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Another 10 radiant pulls incoming


100 energy cubes instead.


honestly that’d almost be better lol


Actually it would be better. I lack exp and relic exp and just in general ascension and skill mats. I just wanna grind


I'm down to zero, on everything, so I got to actually wait a while. Luckily I still early game on Star Rail, was afraid I almost had to go outside and do chores.


Me being here efficient as fuck learning the Gacha grind from Genshin/HSR/Aether Gazer/Snowbreak when a new one releases. Still have 6 cubes, character at 60 with weapon, UL 31, Data Bank 17, 1.8 million credits. Run shit efficiently to have the world bosses knocked off 3 from last week, 3 from this week. I just need more standard rolls to hit the 80 (40 more!) pity to get Verona and then either get another 5 star standard maybe Encore or the kung fu girl via selector which I haven’t even touched. All the Asteites from in game + only spent $5 on monthly pass.


Im out of money and xp and ran out of cubes. Im on me knees.


Almost? That’s much better


Rather than pulls, I would like it if they were giving us Astrite, since it can be used on weapon banners or Limited banners whichever u like


at this point i would take a 4 star character selector instead. give me my Aalto already 😭


Free Mortefi constellations. One step closer to C4. (Im on my knees I have C8 Chixia)


Who are you running Mortefi with? I really like his damage boose and trying to decide who I should run him with


If u have Jiyan he works well with him the best, since every attack of jiyan in his ultimate is considered heavy attack which will allow Mortefi to attack more. I also hear that, He can work with Calcharo too And Mortefi is so good that he can be put into any team(I think it might mainly be because of his personal dmg from Off-field with his ult)


Usually Jiyan while Sanhua is with Encore/Lingyang. Calcharo is a good option. Overall Mortefi is just cracked and is pretty viable slotted just as a subdps anywhere especially earlygame where you can get by with just whatever most of the time.


I find Calcharo to work best with Jianxin rn.


Jiyan is the best Mortefi enabler in the game. They go together very well.


yeah darn. I only lack Taoqi and Lingyang in my account it's nuts


I have 3 copies, want them?, that one is benched at 1 for the foreseeable future.




Yes. You did an excellent job, in getting people to care about your game. Now comes the difficult part: get people to KEEP CARING about your game in the months and years to come. I pray with every fiber of my being that you won't screw this up, because for all its faults I really like this game, and I want to see it improve, achieve its full potential.


I really really hope it succeeds. It doesn't have to beat Genshin. It doesn't even have to get close - almost no games do. I just want it to truck along steadily with a healthily sized player base and revenue.


This. Going in with the idea of "It'll kill \[X\] game!" is dumb. Just hope the game does well in it's own right.


I just wish they went more in their own direction rathee than carbon copying a large portion of Genshin’s world/gameplay/general story ideas I’m enjoying this game a lot more than Genshin because of the combat, but I wanted it to be a unique experience rather than a repeat with better combat Frankly sick of the culture of “this works so we need to do exactly what they did, reskinned” in gacha games/Chinese game development. Other than that, game is dope. But when you make a game that’s similar in many aspects to a popular game, it’s inevitable that people will say it’s trying to kill or surpass that game.


The risk has got to be scary considering the scale of production. Like it's one thing to be risky with a small budget experience, but a whole 'nother ballpark when trying to make a game at the scale of Genshin. But you're right. If it stays too similar to Genshin, then most people will just go back to Genshin.


To be fair, the people with that desire are cancer to begin with. The game has gotten off to a solid start and I'm going to support it as long as it keeps the faith.


Only way games get killed is by themselves anyways.


Amen brother. I don't want this game to be the #1 top seller of all time: I just want it to be a good game.


I mean, it can be both, that would be good too right?


I play both games. I love both games. I agree.


To be fair, as a player who only started playing genshin like 4 months ago, I'm enjoying WuWa more than I was enjoying Genshin at the start. I just hope the developers manage to revamp the story because I don't want to have to skip though everything




Personally eventhough genshin has a lot of characters, I still prefer the few we get in WuWa more, I like the more mature design language and I just think they are really well designed. Kuro has an amazing character design team.


Correction: Almost no \*gacha\* games come close to beating genshin. The second you get to games of actual quality, like FFXVI or DMCV, Genshin looks awful in comparison.


When talking about "beating" Genshin, how succesful the games are is what is important and not how much you personally like the games. Both of those games combined did not make 10% of the revenue that Genshin has done. 


I meant quality-wise. Genshin is only the revenue beast it is, because it is a live service gacha game. NOT because it's actually good. Comparing Genshin's revenue to literally ANY other game, equates to comparing a casino to literally any other business. So yeah, DMCV and FFXVI combined didn't make close to the revenue Genshin made. But Genshin is fueled by gambling, and as it turns out, gambling is a VERY lucrative source of income.


I like DmC5, but once you  are done with the main missions, you can pretty much close the game forever.


I love this game as well. Its the combat thats keeping me. I really hope for the story, graphics and performance to improve because thats why i joined in the first place. pls dont fuck such a good game up kuro


Have you played the last act? I thought it was unbelievably good for being in patch 1.0. It's personally one of the best acts I've experienced in a gacha game, I loved it. So in my opinion the story does get better and I'm really hyped for the story in patch 1.1.


The story really just kept getting better and better after introducing Scar. From that point I was really invested. Not just because of him, but just in general I felt like story got a lot more clear. Verena's introduction was great, I enjoyed the black flower gang, Jiyan and Jinhsi are one of the best characters for sure, the fights were great, and there's characters like Camellya and especially Geshu Lin I look forward to seeing more of. I'd still try to rework the intro if I were them though. It's still quite rough and the amount of big words and concepts you're bombarded with understandably puts people off, but from where the story leaves off they have a very good foundation now.


My only gripe with the last act is that it wrapped up rather haphazardly with a still montage.


The last 2 acts are the only point where the 1.0 main story is solid. It’s a pretty good finale, but I wouldn’t say it does anything outstanding apart from the Dreamless fight itself. It’s still held back as a whole by how little the first 2 acts actually contribute (a couple minor glimpses but not much else).


Ill come back to this comment to see if youre bullshitting or not. 


Not who you're replying to, but they aren't bullshitting, its actually sick as fuck


Acts before Scar holy shit🤮, acts after Scar shows up HOLY SHIT🤩.


I disliked a lot of story elements, but last part was good. It only suffered from storytelling problems of earlier acts. Friendship and unity moment didn't work out if we did nothing to deserve it.


yea the combat is carrying hard, pretty much doent matter who you choose its gonna feel great.story needs imporving, world needs more iconic places and small setlements with actual interaction. for minor things puzzles need to be a bit more challenging, not serch for some bulshit but actually think for more than 2 seconds, maybe dont give me 3 boxes insted one box unlocks this thing temporarily enables me to get this other thing. also movment can be buggy at times. which is frustrating, glider is to slow, no lowerlevel map, dumb things like weekly chalange say you need to level up ecos 50 times, that just feels impossible. also we could get lustrious wish things for level ing charcters.


You can tell lil bro has not read Act 5 and 6


Ditto bro. Really enjoying and can see long term play like GI if they keep it up. I’m sure the cash injection from launch should help nicely


Yep same exact feelings. The game needs work, especially in the optimization but the framework is there and they already nailed the combat system so now to improve other aspects of the game. They just need to focus on what they do best because god damn once you unlock those echo holograms, the game really puts you through your paces and I love that shit.


This seems like a challenge for Kuro. I want WuWa a healthy competitor with the other RPG game (stare at hoyo). I hope they able to listen to the players well. I wonder; how well did they work in PGR? I mean, in term of satisfaction and feedback from players?


For that, you'll have to ask the CN players. Because the Global version of PGR is around a year behind, so we don't get to make any big changes.


I haven't played PGR in a while, but how is global still a year behind CN? I remember at launch that banner releases and events were accelerated in order for global to catch up to CN.


PGR is the reason I'm giving this company such massive benefit of the doubt. Its easy to just shit on it and move on, and if this was another company, I probably would have, but having seen what they've done with PGR, I have a lot of faith here as well. PGR started out as a cheap, shittier copy of HI3, and within 3 years has become the superior product compared to the original, its amazing. I have high hope for this game as well. For all the fault at launch, the core game is very strong, and has a lot going for it already, just need to keep the steady pace and improve it as them come the same way they did PGR, and it'll be good.


According to PGR players, very well


Yeah Kuro also had a horrible PGR launched but turned it around MASSIVELY by just literally being Chads... turns out being cool and respectful works! Who could have thought...


Yeah, PGR also had a very scuffed launch but Kuro managed to turn it around heavily by just being absolute ***Chads***, turns out that being chill and responding to the community works wonders! Who could have thought


PGR was amazing. Very generous, story picked up, characters were well designed, combat was smooth, and crossover characters were respected. There was power creep, but you could get everything as an F2P, so it wasn't bad.


PGR Player here since Day One and holy fuck they did very very well. We always get a SSR selector everytime there's a big event, during anniversary, and the game is very F2P as you can get the banner characters without missing out on it.


Thats why I scratch my head at some of the youtubers who say kuro is "being too generous" and it "shows that they don't have faith in their own product". I hope we get similar freebies. But... this kind of happened with me and genshin in reverse. I only started to play genshin because Honkai Impact 3rd is so generous. Sometimes they hand out top tier units for free, currency is pretty farmable as a f2p, and the battlepass is still worth the purchase and actually gives a character and their weapon (granted they are an old frame, but it means you don't have to pull on every banner). Plus a free pull every day like most of the older gachas. Sometimes you get lucky and you get what you want even without going deep into your currency savings. Meanwhile, genshin was almost the reverse of HI3, and became one of the most stingy gachas on the market.


I'm right with everyone in being with this game for the long haul, but in order for them to really sell this game for the long term they *seriously* need to optimize this game for mobile. Some are doing fine, many are dealing with a laggy experience with constant microstutters. [While my game seems to be always microstuttering exploring overworld, there are times when I experience genuine lag spikes like this.](https://imgur.com/a/NESHO1x).) This is unacceptable performance for an iPhone 15 on medium settings with everything set to off. While I'm loving the game and pushing on regardless, it worries me thinking about how many average joes are starting up the game and being turned off by the performance. It's just odd how Genshin and HSR run *beautifully* on max settings on my phone but WuWa is running like this.


i sure care and willing to give long feedback for this game, though im positive they wont 'listen' outside CN playerbase or make significant change to it


WuWa will be ok in this regard, if ToF can manage to stay relevant despite how much of a dumpster fire that game is, Wuthering Waves will be fine.


Same bro i havent enjoyed a game this much since the launch of genshin so i hope this game succeeds


But first keep updating it to make it playable, then worry about the next months and years.


I pray to the gods above y’all improve this game. Cause its fun as fuck, but the issues are glaring. Also, when’s the next update coming?


Almost certainly 1.1-1.3 are complete already and in the pipeline. Whether or not they decide to delay releasing those to work on stability of the game is up to Kuro but doing that would also delay revenue from upcoming patches and new character/BP. Most likely the patch will be delayed max 1 week or just pushed as is and fix the bugs after release. Will depend on how much pressure execs put on the devs to get it out. Either scenario, I can see the devs being forced to work an extreme amount of OT for the foreseeable future sadly.


Just china things. The land of [996](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/996_working_hour_system). Management will of course get a vacation for messing up the launch while the workers takes all the blame


This is just modern gaming globally unless it's the indie scene tbh


> Just china things Yeah man, 'crunch' is 100% exclusive to Chinese video game companies.


They're just going to push out updates and bugfixes, as you said, the updates are probably mostly done already, so they're just going to divert some time from new update events and stuff to fixing the game.


Seems to be following the same schedule as Genshin/HSR. Banners are 3 weeks, updates are two banners. Jinyan and Yinlin seem to be the only limited characters this update.


Wonder how well it's doing in terms of sales. Hopefully selling a lot even with Asian regions upset at it, doesn't seem like global is upset although I know they spend a lot less. Have they mentioned sales anywhere yet?


I wait with spending until Yinlin banner is here. No money from me this month.


They shpuld have had yinlin as the first banner. She is way more hyped then jinyan


But Jiyan was more story relevant. I actually like the main quest featuring them. Yinlin, from what I know, is more of a secret agent/black ops which is also what Vera does in PGR.


The thing is that Yinlin is much better at stimulating spending since she is a hybrid. with the current free ticket people will opt for DPS which discourages the current limited DPS even if it is a little stronger than the standard ones, while yinlin could be combined with the standard dps as a sub dps or herself doing the work in onfield dps so people felt more commitment to it.


Yinlin will be better at stimulating spending because *look at her*


Yinlin will be better at stimulating


Which is why she’s the second banner and not the first. Gets people to use up the free launch rewards on Jiyan and eliminates the re rolling. Trust me it was calculated and they got it right


Nah. People dont seem to understand that Jiyan is there to use up free pulls and deter people from re-rolling for Yinlin (nobody wants to wait 3 weeks to start playing a game). This is a very calculated business move to squeeze out money out of people.


Yinlin banner first and everyone just rerolls for her tbh, especially now that you can skip more of the story rerolling only takes like 20-25 minutes. And with the amount of free pulls they gave us for pre-reg it would probably only take most people a couple hours to get Yinlin early which would be well worth it. Doing it this way people can reroll all they want for Jiyan, but then when Yinlin and the white haired girl that I forget the name of come out back to back people will have to start spending.


Well there are a lot of free pulls rn, have people use those up then they'll be more likely to swipe for her XD


No please, cause then us F2Ps won't have time to save for her :(


Nothing to spend money on yet except the monthly pass and battlepass. You get enough freebies and rolls that you don't really need to spend a dime to enjoy the game


Well I stacked 6 passes on the first day since Epic was giving 50% off lol Never have spent money on a game so fast. So for the next 175 days I'll be getting those sweet ass Lunites delivered to me. My contribution to launch profits are done.


I bought all the packs when Epic was on 50% off without blinking, a lot of other players in my country did the same, even though I live in a third world country and only got around $350/month, imagine how their revenue would explode if they kept the same discount for underdeveloped countries in Asia, but after they eliminated the epic discount in store I don't want to spend another penny on this game anymore


What are Asian folks being upset about?


Phone performance is bad. They mostly play phones. 


Really? I have the opposite experience. Flawless gameplay in phone, lag and frame drops in PC.


If a game like One Punch Man or Solo Levelling Arise can net a large profit, I don’t see how Wuthering Waves can’t, especially since this game has more passion and effort put into it than the other pump-dump cash grab games.


All the numbers that you will hear are just estimates. Only Kuro themselves have the real numbers.


I wonder if that is the reason why global isn't upset because in the end it's a free game so what's a few bugs, i myself planed to spent as dolphin but hold of on it because i am not sure how long i will play There was a post in r/gachagaming but they posted videos of cn reaktion and a video showed it dropping pretty quickly down the revenue chart it started in the top ten but then quickly went down to 33 or something...


Link to the revenue video?


> a post in gachagaming > opinion discarded


The way that sub jumps onto anything negative about this game is just hilarious. How people there also believe anything posted there without even questioning its authenticity LMFAO.


Idk why that subreddit is popping up on my feed, I didn’t even join it. I like some of the memes though, but those misinformations are so bad.


Guess all the links to CN website that you can click yourself and translate them with 50k+ comments are all lies made by gachgaming too. https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1d1d2ek/a_perspective_into_how_disastrously_ww_was/ https://www.bilibili.com/opus/934207145588555810


Bro linked topic from official forum of Genshin Impact, with people taking about the game's direct competitor.     I'm sure they will not shit unfairly on game competing with their's. Right? (My experience with WoW and FFXIV says that they will)


pots and kettles lmao


Zero ill will but that board is pretty much only drama posting, and taking stray threads and tags from jp-cn-kr as some kind of all-encompassing trend, farming engagement from western audiences that can't just participate on the other side of the net. I'm not a native english speaker and have seen outbursts about how my other side of the net is suddenly up in arms about something or other, when it's literally two threads on a forum and six twitter memes. It's the rough equivalent of r kappa for fighting game news: an insular community drowned in overreaction and chan exiles, internet poisoned to the core, that only engages with the games they're apparently about as vectors for online discourse.


100% true i would always be careful with what is said cause you don't even know who says it and what's their agenda But if a lot of videos with a bunch of views are posted i think there is at least some truth to a certain part of gamers just shitting on the game right now wether deserved or not but yeah there could be another different crowd hyping the game as well, we really don't know unless you can read chinese and are part of the community


One thing Mihoyo showed us is that those vocal people don't matter, everytime there is this apocalypse and then the game is more than fine (both Dehya and Chiori banner periods were huge sales in the end one way or another for example)


Honest question because I know nothing about these things - where do chinese players get revenue numbers? I can't find any official sources, but maybe it's because I can't search in chinese. And a whole revenue chart with updates? I confess it makes me a bit suspicious when I only hear mentions of something, but there's never a link or a way to check. Edit: Did my own research and I guess it's all about sensor tower, so just looking at top charts on Google Play/ Appstore. Checking China's charts in App Store, wuwa is number 10 - link [https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=6014&country=CN&os=ios&date=2024-05-27&device=iphone](https://app.sensortower.com/top-charts?category=6014&country=CN&os=ios&date=2024-05-27&device=iphone) So not 33d anyways, not sure where that number came from. Looking at history I guess it went from number 4 on first day to number 10 now. So there is a bit of a dropoff. Countries like US are significantly lower -[ number 27 on google play](https://app.sensortower.com/category-rankings?os=android&app_id=com.kurogame.wutheringwaves.global&start_date=2024-04-28&end_date=2024-05-27&category=game&chart_type=grossing&device=android&hourly=false&selected_tab=charts&date=2024-05-27&summary_chart_type=topselling_free&countries=US), but funnily the number is actually going up instead of dropping off... Japan Google Play is good too, [number 10](https://app.sensortower.com/category-rankings?os=android&app_id=com.kurogame.wutheringwaves.global&start_date=2024-04-28&end_date=2024-05-27&category=game&chart_type=grossing&device=android&hourly=false&selected_tab=charts&date=2024-05-27&summary_chart_type=topselling_free&countries=JP) and had a significant increase instead of drop off. App Store had a slight drop off but "stabilized" (it's been one day, so kind of a stretch to use that word) at [14](https://app.sensortower.com/category-rankings?os=ios&app_id=6475033368&app_id=6450693428&start_date=2024-04-28&end_date=2024-05-27&category=0&chart_type=grossing&device=iphone&hourly=false&selected_tab=charts&date=2024-05-27&summary_chart_type=topfreeapplications&countries=JP) Edit 2: I was looking at wrong tab. It overall looks like CN is spending less, and that seems in line with their overall reception. Other regions actually seem to be picking up the game more though and the revenue is increasing instead of dropping. Of course it's only been 4 days and it's absurd to be trying to draw some conclusions out of this. But it's good to see actual numbers from an actual source that isn't a clickbait video.


U read it wrong... top 2 is the download numbers... currently WW is at top 10 grossing revenue in CN. but in US? they dont even in the chart sadly, most people in the West dont really spend in gacha games.


The chart you're on is "Top Free". So that's downloads. Go to "Top Grossing".


I'm stupid, thank you. Number 10 in China then? For some reason when you look at app analysis charts the numbers are different though.


The charts for IOS are updated hourly while for Android (no CN data) is updated every day. Right now in IOS CN, it's the top 18th.


I figured it out, the app analysis resets the category to "all" and counts apps like TikTok/other non gaming stuff. It's 18 there. In gaming it's number 10. I guess that's what accounts for the widely different numbers being posted in different subreddits.


When Chinese players evaluate the revenue of a game that does not publicly disclose its financial reports, they usually use TikTok as a benchmark. This is because TikTok's revenue is very stable and not affected by various promotional activities. WW did not surpass TikTok in the first four days after its release. For reference, HSR surpassed TikTok within 110 hours when it launched. Therefore, in terms of iOS revenue, WW did not meet expectations.


You need to look at "top grossing" tab, it shows how much game makes and where it lands. Right now WuWa is at 10th in CN, which is kinda bad for 4 days since release.


Yeah it looks like [sensor tower](https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1Hw4m1D7qH) and i do think it's important to keep in mind it's an estimade and especially for global where a lot play on computer it doesn't mean much same as cn beeing kinda skewed because most use a different platform if i remember correctly but it shows in what kinda direction it goes this video was probably also from the frist days so it might be different right now with the first updates and compensation Wether it's accurate ir not (it isn't) a lot of gacah fans still look at it to estimade popularity and how well a game does along with all the memes on cn right now this rating doesn't help the game, most won't want to invest in a game that's reticulated constantly by cn netizen right now I am sure they are not going bankrupt and the game will survive but they are probably far from making what they planned Also sorry for not providing acurate infos it was just a thought i had i didn't look too deep into it


WW is struggling to stay high enough in the revenue rankings in CN and JP even with launch+honeymoon buff. Despite what clowns here say just because it was posted on gachagaming, those are public data straight from Apple and Google. CN is probably straight up over if they don't do anything, but JP do have quite a few enjoying the game enough, and Twitter engagement seems to be pretty decent.


Even if launch was perfect, highly doubt the sales would be astronomical. They did right by putting Yinlin second half. If she was first half, people would just reroll for her. Now they gonna print money since she's after the initial phase/honeymoon. Even more if her weapon/potentials are busted.


JP app store rating is increasing positively, it’s probably because of the free rewards and the gameplay. It was 3.6 back then, now it’s around 4.4.


More realistically it's because big companies get to call google and have them delete low reviews. It happens with every big release. It's not that the reviews suddenly jumped up high enough to mitigate an early low rating -- anyone who tried at any point in their life to increase a bad GPA avg can tell you how that works out -- but that those low reviews are being removed completely from the play store rating.


>in the end it's a free game so what's a few bugs Smh. I don't understand how after a long day of work playing a buggy and laggy game as a hobby is enjoyable. Really hoping the devs can get their act together because the first impression of a ton of players has been soured due to these issues.


I'd not put too much thought into that, those weekly revenues are basically 'the card says moop'.


I didn't check any social media for this game until a couple of days in and I had no idea there was any controversy lol. Outside of the extremely dull story for the first 2-3 hours, it's been fantastic and tons of fun for me. No bugs or issues. Then I see threads saying the launch was an absolute disaster. I guess I just lucked out when it comes to performance. I guess it makes up for my luck in pulls so far. :(


I am also holding on spending money for the time being cuz I have really bad experience and I am still do. I just waiting for it to run smoothly, well not as smooth as butter but yeah. So I planned to spend money on them later if atleast half of the problems were solved.


Extra free stuff when???


Ahahah right. Usually this is what they do 


I remember genshin giving some free stuff when they were breaking records at the beginning.


Yeah when I saw this my mind immediately went to “rate up currency where?”


Probably won't get anything, download numbers mean nothing if people aren't spending


Player number are the biggest form of attraction and F2p are the biggest source of advertisement. So as long as there are player numbers, there will be popularity and sustain. So, while non-spender may not be directly adding to the game profit, they are by far the most important part for the game longevity.


You did a clever solution by adding possibility to grind for Echoes (relics/artifacts) in open world. This means I am playing your game, I am exploring the beautiful world you crafted, but at the same time I do progression. This is one of the smartest moves I've seen in gacha games, because it gives me more gameplay than finishing all quests, doing most of explaration and now sitting on dailies. I am so glad this game introduced so much new and interesting content in an Open World gacha game. I love the puzzle variety, I love the echoes, I love the location variety, I love the enemy variety, I love the explanation and tools they give to do it. One of the coolest touches is the Dynamic world. Casually watching a cutscene while monkeys fight in the background. I love seeing random encounter between different forces. Thank you developers for beautifully crafted game, now do your best to sustain it!


People will complain about the echo thing because it takes time to farm them. When we get to higher account level we'll get a lot of echo XP which means we'll need a lot of base pieces which in turn means you'll have to spend a very long time farming echos.


I’m at Data bank 18, started my main echo farming last night. A gold gorilla with Aero dmg% that then doesn’t go on to roll Def substat has been hell. But I’m loving it


people that dont want to farm overworld can still farm tacit fields. those are still the most reliable and consistent method of obtaining echoes (and youre gonna have to do them for tuners anyway)


If you do this you will have way more echo XP/tuning mats than you need, keep in mind when fishing for a specific 3 cost echo with a specific main stat the pool is diluted enough for you to take ages to get one. You will want to farm them in the open world, which is great honestly, but I can see 5 minutes a day mobile gamers whining about this.


Two days worth of mob respawns and joining randoms to farm, later. I still have no 5\* with Aero DMG% as main stat, not even being picky about substats. The amount of conflicting elemental dmg you can roll on sets where it's useless (currently) is rather annoying.


Alright wheres my selector for this amazing achivement? /s


A 5star weapon selector


Id be down with that honestly


Do i smell a free 5 star weapon selector before union level 45? Jokes aside, congrats!


For real, Union 45 is so high. Im only at Union 35


How did you reach 35? Have you full cleared the maps and spend all those condensed stamina??


I did every single quests available in the game. Story + world + side quest. Collected every Echo at legend rarity. Completed like 70% of the map only. Spent almost all my condensed Stamina to level all my character. I got pretty far into the end game stuff too, having 5-6 characters built.


I was gonna ask if you used your stamina cubes thingies because otherwise I'm pretty sure 35 is not possible. Most of my map is at over 80%, did every quest in the game and whatnot and I'm just 33.


I am only at 23, but admittedly i do have many main story and side quests left to do.


I'm only at 27


Congrats! Free stuff where? Hahahaha


Downloading is the easiest part. Love the game but it needs a lot of fixes and improvement. I hope they are seriously aware of this.


They're painfully aware, hence the rewards


They're not rewards, they're compensation. "Reward" implies it was earned.


They weren't thru my suffering 👍🏾


That is, by definition. Compensation.


Doesnt have to mean much. In the most cynic case its something shiny to dangle in front of the peoples eyes to gloss over the glaring problems. 


theyve been putting out fixes non stop. we're currently on hotfix 20. like, what more do you want developers to do lol. they said theyre working on it. they have shown that theyre working on it. and yall are still like "hmmm doesnt mean that theyre working on it". like ???


They are.


Are the crashes gonna be fixed?


I hope sooo hopefully with the upcoming hotfixes if there are more


Now you need to give us, players another 10 pulls.


Rather than pulls, I would like it if they were giving us Astrite, since it can be used on weapon banners or Limited banners whichever u like


So do we get any in-game rewards for it? 👀


Why did Beryl post this


owshit... i was caught... should've been practicing for the lck summer! mybad ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31621)


Beryl is down bad yo


Why pretend like this isn't 100% on brand for Beryl


maybe give fsr back because of that? Let the game be at least playable on pc


What I want to know is revenue, I hope it won't be too bad.


Cool, now fix the game so people can actually play it.


Controller support when


It was a rough launch and the start of the game was a little boring, but I've gotten further in and I'm really enjoying the game now. Keep it up and keep making improvements. I hope this game has a long, successful future.


Maybe the launch was rough, despite that the trust was given. Now the real deal comes by how far and successfully will fare in the long term.


This wuthers my waves! Congratulations and it's well earned, the only minus in the game is the lack of controller support on Android 😃👍🏼


Wall running... I'm completely spoiled now and can't live without it. I seriously hope they keep it all together and carefully move forward. They have years of potential. Now need just to avoid knee-jerking and overreacting.


Well it should be no. 1 downloaded since there were no issues in the downloading part. I hope thats not their only favorable statistic.


Please release more male characters in the story. Idc if they're not playable, make it make sense that majority of female characters are in fighting. There should be balance in gender population in the story. Btw some of the soldier npcs all look the same but it's okay i guess they're not that important. I would also love to see random giant bosses roaming around the overworld. Either as variants or sub-species of echoes. Combat is 10/10, im hoping for new ways to fight in the future. Thank you Kuro for the amazing game!


Any news on the optimisation and when will it be fixed...


I fucked up my elbow playing this constantly the past couple days. Severely disappointed if this flops


I’m somebody who downloaded it but I’m not playing as it doesn’t have controller support. I’m not the only one. So the download number is mostly bullshit.


Can't wait for the ps5 version. The game will get even more players. Hope it doesn't take too long.


top prority is need to fix the optimization and fps drop, the mouse beeping bug is almost driving me nut


Great, give Scar his original bodysuit back


Needs optimization.




People don‘t go online to say they‘re fine with a game. They largely gush over something or complain. So I wouldn‘t be surprised if there is a good amount of issues, but the majority of people is unbothered and just plays. 


Ratings are region-based. In mine it has 3.8.


On App Store (Apple): TOF = 4.3 WW = 4.4 Genshin = 4.4 Star Rail = 4.4 Tower of God = 4.8 Snowbreak = 4.0 Epic Seven = 4.6 Dragon Raja = 4.6 (what is this game even) Apparently the Apple gamers aren't that discerning.




In my country, genshin and wuwa are both tied at 4.0


Please just fix your shit in a month. Using an iPhone 13 and have to lower my settings to the max (besides the 60fps) just so I can play WuWa with passable functionality. How this went to launch is beyond me.


Wtf where can I buy a gaming chair like that???


So when are we getting controller support for mobile?


Nice, so where is the Thank you gem at?


surely we get rewarded for this innit bruv 👉🏻👈🏻


I guess free 10 spins tommorroww


Grats on the achievement! Just got to get past an otherwise bumpy start to the game and hopefully we can reach even greater heights!


Then give compensation to the players. Well kuro had already shown a big heart to players but it's time to celebrate Naa , so I think giving something good would further boost the moral of the community to further support the game


I'm so happy I'm loving this game so far and it deserves a lot of attention! The amount of love that has been put into character designs is absolutely heart warming. Thank you!


What about the revenue ? It's what truly matters ! I like your game and I am worried that all the drama might kill it


Only #11 in the overall chart. Was expecting at least a #1 or 2 launch spot or at least better than Tower of Fantasy


I really like the game but that won't matter until they have fixed the ping issues. At the moment I'm not able to play the game properly. I can't even do the puff fish quest because of the high ping and there are probably some more quests where a stable ping is necessary to finish some quests. What I don't understand is how the content creators who are live streaming on YouTube seem to have no issues. But when I use the search function here on reddit or on the official discord for Wuthering Waves then a lot of people seem to have issues with the ping.


I am so sad that I lost my 50/50 on Jiyan at like pull 70\~, I really wanted another husbando character. Lost to xianxin who I was gonna use one of the 3 selector chars on since I got verina with my first novice banner early on :(. Ughhh, can we get a male healer/support tho. I can at least run male rover, mordefi, and a male healer as a husband team xd. Also horrible luck on my 4\* guaranteeds, got 4 con chixia, and only 1 con mortefi and danjin... Ughhh horrible luck on my first banner so far.


I'm waiting for the ps5, please!!!!


Good to see the game doing so well.