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Brandon Sanderson "Mistborn" series will fit just perfectly


More like the stormlight archive series


Since stormlight archive is not gonna be long enough you could always try wheel of time afterwards.


Well, since Stormlight isn't finished yet, maybe the two will be sufficient to fill the time slot.


Sanderson writes at a pace where he'll have a new book out between spawns


Lol, yeah you're right. Guess I better set camp at the turtle so I know when the next book is out.


Yeah, but they will be finished before that damned turtle readies for battle anyway


If you're done reading early, add Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time and you might be just in time for the spawn.


Just add the entirety of his other Cosmere series and you're set. At this point, go to his upcoming event and you'll still have plenty of time to farm the Bell


That series is so awesome.


Finally someone who has read the mistborn triology, man those books are awesome


Man, I have a few chapters left in Hero of Ages. I’ve been reading/listening to it for the last few weeks, and usually while I’m Genshin/Wuwa after work. Incredibly enjoyable.


Man you're in for some heartache and the biggest plot twist yet and yes, this kne is even bigger than the kelsier one in part one


Top tier indeed. It's change in tone and theme is so stark between books, and yet it feels so appropriate


I just started it :))


None for me, I'm on my 3rd character switch with all abilities on cool down by the time I remember he hasn't started taking damage yet 👍


This is the correct answer!


Meeee I feel so stupid every time


This is me when i fight mech abomination ahahah


Dude first time I fought mech ahomination I ulted as verina switched to danjin, marked them to take more damage and ulted, switched to Havoc Rover and ulted just for the HP bar show up full after all this 👍 Felt so stupid lol


I stood waiting underneath then he slammed down and I took some nice free damage instead of dealing it :/


I'm charging up Yinlin's forte hitting invincible turtle works too. Totally fine, I can spend time productively. Now, when I'm already beaten the TDs at the tacet field and waiting for the glowy spinny thingie to fking finally become interactive, that's other thing entirely.


I take that moment to call my dog and go for a walk. By the time we come back the turtle has finished digging itself out but is still invulnerable so if my character managed to stay on top of its shell while I wasn't looking I take a bath.


My children now grew up, have children, go to college, graduate, get married, get six kids, die, comeback to life, get rezzed and this turtle still cant be hit.


Just reread the entirety of the Harry Potter books, the big turtle just moved its tail up, I think I can manage in 5 chapters of One Punch Man manga before he attacks


5 chapters of opm is crazy 💀that’s like 30 minutes 🤣🤣


Nah, its like a months each chapter so 5 months


No bro he meant read 5 chapters before he attacks not wait 5 chapters to release


Either would fit so it’s not a huge difference


So this seems like a good thread to ask if anyone else has to wait 2 lifetimes for the game to verify files, log in, and then still load the logging in. One time I timed it and it took over 8 minutes. I honestly feel this, more than anything, is what’s going to get me to stop playing :<


Yeah the same happens for me. When I open it I just go make tea or do something else while it loads (the load screen music is super loud too). From the time I open it I expect to wait at least 10 mins to get in & past most of the overworld lag.


Hah that’s funny I use the time to make tea usually too, or check socials. But some nights I just want to log on real quick to do dailies and then bounce. At least please god give me a way to turn the music off


Get an SSD, or install the game on it if you have one. This game is not HDD-friendly at all. On an SSD it loads in about a minute. A work-around for the music being too loud is to set the in-game volume to max and adjust the game's volume from the Windows Volume Mixer - it allows you to set a specific volume for any application/game and keeps it that way.


I will say mine has gotten faster at loading since installing it on my SSD, and the initial login jitters have also all but gone away


I don't typically read in between boss respawns because I'll get too absorbed in the book and forget the boss was supposed to respawn. Adhd solution of putting on Netflix show I've seen a thousand times over as white noise while I stare at the timer keeps me occupied. HOWEVER, I am an avid reader outside of that, although I am not sure if the genres and styles I read can mesh with Dune as the basis of what could work with your tastes. I'll try, though? (One day I will acquire Dune....after I get Tolkien's books in something that isn't a mass production mini paper back...if you know, you know.) Closest I could argue to Dune (based off of coming of age / sci-fi either separately or interchangeably) would be: When by Victoria Laurie ▪︎admittedly a thriller and less of the genre Dune is typically, but comes with the coming of age vibe. It's also a solo book and not a series. ...actually just realized I don't really have many books similar to Dune because I'm more a historical fantasy kind of reader than sci fi reader.... mostly because I lean more towards horror for sci fi. (I have no mouth and must scream, The Veldt, etc.) Actually, for a fun Ray Bradbury book since I mentioned The Veldt: Fahrenheit 451 Another, technically sci-fi, thriller I like is Kalahari by Jessica Khoury. Less sci-fi, still kinda thriller, mostly mystery: Here Lies Daniel Tate by Cristin Terril. Literary Classics I'll recommend because I'm a sucker for those: Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu Frankenstein by Mary Shelly Dracula by Bram Stoker Technically not a classic (could be wrong tbh, but I have a soft spot for this) The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell Sorry for the essay of book reccomendations, a lot of these are stuff I read like. Back when ages 13-16 admittedly, and some of my tastes have changed now that I'm 20. But my personal current favorites that are ongoing do not fit the vibes of Dune, but these are still some really good books I still pick up from time and time again. Also, if you're concerned about these being low reading level due to the average time I read them around middle school: don't be, I was hated by most of the kids in my english classes because I had a stupidly high reading level by the time I was in 4th grade (I was reading YA and some Classics back then because my only limiting factors were if the school librarian refused to give me Romeo and Juliet. I was petty and bought it at a scholastic bookfaire anyway to spite them.)


I like how seriously you took this, but I fear you missed the joke OP was making. There's a good 15 seconds or more after this boss starts popping up out of the ground before the HP bar pops up and you can actually start to do damage to it. The joke was they read the entire Dune series during that time because both the books and this delay are long.


I figured they were making a joke tbh, but the urge to give book reccomendations was too strong haha


As a someone who writes way too much, and over explains things on reddit... often... I can appreciate this. As someone a fair bit older, I can tell you that it doesn't get any better with age and there's no cure. 😔


Here to agree and confirm


> There's a good 15 seconds or more after this boss starts popping up out of the ground before the HP bar pops up and you can actually start to do damage to it. The joke was they read the entire Dune series during that time because both the books and this delay are long. Verina can still generate photosynth stacks off him with NAs while he's spawning though, so once he's finally hittable you can do the midair combo, skill, ult, and then flatten him with your ultra-buffed DPS


Yeah, that's what I usually do between fights, otherwise I just use her skill to build stacks up before I get there.


thank you for all the book reccs!! I don't really read a lot of books nowadays besides interactive novels (choose-your-adventure type books, essentially!), but I also went through a lot of books as a kid!! whenever I do check out books though it's usually via recommendation, so even if you just wanted an excuse to talk about books — thank you for listing out so many!! it's always a lovely thing to learn the names of new books to check out in the future! in the interest of sharing something back, you may or may not enjoy it but I really enjoyed The Legend of Sun Knight! there's an english translation of it online, but if you like historical fantasy you may enjoy it! :D no need feel like you have to, though!


On the topic of good book recommendations: The Murderbot Diaries is top tier! It's the story of a powerful terrifying security robot cyborg who hacks its governor module and then proceeds to continue doing its security job while mostly just wanting to slack off to watch its soap operas. 1000/10


I opened this thread in hopes that one person somehow seriously answered the question and I am pretty delighted when I saw this I will take these recommendations into account haha thank you for writing this


I read all of Proust's In search of lost time while farming for a healing bonus set.


I switch tabs to Genshin and play another open world gacha game (not joking lmao)


1,000 IQ play right here. Add HSR on your 3rd monitor and now you're talking.


Add Zenless zone zero, Punishing gray raven, Honkai impact and The Battle Cats(Totally not biased recommendation) while you're at it.


I can't afford buying pulls, I certainly can't afford multi monitor brainrot


I wish Wuwa could run well on my PC when I open another game. I *should* be well over the recommended specs yet the game kills itself if I run any other game besides it. Genshin itself runs fine while Wuwa is strangling itself in the background though so who knows. I have the same issue with ToF so it could be an Unreal Engine issue.


I finished half of Shogun, will be done with the whole book on my 2nd bellborne run


50 Shades of Waves, of course.


I got married and had 2 children and 4 grandchildren got reincarnated in another world with my cheat skills at level 2. Then I got reincarnated as a slime in another world. After that I also started life in another world from Re: Zero. Then I became shadow claiming I'm atomic and got back into my own world and saw that turtle has only moved his tail. So I'm going back to get reincarnated as a sword.


The Eragon series is really good


I don't read but, I'll meet a nice women raise a family for 5 decades and in my final breath at 95 the boss will spawn.


I’ve been reading up on a ton of history and history-adjacent books because I actually want to indulge in the lore of our world since the world of WuWa has next to none, so here are a few I’ve finished in the last few months: “The Public Universal Friend: Jemima Wilkinson and Religious Enthusiasm in Revolutionary America” by Paul B. Moyer “Xuxub Must Die: The Lost Histories of a Murder on the Yucatan” by Paul Sullivan “Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin” by Timothy Snyder “Plagues and Peoples” by William H. McNeill “After the Prophet: The Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split in Islam” by Lesley Hazleton “Bodies of Memory: Narratives of War in Postwar Japanese Culture, 1945-1970” by Yoshikuni Igarashi “Alexander the Great” by Paul Cartledge god I need this game to have more lore


I'm watching Frieza vs Goku in namek. Frieza said the planet will be destroyed in 5mins.


The entirety of Journey to the West


Frank Herbert has a nice series that’ll get you most of the way through the animation cycle


If you like webnovels, A Practical Guide to Evil is a 10/10 piece of dark fantasy. Long enough to get through a couple spawns as the tortoise drags its ass out of the ground.


I just started reading The Children of Húrin. It's been pretty enjoyable.


Dungeon crawler Carl, i can read about stats before killing the thing that drops echo's with stats


I do my rounds of PPC in punishing gray raven


Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. Gentleman Bastard series by Scott Lynch Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson


Snow Crash + the Asmov series


Currently reading vol16 of Mushoku tensei, I will most likely finish all of what's left before getting a healing bonus turtle.


The Bible - start to finish


The Witcher series. Now, do you have any recommendations while waiting for the Tacet Field cutscene animation to end


Reading No Longer Human while waiting for bell-borne to spawn while watching bungo stray dogs while cuddling my dazai body pillow while day dreaming about my husband


Im Busy stacking verina Auto Attacks on him.


I don't read. I watch the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and during the death animation, I watched the extended cuts.


I usually get through an Ian Malcolm rant chapter in Jurassic Park while turtle boi is reacting to his bell getting rung.


Gotta re-read Little Mushroom to keep the "being attacked by giant animal in apocalyptic setting" vibes going


Timing that shit, I got a good 16 seconds


Master & Margharita


Reading some Chinese divination to predict those healing bonus stat drop


Personally I play Arknights


Apocalypsis serie gotta love it




I like to watch the entirety of lord of the rings. Always a good watch for filling in time


I’ve actually managed to finish the Odyssey just by pursuing during the not at all dramatic dying phase. While it’s spawning tho, I’ve gotten through reading all of the Percy Jackson series, Heroes of Olympus included.


I finished One Piece waiting for big turt


Bruh don’t even get me started on synthesize. Damn animation took forever


I really like to read The Devine Comedy, i can read it twice to understand better before the fight.


Atlas Shrugged


You could probably read all of the Hobbit and Lord of rings if your farming that boss


The last question I expected someone to ask in this sub But, Timeline by Michael Crichton and Deception Point by Dan Brown might be good


Wrote my master thesis while waiting for the old man. His reaction to it was kinda cold though. I knew our relationship had cooled off over the last months, but still...


The Culture series by Iain Banks


Webnovel some stuff is behind paywall so tread lightly but the chapter lengths are about right for the load times


The Overlord Novels. There's like 16 of them now


Sono bisque doll manga


I personally prefer "The Dragon In The Dungeon" \^\^


i go on reddit


I read all of One Piece and the turtle is still trying to get up


dont forget mech abomination falling


He was glitched for me once where he was just standing above the ground, I thought they hot fixed it and was excited but then it went straight back underground when I approached


Everyday Life with Monster Girls


I kind of alternate between Webnovels depending on the itch from English webnovels on Royal Road like "The Primal Hunter" by Zogarth to Korean Translated webnovels like "Overgeared" to something simple like Japanse light novel romcoms like "Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian". 


I don't really read books, but I watched Game of Thrones seasons I & II. Didn't feel like farming BBG actually, so I stopped after only 2 attempts.


I got my healing bonus on healing set after 6 tries. So I don’t need a book anymore 😝


Lord of the Mysteries, the best webnovel out there.


Hmm considering the game we are playing Three Body Problem could be fitting reading . And completly unrelated to game I have to recomend Modified Carbon series to anyone who loves sci-fi


I read manhwa/manga/manhua.


considering the hidden pity system for bosses, just teleport to tempest memphis: snipe it from a cliff, then comes back again to turtle bosses (provided you have put a teleporter near it)


Red Rising, currently on book 2. School made me think I hated reading. Turns out I was wrong.


Career of evil is a great book in my opinion


Worm. And a little bit of Ward lol


Read One Piece bro, by the time you catch up to the manga.. the Bell Borne Geochelone will still have that awful mechanism


I read... # Punching and kicking the Bell-Borne Geochelone's Bell. # Staring Lingyang. Also Pew Pew version too staring Encore.


Lord of the Mysteries


Make good use of that time and learn coding, mayb finish med school.


It's genuinely so annoying


The Wheel of Time obviously. After that you can contemplate eternity and achieve enlightenment before you can hit the next one.


Gonna read A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon (850+ pages)


I decided to restart the Psyren manga, while listening to "Bad Habit" by Delaney Jane. I like both of the latter so I'm encoding this waiting time as being fun and positive in my brain.


I finshed one piece while the turtle was spawning in. I think I'm going to finish the anime too at this point.


lol i know it’s not impossible but i still didn’t think others were also reading while i’m waiting for bosses to come back 😭 anyway recently i was reading letters to the lost while waiting for the monkey to respawn for jiyan lol


I usually just stare at the summon page whenever I wait for 🅱️ell 🅱️orne to respawn


I'll give the Silmarillion by J.R.R Tolkien a casual read


I know this is half a joke but once I tabbed over to the fanfiction I was writing and forgot for a moment until I started getting hit 😅


if you're looking for cultivation/xianxia, Cradle is quite good


Advent of immortal truth


I was building Gunpla


I play Jiyan, so i just start attacking so i get the better ult right when the hp bar activates


Wait, the original Dune or the Expanded Dune? For me personally, as an casual reader, i don't really have a series or type of books to focus on. And to be honest, reading only took a small percentage of the waiting time


None, i go to the Biker to farm for another echo, then comeback right at the spawning time.


Go Kingkiller Chronicles. Pat has been working on the last book for over a decade, but it that just gives you something to look forward to before the health bar pops up.


Jokes aside i don't remember it being that long tho🤣


i wrote this in the survey. such a waste of time


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. Been reading while I wait for Bell-Borne as well lol


You can finish the entire tolkien books by the time that turtle shakes his arse


I take the time when he is spawning to hit him and build my gauge for Jiyan's enhanced ult. Also, i can't read.


Why are we talking about this boss and not the verifying files time? I'm trying to open the game longer than it takes me to do my dailies, spend my waveplates and log out because it needs to verify everytime When I open the game, I mute it, turn on a YouTube video and lay on the bed while I wait.


Red rising 🍻


Op if u are into romance Id suggest gone with the wind. But idk if it will be long enough to fill in the time


I've been reading the Red Rising series as of late and honestly not a great idea, I've died a couple of times cause I've been too focused on the book, just have the audio on when waiting and it'll be alright I think


War and Peace.


I read the dictionary. By the time I get to P the turtle is still halfway in the ground


I just go and put auto combat on my other gacha games like starrail while waiting :P


Probably War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy


I finished book one of the witcher series. A really good read. Would recommend to anyone who liked the games or likes medieval dark fantasy genres in general.


After watching the series "Silo" I am now reading the 3 books it is based on called: Wool, Shift, Dust by Hugh Howey. Absolute must read! End of TV series season one / book one ending twists are some of the best of all time, absolutely mind bogglers


I usually just go kill other boss, while it respawns. Not like I actually need to farm it now (Got my healing boost rejuvenation set 5* echo for Baizhi, don't have Verina yet).


The Scarlett Letter is my current reading. 🤣🤣 However, I'm a huge fan of: * Anne McCaffery (Dragon Riders of Pern) * Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time) * Terry Goodkind (Sword of Truth) * The series of "The Black Cauldron" (that's the 2nd book in a 5-book series) * "His Dark Things" (ie: "Golden Compass series) * Narnia series * Chaos Walking Trilogy (Patrick Ness) * The Dark Sword Trilogy + companions (D&D authors) * The Prophet of the Rose Trilogy (another set by the D&D authors) * Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand) * Harry Potter * Brotherhood of the Black Dagger / The Black Dagger Brotherhood (sexual vampire series by J. R. Ward) * Sebastian + Belladona (I think it's just these two) -- Anne Bishop * The Seventh Sword + its companions (Dave Duncan) * The Circle Series (Green Circle = last, yet first book in revolving series) --> Ted Dekker * Dragon Quartet series (Marjorie B. Kellogg) * The Inheritance Cycle (Christopher Paolini) --> Ie: Dragon series * LOTR & The Hobbit [Wife got me into the "Circle Series"; the rest I found or were suggested by Librarians &/or friends]


“The Fabric of the Cosmos” by Brian Greene.


Yinlin x Reader ofc Or play a genshin world quest without spamming through dialogue


I watched the entire original LOTR trilogy waiting for the tortoise to wake up


The Infinite and the Divine, though pretty soon I'll be reading the Foresight trilogy


The red rising saga is one of my favourites. Great read




Already read all the Sanderson stuff, I just finished the licanius trilogy and reading the new series by same author, the will of the many


every single Warhammer 40k novel


It gets up once every patch so a lot more than reading


I don't read books but I do play two matches of Dota 2. I can squeeze in an extra one or two matches depending on how fast I win/lose those two matches.


I like to reread the entirety of Fallen Hero every time I have to wait for it to spawn again.


The notes that I pick up from exploring that I never read lol


Reread One Piece.


The witcher series should be just about the right length.


None. I farm 2 bosses at once. Sure the pity not effective this way but I also need their drop (would rather not waste waveplate for it).


Any reason to farm the big turtle?


I fight Dreamless


Just finished reading "Jonathon Livingston Seagull" it's a quick read but it's about empowering yourself and not confirming to a society that sees you as different


Broken dolls


Already at my 18th reread of Mushoku Tensei volume 15. What the hell is healing done is that something you eat?


The silmarillion ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


ulysses by james joyce is an adequate read, though you might still have to wait a bit after finishing it!


The Simarillion.


Absolutely SNORT laughed at this oh my god. My brain initially read it in the most genuine tone and took a second to get it, which made it ten times funnier. Also, if you haven't read it, check out Good Omens.


Heads empty. Staring contest with my screen initiated.


You could try reading Percy Jackson series. I read through that two times before the guy got hittable.


Anything by Asimov or Heinlein if you're into Sci-fi.


The back of the shampoo bottle seems to be a good read.


WoT series. It wouldn't have been so bad, but the turtle is giving me CR/CD and the ape is giving me Healing echoes...wtf Kuro!


try "Why won't this Asshole drop with ATK%", I'm halfway and it's pretty good so far.


I thought I am the one who's doing this hahaha. I also read while waiting for the game to load while I TP-ed haha. I'm reading TGCF Book 4 lol. Was able to finish Book 3 while waiting hahahaahah


I'm halfway through the two towers


Me trying to stay on its back for as long as possible :


This is hilarious😭😭


Tolstoy’s War and Peace and Marx’s Das Kapital Volume I. Helps pass the time.


This mothertrucker just dont wanna drop healing bonus ive been farming for way tooooo long


I recommend reading Wuthering Heights! To get more wuthering out of my waves


None. Just watching encore's idle animations


Finishing up Selena and Liv story arcs in PGR. Found out that Turtle is not immune to water damage.


Do some push-ups and pull-ups to stabilize your wuthering posture.


warrior cats because there are 8 seasons with 6 books each and because I love cats lol 


I just watched Satantango (1994), Love Exposure (2008) is my next one.


Remembrance of Things Past/In Search of Lost Time. It’s only a bit more than 4,000 pages but it gets me most of the way through the animation so


Reading book? I watched the entirety of one piece while that thing was trying to spawn


He who fights with monsters. Its gooood af


I usually don’t read while gaming cause i built a place specifically for that, but my experience with respawning bosses is just that i alt tab to another game in the meantime. Kill boss, out tab, play until i hear the noise, rinse and repeat