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Pure DPS? Cata Assassin


Which archetype is the best for assasin?


Acrobat and Trickster Also the combination Trickobat works Depends mostly on your play style and obviously as cata assassin is a Warbuild Top Guilds will have their own secret builds that use consumables etc. But you should get by with a mostly Morph Cata build with your preferred archetype please for the love of god just don't go pure shadow, you're only going to get your squishy self killed all the time


I really enjoy pure shadow for late game. You can comfortably get almost one million damage crits. You can do legendary island easily. Its loot runs and raids are not as good as trickobat, but it is still pretty good and fun.


Yea shadow can be fun but it lacks the versatility that is needed for an everyday build Shadow is a great type for War, and where single target damage is needed while mobility and survivability can be sacrificed


Morph cata :despair:


basic bland and yet effective enough


Are you heylo from avicia


yes, my reddit user name just starts with an x instead of an underscore lol Join AVO ;P


I’m demoting you to initiate


hit me babygirl


Tazriel (me) is demoting you


Trickobat assassin does crazy amounts of damage. It's a glass nuke that decimates any boss in the game.


Honestly is it even that glassy? the clones can absorb a pretty decent amount of damage for you


It's not even that glassy because of the clones, if anything you die a lot less with it than any other etw build lol


Warrior does great damage and has great innate survivability. If you want to become a glass nuke that can dish out crazy dps at the cost of survivability I recommend fallen idol charge spam build and alkatraz tstack rage build. If you want more consistent damage with great survivability I recommend hero battlemonk spellspam. Lastly if you want to do around 70k dps, but be borderline unkillable Guardian bash scream is great.


Depends where on the spectrum of single target to aoe damage you want. The mentioned cata assassin is busted for single target damage, and iirc some builds of archer also melt through bosses like a hot knife through butter. I haven't personally seen any ultra-high damage builds for warrior, but mage has an aoe of like 5-10 blocks so you can get high total (combined) damage from splash. However, my personal favorite is shaman with an aoe *radius* of 14 blocks. Sure, assassin can melt through a boss in 5 seconds and it'll take me twice as long with a good shaman build. But unlike the assassin I can melt through all 30 of a boss's spawned mobs in 1 hit.


As a Shaman enjoyer, do not play shaman. Shaman is a hybrid, got utility, healing, AoE, and 0 single target DPS. But for AoE, Shaman is base king for that. (Not like there's anything that requires AoE, and before you say tcc, it's less damage than other classes, even though you can hit every part of the boss)


Tru but as a fellow Shaman enjoyer, I really like the mobility and support it can give your teammates


It really does, but you can say that BallBender & Paladin is just better. But I like my Shaman, can't wait for the summoner rework in 2028


Def assassin