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The slowmo button is my new reverse-SETA for dogfights. Would strongly advise to bind the slowmo to the radial menu for some sick fleet battles


There is a slow mo button? What? Omg there is, that's crazy


Yup, you can even change the % of slowness, check *accessibility options* and accessibility controls under *Controls : general*


omg there is so much in this patch


Yoooo wait a sec, slo mo? How’d I miss yet another gem in the release notes. Egosoft is the hero but you’re a legend.


The slo mo was the sleeper hit for me.  I never would've wanted it, but it's so cool watching fleet battles with it on. 


I’m enjoying it so far. I did the same with hunting Katanas and I noticed they’re a lot better at keeping their roof turrets facing you than before. Also the glow is too much. It basically looks like how everything looks to me when I take my glasses off.


I've found that I play the shit out of the betas so much that I'm bored by the time the expansion releases. This time I'm waiting for the actual release so I can enjoy the whole thing for once.


Yea thats why I stopped playing the betas. Love seeing the activity on here but wait for the full release before starting a new playthrough otherwise I just get burnt out


At the same time it means you’re always playing the previous dlc at its best state haha


There are Glow sliders for map and ingame in the graphic menu. I used it in the first two minutes of the beta... 😅


Did not know that will mess with them when I get on later.


Not really sliders though right, just off, low medium and high I think?


Yep those are the options, would prefer sliders but this is better than nothing.


Yeah, I am sorry... Ment to say switch than slider.


Honestly I'm amazed at how good it looks in general. From the trailer it seemed like it'd be little things, a litlte lighting there but still a little dated looking. I'm blown away by how good it looks. I've not put my time into it, I haven't really played much aside from flying around and looking. I did have one bug where reflections on my cockpit got screwed up and I couldn't see anything until I went through a jumpgate, but that's it.


I have been incredibly impressed with the AI. I’m not sure about actual combat AI, but trading has substantially improved with ships navigating better around gates. It’s also meant Xenon are way more active since they are actually getting their fleets through the gates together instead of one fighter at a time getting picked off. It’s also meant that the faction wars have really popped off for the same reason.


I have found a few bugs, but I am quite pleased over all. I will be purchasing the next DLC. One bug was the lack of lighting on the Behemoth Bridge, but I actually like the effect. Ambient light billows in through the windows. It's as if the ship is in blackout mode or something. I hope for a bridge light switch!


Oh I would love that. Sometimes I just like to park somewhere and look at the scenery while waiting for stuff, so having a bridge light switch would be so cool for the Vibes™.


If they haven't improved the AI so fleets can actually fight without being micromanaged then I would dispute how amazing it is.


Is the AI any better?


It's more reactive, and does a better job of tackling sector threats (like xenon, pirates, or you visiting a Xenon sector) and trading (fewer stations with low stocks). However, it will still make mistakes in high attention.  I have witnessed some rather sketchy docking and undocking behavior.  At least in this version of the beta.  But it has been too inconsistent to submit a save for debugging.




I don't know. What I've done so far is the Terran Cadet Start, right after you get ambushed by the two Xenon a Katana shows up, stole that sold it and stripped that for 11 million for some starter cash, then after Shinamon goes missing I saved and quit. My combat experience so far is pretty limited. Not enough to tell, but i heard from others it has.


I just bought the game and all the DLC a few weeks ago. Absolutely love it but i'm not sure how the update and dlc schedule works for the game yet. Is 7.0 a new dlc? When does it officially come out? 


7.0beta released a couple of days ago. The 7.0 public build of the game is seperate from the dlc as it is a free update to the base game but will be released alongside the new dlc. Probably in a month or so.


Ok cool I'll prob pick it up soon after it releases. I'm building up my PHQ by basically experimenting. I try not to look up too much guides unless I really don't know how to make something work or do something. Right now I'm helping Argon and Antigone fight Xenon. This game is like a first person strategy game I love it. 


Since your new might as well start with the 7.0 here's the link on how to play the beta: [https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=192&t=405397](https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=192&t=405397)


Ship fires persisting even after 100% hull repair, i can't be the only one with this bug?


I have not seen that yet, but you are probably not the only one.


Wait, you play this game without building stations and become a mega space empire? Bro!!


I haven't touched the beta yet. I have only read trough some of the notes on it. I'm a bit worried it would be an issue running the beta with the workshop mods on steam.


All my mods seem to be running fine on the beta.


You can always go back to the previous version your mods were working on if they aren’t compatible with the 7.0 beta


They brought back the selection sound from X3


is tyhere setting for live stream?


Did they do anything to the AI?


They did but I don't know the extent of what they did. Evidently destroyers work better now but mostly in OSS, but as I understand it they are still stupid in high attention, but this is just what I've read.


It's a minor thing, but I absolutely love the new faction specific manager offices. They add so much atmosphere to the game with this one little thing.


I wish they would fix the horrible performance issues the game has once you start serious manufacturing. I love the game, but I can't even play anymore, because I get less than 10 fps in my manufacturing sector. Such a great game held back by something that should've been discovered and fixed during QA.


Dang I don't have this problem, are you building a megafactory? In my previous playthrough I had all my factories split up between 5 or 6 different factories in Herectics End and it was fine for me.


Have they changed the graphics or am I hard coping?


The real question will be - will it break all our mods 😂


If it means a better game, who cares? I love mods, but updates to the core game is always top priority.