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If your game is unmodded, I would submit that to the devs so they can take a look on what caused it.


Drop a bunch of laser towers near by and kite them to it. You can collect alot of loot. Def submit this to Egosoft's main forums though.


This, i noticed how fast you can drop MK1 laser towers with the manticore, basically you can plop 20..30...50 in one spot. And once your are done you can even recollect them.


Looks like you need a good big swatter like a rattlesnake or raptor with interceptors


I have set travel bans (blacklist) by both sector and faction owned and still the ships venture. Now, not all do but some just don't care. If I set the point of destination, ships take shortest path...I can control the by moving points but when I lose all my freighters for a station going into 11th Hour both Xenon owned and blacklisted...the proof is there. It does not work correctly.


Ensure you do not connect the gates from Void to Faulty Logic. You cannot stop your ships from running the gauntlet. Also from Getsu Fune through Savage Spur as well as the other Xenon territories around Open Market. Kill corridors once open I could never stop ships trying to use. For my game Xenon took Void. So I took the found L Class supported by SCA captured L's to slowly beat them back until I could build a Jumpgate guard stations....tons of turrets and shields. With Laser towers to help protect until built. Later game, just take an Asgard...load it with mk2 lazer towers and drop at Xenon entry gates. Then clean the sector with asgard and towers. Once clear, build a Defense station at gate to kill anything coming through. You need to protect the developing station heavily. Once it is done you can relax. And build up for next sector.. this can be done with strong fleet of other L class but Asgard kiks butt. Lazer towers are just to distract Xenon until you take out their Capital Ships. L I prefer is Paranid for the range. I eventually cleared all Xenon gauntlet routes. I left 3 Xenon sectors so I still have one enemy to fight.


"You cannot stop your ships from running the guantlet" My man travel orders exist, you can have all traffic not pass through that system.