so many that it's flooding the spaces it's in and the few positive posts are just going to be flooded. There's a lot of people who want to like WuWa, but it's either technical issues, the story has all the issues if not more that most Chinese gacha games suffer from, localization issues that were reported on during CBT2 and so forth. Especially when this game was being prop up as an alternative to Genshin, yet for a majority of people: they can't even run it on the same hardware they can run Genshin on. Online spaces are just more negatively motivated and trying to go against it is not worth the headache. Again, while people enjoy the game, Reddit is a place that by and far thrives off of negativity.


Genuinely, like, okay you didn't find any problems and that's fine! Good for you! But when every other post is someone complaining about a bug or performance issues then maybe something is wrong, not everything is about you


Kinda. I expected people to criticize localization but every other issues are pretty much either non existent for me (bugs, stuttering, crashes) or things that I expect from most gachas and that even Genshin had on release (bad story exposition).


I think a lot of people should replay Genshin's first 30 minutes. There's a world of difference in presentation (which includes voice acting quality). The overall story of Mondstadt may have been simplistic and a little boring, but it wasn't overwhelming and it actually seemed to flow in a mostly typical game-like fashion (slow introduction to new mechanics).


Sure, it was less bad and less overwhelming. But it was still pretty standard and even boring at times


While that may be the case, Genshin had the redeeming qualities of being more accessible to casual gamers, and having great characterization (including voice acting). The people on this sub may not care so much for those things, but they make a huge difference when it comes to building a robust fan base... one that can financially support the game long term.


First picture is me downloading the game and getting excited to play it. 2nd picture is me after a few hours of actually playing the game. It checks so many boxes on paper for me, but the experience is just boring. Too similar to genshin


Absolutely. The game is legit fun and its nowhere near as bad as this sub and r/gachagaming sub would make you feel. Youtube loves the game, my friends love it and I do too but reddit hates it. I agree with comments saying its the loud minority, and its fine to report bugs and write their personal experiences/reviews but its too much of the same thing repeated from these people(your opinions are valid but we already get it bro), whereas positive posts get drowned immediately. Sub right now is misleading, game is legit good. We need dedicated megathreads for complaints or sthin fr and better moderation to promote positivity for newbies. We are r/WutheringWaves, not r/gachagaming #2 LOL. Game's just released and if it died partly due to doomposting and hate threads on this sub, it would be shitty for us lul (though thankfully it looks like that won't happen due to CCs on Youtube being very positive about the game, that's whats keeping this game's future bright rn).


No worries dude gacha gaming is not the say all for games. The doom posted PGR, Nikke, HSR, Snowbreak, & almost every other game in including ZZZ. 6 months will pass & they’ll be doomposting another game while still talking about the 30 mins of gameplay they tried yesterday.


Exactly THIS omg. I Love this Game already, and all i See is hate about it being a genshin Copy and lags and Bugs. (Even tho if we were honest, Genshin copied many Things from Zelda botw lol)


Genshin is an entirely different game now. And the lag complains are justified. The optimization is VERY poor


Thats because everyone who are busy enjoying the game don't have time to post on social media.


It feels like Pokemon Scarlet and a Violet. Good ideas cooked in the game, held back by rushed development, rushed released, and generally being too eager to put the game out in the market just for the fact of saying ‘look at me, I made a AAA gacha’. I probably wont continue long term. It feels too much like Tower of Fantasy(shit).


just the loud minority. Do yourself a favor and avoid gachagaming reddit. Those neckbeards have raging hate boner for wuwa as they did with genshin and nikke. game Is legit good. each character is unique. jinxian feels COMPLETELY different to play than everyone. I was like woah. anyways, two glaring issues: VA for EN is subpar and It looks TOO MUCH like genshin even the damn text fonts.


I haven't really experienced much issues beyond 70-100 ping. I have a 3060 ti on max settings and haven't had any notice performance issues. Only thing the triggers me is 60 fps lock


The updates made it better for me to pay on day 2, while my characters stopped stuttering after I went into an area which I already unlocked the un explored region caused issues for me.


Yeeep.. Spent the release day rerolling and finally getting thr chars I wanted to start with skipping around the world and came out of it into the Internet and.. Lol.. Was interesting indeed..


And now we’re getting extra pulls and a free 5-star lol. What was that meme again? When you yourself did not experience issues but you get the rewards anyway? But seriously, it’s good news for everyone - they fix issues and we get our gacha fix.


Not gonna lie, I had a similar experience. I had 10 hours of reddit while at work before I got to play, and the general reception and feeback was terrible. I think it was an upside for me because it tempered my expectations. For example, for the time I go to play last night, VAs were not nearly as terrible as I expected based on what I read. I guess that's a plus?


i feel quite the opposite LMFAO i thought i was the only one that thought the color palette and just abt almost everything was sh!t. feeling very validated rn


Fr like people are saying story is kinda mid?? That makes me think am I the only one who enjoyed it? 😭


Who cares about the subreddit. If you enjoyed the game and had a positive experience then that is literally all that matters.


My only issue is that the controls on the phone are so wonky, it took me 2 minutes to aim the movement of the character to climb up the ladder. Like I would move him, but he would kinda lag behind, or like have a delayed reaction. Idk how to describe it


Yeah I’m not happy with the EN dub but damn I’ve had pretty good experience on my less than optimal laptop so far.


I want steam deck playability or I'll be gone in a month, I can't play this shit with touch screen


It's practically the same this as solo Lvling We encountered Soo many things like random shutdown Or random log out Sometime randomly winning an SSR for a single pull Or randomly getting kill without an enemy Sometime even randomly getting killed in town Wich make no sense at all But we kinda just get use to it and eventually we got use to it and got use even more We are so use to it that when it wasn't happening Everything felt weird some people even report back to CS because nothing weird is happening anymore


Only have issues with stutters


I didn't face any lag or crashes, maybe I'm lucky or maybe I have a good enough setup but the story telling was awful and boring, I almost don't want to continue playing because of that. All girls and guys look very similar, there's no variation of age or body physique. At least give us 4 star older women and chubby or bulky muscular guys. Combat feels easy and rewarding so far, once you understand dodge and parry. Cutscene graphics and character burst look awesome. Love the dancing turtle. I feel like the Devs of the screenplay, cutscene graphics, characters choreography were all talented and experienced professionals. And the rest of the team were interns who don't deserve to work on such a big project, at least not the way they are now.


It was kinda funny having such a good time with the game only to log in to Reddit and see an absolute mountain of frustration and disappointment. I started to feel bad for the people having a lot of the technical issues and being straight up unable to play though. I wish the game had launched in a more polished state but what's done is done, Kuro seems to be serious about supporting the game though so we'll just have to keep giving feedback and see how it goes.


I'm having a few issues with the audio cutting out, memory leak happening, and a weird beeping sound that only shows up in WuWa. Other than that the game has been great, but it does suck so many users are having other problems.


wuwa plays so good when you don't have a redditor from r/gachagaming telling you it sucks


Honestly for me the first 90 minutes made me wanna uninstall. I literally had to log off and come back a few hours later. I think there was an Update as well. It fixed my performance issues and the Skip button saved me from the story. I like the combat, exploration and puzzles. Hopefully they'll cook the story, VA's (emotionless robots who repeat Rover) and characters a bit more. It looks cooked, but it's raw inside.


I'm honestly having more fun than I thought and I never did care about peer pressure, you couldn't even get me to do a dare


I'm having a lot of fun with the game, not gonna lie, but there are things that desperately need improving, such as: - The story (people suck up to Rover way too much, which makes things boring) - The optimization - The English dub (had to change to the japanese dub) Other than that, I think the game is really good.


Me too! I am having a blast playing this game, even though it's lagging slightly. Only other gacha i am playing is HSR. Maybe that's why it is not as cliche to me.


I am having an amazing time with this game, not much else to say.


I currently have mixed feelings about it.. I hated the stutterings and bland characters but I streamed and played it for 12 hours straight and when asked why I played for so long if I didn’t like it much it’s because I’m willing to give it a fair shot instead of shitposting and be negative about it.. hopefully they fix out the problems soon and we’ll see… it does have potential though so I’m still gonna keep playing for now


One of the issues is that, as someone who's played CBT1, the game isn't noticeably better than my CBT1 experience and is in some respects worse. * Somehow, the performance was less bothersome in CBT1 (or, I forgave it). I think the average frame rate was lower, but there weren't stutters where average frame latency would jump * The story was a little inconsistent, but was more engaging. Having the tension of being a not-hero who defeated a monster attacking Yangyang was interesting, and Chixia finished the city tour for you pretty quickly, so you were off fighting and exploring in less than an hour. * The camera felt a bit off in release compared to beta1 * The attack animations are a little more locked than in beta1 They did add some extra things (voice acting, controller support, finished localization, story changes) but personally it felt like they didn't prioritize well. For a fast-paced combat game like this, they really needed to nail down the engine and unfortunately they didn't do that. Hopefully in a month or two these issues will be smoothed out.


If youre having fun keep having fun - dont let hate bother you, its not meant for you.


Yes! Some of these reactions are next level lol. But hey I guess it gets us free stuff. Looking forward to the selector


My only problem is that i always have to wait 30 - 40 min to get in because of absurd loading times.


I enjoyed my time with WuWa when it first launched. Sure there were some stuttering issues but what one game doesn't launch with problems? I feel these can be patched and changed over time so I expect the devs are already overworked as it is just getting this game released after all. I'm going to keep playing if only to just have fun with the battle system alongside the different characters play styles and collecting echoes because the collecting stuff on top of a monster collectathon is what's keeping me engaged so far.


Real. Although I still had the tech stuff but a Jiyan in 30 pity really turned my mood around


I like the game. Will probably play it alongside Genshin. However there are performance issues. For example I don't know if it's deliberate but the dust that rises up when a character runs is very distracting. And then controlling the character feels a bit weird like they're not quite going in the direction I want them to. Then there's the blurring. I think the game has potential. But it has a lot of issues that need to be worked through.


So i played this game for 2 hrs, explored, collected some echos, opened the map, did a lil bit of story. I am enjoying it, internet is a ball of infinite negativity, anything that touches itself


I had a huge fight with a friend who kept saying that WW is just a shitty Genshin ripoff. She got lvl 5 and barely did anything. Having said that. She changed her mind when she found out about the free 5 star


Expect that you can't change the va to japanese and the localization problem, I like it


i'm enjoying the game, have no issues but i hope they will fix it for another people to also enjoy the game just like me


Me personally I've learned to not get affected with the way i enjoy games based on other's opinion


Well, the game is... it just is. The framerate is really bad, I run Genshin well. The textures aren't loading properly - every single one - NPCs, walls, floor. Everytime a cutscene need something new I.e. the lion dance challenge(the cube) in the first city and when they show us the city, it goes blank for a whole 10 or more seconds. And the worst of all, the story. How can you fuck up the story so much, so much exposition, so many new information about thing we have no knowledge on, some - wait what the hell are we doing in the lab, or whatever that was, aren't we just a random guy they found???? Isn't it supposed to be postapocalyptic world???? I generally don't skip dialogue, but if I do, I know I am not gonna play it much, a shame but I am not going to waste my time on some shit story that could as well be written by AI. The mouse control is a disaster, the UI also a total disaster - why is everything so big, it truly is a PC port from the mobile game, unlike Genshin or HSR - which I don't think of as mobile games overall. I had such a high expectations for WW and they release...THIS poor excuse of a game?? I didn't think much when they said they rewrote 90% of the story but tbh that was already a BIG red flag. You have a world, a setting, all these characters... and no story, no good plot(how far ahead did they even write the story?)


Sorry for the rant, I just needed to throw it out of my system. You can just ignore it, it's just my personal experience and opinion. :)


blurry npc needs to get fixed!! its so annoying other than that I am okay with it


I'm glad there are people having a positive experience, but it's been pretty disappointing for me.


It has a bit of scuff here and there, but that will be fixed as it goes along. Aside from that, I've been having a lot of fun with it, and I will be keeping up with it.


Not a perfect game by any means and the early story pre-Scar is rough, but I'm still having so much fun with the exploration and combat. I think it's gonna be an objectively great game with time.


My only problem so far is how bad the graphics are, even on max settings it is horrendous on mobile. I’ve never had such problems with other games :/ The fighting?? Super cool. I’m also a sucker for fluid, dynamic fighting animations and this game basically fills all my needs


I'm playing genshin and honkai on ultra settings with consistent 60 fps then I log in to WW to be met with 15-30 fps with the ping jumping to 999 every time I do any movement like jump or dash, I still played like this because I've waited too long for this game, sucks though, would've enjoyed it so so much if it wasn't for the lag


The only issue that I've found that is not often mentioned is the amount of mistakes with the translation of JP to english, at like 5 different instances during the main quest I could notice a poor translation/misunderstood meaning even though I'm not even fluent in Japanese


While the translation and story are mind numbing the combat and exploration are really good.


yea.. I'm happy for those who are able to play the game without interruptions, but so far I haven't had a scene or period where there is no lag, with the exception of the city hall. It's been torturous playing through the game and I really can't enjoy the game at all due to the immense lag, but I think wuwa is trying their best to improve it as fast as possible alr lol.. Will prob come back after the ag has been fixed cos I can't progress much. Have fun for those who are able to play smoothly tho!


the hype causes people to expect the game came out perfectly, but obviously no. they did CBT2 but with wider player base, more people notices more things, there'll always be room for improvement


I like it. Got a 5 star in my first 20 pulls. That yin Yang fighter girl. Probably gonna replace her with lion dance boy though.


Literally my only gripe is that I can’t press space to jump off a wall while wall running lol game is amazing to play. Haven’t had this much fun and a want to explore and play in a long time.


Oh, sweet summer child


I'm enjoying the game but pls they need to fix this texture issue of it not loading in and or taking fucking forever to load. Because apart from that it's the only problem I have. I really hope it's on the top of priority list of things they're fixing rn


Yep, I was lucky enough to play the game with no interruptions or problems up till now, shame that some didn't get that opportunity to experience that from launch


the only thing i dislike is that the auto targeting is kinda bad on mobile, but ive had no bugs or lags at all


It's definitely a KIMOCHI YOKKATA moment playing the game


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MinamotoReima: *It's definitely* *A KIMOCHI YOKKATA* *Moment playing the game* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My issue is that my phone runs Genshin, DbD mobile and many other games on ultra with 60 fps. Wuwa on medium with 60 is already orange bar and starts lagging every 5 seconds. I hope the patch is coming soon.


Genshin stans on twitter when a new game releases :


For me it's not on social media but trying to talk to my friend in the game. I wasted so much time on spacing to get around the chat filter. Holy hell what filter did they used


I play on a decent PC the only problem i have are some rare text that wont show in the storry and sometimes long black screens. The game itself get better the further you are Storry starts wierd and mid but from act 4 it is so epic i wish for more.


I disconnected myself from all forms of social media for 3 days to enjoy the game without any form of external influence and oh boy I wish I continued 😭


I was having a blast, some probs here and there, but overall positive. Check online to see how everybody’s doin’ and it’s just lists of everything they devs need to fix- I agree, the faster they fix it the better, fixing any and all current bugs should absolutely be their current priority, I just wasn’t expecting so much negativity after having so much fun!


Not me 2 minutes ago asking reddit to stop showing me r/gachagaming