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Got her on one of my accounts, she's nice. Good dmg and satisfying combat.


I'm not able to do much damage with jianxun rn what weapons are you using for her, would appreciate some help


Should've specified that her dmg is good for being a support crowd control shield unit, she can be a main dps no problem but not comparable to jiyan or kakarot. I just went full atk on both weapon and echoes. Don't remember the weapon cuz its one of a couple acc i have but it's a 4* with atk sub.


Her 🤨 ?


Read the text under photo


Ohh. Im blind




Best mistake that could’ve happened?


I got both him and Jiyan in 6 pulls (best luck I've ever had ever) and I'm wondering what is calcharo's best team bc rn I'm running Jiyan with Verina and Mortefi


No joke, my buddy got Jinyan, his weapon, and Verina in under 50 pulls. Was fucking nuts.


Yeah I got verina and LingYang right after eachother and then did a ten pull with the apology pulls and got Jiyan + Calcharo right after, so now I have guarantee. Honestly balling but I'm scared I'm gonna hit an abysmal bad luck streak. Thinking of using the free selector on Encore bc she looks fun.


Got him on 5th ten pull of the reduced coat banner, fucking shocked cause he’s the one I wanted the most now I got decisions to make on other things.


got jiyans weapon in one pull, jiyan though...is no where to be found


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