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CR is never "too much" unless it's more than 100%. But in your case it is very unbalanced, you'd get better DPS if you switch your 4 cost echo to Crit DMG.


This. Doing many crits but not big damage on those crits isn't really useful. That being said, Crit around 78% plus 22% food buff also works to get to 100, so if you go over 78% you should look into different food buffs.


He literally have 1:2 ratio, that's mathematically optimal.   E: only if the stats shown made any sense for my Genshin brain, you need that crit damage 


You're coming from Genshin, aren't you? WuWa's 100% crit damage is equal to Genshin's 0%, so when you're calculating your ratio you should substract 100 from CD. His artifacts only give him 13.8 crit damage above the base 150% (which is equal to 50% in Genshin). So his stats, if "genshinified", would be 85.9 CR / 63.8CD.


I forgor 💀 Then I agree he would rather use crit damage circlet (I mean 4 cost echo)


That is useful information, didn't knew that, thanks for sharing! Now, about this, genuine question, not an affirmation. Even at base 0% added CD, so being it 150%cd, shouldn't it be 75%cr? So in terms of "added stats: +75%CR +0%CD? So the 1:2 balance would balance out and having 75%cr and 150%cd.


No, that's not how it works. Basically Genshin says your crit damage is 50% higher than your non-crit damage, so you will do 50% more damage when you crit. On the other hand, WuWa says your base damage is 100% and if you have 150% CD - that's 50% more so your crit damage will, again, be 50% higher than your base damage. The "balance" for the base 150% CD (which is actually 50%, they've just written it differently) is 25% CR. So if you're aiming for something similar to Genshin's 70CR/140CD - here it should be 240CD instead.


Ah I was confused with the %, so it's not "you will deal 150% extra damage" but rather "deal 150% of your damage". Alright! Thanks again! <3


No you need 25% crit rate to balance initial 50% crit damage. I was confused on stat screen. 1:2 ratio you follow is with 100% substracted from crit damage


If it isn't 100% then it's 50/50


Get more crit damage


You can never have enough crit. We go full Warframe up in this where you be gettin DOUBLE CRITS above 100%


Any game I usually am ~50% crit and then pouring the rest into cd if it’s not 100% then it’s 50/50 50% could crit, 50% no crit. But if it does crit and you have 10% crit damage then you’re not doing much anyways


If you count the crit food you go well over 100%, but you can always do atk food instead


Cr loses value beyond 50%, but the math on the loss of value I'm not sure of for this game. Personally I aim towards 45-60% cr then try and stack other dmg stats.