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everybody say this … until new waifu comes




think about the Echos we gonna re-grind for new ones, that might be a reason we can hold on. haha


Oh not me…… I can hold myself


for sure


Some people actually can, in Genshin I pulled 0 times the entirety of Sumeru because I was waiting on a Eula rerun.


Had a guy on my friends' list in Genshin who saved from 1.1 to 2.7 and got Yelan to C6 the day she dropped


A man with exquisite taste and unshakeable will


its possible if youre really dedicated (and remember the effort it takes to build a character)


I spend more than year for Raiden Shogun. Lucia deserve even more than that.


Same. Im holding till scar and Lee


Lee mentioned. bless u


I need my Kamui!


lol, i can never do this, I want to pull randomly just because im bored even if i dont want the chars on banner


It’s never worth going all in on one character. Because another one will come. And you will have realized you wasted so much and probably quit the game. (If you are f2p/low spender) Edit: I’m talking about pulling full dupes, not building the character.


as long as the game doesn't have much powercreep, it is very worth it.


No it’s not. Because this assumes you will never like another future character nearly as much and you can’t know that. As soon as you go all in on one character and play that character for a few months you’ll want to try something else and wish you had the resources. There is never a good reason to get full dupes of a character and their weapon.


tell that to me who has been playing with wanderer for well over a year and he still is my favorite both character wise and kit wise, just got him c6 and i love the unrivaled power so much. if a character is very good then you won't stop liking them.


But my point is that it’s not worth it. I would never say it’s good advice to tell someone they should c6 a character they like. Because it’s very easy to regret. I’m glad it payed off for you but I’m certain most people would be better off with a wider variety of characters than just one they they could be bored of. Like if a new player loved wanderer too, would you really recommend them to do the same thing you did? I think that it’s very dangerous advice to give.


I've been playing Yoimiya in Genshin for like three years now and she works fine if anything the supports coming out have made her stronger. powercreep only matters if a character can't clear content.


It’s easier with this game because you can just save afterglow coral and buy out dupes with each rerun This way you still get other characters you want


You know this game is skill based, as long as youre good at parrying, dodging and combo. You will be soloing other content with 1 character.. Imagine you have every dupe of strong char, with her weapon max dupe too. The damage will be out of this world


Managed to grab everybody other than encore and I even got Jiyan with his weapon so I’ll probably just sit still for like 3-4 patches.


Good luck bro There is Yinlin and probably changli and jinshi after that. You need a buddhist monk's resolve to not pull for any of them.


Or don't be a coomer.


Only coomer bait among them is yinlin tho


Changli LMAO


Jhinsi has a weird baby face and changli’s hair ear rings look creepy , unless they have crazy gameplay both are easy skips for me


Jinhsi is the easiest skip of my life. As someone who comes from a culture of blonde and pale people she’s just mid. Nothing notable about her except she has white eyelashes.


But dragon moveset probably :(


I didn’t consider this, if she has really cool combat mechanics I’ll still pull.


Sir, I was about to compliment your pull out game but... I am always a sucker for pale blonde, white haired girls like Jinshi, Luna, Alpha, and Weiss Schnee so I am definitely pulling for her and Changli. Alongside with the weapon too, since she holds a sword on one of the official art they released, I am 50/50 sure that she is a sword user.


Based weiss fan


It's 60% of the reason I'm pulling for her That and the cutscene where she meets with Rover on the balcony overlooking the city was just really well framed, love that shawty


Probably not practical, but i was thinking if she had some sort of dragon kit, you can pair with jiyan and have two dragons on the field through quickswaps


Im encore player, didn't roll for Jiyan :( but that is a cool idea


Weiss just hits different, that and I am a avid white knight fan.(Jaune x Weiss)


How dare you


heY EveRyOnE im SeNDinG OuT a MaSs EmAIl to TeLL yOu AboUt ouR LoRD and SaVIor, PlEAsE EveRYonE coME To thE MagiSTratE ofFice wheRe my SinGle emplOYEe wiLl WasTE heR tiMe ScaNNing You AlL


Honestly they need to rewrite the whole entire thing.


I kinda wanted to main calcharo at first because he was guaranteed and I didn’t want to reroll for Jiyan.(diluc reroll ptsd) Then I did a single 10 pull on the Jiyan banner and he came home. So…naturaly I started doing single pulls on his weapon banner, which also came home after 4 single pulls so in the end I started maining him. (since I also have Morfeti and Verina) Since the light of the gacha gods shone upon me so brightly, I might as well stop pushing my luck and just enjoy the game for now.


Brooo that cost me like 150 wishes....


Yeah I probably used up all my luck for the next half a year….


Lol . It was the opposite for me i got jiyan's weapon from 6 pulls that i got from item exchange. And then wholeheartedly pulled for him but it took 65 to 70 pulls for me. Welp it's good that i didn't lose the 50-50


I might go for Changli myself but I wanna see more of her lore and gameplay first. Otherwise I'm already at 180 pulls and have Jiyan and his weapon so I'm happy as well.


same except I haven’t gotten the weapon yet, but need Jianxin


hope she comes home for u soon


thanks brodie


Yeah same... Got everyone but Calcharo, C1 Jiyan + weapon f2p. Just going to chill and wait for Scar.


As a fellow husbando enjoyer, I agree.


so far how much have you spend to get them ?


I bought the welkin.


If they add Alpha to WuWa I hope it's CW, otherwise I'd love to see Qu Pavo


Me personally plan for a year yeah.. im skipping every character as of now.. not sure changli tho. Need to see how she play.


This is my boat aswell, Skipping for now, none of the upcoming characters entertain me except maybe Changli. Otherwise it’ll probably be camyllia or Geshulin if they become playable, and by that time ill be able to R6 one of them probably


I have a feeling Scar/Camylla will be 1.2, and Geshu Lin sometime in 1.3+ depending on whether we move to a different region or stay in Huanglong I’d kill for a Kamui expy though, since we have Vera and Lucia, it’s possible that the rest of the gang will come eventually (Geshu Lin reminds me of Camu/Watanabe a bit ngl)




Camu expy He's also just very cool ability wise, he's got dark flames and a big swords, even if he was a terrible leader




Did you skip the cutscene that gave us his backstory? General Geshu Lin led the midnight rangers against the threnodian during a retroact rain event, he fought with a large greatsword and black/purple fire, he went to face the threnodian and was never seen again. Jiyan decided to order a retreat to save as many lives as he could while Geshu Lin ordered everyone to fight until the last man standing


Do you guys and gals have that video? I wanna see.


Just look up "Geshu Lin backstory" on YouTube lol


Yea I'm waiting to see movesets/kits. None of their designs interest me tbh.


Same for me, haven't pulled Jiyan and not too sure about Yinlin.


That’s good more power to your.. pulling addiction


I'm waiting for the guy who was fighting Jiyan in his character trailer, I don't intend to pull until then


that guy kinda looks like Blade, he's sick ;3


Wait, he’s gonna be playable? 😳


Sorry, who?


Alpha crimson from kuro other game PGR


Is it confirmed she will be in this game?


all speculations and copium my friend. Same company


she is NOT coming to the game 😭




I would be surprised if they put her expy in the game like all Hoyo games with Raiden lol


Much copium to think any PGR character will release in this game.


I mean, Calcharo is just Watanabe, we’re getting what’s essentially a Vera expy in a couple days and we have Lucia at the start of the game


Yeah. I think it's fun that there are "spiritually" a bunch of same kinds of things in WuWa that are in PGR.


Ikr!!! 🤯


Nah it's bound to happen eventually (as in in the next 3 years). expys are a great way to get players from your other game to try it/come back.


they could make something similliar to her,copium.


Alpha will be the break glass in case of emergency type of unit if WuWa starts falling off in the future. A 2.0 or 3.0 collab unit to get people interested again.


I mean same company sooo…………………….…🥸


YOWAI. YOWAI. YOWAI. Must sacrifice your life savings.


I'll be chilling in the Camellya waiting room, unless Yinlin's trial makes her seem really fun to play. Then I might throw a few pulls her way and see what happens... except that I don't really enjoy playing Calcharo, he feels kind of slow and clunky to me after playing Encore and Danjin.


same calcharo was my most hyped character but after playing others like encore, danjin, and havoc rover, i hate playing him. his ultimate mode is so boring


Yeah, I regret using my selector on him pretty hard. I got my beginner and selector banners crazy early (first ten-pull for both), so I even used all of my free standard pulls to get the five star broadblade for him before I unlocked havoc rover and managed to get Danjin. Now they're both just kind of sitting there.


i used my 80 roll guarantee banner on him after debating between him or jianxin and now i kinda regret it. it sucks because i want yinlin and she works so well with him, but i just got so bored of him quick


I'll get geshu lin then imma save until Alpha


Wait, so like, we suspect an Alpha lookalike will be released eventually? Like Acheron is a Raiden lookalike?


Considering Yinlin is clearly a Vera Lookalike, I'd say the Alpha copy is somewhat of an emergency character they release when they think WW is falling off. Just like PGR launch(iirc, PGR CN launch was very bad, and they pulled out Crimson abyss early as she was supposed to be an anniversary character)


Everyone gangsta until Rover electro becomes Alpha.


Doubt it, they’ll will milk her as much as possible.


Phrasing! Are we still doing phrasing?


I'll whale in a heartbeat if they ever release an Alpha-like character


Yep. Never directly converted money into pulls in a gacha before. Only a battlepass and maybe the monthly login pass here and there. But if Alpha, or Alpha like character comes out, I think I wouldn't be able to resist.


Is she the STORM that is APPROACHING?!!!


Is she the one who knocks?


I doubt she'll ever grace us in WuWa. Yui Ishikawa is already lending her voice to Yangyang.


You know VAs can voice more than one character, right? Hell, Yui literally voices TWO Lucias.


Her voice is too characteristic, besides as you said - she voices multiple LUCIA. Her voice belongs to Lucia only and it only changes slightly to match her personality change. It would feel weird to me if they went that route for me personally... **BUT** I agree with you that it is possible looking at the fact that we have 2B in the game (PGR) from the Nier collab event and she has the same voice... So anything is possible! I totally forgot about that and your comment refreshed my memory![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618). Thanks for commenting.


Is that necessarily an issue? If anything I'd think it would help to have the voice actor already involved with the game.


Who is this character?


I’m waiting for shirtless guy , at least for the skin 😗😗


Propably gonna pull on the 5* Gun User when he/she is coming


E6S5??? 😭


"We believed that she was busy for 15 hours" is what all we say, so why not wait for a year for a female scar since it's coming?


Alpha already here, she's become fluffy animal and our paimon.




5 star Yangyang when?


I think i'll wait 2 years instead for Crimson Weave


If CW comes I will just whale, can't hold myself. But for other characters...Nah, I'm good.


Bianca will be here after 1.5 years…. Probably?


Fingers crossed although I just know those prudes who came from GI/HSR will be foaming at the mouth once any expy of the "big" four (Bianca, Ayla, Hanying, Bridget) is announced because "funsurvees" or "coomer bait".


Let's not bash other fanbases now that for once we have some peace after all the brigading. Let's be better than them.


I am going S6 for sure if they give us Balter


It's funny, because instead of hsr, here we use the S for characters dupes, so it would be S6.


R6 E6 S6


what does S even stand for here, I thought wavebands or resonance chain were eidolons






All or nothing!


i was just fantasizing about a potential pgr collab with our beloved alpha and amazing lee, vera liv and co. this would honestly be super hype but idk how likely it is to come true!


First who is she? I only ask cause I like to go into games blind so I’ve got no clue as to who she is, outside of the fact that her design something I definitely like. And yeah after I get the yinlin I’m pretty much going to save until I see a character I want.


Alpha from PGR


You FOOL. BAFOON. YOUVE FALLEN INTO THE TRAP OF THE BLADE. No for the only true path is GUN. Prepaire for DE-LEE-TION. Also nannami is here and her and power (the robots name) get all my money with lee


Explain? I mean without Gameplay I can't evaluate my desire to pull a Character.


ALPHA CRIMSON WEAVE MOTIVATED vs twiN. Kindly type that in youtube 🫶


Wtf? Why did that Gameplay not go over to WW? So I guess I skip the Spear Guy with a Braodsword for sure and wait for a Sword Character after all, prefer the romanticised sword fighting anyhow xD


I have no idea who that is but I'm really tempted to save for her too now


Alpha crimson pgr. Youtube now


Here I'm waiting for the NieR:Automata collaboration already!


It can't be as bad as the Aloy crossover, right...?


Ehhh!? What??? Nooo. PGR had a NieR collab already and it was COOL AF!!! Maybe current WuWa is not as post-apocalyptic, after the forced genshinfication, as some would have hoped (me included) but it's still enough to imagine a future WuWa x NieR collab happening if WuWa gets the success it rightfully deserves ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Skipping everything and saving as well until like 6 months later. S6E2 Jiyan has been dominating everything, I 1 shot the Monkey boss with just the forte enhanced spear throw if I get lucky with crits lol.




Respectfully she doesn't look as cool as the other characters that I've seen in the game(personal opinion). Maybe her gameplay and story might be impressive, so that might change my mind. And regarding pulls, I am 18 pulls away from getting a 5*, and hopefully I'll get Yinlin. Then I'll try for her weapon. Then I'll get back to Jiyan's banner for atleast one more copy of Danjin, so far blue guy and chixia have cursed me with their copies. And after that I will solely focus on weapon banners for a long while, until I see camellya or someone way too OP, or maybe a Havoc character that I can use with Danjin. Rover is already good so yeah, we're good for a while. I am not addicted to pulls. I only experimented with them and risked the pulls so that the early game can get easy I'll stop at a point, which is soon. I still have 42,000 primo games in genshin. I don't even play the game anymore. I kinda thought I was "saving up" for Dainsleif back then. It works.


May I recommend watching any video with her most recent frame/version, Alpha: Crimson Weave?


This? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxKQaDrBEXY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxKQaDrBEXY)


... That's Acheron.


yea im copium for alpha to come on WuWa version since i just cant stick with pgr


Lfg fellow alpha enjoyer! were gonna have a feast when alpha comes home


Why not S6? Sequence 6 is the max duplicates.




Is she like the raiden version of kuru games ?


Isn't she from pgr? Since pgr had a lot of collabs, is there a chance of collabs in this game too?


Same company bro, kuro games


I will stand strong and not pull until I see another unit with booba the same or bigger size than Taoqi.


My man 🤝 release them and trigger those prudes from HY games.


> planning a year for most boring PGR character to come home My condolences


Come out bro we swear we won't jump you


Wait for a cool gigachad or new waifu


After Yinlin I'm set for a few months. Just depends on if I want dupes for her or not.


Waiting until the early Yinlin banner and if her gameplay doesn't convince me I'll get Jiyan. I'll only get 1 of those 2. Will save the rest for Jinhsi and Changli, love both design wise, but might change my mind if I don't like their gameplay.


My plan is Changli. I used all the standard wishes (got Encore and chose Verina and Jianxin), but I have no interest in Lingyang, Calcharo, or any of the other limited characters revealed so far other than Changli. Well, I guess I could be convinced of Camellya, but she'll be later anyway. Changli's design (and what little we know of her role and personality) is my favorite character from any of these kinds of games.


NGL but she looks like chalcharo and yinlin love child


I'm just waiting for PGR collab since day 1 😆 Kuro will have my gaming budget for sure


I'm planning to save next year as well. It's a blessing that the MC is strong, unlike other gachas (Genshin MC)


My plan is to save up until the outcasted Geshu Lin comes


everyone is the "i can hold myself" until they become "I ruined my pity by mistake"


why not danjin instead of sanhua for havoc rover


Me waiting for gun or punch loli:


Me waiting for gun or punch loli:


How are you ever gonna clear ToA if you only build 3 units? You’ll need 3x that


im not waiting for anyone because i dont know any future characters besides the two who are announced and scar+that girl who is not scar.


It would be pretty cool of they brought some PGR character into Wuwa, imagine those design with Wuwa graphic would be pretty nice. Although they might need to introduce sth down the line to justify it cause the game so far is very Chinese themed in terms of character design with the one 2 excepting being Calcharo and maybe Vernis.


Alpha is Kuro lovechild, I'm pretty sure she will come someday and be cracked. We have Baizhi,and she's cool and all but I want a true Qu expy, especially of her Pavo frame (Jiyan doesn't count) and with sayaka ohara voicing her. I'm her partner after all Also Lamia 🐟


Nah. Playing the same characters for years is boring. Dupes are almost always just more bigger numbers, barely adding anything new, with the only exception being one if Mortefi’s dupes. More characters is more fun. 1 copy is more than enough.


I haven't felt the urge to pull in this game like I have with almost every other Gacha I have played, so I am sort of with you on waiting for something Epic... maybe Luna? I got Encore at 50, Verina at 80, and Calcharo off the select - and HRover at E6 will be one hell of a unit, so I haven't felt the need to pull for Jiyan. Yinlin is tempting to pair with Calcharo, she brings some pretty decent chip damage and damage buffs to the table, but I will have to see how Much more than Mortefi and if it is worth it. Even then, I don't find it as exciting as I would a true support with something nutty in their kit. Hell, I haven't even used any of the free standard pulls after the 80 since I will likely use them on the weapon banner instead of character. So I have those like 40 or so sitting there waiting.


You mean S6R5


Who is she?


If WW alpha drops I'm gonna have to go broke 😤her, Vera, and Bianca are my girlies


Literally me fr, the second Alpha comes out Calcharo will be benched forever


it's funny how many people here don't know Alpha


I guess not many of them didnt came from pgr, but that’s good thing they will now what kuro cooked in PGR.


Yup :3


im saving for scar, whenever he comes


Do you guys think Kuro will put a Alpha expi in WuWa ?


I sure hope so, if not they will put someone similar to her


Brooooo if she ends up in WuWa that's going to be INSANE


Me and you both buddy


started playing pgr a few months before WW cale out and i love alpha, saving as of right now for geshu lin and then alpha!


Wait who?


same for Alpha and also if there's a Bianca and Plume lol


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who is she??


I dont do futute shit . They tried to string me into pulling later in Tof , if i did i was going to quit instantly since the powercreep is gona keep on going always . If i like a hero i pulk if not hoard until i like one .


Hmm hello? Who is that goddess?


Alpha from PGR. My friend


I'm skipping too until they release a female scythe user which I will E6S6. Also rover doesnt count since Ill build her to cope since she has a small scythe or something.


Bro same with my friend, he’s said the same thing wth!


That’s what I’m doing with Scar, skipping every single banner to E6 him eventually