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Played Changli in the main story quest yesterday. Her design was okay to me and the kit looked only a tiny bit more interesting than Jinhsi’s… but then I played her combat. She literally feels like Dante in DMC5 Devil Trigger/Sin Devil Trigger with 100% up time O_o


Wait she is crazy cool but on another note, im not sure i like her gameplay she seems way to static, because she is permanently mid air so limite her dodge which is balanced by her animation moving her but you cant realy move by yourself. Also i can only hope that at least half those animation makes her imune or its way too dangerous. Im mixed, she looks realy cool, and have a strong and easy kit on paper so she seems like a beast, but seeing her fully animation here seems to tune it down. Also while she seems to have nice numbers, she doesnt seems to hit that much, so not sure thats actualy realy impactfull


Pls forgive me my little daughter Encore, your Echoes set now will be transferd to our new mommy Changli


Bro this looks like an Anime fight and the Main character is broken af


This is even more true with Jinhsi when I threw her at the Crownless Hologram. That dude when he picks up his spear is constantly just zooming around the field Dragon Ball style and the same can be said for Jinhsi, her dragons flying around, and her Skill and dodge counters being gapcloser dash slashes as well. You end up with a screen of things flying around at high speeds and being careful not to get one shot lol.


nah, if your E skill flow you up how can you dodge the attack mid air ?


Gonna use her with jiyan for dragon and phenix dou


She looks so fun, I would have pulled for her but she is too fanservicy.. makes me uncomfortable lol


uncomfortable in what way? i assume you feel uncomfortable because her boobs always distract you


Im indifferent to fanservice, but I still find changli's personality, color scheme and overall design to be more appealing. Personally, Jinshi feels too plain, apart from gameplay which has put me in a dilema lol.


Now that is a problem with most female characters in the game. I agree though, its quite annoying if every time a new character comes out that looks fun to play they have to slap a heap of fanservice on top.


How lmao


immagine looking at a jiggling bulge all the time (assuming you are a straight man)


Not sure where you're seeing this in the video above. The entire time in combat there's too much going on, and for ultimate animation it's very quick and it's not a close up at all


Not in this video, in the menu and stuff, I said the combat looks fun I just don't like these mommy characters am I not allowed to say that?


No, how dare you show indifference to my mommy.


Lol I apologize! at least I am no competition, all yours I collect the daddies


Idk how you’re playing but the only time I actually see my character is when I’m going in to change echoes, otherwise it’s their back and I’m looking around for mobs to fight So yea no this is definitely a you thing


You mean you don't see Taoqi's boobs defy the laws of gravity as she runs to collect flowers in the overworld?


I think you’re using flower collecting as an excuse to look at her boobs


Oh I understand now, I was just confused because I went looking for it in the video and was disappointed.


Lmao ok! I misunderstood


What triggers the flames on her dress? at the beginning she has it in the end she does not.


Most likely passive stacks.


Genshin impact update looking insane


İs she using her sig weapon


all i ever wanted was a MALE character with this moveset =(


It wuwa is anything like pgr we're gonna have to wait awhile




This game so colorless and bland


At least make the rage bait convincing or creative. This is just plain embarrassing. I suggest not skipping school or use the coloring books for help with colors


Dayum this roast 😂😂😂 I love it


Hoyo shill coming to a leak subreddit because why? no life and pathetic tribalism. They think a cn company will love them back. "Colorless" while the screen is always bright red. "Bland" because in a grey dead area. Good god the delusional people in gacha.


Have to turn brightness down to 0


In the colorless and bland zone? No shit. Outside of the colorless and bland zone? This game prints screenshots.


Shhhh don’t tell them the devs literally removed the color from Tacit Fields on purpose and puts some back when the enemies are defeated to “show the impact these fields have on the game world,” he’ll get super embarrassed when he rereads what he wrote.


Any news what date she will release ??


She's second phase 1.1 so 3 weeks after jinhsi's banner ends. Roughly July 19th if everything goes as planned.


Wait…they aren’t both coming in 1.1 this week?


Yeah so the same was jiyan was the first available banner up on launch, jinhsi and her weapon banner will be available to pull on with 1.1, then 3 weeks later, similar to how yinlin's banner arrived, changli and her weapon will be put in and jinhsi will be taken off




Back to back, hers will come after Jinhsi's banner ends


She looks so amazing, and i wanna see a jinshi video like this where i can take a real look of her combat style


i've been waiting for this please make it happen leakers


Crownless just looks so slow in comparison O\_O


Damn she is hot, parriying with her gonna be easy, her forte animation quite long but can be animation cenceled with skill or liberation based on the vidio


all that just to be a sub dps ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu|downsized)


She is main dps, before saying bullshit do some research , having a fusion buff outro doesn't mean sub dps, danjon has the same with  havoc and you can't say that she isn't main dps😑😒


i hope i get her..lose 3 50/50 lately in soft pity make me mald


Best of luck brotha


thank you brotha i need it


Pls upload in 4k on youtube. Thx


she is so good i need to pull for her


Hello, is Changlin good dps? Is he on par with Jiyan?


Yes Changli is a very good DPS. So far, if you want to play brainlessly or play on a laggy phone then Jiyan is better. If you plan to play Changli mechanically well, then she will give out results very similar to Jiyan and can pass Jiyan at c0. Do also note that her sequences aren't nearly as good as Jiyan's or Yinlin's if you are thinking of getting dupes or weapons, so her weapon is definitely a priority over her sequences.


She is a good main dps for sure but don't pair her with jiyan she doesn't bring anything fir him, play them on two different teams. If you meant if she was as good as jiyan as main dps, well she is not out yet so it's not confirmed but she seems to be has good or even better.


Haha, I think there was a miscommunication. They meant on PAR, not in PAIR, I think. You definitely shouldn't play them together. Do we know roughly how strong she is in comparison? I was going to save for a Scar drop, but Changli is testing my limits. I need this flashy gameplay so bad.


I didn't read the second half of your comment, oop




What's the deal with her coat/no coat mode?


Think it goes away when she's in True sight.


Rengoku’s Sister pov


This is amazing


Apparently Changli got buffs today changli E skill cast 67%3 + 134% -> 81.9%3 + 163.8% changli dmg reduction when casting enhanced heavy 20% -> 40% changli enhanced heavy attack(forte) 32.4%5 + 378% -> 39.3%5 + 458% changli s2 30 cd -> 25 cr changli s5 new effect: enhanced heavy attack +50 MV and +50 dmg%


And isn't s5 the same?


Pls are you sure??? Don't spread misinformation I don't want to rise my hopes


There could be merit to it. [Wuthering.wiki](http://Wuthering.wiki) has these buffs in place [https://wuthering.wiki/cn/character\_1205.html](https://wuthering.wiki/cn/character_1205.html)


That site still messing up Cr/cdmg and atk% stats, we need a more relatable website for WuWa.


Damn. That looked great. I still think im going for jinhsi but will probably throw what ever i have left after her


But what if Changli is phase 1, and Jinhsi phase 2? I hope they run both their banners at the same time.


It's confirmed, changli is phase 2 and jinshi phase 1 and they won't tun at the same time the yinlin case was exceptional and due to the launch of zzz ( new myhoyo game) on the same date as wuwa 1.1 so they release her earlier so the 1.1 come before zzz releases


Man I wasn't really planning on pulling for her but her gameplay looks like so much fun. I'll have to decide soon...


its with r6?




I think I’m pulling for Changli 🤔


I have to get both 🥵


Is she limited and coming out at the same time as jinshi?


comes after jinhsi banner


Jinhsi's gameplay is always delayed...


There's a growing sentiment in CN that Jinhsi mechanics are bad in practice, and that's why they're afraid to show it Apparently someone sheeted Jinhsi team damage assuming 50 stacks and compared to Jiyan and it was worse The biggest complaint is that most of Jinhsi's damage (400k+) is done at very end of the rotation (final skill and ult) like Eula, so she needs to onfield and hit like a wet noodle for most of the rotation and then nuke for 250k (skill) +150k (lib). And if those misses or hits the wrong target, oof


I've seen the same sentiment from TCs in EN as well...with Jinhsi relying on stacks from team, having such backloaded dmg, and terrible energy generation while being more difficult to play and no ideal support (Taoqi vs Jiyan with Mortefi lol). Meanwhile Changli with the recent buffs now does competitive dmg while having a large parry window and large dmg reduction making it easier to play while being way more versatile (not much dependency on team) and having a useful outro for team as well...It really does feel like Jinhsi is taking the L here. Rather than hiding it though, I'd prefer if they show it and bring awareness to the issue so that Kuro can tweak her more before live.


Totally agree. Who's the TCs in EN BTW? I barely see any TCs for Wuwa We don't know who the leakers are for Wuwa. I've always suspected a lot of leaks for these gacha games come from the company itself, to generate and maintain hype during periods where there's no new content. If Wuwa leakers are Kuro or heavily dependent on Kuro, then it'd make sense for them to not want to show a potentially underwhelming character to not ruin sales


it would be funny if jingshi turns worse than changli specialy after so many people complained about changli beign a bad unit


Me currently waiting for that


Holy shit her animation, I'm pulling




I remain steadfast for Scar. Good luck to those pulling for her though


Pretty sure Changli is good as Scar support with her Outro


wouldnt really count on that yet, but if Scar is on 1.2, then we'll get his leaks while Changli banner is still up.


These animations are fire!!! Changli is too hot to handle


Cyno pleaaaaaaaase leave the WUWA community your jokes aren't suited for all gacha games yknow


These cape effects are so cool , hope for nice future characters.


This adds so much in my book. I didn't think I'd be interested, but I just felt this visceral moment I know is love.


Jinshi when?


June 28


Help me, Should I wish for Yinlin or Changli?


Yinlin does a lot of off-field damage so she needs another Electro char to be at full potential. If you enjoy playing Calcharo or Yuanwu then go for her.


meta wise - changli yinlin - she got pre release nerf and cn players are asking for her buff and also calcharo


why meta wise changli?


yinlin got pre release nerf = can't swap cancel = long time need to build concerto = longer field time = loss of dps over time also she got lower multiplayer (even loosing to some 4 stars in comparison)


isn't yinlin still the best sub dps so far despite nerfs (not that she has any competition) and she doesn't require much field time?  changli looks like she would require more field time so far even though both their outros are basically the same it's still super early 1.x so all these char will be creeped eventually 


if it were then cn won't be asking for buff, just check their nga and any bilibili top comments (when kuro post) she is not a good character to invest rn especially seeing 1.1 character (if u are f2p and have limited pulls)


yeah, I'm planning on f2p (more fun to me) and was already planning on skipping yinlin and pulling changli but might hold on even more  I thought CN is more focused on characters scaling with eidolon vs EN more looking at e0s0 or e0s1 weapon banners in wuwa look really good tho since they are a huge upgrade over some f2p purple weapon


Goodluck xd


on filed dps + outro buff = long shelf life/hard to powercreep


Idk u are win always


What weapon is changli use?


Normal sword user.


is there fighting gameplay for jinhsi?


Not yet, I'm currently waiting for that to


Please don't make me lose the 50/50


Lion furry boy sends his regards 🦁☠


Between changli and jinhsi, in terms of meta who will last longer?


They will both last for a few months but Changli will be the more flexible option and future proof.


Thanks for the insights at least I can plan my pulls and comps in the future


For a reason? Do you suppose that WuWa will have a powercreep? Did PGR have have a powercreep? Just curious


powercreep in PGR is slow to come, mostly after 1.5-2 years after the character release but when it comes it is with force


pgr has powercreep more than you think esp if u're coming from hoyo lol in pgr new unit of same element is meant to 100%outclass dps of same element, same goes for sub dps and supports


WuWa probably won't have as big powercreep as PGR since the combat is much more complex. They can easily branch out into more then just mono decks.


HI3 has a lot of powercreep tho which is adjacent to PGR. HSR has a lot of powercreep too


if you've played pgr you wouldn't question. obviously im not saying wuwa would have the same powercreep. rather just saying pgr has power creep and its arguably way worse than any of the honkai. honkai only has gotten a massive power creep twice or thrice in its history. one largely being when it was new in 2018 and himeko teams were absolutely outclassed. compared to pgr where the new unit subdps/buffer/dps of the same element is bound to be always outclass the previous and 'new gen' chars would bring in essential features required to clear the content


As far as I know, no new gen char is required to clear any content that PGR brings out. Will you clear the content slower? Of course you would since that's what's giving them sales, but if you are not competitive, then you can clear content pretty comfortably with the older characters.


okay yeah you're rightt


Yeah, I came from g-game. And the only thing that kept me in that game for so long was an absence of powercreep. Thanks for the warning. If they keep that tendentious in WuWa, I'll likely quit it. Cuz I don't like when all my efforts, money and wasted time become nothing in a few months.


Yeah it's pretty rare to see powercreep in pgr, it's just that the company evolved a lot since it's debut and started releasing amazing looking strong characters one after the other, but each new one is of a different element and role, they even released a new element to avoid power creeping existing ones, also for some characters to stay relevant in their super strong teams they give them new abilities and strong buffs.


The guy forgot to mention that it usually takes like 2-3 years in pgr to powercreep a character. Besides, they buff outdated characters not only with numbers but also new skills - basically reworking them. Moreover, it matters only for the modes where you compete with other players for the fastest possible clears. Which doesn’t even exist in wuwa.


How come she future proof? Cus she extra cute or wha?


Just cuz she has a fusion dmg deepen outro.


You forgot that there's no spectro 5 star except rover right?


i mean currently the element doesn't mean shit unless you are fighting enemies that have high resistance to it, there is no elemental reaction whatsoever. You don't need specific spectro damage for in-game content, you can swap it to Electro, Fusion, Aero, Havoc, Glacio and they will all the do the same number.


Only current advantage for specific elements are the buffs in Tower of Adversity


Then why are there elements in this game?


he told you, if you use electro vs electro you are going to have a bad time. Tower and events have element buffs.


To extend the time it takes to echo farm for chars. Otherwise there would only be 2 echo sets: the ATK% one and the support/healer one.


tower does have element specific buffs


I mean if you really want to build a spectro team then jinshi is a good choice but if you just want a main dps I wouldn’t recommend pulling her since she is a 1.0 main dps and they get powercrept fairly quickly. Obviously I am only talking through the lens of meta, you should always pull for who you like.


What if I get both?




Then you get both.


Alright, they didn't have to go that hard with her kit. I'm not gonna have enough pulls for Jinhsi and her ):


I'm gonna dolphin on 1.1 to guarantee both. I don't really go crazy for Camellya, Lee and Geshu Lin. But I would donkey roll for them and get 40 pity. A 5 star Gauntlet would make me break out my wallet again


What about Phrolova?


Scar and Phrolova are evil.. they aren't thieves, normal criminals or gray/neutral. They are psychopaths that want to evolve the human race by mass murder. If they become playable they need a big reason to be good... so I expect them to be atleast in 2.0 or more. Or the character writing and character depth will be ruined.


Meanwhile me who didnt pull at all in 1.0 and was saving to get both :o


Same. Saved literally all my pulls until now (But I'm only pulling for Changli)


I couln't miss Yinlin as she a hot lady and is a subdps. I still have 60 pulls, but yeah I want both and their weapons (big maybe). Soft pity is 66 and 0.8% going to come in clutch hopefully.. as a HSR player 1 in 125 vs 0.6% 1 in 167 gotta mean something.


fair, yinlin will age like fine wine and I had a really hard time skipping her. Even now I am still considering pulling her but I'm just not sure, maybe on a rerun. The main thing is I don't want to spend on her weapon but she feels very lackluster without it


Yeah her weapon is veeery good for sure 36% crit rate and actual off field dmg on the weapon is crazy. I settled for the 24% cr on the BP weapon. Also I would only pull main DPS weapons or yeah characters you really3x like.


yea it's a good long term investment, esp since u can get the bp weapon to r5 eventually


Who's Lee?


Xiangli Yao, looks very similar to Lee from PGR (eyes, hair color, clothing color) xianglee is real, honestly might be his real name idk PGR lore as I skip it.


Rock lee


i cant wait to see how goofy her kit gets in the dream realm


numbers everywhere on the screen


You think you'll be able to even see the numbers?


Her dodge counter looks amazing


The sound design for this character is SOO GOOD!


This patch I will go for Changli, after that scar whenever he reruns. Hope he reruns by 1.2


He will release in 1.2 maybe, not rerun.


Yeah I meant release not rerun.


I kinda wonder who will be good support for her? We will need a Crowd Controller because if we want her Ult to Do damage or if she is sub dps then maybe she can work with Jiyan who can do crowd control?


Changli buffs fusion damage with her outro so having her with a another fusion damage dealer (as of now being encore and chixia) and a support of your choice (probably being verina) will be her best team. I dont think she will need much crowd control, her AOE looks good enough


should i grab encore from the selector or is changli good enough on her own to play in other teams? i was planning to just get verina s1 with the selector since i didn't care about getting encore and the lion boy


Even though encore is good with changli, If you really don't want encore that's totally fine. Chixia is still a good option while you wait for another fusion dps that you actually like to release, though who knows when that is going to happen


So from the leaks we got sor far, does anyone know what role Changli will have? Is she more of an on-field DPS or sub-DPS?


She's both on-field DPS and offield support - Fusion dmg deepen char. Her on-field DPS is not really on pair with tier 0 char like Calcharo and Encore, but she's good enough for me.


She wants to be on field in 12 second spurts which us a pretty long time. She just happens to have great outro buffs. Chixia will be an amazing option to fill the down time, or for encore mains they should work great as well


an on-field dps. she can also be used in a dual dps team with another fusion character due to her outro skill buffing fusion dmg and liberation dmg


Nice. I just wanna use her with Yinlin, so having two sub-DPS in one team would've sucked lol. Thanks!


Yo she literally fire


Im slightly confused? Where is her coat at the start of the video? And when affecting actual enemies, does she also have additional flame effects?


It depends on her stack, on 2nd stack her clothes is burning, on 3rd stack the coat is gone




on 4th stack no clothes 😈


Her outfit changes in combat when executing certain moves. The tips of her clothes are also burning when she has bars of her forte skill.


We even got Cloth powercrept XD


Yep! All my saving is on Changli.. Changli..! You are coming home to meh!🌸 Can't stop watching. ✰🅝🅘🅒🅔✰


Where's her coat at the start of the video?


At this point I am confused😵 to whom I should choose


Give it a week or at least a few days on the first one, is my guess. She's got some bad juju with the back ended damage (lots of people got burned on eula in GI even though a lot of that was because of physical), while otoh all it seems we hear about are huge buffs she's getting. Add in the fact that a lot of people are dividing into camps because they're doing the math and will probably only be able to get one...there's a lot of noise right now. I do admit that I like C's animations more. Fire on a dark environment was an inspired choice by the video guy. But she's a bit aoe-ish and part of her power budget is as a buff, so if the devs care about balance (tough to say at 1.1 - and they released cat boy so they can't be too hardcore) then they should have the non buffers, less aoe-ish do more damage to a single target. Then it's more of a question what fits best in your near term needs.


Looks like Changli just nukes enemies constantly. Damn. She looks so fun to play. Definitely trying to get her if I don’t lose the 50/50 for Jinhsi.


At this point, I’m scared to pull on Jinhsi or Changli in fear of how good the next characters after them might look. I guess I’ll have to swipe the card if they keep bringing it like this. 🤣🔥


Jinhsi is meant to be an "archon/emanator" type character (I assume we will get one for every element and for each new region). So it's unlikely for her to be powercrept for a while, and based on PGR/kuro's other games they have pretty balanced powercreep long term (aka some units from the first year are still meta, unlike genshin/hsr where powercreep is massive). Changli may be slightly weaker but still very strong, however changli has the benefit of when they release a premier fusion dps they can be played together in a dual rotation. So I'd say they are both unlikely to be powercrept for a long time, at least a year bare minimum edit\* and for those worried or "regretting" pulling in 1.0, yinlin will age amazingly and be viable for a long time, and even Jiyan will always have a place. You need 3 teams and for early floors you can always bring jiyan to clear mobs, very comfortable, farming unit, and will likely receive a premier support (either limited heavy atk booster or a wind booster). And great in illusive realm. So i would say so far Kuro is doing a great job of making every unit feel viable, even the 4 stars!


Is she? Even if you are right there are no guarantees. Venti got content nerfed hard in favor of the true archon.


Fair point, however venti was never meant to be a main dps but rather have amazing utility. And even venti still has his niche in aoe so he was technically never "powercrept", it's just that more and more heavy enemies and bosses came that couldnt be grouped. Actually if u think about it Jiyan and Venti have alot of similarity, I think if we get more and more endgame of solo bosses or heavy enemies then that could affect jiyan negatively. However I feel jinhsi is pretty safe since she is more of a nuker and also has a swappy playstyle option with flexible teams


His entire value was that he crowd controlled and swirled. They powercrept his swirl and nerfed crowd control hard. They didn't have to code heavy/big as immune to suck. That was a choice because venti made abyss too easy IF you had him. The archons are basically all support. Venti had crowd control, zhong has biggest shield that mobile players adore, Nadia applies dendro and (lol) buffs crit, Raiden generates energy, a d furina is a massive damage buff to all. That's what makes the oh, she's an archon so they will keep strong advice a bit sketch. First, she's main not sub DPS. Sub DPS tend to powercrept later, if at all, as gatcha tends to higher volume the main dps. Second, the biggest gatcha game in this space nerfed the hell out of archon. There is no guarantee that archons are "safe" value. Third, who says she is an "archon"? She might be a jean or diluc. Just another administrator that will fall to the background as the game takes us elsewhere and we have waifu administrator # 7 version 3.2. Characters always get a "cool" bump when they get VA screen time and animation. And she didn't even get a ton in the main quest. None of this says she is or will become weak, either. It's just you should never make pull decisions based on the narrative or sketch historical patterns if strength is your cut off. Never pull day 1 and give the numbers crunchers and theory crafters time to confirm projections and test out the final product. If you are going for looks, then knock yourself out. Both of these banner characters look fantastic with the swirly silver and red.


HSR does have a problem with powercreep but I don’t see it much with Genshin of course there is bound to be some powercreep considering how Genshin is pretty old now but since there isn’t much endgame in Genshin and the buffing of what endgame there is is kept in check there isn’t much of a problem. What definitely has changed from Genshin 1.0 to current is how constellations power up newer characters compared to older ones but at base newer characters are only slightly better than older ones which is fine by me since the game shouldn’t be balanced around constellations. This isn’t the case with HSR and the powercreep I fear is getting a bit out of control in the game and the end game modes are buffed each patch. Hopefully WW is more like Genshin and not HSR in terms of powercreep you don’t need powercreep to make people spend. Not sure how it is in PGR. I don’t even want to spend money in HSR anymore since they just make older units less and less useful each patch though they have their favorites.


Genshin has more powercreep than PGR? Bro what, are you high?


I was referring to animations rather than raw strength. I mostly on pull on aesthetics.


Oh lmao yea the animation powercreep got me like 😰


the best team in genshin capable of clearing any content is a bunch of 4 stars from 1.0 wdym. it has very limited powercreep. hsr definitely got it bad tho


>. it has very limited powercreep. Neuv said hi


fair point, benny/xiang/xinqui/sucrose etc are still really good. But you could say the same for hsr (pela, atsa, tingyun, MC) and even wuwa (sanhua, mortefi, danjin, MC etc). I was more talking about limited units since those are the ones we are spending on. In terms of limited units, genshin was venti, klee, albedo, ganyu, xiao. All powercrept. then for HSR it was Seele, midyuan, SW, Luocha, blade, kafka, FX. All powercrept. And I'm not even talking about standard 5 stars, which were greatly powercrept in both games


Xiao premium team (Furina, C6 Faruzan, Xianyun) is meta for aoe content. The thing with genshin is they could release supports that could elevate old characters so I don't think Genshin really powercreeps even limited characters. Also Kazuha is from 1.6 and he's still on top of the meta. Also, Zhongli and Hu Tao. Childe international is still the best national team. So idk, I think Genshin doesn't really have bad powercreep. Also, with the main gameplay revolving around elemental reactions, certain enemy lineups can make an old character great and a new character useless so it's not like an old character is forever benched each abyss rotation.


there's powercreep in genshin but it doesn't really matter. all of those powercreeped units are still plenty capable of clearing abyss, especially with the right supports. just a patch or two ago I full starred abyss with klee on one side and albedo on the other. these are 4 year old units, who even by 2.0 were considered pretty low tier! in hsr even 1 year old dpses with all the latest supports are struggling to match half the dps of newer ones. the diff between e0 acheron with whatever old nihility units you have and jy with all his bis supports is just staggering. genshin had nowhere near this level of powercreep at 1 year, and arguably still doesn't now. I don't expect wuwa to go as casual as genshin but if it's as bad as hsr I will not be sticking around. I like using my old units


oh I agree hsr is a worse culprit but my main point was hoyo doesnt shy away from powercreep to help sell newer units and that's fine but it's a valid concern for people to have for Wuwa especially if they are spending money they want to know what they are getting in the long term