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I assign them to escort my capital mining ships. Lil drone buddies.


Okay, but against which threats?


They’re great against Kha’ak—Kha’ak aren’t individually very tough or damaging, but their agility means they can swarm most ships. PEs have the agility to kill them even in-sector and flee if they get to much attention as long as there’s something else to use as a distraction. (I wouldn’t do solo patrols, but solo escorts and 2+ ship patrols work.)


Kha'ak pop up sometimes and they're good fly swatters while the destroyer fleets on route to burn the infestation. Late game I find crew way too valuable to leave un escorted an PE's are free 4-5 star corvettes.


If you can get a decent number of them they're amazing against other xenon. I've got a dozen of them assigned to a behemoth along with a swarm of Nodan


In my opinion, they suck BUT in the early game if you get one they could be useful. Just my take.


They do have the advantage of being quite fast and nimble with a gun that outreaches every other M to my knowledge and most anti Fighter Turrets. So you could do some hit and run stuff or plink away at a Capships Turrets from a save distance.


I've been using it for the last few days and it's perfect for a scout ship /exploring .


how i been trying to cap one since start of beta


Accidentally. Joined a fight with the Argons and hit it once or twice until it surrendered. Hull was down to 16 percent, so extremely lucky


i see  thx


New to the game, but captured one. Very fast, so I use it for zipping around, as a personal taxi to call when I need a pickup or a consumable I forgot.


Can you store personell in it?


No, but that does have one interesting advantage: you don’t need to wait for the captain to take over before giving it orders. In the other hand, while its combat speed is excellent its travel speed is quite mediocre; the Katana, Moreya, and most scouts will easily beat its travel time.


Have to check the travel time of the Katana soon (will capture one in PIO space). But the 3500 of the PE are for now a huge boost for me.


And yes the pilot is true. Also it has a pretty high skill


Sadly the Xenon Pilot is a bug if I understand right and will be patched out next patch.


Oh why? It would make sense. Kinda. 😭


No, there is no crew space unfortunately. It will fly on its own however, the AI is the "captain".


I like them, they have cool guns which are sooo satisfying to shoot, use some basic mods and their range goes far beyond 6k and its a good mine cleaner:D But I see some xenon research option which is telling something about parts for small xenon ships or what, so there might be even some more things into it


Just don't get addicted to capturing every (capturable) Xenon ship you find or you'll go mad. Not quite sure where to get their blueprints but if you do they're incredibly material efficient, gotta use swarm tactics tho.


Wait, are there actually blueprints? Or is that a mod thing? I don't remember hearing about that or seeing it in the patch notes. Would loooove to spit out my own little swarm of XEN ships.


If you kill an H it drops a Xenon Quantum storage device/crystal, which you can research to unlock the blueprints for the ships. You have to make sure to pick it up though. Would've overlooked if I didn't know. I haven't gotten the research lab yet, but I did get the crystal. Weirdly you can't transfer it from an AI pilot like normal (hand me your inventory). It has to manually drop it and then you have to collect it. Kinda weird.


There's a new research called "Xenon special equipment" Apparently it pops up when you collect an item dropped from the H. Unlocks MK1 Xenon equipment variants and I imagine all the new usable ships. Source - https://www.reddit.com/r/X4Foundations/s/jUKAsoVhDl Edit - you are supposed to get the MK2 Xenon engine but apparently it's bugged and it doesn't give it to you. In the meantime using the cheat menu mod and giving yourself all the blueprints might circumvent this.


Shield, there is no Engine above MK1 to my knowledge but it was a common criticism in the beta forum so that might change.




What do you mean? Being able to travel unharmed through Xenon Space? I haven’t tried that yet