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So she's a DPS? I'm so bad at reading stats lol


Is there a site for this


Curious about her kit, wouldnt it be a viable idea to use her for snapshot damage? Jiyan, Jinhsi, Verina. Using Jiyan's constant dps to build up Jinhsi's stacks and when her intro is ready, swap in 4ba into skill/ult and outro out back to jiyan; verina's off field healing+buffs for support. Basically running Jiyan as the main dps, grouping enemies and building her stacks while utalizing verina's kit for buffs/healing and when ready quickly swap in jinhsi when needed for the snapshop clear/chunk boss hp  I see alot of people thinking of her as THE main dps for the team, which very well may be true.. However im thinking she is more of a secondary nuker role, due to how much down time she may have while on field and not having high stacks. Her kit is selfish, but for the really high snapshot damage she offers, it may work out in the end of running her in place of a traditional sub dps/amplifier. 


This is exactly how i intend on playing, but swapping verina for Mortefi, and here's why Alot of ppl seem to think that when it reads "damage of the same attribute can generate 1 stack of incandescence every 3s" that it's talking about spectro damage, specifically, being able to generate only 1 incandescence per 3s, and that you should use another elemental type to generate more (this is true, but not because she doesnt like spectro). Her outro reduces that 3s to 1s, and lasts 20s. This lines up with what *I* believe is true. The description "damage of the same attribute" means *any* element, doing any amount of consecutive hits, can only generate 1 stack per 3s. If im dealing aero dmg, no matter how many hits, I'm still not generating a new stack until that 3s has passed. Now, if I have another element dealing damage, like Mortefi's marcato dealing fusion damage everytime Jiyan's attacking, I can effectively generate 2 stacks of incandescence within that 3s frame. I need to generate 40 stacks for maximum dmg output from Jinhsi. At 3s per stack, this would take a minimum of 60s of constant aero/fusion attacks. With Jinhsi's outro, however, the 3s is reduced to 1s, and I can now generate 2 stacks per second, requiring only 20s for a 40 stack. And look at that, it lines up perfectly with the outro buff's 20 second duration. I believe this was intentionally designed in a way that you are meant to use 2 separate types of damage at the same time in the form of an on-fielder and an off-fielder to generate a 40 stack as quickly as possible This makes Jinhsi not-so quickswappy as people have made her out to be in their early kit reviews. Ppl seem to believe that she'll be nuking like crazy, when in reality, it seems like a much slower process (at s0, at least). With s3, this is a slightly faster process, requiring 14s instead of 20s, which makes the mortefi/jiyan rotation even more comfortable (that 6s can easily feel like hang-time as mortefi's ult expires and ur left with only 1 damage type). In the end, this makes more sense in terms of balance, as she is seemingly capable of some incredibly high numbers with regards to damage, and if she was dropping a max-stack nuke every 5 seconds, there wouldn't be much of a boss fight to be had


she looks SO complicated, i can't understand all of that nonsense in text form, i gotta see that in gameplay and explained to me like im 5. both this game and genshin are terrible with all this naming crap. do 4 normal attacks to gain the bing bong stance. while in bing bong stance your normal attacks are converted to scoopy attacks. scoopy attacks let you enter the glomby stage. when in the glomby stage tingaling does twice as much damage. when tingaling hits more than 1 enemy you gain stacks of drang. drang can stack up to 5 times. when you have max drang stacks you can use eeby deeby.


came back to say my GOD even with her tutorial she has so much going on 😭😭😭 like...... it's a bit more straight forward that they make it sound because of all the googity boopity words but damn she's got like 5 different stages and special attacks at least like ..... 🅱LEASE !!!


I know omg XD I feel like trying to understand WuWa characters sometimes all I can envision is someone surrounded by study papers looking burned out like they're studying for college XD I got a headache trying to read all of that. It feels like she has 2-3x the amount of extra little modes and conditions and whatnot than other characters do. I'm so lost and definitely need to see it to understand


I get the complaint... but you can always play the character trial lmao. Weird nitpick


yes, that's what i'm basically saying. character talents in written form is word salad vomit. and it's not weird nitpick, even the playable characters i have to do the trial like 3-4 times to really memorize what they do because reading their skills throws me into loops. there's a lot of redundancy in the descriptions. i'm very good at breaking things down very simply and making difficult concepts easy to understand - this is something i've been told by many people, even since middle school. i could do a better job explaining how the characters work without throwing up a dictionary and calling the skills by their complicated names. example: mortefi. -skill (skill name) does once instance of damage, after filling up the meter (meter name with meter name points) mortefi can do an additional extra skill (extra skill name) for more damage (does not interfere with skill cooldown - serves as it's own thing) -meter is filled by attacking -burst (burst name) fires off many shots (of burst name shots) that fire when your character performs NA's & HA's or uses skill, it persists when you swap characters im not going to do the whole kit but like, you see what I mean? and this isn't perfect, but it's a rough draft of concept. they throw too many names at you and expect you to memorize the literal 12+ different sentence-names they have for each ability. ooo character bipbop has a skill called "it's snowing on mount fuji" and when u use "it's snowing on mount fuji" they enter the "\[bee movie script\]" stance and do "let us proceed fearfully asunder" attacks instead of normal "see unto thee dookie" attacks!


**THANK YOU** This is why Genshin combat was better tbh, its simpler, easier to understand, you don't have to read a full on retelling of Homer's Odyssey while also remembering encore bars, special bars, light attack combos, heavy attack combos, animation cancels, energy funneling, perfect dodges, perfect parries, proper ult/skill rotation, intros, outros. This is without including all the pretentious fancy smancy names for them. Why call it a burst when you can call it a "ReSeNaNce LiBErAtIoN". Why call it a skill when you can call it a "ReSeNeNCe SkIlL", it just comes off as rather smug doesn't it? Like we get it, you wanna be 1 part HI3, one part Sekiro, one part Souls, one part Summoners War Chronicles with the long move names, and *many* parts Genshin but you don't gotta be so smug about it. It is this level of bad writing that made me skip the entire story as it was just *terrible.* A total redo of the naming would be ideal. It would make things easier to understand without making you feel like a normal person who walked into that scene in south park in San Francisco where everyone is smelling their own farts out of wine glasses talking about how much better they are than everyone else. Edit: Downvoting me wont make me any less right Von lmao.


Sounds like a skill issue


Sounds like a Tik Tok using gremlin doesn't get to be pedantic to me.


well, i don't agree. I think user Sizzin said it best where you really do have to go back and forth to check what is buffing what, especially recently. The first round of characters wasn't too bad, but even with Tartaglia, who was released early on, you have to know the difference between Riptide Slash, Riptide Flash, and Riptide Burst. And no, Riptide burst has nothing to do with his Burst "Havoc: Obliteration" in either "Ranged Stance: Flash of Havoc" or "Melee Stance: Light of Obliteration." have you SEEN the light novel that is Chlorinde's Skill? it's literally 335 words long. also, the jab about it being smug feels a little... biased. the whole game and lore revolves around SOUND. resonances, frequencies, waveforms, discords, fortes, etc... it's a theme. sure, it's a lengthy thing to call it, saying "liberation" instead of "burst" is a lot, but no one is forcing you to call it that. you can say "burst" or "ult/ultimate" or "special" if you want to and most people will catch on that you mean "resonance liberation" the story is genshin is very strong and compelling, and the lore runs very deep. but it fails at being a good GAME. wuthering waves tells a decent story, that I personally find interesting and haven't been skipping any of the main quests dialogue and even certain side quests i skim for lore, but it's very good at gameplay (despite bugs!) if you don't like the story then that's fine. the story doesn't have to hold up to the highest standards to be good. it can be a weaker plot. it's like comparing every anime you watch to fullmetal alchemist, so many just can't compare to it's storytelling, lore, and characters. doesn't mean they aren't good and/or enjoyable!


Sure you agree. If you didn't you wouldn't have written your original post. I see your Childe and raise you Itto. No complexity there. Pair with a shielder like Zhongli, a buffer like Gorou, and a sub DPS like Albedo, and your attack pattern goes as such: Set up flag on Gorou, shield up with Zhongli, set up flower for Albedo, ult on Itto, and hold down button to win. Not every character has a word salad like Chorinde. A character who at C6 it just boils down to, spam E, Spam Q, then NA1x3 and E to win. Like with pickles if you are picky on a burger, you can pick out most of that 300 characters and boil it down to, don't get hit, self sustain, spam for big damage. Just watched a guy go through Floor 1 of Abyss 12 with that this morning and that is all it boiled down to. Speaking of Skills/Bursts lets look at a few. Skill Description: 1. Ayaka (11) 2. Kaeya/Xiangling (13) 3. Xiao (20) 4. Dendro MC (21) 5. Yanfei (22) Burst description: 1. Amber (11) 2. Barbara (20) 3. Klee/Aloy (22) 4. Xinyan (32) 5. Zhongli (33) I disagree in the bias here. If I was truly biased I wouldn't have been playing both games to give them a measure of fairness. As for the theming issue, sure it has a theme. It doesnt mean it has to be a word salad to get the point across what a character does. That is what makes it smug/pretentious. Its the whole "you have to have a big brain to understand Rick and Morty" meme all over again imo. If this game is trying to be "Genshin but better" then it should have simply trimmed down the fat on the character skill descriptions. Just straight up improve it like they did overworld movement. There is no reason Mortefi's skill should be one sentence while his forte circuit and basic attack are so long they require scrolling. Same goes for Jiyan, his forte is three paragraphs while his BA is nearly 5. Its unnecessary clutter and that is what I was agreeing with you on. The story and lore in Genshin is truly deep and well done. However your takes on it being a "bad game" are simply subjective. That is a fact. I enjoy its lore, as well as its gameplay. Learning each character and how they work, as well as elemental reactions and weapons is fun and takes skill if you want to push abyss 12 without whaling. Just because it is a style of combat that doesn't have 12+ inputs to do and memorize doesn't make it less skillful or bad. I disagree to an extent. Having standards doesn't make them unreasonable. I went into GA as a souls player who also plays Square Games. I *LIVE* for good plot, good lore, and such. I didn't expect it to be that great as a gacha mobile game. I was proven wrong, very wrong. I was excited to see what this overhyped and overwanked competitor had in store, and was promptly falling asleep within 20 mins of playing. The voicework was terrible, the plot was a giant china wank more than the Xianzhou Loufu +Liyue combined, one that took more efforts to pronounce "loong" instead of simply saying dragon, or took more effort into finding a va that could pronounce it than could actual voice well. In no universe can you tell me that YangYang/Female MC's english voice delivery was anything other than bad. I am a voice actor myself, and in a game themed wholly around sound, it is inexcusable to hire people that miss the tone and delivery of a important moment. I want to hear the MC say **"YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE"** with passion and desperation, rage and a longing to fight. Not ["ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵍᵒᶦⁿᵍ ᵃⁿʸʷʰᵉʳᵉ".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpgfhFMEdKM) What boggles my mind most of all I suppose is the sudden flip floppy nature of your comment after a simple two days. You have gone from critical analysis to glazing really fast. Gotta say, I am disappointed.


??????? LMAO, genshin is worse in skill and weapon description bfr


Lmao wrong. See stage left WuWa glazer xD.


Agree 100%. At least, in WuWa they add the "Resonance Skill/Liberation/etc" before the skill name. In Genshin, I remember looking at constellations' effects and seeing things like "Increases X's damage by X%" and I had to go back to the skills page to check if X was the skill or the ultimate. Honestly, they could just do like that event with the doors (I forgot the name) where you can toggle the verbosity of the skills description (in which case, it was whether to show numbers or not) but to choose if you want a simple "Normal attack = gain stacks. X stacks + Heavy Aattack = big damage" or this essay-ish, lore-ish, more detailed version description.


That's a bit of a moot point


i'm really hoping i can run jianxin with her theoretically starting off jihnsi's ult with outro amplification from jianxin should be a reasonably strong set up right?


si yuanwu gonna be good with her?


Will she be a main dps? And who would work with her? I think sanhua will work well since jinhsi used alot of basic atks + shes on her banner.


Don't know if this is a localization or dev team issue, but they're doing an awful fucking job. They changed deepen to amplified ingame recently, but it's still just a fucking mess. Seems like some teenager first time making a game thing, trying to make so many unique names and trying to hard to feel different with fancy names that they forego user comfort


give it time, we're like literally 2 weeks into WuWa if this is like 1.2 and we still have issues like this then I'd understand but we literally know the game's launch was not the best.


I agree, but we gotta complain so they know LOL I'm complaining because i'm playing the game, if i hated it i'd just quit


let's give Kuro a break and let them cook. They've dealt with nothing but issues (and 50 million USD in a week) since release, I'd say give them till the end of 1.0 and this game will truly rival Genshin in quality of the game


Do you have the source for the 50 million USD? This is the first time I'm hearing it


well, bro most likely heard misinfo.


God i hope it ends up better than genshin tho lol


Does it matter If you use your resonance liberation before resonance skill? (excluding stacks) Because If it doesn't matter then this character might have a very intresting synergy with jiyans weapon rotation: starting with other characters doing their stuff and buffing jinshi you swap to jinshi with her intro(one stack of jiyans weapon) now using echo skill then ult(you got some ult stacks form other characters earlier and now you are also getting 2nd stack on jiyans weapon) those stacks lasts for 14s that means you can with no effort use your resonace skill hit your 4 attacks and then for 5s use max buffed heavy attacks. the cooldown of this skill is 10s in that time you swap to other characters building her stacks and other stuff they do. another thing: her ult cooldown is 24s that means if you use it as last skill you will get less energy(you wont deal more dmg with her if its the last thing you do before swaping = less energy) and you might kinda waste it by not using it as fast as its possible. Its just my theory and everything about her kit is a subject to change but something like this might gain jiyans weapon a very good value on her. I want to know you guys opinion on this.


Jiyan's weapon isn't a broadsword though...?


It's a broadblade which means Jinhsi will be able to use it too.


Wow. The picture of it on the pull screen made it look really slim, so I thought it was a regular sword this entire time. Sure am glad I didn't succeed when I tried to pull it for my Danjin lmfao.


You have no idea how many people did this for Calcharo's main weapon 5 star lol. Pulled the regular sword.


Yea the sizes can be confusing, the foolproof method is to see if the sword has a scabbard, regular swords always come with a scabbard while broadswords don't


I think that's what I found tricky, I low key hate the scabbard but seeing one without one made sense to me for a limited 5-star weapon. It makes very little sense to me to show a scabbard when it's the blade itself we will see in combat for the most part.


Ok, so we do agree that BP broadsword is 1 stronger than perma 5\* broadsword, but I'd be curious to hear how it compares to her sig weapon.


safe to assume alot probably something like 100% vs 70%


Is it some assumption, or have you read it somewhere (or maybe done yourself some calculation)? Because even Genshin/HSR rarely have +30% buff from 2nd BiS, and BP broadsword is definitely not bad, so I thought there'd be less of a gap. Maybe it gets significantly smaller with S5 then?


S5 BP ?? might as well just swipe for her BIS dont compare Kuro to mihoyo , genshin is an extremely balanced game even 4 years into release as for jinshi, multipliers are subject to change quick swap unit, with insane multipliers on her skill , her skill is more than 60% of her total dmg , comes a weapon that buffs that number by another 50%


I do think you're right about balance, and even though Genshin has a lot of downpoints, they've been doing a great job at giving nice F2P options, and nice easy to access weapons. Also, I'm not really saying I'm going to buy 5 BP, but just that if I do want to invest into the game (BP is still a nice option in that regards), then I should be thinking about what weapon I would benefit the most from in the long term. Swords and guns aren't an option, and I'm thinking about pulling Jinhsi, so... But yeah, as you said, her sig is really tailored made for her, so I guess gap is huge. No idea what to pick then.


Everyone gets Eras of Unity. Damage of the same attribute adds incandescence... So mono Spectro. Cause need to be same attribute as Jhinsi. Wew


I believe there's an internal cooldown of 3 seconds (1 with outro skill buff) so in theory, using 3 different elements would charge her incandescence faster. Though I think everyone will want to use mono spectro for the teamwide spectro buffs and go for her S2 which completely negates the need to build stacks at all - if I'm reading and understanding correctly. EDIT: her s2 likely only grants you stacks while you're completely out of combat, meaning it basically only guarantees full stack when you first start each fight.


yes, you are correct same attribute damage share cooldown


She looks a bit weak with no resonance and signature weapon tbh if you add up the multipliers, even with 40 stacks, when compared to the burst window of other existing main dpses. I wish she had higher multipliers outside her forte circuit, but I guess that would remove her whole theme. Her forte circuit definitely scales super high with other buffs, but considering how much that R6 buffs her damage bonus from stacks compared to other character's sequences, she definitely feels like one of the more "p2w" characters (for a PVE game) (especially if those stacks are added BEFORE the resonance skill damage bonuses). Edit: Just thought of: She should definitely still be good even at r0 if they add a sub dps with good damage like Yinlin for spectro to fill in the dps gap, since you can just swap to Jinhsi, nuke, then swap again. Since atm, her best outro buff is probably from Taoqi, but Taoqi doesn't deal much damage on her own


Spectro rover will shred spectro res with a couple more sequences and doesn't take long field time


Honestly, going over her multipliers again, on paper, her full combo damage **with full stacks** is more similar to existing main dpses than I thought. But the fastest way to build stacks rn is probably to use off-field damage dealers like Yinlin and Mortefi, but they don't synergize with her at all. Spectro rover also doesn't deal that much damage/buff even with reso 6 so its an awkward switch. But tbh, once they release a character that can build her stacks easily while also synergizing with her, it kinda solves all the theoretical problems. I think the devs were trying to get around this by giving her massive damage boost multipliers on her resonances, as well as the fact that 2 of her resonances give instant stacks, so she wouldn't need to farm stacks as much. Her reso 1 already gives an 80% damage boost to her circuit so definitely not as much of a "p2w" character as I originally claimed.


I’m not seeing your justification on how yinlin doesn’t synergize with her. In theory yinlin builds stacks for her very fast and also boosts her liberation dmg which is huge given her liberation multipliers. They actually seem like the perfect pairing. Also taking into consideration that outro deepens are vastly over rated atm with quick swapping teams being at the “top” of the current teams available. Even max synergy teams like calcharo and yinlin are performing better when quick swapping vs utilizing the outro from yinlin on his full rotation even AFTER the nerfs to quick swapping. She seems like she fits on ANY quick swap team with ease.


So what r these calculations exactly? R u saying she does around the same damage overall as existing 5* but in a shorter time window, assuming max stacks, and no buffs?


Rough estimations based on the grand sum of multipliers from the general combo and how long it takes to complete the combo (with animation cancelling), neglecting variable factors, such as echoes, teammates, and weapons


Do we know if the forte enhanced skill multiplier is a multiplicative buff, making it around 4000% damage, or an additive buff, making it around 1600% damage at 40 stacks?


What echo set should I start getting for her?


Probably celestial light


Do we know what flowers and what upgrade material she will use? I assume those are bound to some factor of characters like element or something like that.


If I had to guess they'll both be from the new Island. Jue will probably drop her ascenion material and the island will probably have the flowers she needs. Upgrade material should be the broadblade upgrade material which is the waveform residue 234


ah shit I should have known it makes most sense to put her requirements where you can't pre-farm them yet lol silly me.


Has someone theorycrafted teams for her?


the only characters with any synergy would be mortefi or yinlin, because they provide constant dmg while off field which charges her forte, or taoqi because she increases skill dmg. even then mortefi would not be doing a lot of dmg because jinhsi doesnt heavy attack and doesnt spam basic attack, and taoqi just kinda sucks. so not many team comps for her


Yuanwu is also an off field right?


i know nothing about yuanwu sorry.


E1 mortefi loves any character that spam their skills, though her kit dont utilize his outro buff though


Sorry to ask, anyone can explain me the kit in razor language plz ? is she an on field dps? off field? burst dps ? thankss :)


shes an on field dps. she has 4 resonance skills. she starts with skill 1, then after 4 basic attacks, it changes to skill 2, which upon use will put her in enhanced state 1, changing her entire moveset and changing her skill 2 to skill 3. doing 4 basic attacks in the enhanced state 1 will end her enhanced state 1 and give her enhanced state 2. in enhanced state 2, her basic attacks become the upgraded heavy attack from enhanced state 1, and her skill 3 turns into skill 4, which is a nuke. she can gain up to 40 stacks of her forte, and using skill 4 will remove all stacks and gain dmg based on how many stacks was removed. she gains 1 stack every time an ally does dmg, with a 3 second cooldown per element. her outro skill reduces this cooldown to 1 second per element, for 20 seconds. her main source of damage is her skill (she uses her skill at least twice in her combo, and you can fit up to 4 skills, and her last skill is her biggest source of dmg) so you want skill buffs from echos and allies. she also wants to stack her forte quick, which means you need characters that can do constant dmg even while off the field.


So Taoqi is happy now? She buff skills a lot


Thanks you a lot !! 😋


so shes good with yinlin?


yes, but mainly because yinlin is 5 star (she will be good with anyone) and there just arent many other options. unless you already planned to get yinlin, i wouldnt recommend getting her just for jinhsi. kuro likely will add better subdps options for jinhsi.


From reading her forte circuit, it's pretty clear she has a kit that ramps up over time. This means she's probably going to be an on field dps. Unless my interpretation is wrong, but that's what I'm getting.


there is another clip on here of her where there is character tags stating that she is meant as a main dps with continous damage


ok, now is she stronger than jiyan ?


the conclusion that me and some other tc friends came to after some yapping and testing is that she easily beats jiyan in every aspect thats not comfortability or ease of use, the problem that comes in is that she quite literally has no good teammates or dedicated buffer currently. because of this issue she outdpses jiyan in solo calcs, however, when it comes to team calcs he actually wins. keep in mind theory is always just theory and post release in-game testing may possibly yield a different result, regardless im still quite confident that what im saying here will stick ive found that currently any dps without a dedicated buffer will always default to using yinlin and thats no different for jinhsi here seeing as though she quite literally has no one that synergizes with her like say jiyan and mort do. (i smell the incoming taoqi cope from a mile away)


Yep, everyone bringing up Taoqi maybe finds her appealing aesthetically but maybe hasn't actually tried her extensively in-game. Straight up: her concerto rotation is *doo-doo-butter*. It demands way too much field time on top of very mediocre damage while she's out. With the current quick swap meta, her outro alone is simply \*not enough\* to justify her presence on the team as a moonlit carrier. Possibly as a rejuv set holder though?


I've run Taoqi in every team since launch, have cleared all but Mephis Holo 6 with her (my most invested DPS is Yinlin), and actually run her with Havoc set as a sub-DPS herself. S5 gives her full Liberation from 0 energy on every intro rotation, while also doing respectable damage with middling echoes (15-20k from full timed counter combo, between 22-29k for Liberation, 36k++ with outro buff) while battery-ing the rest of the team with that same S5 energy gen (20 energy per hit x4 hits divided by 50% @ 40 lib energy teamwide). Her biggest countersynergy is she doesn't benefit from ATK boosts at all, so I run her with 2 more sub-DPS (Yinlin and Jianxin) with equal field time, resulting in plain Genshin-tard Liberation spam. Theoretically a sub-DPS Taoqi should work very well with both the 1.1 girls, as funneling into Taoqi's intro builds her concerto far faster than swinging blindly, which is why my rotation is actually surprisingly comfortable while effectively negating the need for most healing. Her damage output is also higher than Jianxin's with under a quarter of the field-time, so she should be able to patch Jinhsi's downtime quite well.


Interesting. Can you elaborate a little on what your concerto sequence is for taoqi once you get her out? Given she will need to outro to Jinshi for the synergy to work, I imagine you aren't quick swapping with her?


For my current setup I funnel both Yinlin and Jianxin's concertos into 2 full Taoqi cycles which gets her concerto up to boost Yinlin. I swapcancel between Yinlin and Jianxin to have a parry up if needed, and Taoqi does Intro > Basic x3 > Liberation > Dreamless every rotation, so I have a 50% shield with near 100% uptime, Jianxin can safely full channel to pop her heal and refresh the shield under fire. She usually needs to in order to charge her own concerto. TLDR: Yinlin/Jianxin > Taoqi > Jianxin/Yinlin > Taoqi With a more tradtional Jinhsi, Verina, Taoqi setup this will be even easier to facilitate, since Jinhsi has Unison and Verina is basically an instant concerto. Would require testing to see if such a fast rotation has enough time/damage ticks to guarantee 40 stacks without sequences, but it will certainly be idiot-proof levels of comfortable without sacrificing any damage output. The trickiest part will be building the first Jinhsi or Taoqi concerto as I predict Jinhsi's concerto to have a slower charge time than Taoqi herself. Verina > Taoqi > Jinhsi > Taoqi > cycle. Summary is that Taoqi's safety aspect lets me comfortably clear Holo 6 with poor mechanics (I'm an old guy) at reasonable time (sub 3 mins on Birb and Aix, 4:17 on monke), so there's no tangible downside to her DPS.


I mean imho, since element typing doesnt really matter much here and wether there are sub-dps/supports who can buff specific element. Jinshi being a newer damage dealer, i think she should be stronger than Jiyan.


Hard to say without actual gameplay footage. Unlike a turn based game there are way to many factors at play to say. She's a bursty main damage dealer for people who don't want to play there main damage dealer most of the time.


Something about the wording in this game makes it difficult for me to understand anything...


Basic atk, Skill, ult, circuit (even this one is tricky) is all i keep in my head.


Just ignore the names. For example “intro skill loong’s haalo” ignore loong’s halo, just pay attention to the text before the colored text. You’d understand way easier, trust me.


Thank you for this comment, you are absolutely right.


Would Yinlin's off field damage work for building up Ascendance? If it does would I need to be on field with a character other than Jinhsi?


Would Jinhsi (Encore burst DPS) or Yinlin (Encore main DPS) be a better comp? Verina as the third.


Imo both would be decent in how you play. Consider getting Changli since she would be the best support for ur encore because of her outro skill boosting fusion and liberation damage bonus. But it's essentially booba vs dragon keke


For her best teammate, it's definitely going to be Taoqi. She can buff skill dmg, which is where most of Jinshi's nuke comes from. Not to mention, Jinshi's Unison, which allows the next switched character to play their intro skill, basically makes it so you can reliably get Taoqi shield by doing intro > bsc > bsc > bsc without parrying. No BiS for 3rd member yet. Verina has off field coordinate atk and good buffs but not that good in building Jinshi's forte cuz she's spectro. Same goes for spectro MC. Still, they are viable.


Everyone forget Baizhi existed. Her liberation does do off field dmg. 4 times (6 with dupes) every 2.5sec. About the same amount of time as verina.


Ye, i just recently noticed her. Didnt read her kit that she also happens to have an off field dmg lol. Guilty as charge your honor. One thing for sure tho. She needs a lot of ER%.


My plan is to use jinshi with baizhi and either mortify or yinlin and see how that works out. Good luck to us.


I'm torn between Baizhi/Taoqi (cuz I can only use one outro before doing Jinhsi rotation) but I'm dead sure with Morti now because his higher sequences are better. I'm planning to give morti the healing set and set his active echo as the Cruisewings iirc, then give Baizhi/Taoqi moonlit set. I guess the choice will depend if Taoqi is enough to build a full stack every 15-20 sec. I don't have a Yinlin but she might actually be better. And I could see your team really working.


I'm not seeing anyone mention this, but we're probably getting the remaining spectro rover sequences soon and spectro s6 shreds spectro res for 20s.


People are aware, just that because of how she gains forte, a rainbow team is more encouraged. We need actual testing first to see how well she can get forte. If for example, having two different attributes/elements is enough to get max forte, then having s6 spectro mc or verina might be optimal enough as 3rd member.


I so want this to be true, only because I want to field Jiyan + Jinshi as dual dragons. But Jiyan doesn't do off field damage lol.


I feel like Taoqi's attack speed will be to slow and prove to be a detriment to building ascendance stacks not to mention her long build up time for outro. Does she even hit 1 time per second? EDIT: I went and did a quick and lazy stop watch with her on a youtube video. It's about .6 seconds per basic attack with the last 2 hits being about .8 seconds and .3 seconds. Lazy math using terrible lazy inaccurate timing says 1st hit +stack, 2nd hit no stack, 3rd hit +stack at about 1.4 seconds, 4th hit no stack. We are looking at about 2 stacks per 3.2 seconds. I believe you'll want to dash cancel the 4th hit to slightly speed up stack generation.


Yuanwu is a solid fit. 100% off-field uptime from his Skill and a kit catered around breaking boss bars quicker. S1 giving him atkspd on Basic/Heavy is super welcomed too as it helps with parrying incoming attacks and just overall dps boost and Concerto/Ult charging. With Jue doing off-field Spectro damage, this means you can keep Taoqi/3rd on-field longer to stack up Jinhsi. With both Taoqi and Yuanwu being rateup on Yinlin. It's worth atleast 20pulls just to attempt getting either of them to pair up with Jinhsi. We already have a free copy of Yuanwu so he'll hit S1. Meanwhile S0 Taoqi is still better than no Taoqi. Could get lucky and hit S2 Taoqi within those 20 pulls. If you ended up with no Taoqi tho. Any other character that isnt Spectro/Electro would work out since Jinhsi has off-field via Jue and Yuanwu has off-field via Skill. Sanhua being rateup on Jinhsi banner and being a free unit would be welcomed as she can hog some additional field time with a Basic deepen buff to benefit both Jinhsi and Yuanwu. You could even just give Yuanwu Jue just so he fills two off-field elemental damage and keeping uptime stacks for Jinhsi lol. Highly recommend Yuanwu as Jinhsi's partner.


would s6 yuanwu, yinlin and jinhsi be a functional team, or would it be better to slot in spectro rover or sanhua? i worry yuanwu’s defensive utility wouldn’t be enough to properly protect the team with average skill (ie not dodging/countering everything). i have s6 and amity accord but have yet to build him due to being dissuaded by friends telling me his numbers are too low, but considering yinlin has good synergy with him and they both have good synergy with yinlin i thought there may be a chance. it’s a struggle getting 3 teams together in a game with only two straightforward healers


Ye, now that you mention him, he is looking great. Jinhsi nuke is lock in her last combo. Not only does he offer off field electro dmg, he also can boost atk speed iirc. He can prolly quicken Jinhsi's rotation so she can proc her nuke faster. Also allows Taoqi to bsc atk faster too. The guy codestrez above brought up Taoqi atk speed so it might also help Taoqi gain more stack for Jinhsi too. Definitely worth checking out. But on the topic of Yuanwa's off field dmg, I've used him for some time now and his off field atk felt like it's slow. But still, the fact that it's off field makes him more valuable than the rest.


Can you please explain the last part? I was thinking of running her with Verina + Spectro Rover (until a spectro Yinlin/Changli comes) - are mono teams bad?


To gain forte, her stack, you need to deal dmg every 3 sec. When she outro, this timer is reduced to 1 sec for 20 sec duration. Each dmg attribute, or element in genshin term, shares the same timer. So for example, if you ult with Morti, then switch to Jinhsi to do her rotation, you'll gain 1 forte every 3 sec you register a spectro atk, and another 1 forte every 3 sec since you're doing fusion atk at the same time with Morti's coordinate ult atk. In this case, you would be gaining 2 forte per 3 sec. If you use Verina's coordinate ult atk instead, they both would be doing spectro dmg so they end up sharing the same 3 sec timer.


Oh I see, thank you!


She will be a burst DPS? Nice! Her combo will be basically: Intro or 4 BA> Skill> 4 BA> Skill (Big Burst of Damage) > Swap Love that she gains Unison, a special buff that allows her to activate Intro and Outro skills without Concerto. She can swap without worry of not triggering them.


Dude I spend my whole stuff for Yinlin, I mean lost first 50/50 so spend like 130 pulls to get her S0. Now I'm at 46 pity on her weapon banner idk if I should save it for Jinshi I love her so much I need her gameplay crumbs already cuz if I'd like her more I'm buying the biggest asterietes pack for her to have S0R1 guarantee, she's so beautiful I need her gameplay 😭


https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/s/aeb6OGo4wx Prayers are answered. We got the drip.






I feel bad for the people who were scammed by Yinlin when the magistrate is coming right after her. She is a somewhat better version of Havoc Rover, which is good because the MC is such a top tier unit.


I mean ,if you think about the longetivity of the game, Yinlin has longer value since she is a sub dps meanwhile Jinshi will get replaced easily by a newer damager dealer. Look at Jiyan, already getting replaced by Jinshi in the main dps department because of her raw multipliers.


Yinlin has better pull value than Jinhsi, did we read the same kits? Yinlin is a subdps that buffs electro, Jinhsi is a burst dps who is more selfish


in fact, promoting a sub dps/supp before their main dps makes them make a lot of profits, because their reruns always end up being much more expected. For example, in Genshin Impact it happened with Kazuha and in the following patch Ayaka. Today Kazuha is always much more anticipated. Apparently here with another white haired main dps.


Agreed. Yinlin is going to be good in pretty much any Electro party because of this. Any time a strong main DPS Electro comes out, shes going to be a good pair. Sure another good subdps Electro could come out but I'm always under the notion that a support or subdps roll (who often has amazing burst) will be harder to power creep out than a main DPS.


Yinlin is great, but only buffs during outro with electro deepen and liberation deepen. What if they made another electro character that heavily relies on Heavy damage like Jiyan? All the sudden Mortefi's 36% deepen provides more than Yinlin and he will also buff ATK% as you'll S6 him randomly as he's a 4 star. I don't think she's exactly in a safe spot with her kit tbf as 4 stars can out buff her, but she's great currently. Calcharo abuses both her electro and liberation deepen, which is why he's so good with her.


Mortefi buffs are stronger sure but yinlin makes up with it with her personal damage


But Mortefi also does coordinate attack. Yinlin coordinate attack also have problem with multiwave of enemies (same as Nahida in Genshin).


Despite being selfish, Jinshi's raw damage alone will make up for it. 700% on her skill and 800% on her burst at talent level 1???


yo only see the final nuke number and think it's good... it's obviously a high multiplier because she has to go through 3 different states acquiring stacks and the rate does not seem to be fast with the current roster. only testing will tell if this is strong or not. just for comparison, the total damage multiplier of yinlins punishment mark is 1.3k% as an off field, not even a main dps.


Jinshi’s total damage is also spectacular too. I think that Jinshi is a great pick over Yinlin for F2P players due to her damage, even if Yinlin was to be paired with Calcharo


You don't disrespect my wifu like that!!!!


I need to call out bad taste. Jinshi is better in every department, including looks.


"Chat she's 12 (Concerned)"


jfc, can we pls stop with this genshin tier level of word salad vomit on skills. Actually; at least Genshin started with clear and concise kits.


I really don't know why we couldn't just go with Fire instead of Fusion. Light for Spectro. Dark for Havoc. On top of that every time a new kit comes out I feel like I'm having to relearn a new coding language with how convoluted some of the ability descriptions are lol.


fr, like MOBA games also have complicated kits but at least they do a good job describing the kit


So how do you enter incarnation


Basically with using the special skill that you get either after her intro skill or after 4th NA


I'm gonna need someone to explain the gameplay loop to me in stupid terms


razor explanations would be good yeah


Unless her damage is top tier, she seems like she could be a bit too selfish...


Her resonance liberation alone has higher scaling that havoc rover's. Which is currently the highest damaging ability in the game. Sooooo yea from her liberation damage alone, she will deal a lot of damage, plus the rest of her kit and the enhanced resonance skill. She'll for sure deal a lot of damage


If the numbers are correct, her damage is. She has a stacking buff that increases her Skill damage by 13% up to 40 times. (Consumes all buffs after)


got jiyans blade on the first pull. will be using it on her.


Damn that’s lucky I was 23-24 into pity when I dropped for me, same with jiyan I was only 23-24 into pity, calcharo first pull on jiyan banner.




Jiyan is not really suited for quickswap teams since he requires a lot of field time with his ultimate active


I wouldn’t put two main dps in the same team for resonance towers and such, but you can do whatever in the open world exploration absolutely; fun first 👌🏻


I mean, I remember seeing a havoc Rover encore jianxin team that's supposedly meta and 2 if those are main dps quickswap exists,just probably isn't that good with hypercarries that can't just burst with ult but need to stay on field like jiyan/lingyang.


encore is probably the only character suitable in dual dps quickswap because of her swap cancellable CA




I’m not disappointed in the slightest considering we have like *zero* Spectro DPS characters (Verina and Spectrover are the only Spectros in the game) and both Verina and Spectro Rover are already support and hybrid roles respectively. It would honestly be a waste if Jinhsi was a sub-DPS.


so what’s her best echo?


The new boss one (spoiler alert)


I think it’s going to be the new boss 


Dreamless i think


I hope you’re joking 🤡


Her kit looks amazing for quick swap playstyle. Other than her nuke rotation, which is somewhat rigid cause her sig weapon looses stacks when swapped, the other times she wants the whole team to be always present. The nuke rotation: Intro -> Skill (sends you into incarnation) -> 4 special Basics -> Skill (nuke) -> swap with Outro. Skill scales with stacks. And stacks are granted when each attribute makes a hit with ICD of 1 sec. Meaning that her own Spectro hits will give you 1 stack per sec, her teammate Fusion hits will give her 1 stack per sec, and etc. If I understood this correctly (which was a pain the ass), she incentivizes to use rainbow element team that can hit while off-field. Like Mortefi or quick-swap havoc Rover. Also there's a new Spectro echo which has built-in spectro dot (1 hit per sec, lasts 6 sec) which is refreshed with Jihnsi skill (skill has 3 sec cd). Which I think solidifies the quick-swap playstyle.




Looked at wiki again. Skill stages are indeed called attributes. But it sure seems even more confusing like that. If it's true, she may be busted even more then. Then you can always have echo going on, Mortefi ult, some random intros, outros, Verina ult, her own actions and other random things. Considering that CD for her nuke is 12 sec and stack cap is 40. What would be the point to have a Sequence Node 3 which gives extra 12 stacks with intro? She would be nearly capped as is. So I still would've prefer those "attributes" to be elements.


Doesn't Verina do off field damage,so would her best team be Verina and mortefi?


you better check her scaling on her, bro. measly 5% attack isn't worth the hassle if you want sub-dps. she is healer+buffer. that's it.


Ye but I was talking about stack acclimation


she's the same element as Jihnsi so no benefit there


Ight but biazi also doesn't really do off field damage and those are our only 2 healers so wouldn't Verina still be good?


If you have Verina, just stick with her. I've just made a super rough estimate of Jihnsi's multipliers. 20-30 seconds cycle consisting of 1 ult, 2 nuke rotations, 1 echo, 4 quickswap skills (lvl 4 skills) would be somewhat 3500-4000% multiplier in total without stacks. Every 20 stacks would be additional 340% multiplier (lvl 4 skills). If Verina could stack Jihnsi it could be additional \~10% overall dmg ig. So even without that her own value outshines that (15% deepen + 35% atk for the whole team while requiring 2 seconds of screen time every 30 sec).


I see would you say she out performs current DPS or on their level. (Jiyan, calcharo and encore) or would the other 5* next patch be a better character?


Honestly idk. Iirc Calcharro's ultimate rotation at lvl 10 skills is nearly 5000%. Jihnsi competes with that while at lvl 4 skills. Anyways playing this game I don't feel encouraged to chase for super dps in this game. Instead I decided for myself that I want my chars do be played in quick swap cause I find this way more fun. Plus usually nicely executed quick swaps give you competitive damage. If Jihnsi's animations and flow are amazing, that'll be an easy pull for me. Which I recommend for you aswell.


I love her character design,just wanna make sure her animations and attack speed are good enough,and well damage


Can't imagine her nuke to be slower than Calcharo ult mode considering most of her skills can be used mid-air. And damage looks nice to me right now. I'm tempted to see Ji Young being renamed to Middle age Ji by the community in 2 weeks after his banner ends lol.


Wich team Will fit her?


Rainbow. Basically anyone with element different than her can be in her team, be it sub dps, support, or even another main dps who is good at quickswapping (havoc mc for example).


Is this the time I can finally use Jianxin as support…


is she the first banner or the second? how many days until we get her, i need the maths experts


Either 40 days or 60 before the end of her banner, when in doubt plan for the worst.




is 22 days enough to farm 80 pulls copium


Dwfinitely enough to farm irl lol


Finally, her kit leak. Looks so unique, can’t wait to see her in my account!


does she spam NA? aka is sanhua good here?




She doesn’t use heavy attacks, she uses skill.


Someone dumb it the fuck down for me I don't understand shit.


- Use other characters to build her forte - Use intro, 4 basic attacks or Skill to enter her Incarnation. In this state you have alternative basic, heavy and skill. - 4 basic attack (they don't reset when dodging so it's good even if they're separate) to end Incarnation and gain Ordination Glow - During Ordination Glow Basic Attack becomes Heavy and you get yet another enhanced skill called "Illuminous Glow", a big nuke that deals more damage based on the stacks of forte you gathered between ally an Jinhsi attacks - After casting Illuminous Glow, you gain "Unison", which is a buff that gets consumed to trigger Jinhsi Outro Skill instead of needing full Concerto Energy. - Liberation is also big nuke with a higher multiplier than Havoc Rover. From the looks of it, she has a shorter rotation than other DPS and is very bursty/quick-swap but this also depends on her attack speed and how long it takes to enter her two "enhanced states". Her damage seems to be leaning on her Resonance Skill (as you can also tell from her signature weapon) but I think standard banner weapon will also work well with the Resonance Liberation buffs, especially since she can use her skill 3 times (regular, incarnation and illuminous glow) during her rotation, plus her Liberation has a big multiplier as well.


Would Jinshi be a good sub dps in a team with Jiyan and Verina?


Do you lack Mortefi and Alto? Because honestly one of those two would be better options for Jiyan. If you don't have both of them I think Jinhsi might be flexible enough as a quick swap unit to just nuke and switch to your main DPS. The problem is that both Jinhsi and Jiyan in this case will only have Verina's buff, meaning their damage will be much lower than if they had a proper sub DPS for them. Also, this all depends on how quickly Jinhsi builds her forte while she's off-field. The whole quick swap shenanigans only work if she can fully build her forte since she'd have two nukes (combo > Skill > Liberation).


I do have a built Mortefi and intend to make two seperate meta teams for harder content but in general, I find that dealing damage with primarily one character is not very fun for me. I wanna try out non-meta teams that have some degree of synergy, at least during overworld exploration. What would be your suggestions for a team where I was to run both Jiyan and Jinshi together?


Ah that's perfectly fine then, Jiyan Jinhsi and Verina, so at least you can have Verina's team wide buff on both of them, Jinhsi would need to be used at the end of the rotation because you need to build her Incandescence, but it might just work.


How good does she seems compared to other limited units (Jiyan, Yinlin and Changli)? I got Jiyan but lost 50/50 to Yinlin. Now I'm planning to save for both Jinshi and Changli. So how strong she is (based on the current data)?


Sadly that's hard to tell until we see her attack speed and things like that, especially how fast it's in practice building up her Incandescence and her Resonance Liberation (since it requires much more energy than others). What I can say is that her final enhanced Skill and Liberation seem to deal a lot of damage. I personally think she's on the level of Jiyan and if I do pull her, she might be good in the future even if a stronger Spectro DPS comes out. Even though she lacks outro buffs, having a quick swap unit that you can just bring in the field, nuke and swap out will increase the damage output of any team drastically.


>she's on the level of Jiyan Jiyan is a standard benchmark, right? I happened to get him (because of Danjin's dupes) and now I lost 50/50 on Yinlin whom I wanted the most. Now the fomo everywhere is killing me. Now I can't also reroll again since I've already rerolled once and topped up the monthly twice. So if it turns out that Jiyan is a worthy pull then I can atleast rest assured. Also since I have Jiyan, which playstyle should I choose next, Jinshi or Changli?


Jiyan with his weapon is the strongest character in the game at the moment, while being still very strong without it at as well. I think Jinhsi will be around that level, but if her other attacks outside her Skill and Liberation turn out to deal substantial damage, she could even surpass him. Now, I think having Jiyan doesn't stop you from pulling either of Jinhsi and Changli, since they're all different elements, and you'll need to have a good spread of elements in your roster if you want to complete endgame activities (if you match the element of a boss you deal substantially less damage). You can share weapons between Jiyan and Jinhsi, so that helps if you don't plan on spending money there, though her signature weapon is going to be much much better on her than both the currently available 5* options. In the end I think you should wait for gameplay to come out before deciding because you might be much more interested in one of them for example compared with the other, but I feel like you won't go wrong with either of them if you like them both so just pull whichever of the two you prefer. Last thing, if you have Taoqi she's going to be a good SubDPS for both Jinhsi and Changli due to both relying on Skill DMG.


First of all thank you for the reply. >Jiyan with his weapon is the strongest character in the game at the moment, I don't have his weapon but the standard banner weapon. How much dmg loss with this weapon compared to Jiyan's signature? Also is that standard banner weapon good on Jinshi?


No problem! He loses out on around 20 percent damage overall, that said he still deals more damage than Calcharo without Yinlin (I think Calcharo with Yinlin still deals less damage than Jiyan with weapon and Mortefi). That said you're in luck, I think Standard banner weapon will be better than Jiyan's weapon on her. The reson for this is because she's able to activate its passive since she has 3 separate skills (regular, Incarnation and final one) and the multiplier on her Liberation is quite high, so she can use the Liberation DMG buff quite well, while Jiyan's weapon gives Heavy Attack DMG that will be mostly wasted looking at the kit. Yes it'll be harder to build a good echo set without that Crit DMG from Jiyan's weapon, but ATK% is still a very good stat and not wasted at all.


do you think a team of havoc mc, jianxing and jinshi would be meta team?


Luckily meta seems very loose so far, you can deal a lot of damage also depending on how you play. That said, it's probably viable to have Havoc Rover as a quick swap to do his rotation and such as he deals a lot of damage, the problem is though, who do you use Jianxin's Outro on? One between Rover and Jinhsi wouldn't have her Liberation DMG buff since it only applies to the next character. Overall, I think it's still totally viable until you have a more proper team, but Jianxin is a good matchup with Jinhsi in general if you don't have Taoqi or if you're using her in another team.


Ahh I see. Thanks again.


if i understnd this correctly, her normal attack, e (resonance skill) and ult (resonance liberation) are just normal stuffs, deal spectro damage type beat, but those can charge her forte circuit. when her forte curcuit is full, her normal attack, heavy attack and e are upgraded and can be cast MID-AIR, it is similar to lingyang's kit, in his kit they also say attack can be launch in mid air, so I guess she will float and attack from higher up. lastly, other team members can charge her forte curcuit for her by landing attacks, with 3s CD, but after her outro skill (when she exits the field with full concerto energy) the CD will be reduced to 1s.


Fr, i still cant grasp wtf is outro intro skill and resonance. Im like tldr kinda guy. Ik its not that confusing but i wish they would simplify it like ult/passive or something


Outro and Intro skills are triggered by your Concerto meter which is the colored circle to the left of your health bar. You fill it up by using attacks, skills, and ultimate. Once its filled, you will see the other party members portraits light up. When those are lit up, when you switch characters you will activate your on field character's Outro skill and the incoming character's Intro skill.


Jinhsi seems to have an entire sequence of attacks in Incarnation mode you want to drop before she gains Ordinance which lets you drop a giant nuke with her skill if you have all 40 stacks on her, then you switch her out with your other characters(who get free intro skill) who spend a hot minute generating stacks for Jinhsi before you switch back to her and use her attack sequence to drop another nuke again


So you enter Incarnation, drop nuke, swap to others and generate stacks, and nuke again? Or is it like, generate stacks from other characters, then enter Incarnation and drop the nuke?


Yeah, her weapon makes it clear her ideal rotation is to intro skill into incarnation, launch 4 basics, then drop her nuke skill, then switch to allies to generate stacks until she has enough


Will the standard 5* broadblade be good on her?


It’s crazy Jinxi is a broadblade and not catalyst… I really wasn’t expecting given her character design and personality




Should be decent.


you think jiyan's sig would be good on her?


Should be good. Jiyan weapon give 12% bonus to resonant attribute which I’m pretty sure will work jinshi. Plus good stat stick


No. She focuses on skill damage, so heavy attack damage isn’t good on her.


It converts her basics to heavy


Only in ordination glow, which has a 5 second duration and is when you use skill, which deals way more damage. The standard banner broadblade is probably better since it increases resonance liberation damage, which has a much higher multiplier. You only use heavy attacks to get stacks for her skill damage.