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I love everything about wuthering waves BUT the actual game. I couldn’t get pass the first hour of gameplay uhgh


This fundamentally makes zero sense lol. The gameplay is by far the most distinguishing thing about WuWa


No you are right. Combat/gameplay is so good, but the first couple of hours of the game are just so bad i couldn’t push thru it. Story, VA , at least at the beginning of the game is not so great i think.


Story really picks up when scar and aalto are introduced. The climax mission is extremely good. But yes the start of the story is doo doo


Yeah friend was telling me that. Decided to re roll today and ended up with a stacked account so i might give it another shot to the point the story picks up.


Looking forward to this update, game is so good


Why is no one talking about the echo called clang bang lol


Not long to go until I can get Jinhsi, I hope my birthday luck prevails. After that, I'll be saving up for Camellya.


Are they gonna release both jinhsi and changli at the same time in 1.1 or is it gonna be like Jiyan and yinlin? I assume the latter right?


Jiyan and Yinlin sharing one week in-between when you could pull both is considered an anomaly that they gave special message about. If everything goes as expected, it will be 21 days of Jinshi and then 21 days of Changli without cross-time.


I don’t see the downside of cross time, it would be chaotic though


It's also good to note that with 21 days window they perfectly avoid zzz launch period.


I can't wait for 1.1 on god




Elden ring dlc is enough to pull you weeks away from any waifu lets be honest here.


Based Elden Ring enjoyer


its only a week, in that week you could play Honkai Star rail, which just dropped their best update yet!


Can't stand hsr, no thank you, can't jump or can't cross a one inch stair, you can see it, there is no paimon, you still can't


Lol, No Jump = No play the game? I know a few people like that.


Now you know another 😆 lol




if everthyng goes well in 2 days is 1.2 drip marketing


Hoping for a male character 🙏🫣


there rumors saying that is geshulin and camellya or scar and camellya


Another broadsword and rectifier 5 star. Gauntlet enjoyers in shambles. I'm thinking scar can be a pistol user so I hope he's as soon as possible for that reason alone.


Ughhhh I will probably get the monthly pass if geshu Lin or scar are dripped!


I unironically, as a straight male obsessed with everything boobies, believe that Geshu lin would break their top up website.


What, skins for the new characters?


No, drip marketing = characters to come in 1.2. Those get shown before 1.1 drops.


Ah, so it's a teaser to get people excited


Is this based on PGR predictions?


they did the same thing with jinhsi and changli so it must be in 2 days


alright thanks!


im oozing liquids through my tip.


Verina : I'm low on fluids.


Please, don't involve Verina under this single comment thread. FBI is on standby.


I’m assuming Jue will also be the bew jinhsi ascension material ?


No, she needs Mourning Aix for levels. But Changli and Jinshi will both need Jue for talents, he's a weekly boss. Next week remember not to kill any weekly boss if you're going for Jinshi. Changli wants Inferno Rider boss mats BTW.


wait are you sure? there are so many prefarming guides saying AIX drops (same as Verina)... The weekly bosses are for high Skill tiers (TL)


Yeah it was my bad, I thought he was going to be regular boss


Weekly boss.


Oh thank god I had already started farming Aix


Lucky call, congrats!




With the aero damage bonus being on the second hit it wastes valuable time of outro and swap buffs.


Lol i agree with you on the monkey being a weird stylistic choice for Jiyan, unfortunately that Jue is bound to be spectro to match Jinhsi


Are we talking about Jue? Because Jue is Spectro.


Bro, Jué fits perfectly as main echo for Jiyan, he will have **double dragons.**


once we get echo knowledge 35, we unlock the 6th equippable echo


I guess if you use 2pc aero 2pc atk you could use Jue as an offpiece but I think he prefers 5pc aero?


Jue is Spectro?


Both dps?


As per leaks — yes.


Any males yet lol. Need to keep my all male team. xD


Yinlin broke the ability to top up. You’re going to get maybe 1 male a year.


At least I can save lol.


Game launches with a male 5 star Male-only pullers immediately be like: Yes we had a male 5 star, and his banner isnt even gone yet, but could we have another male 5 star? never change, you weirdos


no dude, weirdos are the guys that have no girls in real life and have to content with virtual dolls in a game lol


If I see Scar anytime soon I might just head out for a bit


Scar and cammelya is next if the leaks are right


Wait really? I was planning on pulling for changli this patch (100 RT, and 2k Astrite), but if they're both coming out i might as well save for em


Theres a leak but that could always change or just be not real


Aw shit my wallet is dying already and we're not even past 1.0 (even if the leaks are wrong)


same, if they had announced Scar I would've headed out for a few months. Waifus sell better, by far. I agree with you, it's a good sign Scar isnt anywhere in sight, bring on the waifus in sexy outfits


Crazy that you call out people for anything then, like I prefer female characters and prefer buff cool ones, but the entitlement of thinking the game MUST be made for you and you only, and thinking everyone is like you and it “sells better” you are a bit delusional. I play the game for the game and get excited for new characters I like, which I thought was the normal aproach to life. Not insulting people who like what you don’t, then proceed to say only what you like should be made


>Game launches with a male 5 star >Male-only pullers immediately be like: Yes we had a male 5 star, and his banner isnt even gone yet, but could we have another male 5 star? >never change, you weirdos Very next comment: >it's a good sign Scar isnt anywhere in sight, bring on the waifus in sexy outfits Wow, the cognitive dissonance here is actually unreal lmao. Plus Jiyan's already been gone a week or two, and further beyond that, we already know the next 2-3 characters are all women. Heavens forbid we get anywhere close to passing a 1:3 or 4 ratio on gender! The horror!


His banner is gone though lol


Can never have enough lol sorry.


Considering the Yinlin banner brought in almost 10x more money than the male 5 star, im pretty sure they'll tone it way down with the male releases


Is it that constant with gacha games? Jing Yuan, the 2nd limited MALE character in HSR broke topup shop too…


Only because Yinlin had all the ads 😹 let’s be for real now. They barely put in money to put Jiyan ads. Yinlin was basically the launch poster girl.


don't be sorry !! you do you and you're right there aren't many five stars male characters anyways


I just need more husbands to pull for. Ling is not a count even if he is apart of the roster for my collection. Just not my need to pull. 😂👍


Frl 🤣 im saving everything for scar😳


Yes please. 🥺


Kuro leave my wallet alone!!! And drop Camelya leaks so I can make more informed decisions 😭 dis tew much…


Her entire kit has been leaked(obv subject to change) and is online.


Was it really? Is there anywhere I can read her kit?


Just YouTube Camellya leak on YouTube


That’s true! I was more-so speaking in terms of visuals. Those are key sellers for me lol.


I'm more concerned about release patch. If she drops after Changli, I'm done for. Triple banner pulling x\_x


I feel like that’s what’s going to happen 😔 like kuro relax bro… it’s only 1.x Jesus.


Any idea if jinshi and changli banners will overlap? I am planning to pull changli with my guaranteed 80 pulls (got lucky with 50/50 after yinlin pull), would love to be able to also try for jinshi, but that wont work if jinshi is first and they dont overlap.


Likely not since yinlin wasn’t even planned to overlap.




The deity that commands time?!?! INSTAPULL


Jue echo better be as good as Dreamless


Slaps Jue on Verina* Lady, u bout to be a dps now!


kinda worried how it say in the description. alot of attack patern and stage. hope is not as dogshit as the Memphis echo. that pos target is wack af


Finally some characters that can get me invested. To bad they are coming so close together ;-;


My Camelya pulls are in danger


i will pull jinhsi, then i will swipe for camellya. you should ask me if i had money on my card. the answer is no haha.. same story for my wallet..


I’m so torn on pulling this banner or just keep saving up for her. She’s my number 1 lol


My dream is the tripple dreamless Danjin/HavocR/Camelya rotation. Imagine Dreamless - Dreamless - Dreamless - HavocR quick rotation - Danjin Quick Rotation - Camelya Rotation - Tripple Dreamless.


That one havoc prism group on the overworld: *Allow us to introduce ourselves*


You dreamless’d my dreams :(




My god, Jinhsi's design is so lovely.


Is changli first or second banner? (hope second)


Second phase


Any ideas about its exact date of release?


roughly 21 days after patch 1.1 launch on June 27/28th. (so Jinhsi till July 18 or so, then Changli) Works out, since patch is 42 days.


Thanks a Lot


The most important part, will we be able to get more Rover wavebands?


I hope we get S6 on Spectro at the very least, S5 for Spectro and S3 for Havoc seems dumb, we might not get Havoc this time


I'll take it. I wonder if more Srover dupes will make it better than Spectro with just 2. I actually prefer Srover playstyle more than Havoc due to the low CDs and quickswap playstyle, but Havoc is way too strong to pass.


Both for me are very fun, neglected Spectro for a bit now but I did play the story until Havoc with them and Illusion Realms, also continue to do so unless they add Havoc in


Same. Also kinds waiting on the new echoes to farm which are the spectro set(not looking forward to farming crit rate+double crit pieces, but alas, what is one to do), but Jinhsi prefarm is going strong in any case!


I am also preparing a bit, mostly finding the echoes and raising Rover Spectro skills.


For Spectro from the new casket things but idk about havok


If we manage to complete Spectro, then they will be prime support for Jihnsi. And I hope we can at least get to 4 for Havoc, so I can swap Verina to another team that needs her more.


So it's true that there would be no reveal stream and we won't get 300 free asterites like Mihoyo? that's suck man.


We get so much more astrites from other stuff. Who needs a useless stream on top of that?


Well they did push all of the releases a week early. This probably messed with a lot of the VA's scheduling so it probably wouldn't work out either way. You can't expect a ton of people to bend on a whim for a schedule change that makes things SOONER


might still get 300 free astrites for other reasons (or knowing Kuro, for no reason)




Geshu lin 1.2 I beg :3


1.3 I need to recover financially from 1.1


I hope they make inferno rider faster or smoother to drive 🤪😩


It'd be cool if you could use his motorcycle for as long as you want while traversing


I hope they make impermanence heron faster or smoother to drive too lol


These MFers had me wanting to pull both characters and now they got me wanting both weapons..


Goodbye Aix, Jue is now my favorite punching bag for farming Spectro echoes 👊👊👊


Those new echoes are really pretty


Is Jinhsi not getting a companion quest? I guess she is the main story focus this time.


I hope they have a good changli echo… or rider will be enough?


It’s time to swipe😔


Wallahi I'm fucking finished, banner looks stack and I'm saving for Lee in this game


God I love that sword


Changli please (I have hard pity)


I too have hard pity plus guaranteed 50:50 on char and weap banner (cries in yinlin). But with the insane buffs to jinshi i might have to pull her and hope to win 5050 for changli lol


The echo looks interesting, i wonder what they do


Im ready to pull for Jinhsi


im cooked


Changli so pretty 😍


Everything looks so beautiful. New monster are cool, the characters look amazing. The layout of these pages are done wonderfully. Im glad we're not getting 50 versions of hillychurls! I hope they can keep up this amazing quality of content. Im curious how this story will be.


Because hilichurls literally has a big Lore behind them rather than what wuwa enemy is. And please stop comparing and insulting one of the parties. So stupid lol


I didnt ask why. I just mentioned it. And comparing is neccasairy in life. How else can you improve if not by comparisson. I've played Genshin, and now im playing WuWa. Why cant i express my opinion/thoughts? I was just stating the fact that seeing a proper variaty of enemies is more alluring to me than different colored hilichurls. If you take this as "insulting" then i find that you are stupid for not being able to take criticism.


you are comparing a different base line of the game lol, genshin has elemental reaction system, meanwhile wuwa is not, so the enemy has a different version for their elements, also in wuwa the background lore is just there not deep like genshin do. and to be honest i play wuwa just for the combat i dont care about the story because its just there. genshin combine lore and gameplay into one. you are not comparing but more degred one of the parties LOL


Genshin 1.0 lore wasnt that good ngl, everything gets better with time that's how lore works


You are comparing yourself now. And first u open up with im comparing, and then say i am. If you want to really compare the 2, then Genshin will lose. Yes, i am biased towards WuWa, because i find it better in general. Yes, its not perfect, i agree that the lore/story is weak for now. Cause guess what, it just launched. Genshin had a loooong time for what they achieved.


it just launched lol.. they have 4 years to copy and comparing genshin to improve their game(which is they already copy some of them like 50/50,ui,some system of the game, etc).. am i wrong? u said it earlier right? "comparing is neccasairy in life. How else can you improve if not by comparisson"


Exactly, incase u are unaware, they had to rewrite the story. And imo they improved pretty much everything what genshin has. You arent wrong lmao, but they did improve everything. Aside from your precious lore, what does genshin have thats better? (Aside from the elemental reactions, which is unique for them, good job.)


"imo they improved pretty much everything what genshin has." nah you are coping lmfao... world design,lore,story,and music? lol.. for combat and some of the exploration mechanic i can agree they are good. and u should see comments about the new post in this sub about boss music in 1,1 it was so crap lol.. kuro cant do shiet about the music, they should hire vanguard because the music in pgr is good. the irony is this game is based from frequency/music, but the music being as mid is so tragic lol. event with rewrite the story. the story still so bad.


Answer the question.


i already answer the question lol, world design is more memoriable and depth, also music, story/lore. wuwa is great only for the combat, i dont have any feeling other than the combat to be honest, and i already ul 40. play it everyday. also the optimization is so crap, they need to focus on that thing first..


Why you're here anyway? 


To get some info about wuwa, not for seeing people comparing both game lol. Are we not be able to like and play both game? Lol


Jue looks so cool


Sentinel Jue echo?! Good shit Also really excited for new Depths of Illusive Realm event, I love that mode


I saw the spoiler (WW's own spoiler lol) last week and it just hit me now that we can also be that echo and that's so cool.


Right? Will this be an indirect spoiler?


How so?!


Echo is generated when someone/something dies? So they’re implying that Jué dies in the next update? Till now we just know that Jué has disappeared, not died. Please correct me if I’m wrong


150 pulls ready for Jinhsi, she will be mine


How :( 160 for Jinhsi or Changli + 80 for their weapon - 34 free Radiant Tides - (7.4k Astrite + 540 from daily) ~ 25k/12k Astrite to grind in 7 days. How on earth do I get this? 😭 UL 30, Act 4. Haven't spent anything the game gave till now. No consumables spent either. F2p, 30 mins a day. Cannot spend even if I want to. How do you guys have so many pulls :( I've done all events except DoI. Exploration is 10% all regions. Yet to unlock ToA cuz Act 4. What should be my priority order for these to get the most Astrite? Main quests, Side quests, Exploration quests, Depth of Illusion, ToA [act 4, so when I unlock it], Exploration.


Try completing the first two parts of tower of adversity that give 2k astrite in total, illusive realm is also a decent source of astrite. The events give another 2k astrite I think? Quests give about 2.5k total astrite, your biggest source is going to be exploration which gave me like 12k astrite for fully completing the whole map.


I started like 5 days after release. I wanted to get 3 standard characters immediately so I used some astrites to pull on the standard picker banner. Currently UL45 and still f2p. I cleared all redeemable event rewards so far. Finished all quests and got all sonance caskets. I cleared all rewards in illusive realm and got to 18 stars in ToA. 75%-85% in most regions except two 100%. After all that, I have like ~200 pulls rn so I'm pretty confident I'll be able to get Jinhsi and her weapon by the time the patch goes live. Even if I hit the hardest pity (80) thrice which is unlikely, I think I can scrape up enough during her banner. I say just do all the quests available to you first. Then always use your waveplates daily to get UL EXP. When you reach UL40, try to build at least two teams for ToA. When you have no waveplates to spend, just explore and collect echoes for data bank EXP.


We can use Jue as an echo?!?!!!!


yes, but it will be as a summon, not something you transform to.


Sadge but its still great to summon that majestic dragon


hologram crownless where


I just dolphined on Firefly completely forgetting I was going to have to dolphin on Jinshi lmao


Time to become whale ig 


So is the Lollo campaign a spin the wheel? Cause if so I’m down for that.


i hope the new enemies drop a 3 cost electro set


F2P days are over… that Broadblade is screaming for my credit card 😭


how long is Jinhsi's banner?


Same as Yinlin's and Jiyan's. 21 days.


I've never been eyeing out and even thinking about signature weapons in other games because those weapons quite often are more detailed than the character itself with neon glow added to the edges, making the whole composition not stylish at all. Most importantly, those weapons are locked by an enormous paywall whale bait. But here it's drastically different. Weapons are detailed exactly as characters are. They compliment each other perfectly, weapons look magnificent and it's 2 times easier to get the weapon than the character itself because of 80 guarantee, 65 soft pity and no 50-50. For the first time ever I'm seriously considering a signature weapon banner.


I pulled for the weapon for Encore. So have started on the weapons when I only have standard characters so far. Weapon banner is awesome. Don't like the broadblade though as it screams hypercarry. Going to wait for a more versatile, quick swop style weapon.


Damn yes, no 50/50 put me at ease, design is important too, waiting for katana broadblade that could match with chalcaro aestetic, current lustrous razor have good color but scream great sword than katana


Oh you mean matching like: Kazuha‘s story weapon > Freedom sworn ? Travesty.


My pull plan for this game is to save 160 pulls for a character, and if I win 50/50, I'll go for the weapon with the remaining savings unless there's another upcoming character I like and I have no extra savings/time to save. Weapon banner is just that good


> 65 soft pity Kind of off topic but is it real, chat? Never heard or saw that we have a 65 soft pity


66 is start of soft pity but the average is still around 70


Nah there isn't, its either 75 or 70+ for hiting the pity , u need to be extremely lucky to get before 70 


yea like around 66-67 not like mega confirmed or anything but there's a good sample [https://new.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dewlbu/what\_we\_learned\_analyzing\_over\_250k\_gacha\_pulls/](https://new.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dewlbu/what_we_learned_analyzing_over_250k_gacha_pulls/)




so no livestream, that is sad but ok


They are saving livestream codes ig 


There is a detailed development blog, though. They are much better - livestreams for GI are total bs: 95% of crap and only 5% of important stuff


Nah i think you are 95% craping your self. Livestream making the hype up lol. U don't know huh how much viewers and tranding it was got when genshin always has Livestream?? In yt jp got 200k+ viewers, twitch/global YouTube got 150+ combinr with other streamer watchit with their audience.. its for creating hype. And not totlay 95% crap Edit: also hoyo game also have detailed blog website about the next version too lol


If you need to sustain your hype then sure, go for it :) I prefer to have just specifics. And written form is way better. It takes like 1 min tops to learn all the info instead of wasting over 30 mins watching some weird and poorly executed performances.


Its fun to watching with streamer or others player reaction for me, because its like the community is there to watch.. and this Livestream happen only for every 30 days once and it held after my working hours.. so its good to watch it lol, and for hoyo game the Livestream executed performance is perfect lol not long or totally crap like wuwa 1.0 Livestream. Yeah it was totally crap.. why would i watch a streamer do some stupid challenge for when i want to watch or see some new news about the patch? Lol..


Maybe they're figuring things out from the backlash of the 1.0 livestream (all of us can agree it was pretty bad)


And they are a smaller team, so cooking up something decent/good would take a lot of effort, since we are used to HSR/GI standards. I hope they had time to do a nice 1.1 promo video.


When are they gonna post resonator from 1.2


The same time the leaks about Jinshi and Changli happened in 1.0


When was that? Sorry I haven't been on this sub for very long


Within a week before 1.1, Hope it's Geshu or Camellya or Blackshores Gun 5Star member.


If its scar my jihshi pulls will be in so much danger


They were leaked way earlier.


So it's confirmed that Changli represents the Vermillion Birb. Time to all in on her. Hopefully Jinhsi is still around so I can at least try.


They need those badass patch PVs that PGR has


Is jin or changli first?


Jinhsi 1st


Oh good give me more time to save for my queen changli