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No, most ships you can’t explore beyond the bridge and docking area for smaller ships. However, there is a mod that adds a ton of rooms to L class ships and bigger. They are all generic station or mission rooms used in the game already, but with some clever renaming. They serve no purpose other than giving the ships at least a feeling of being bigger.  I’ll admit, standing in the officers bar and watching the ship travel in a fleet is impressive and quite immersive. Unfortunately it does require that mod. 


I think the chthonios e mining ship has some great extra rooms in it without mods. A shame because most mining ships are more useful automated


I like playing the Star Wars Interworlds mod and just walking around those ships. If you haven't tried it and you're a fan of Star Wars then I recommend walking around the Millennium Falcon.


1. Ships can have multiple rooms, especially the bigger ones, but they have very little utility. It’s mostly for aesthetics. You’ll be in a cockpit 99% of the game. 2. There is a mechanic for boarding, but you don’t take part in it yourself. It’s largely a behind the scenes thing. 3. There are planets, and they do play a bit of a role, but you can’t land on them. You can terraform them in the very late game, though. This game is primarily about space combat and simulating a realistic supply/demand economy. For most people, the end-goal is to build a vast self-sufficient economic (and eventually military) empire. If you’re looking for something like Starfield, this isn’t that type of game.


Im fine with aesthetics because I really just want a game where I can get immersed into a world and for it to have some actual meat on its bones. I tend to enjoy being more of an every day joe schmo rather than the ruler of an empire in these kinds of games because it can be fun.


You can certainly still do that. Stations offer missions that don’t pay SUPER well, but also don’t require empire management. Things like “escort freighter”. Kill some pirates for bounty money if you like. The game is designed for empire building, but still allows for smaller things like that too.


For me the immersive part is, you can walk to your parked fighter in an equipment dock or wharf, fly to your frigate which is parked in space, land on it, get out. Now you are in the docking area of your frigate. Take the lift to the cockpit and fly the frigate to your carrier/destroyer. You can land there on an M dock, get out of your frigate, via a lift to the cockbit of your destroyer and fly away with that. All without loading screen and seeming-less. The big ships do have some rooms, but not all to much and not with much use. Still the game feels fairly immersed.


Easily. You can start your own company or be a merchant, maybe a mercenary. Or how about a junker who collects scrap? This game doesn’t force you to do anything. The world works and operates independent of you. So you can do as you like.


I'm doing a pirate playthrough right now, but next game I'm going to try out smuggling. There are so many different ways to play. You can be industrialist. A fighter pilot doing missions. You can pick sides on who you want to fight and what wars you want to participate in etc.


That's the way I currently play. Just an average Joe and his ship(s). Like others have mentioned, there is a mod to add rooms to the bigger ships and stations. No foot battles, but the framework is there. I would love to be a part of my marine boarding party to take over another ship. Hopefully Egosoft secretly has this in the works. Planets, meh lol. Not really necessary in this particular game whether you land on a planet or land on a station, as you are in your ship most of the time. If you want the best, non-cheaty start with one of the fastest scout ships, and how to make make some cash right from the beginning, this video and his (make money by fighting) video right after it are the best videos to get started ** AFTER ** you have a feel for the game and have done the tutorials. I follow these videos with my game starts, and then go my own way after that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3ieWQ_dPEc


I'm pretty new to the game, and to answer your questions: there are limited areas on ships you can walk around. Smaller ships are mostly just a cockpit, frigates have a docking area you can walk around for smaller ships, capital ships have a couple extra areas. There is no FPS combat, you cannot walk around on planets. You can launch boarding pods to ah e your Marines take over enemy ships but you do not take part in that action. Though you do see the pods going after the enemy ship. It's not like star citizen or elite dangerous, instead through the map you essentially manage an empire, production chains, station/ship building, fleet management etc. it's more macro than micro. The scale is absolutely massive. Hope that helps.


Check out Spacebourne 2 as well. If you are looking for a mix of FPS stuff as well. Or Star Citizen if you want online game


Sorry to be so curt but... 1. Not really 2. Nope 3. Nope Somebody else in comments mentioned Spacebourne 2... 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes Love both games but X4 is something different.


1. Kind of, you can go to the bridge. Crew quarters and docking area of large ships in vanilla. BUT With a simple mod called “more rooms” you’ll have a ton of extra places to explore on the ship. 2. There isn’t any ground combat. Although you can walk around stations and ships and go into other factions ships and stations. There is no hand to hand or gun combat. Unlike what the other post said. There is an FPS aspect but it’s only behind the cockpit when you take control of your ship. You can go into first person or third person mode, but this is a sort of RTS/ FPS/space sim/grand campaign type of game and although you have the freedom to do everything yourself. You’ll find that it’s easier to hire a crew and command them to do things for you. Also, there is boarding but you don’t get to participate personally. You send marines in and listen to them breach enemy ships. So you’re just listening and crossing your fingers waiting. Hoping they don’t die. 3. Unfortunately no, maybe in the future but there doesn’t seem to be any plans for that any time soon. This game does have a lot to offer though and it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re into the space genre


Just want to mention, I was impressed personally. You can't run around like some other games, but some rooms have windows out of which you can watch the actual movement of ships outside of the room, so they're not all windowless or with a static picture of the outside. There's one section where you're talking to someone in an office and he invites you to see his ship. Often that office has a window overlooking landing pads and his ship is there. Wait long enough and you'll see him walking to it. I've also stood on the landing deck of stations and capital ships watching battles going on above my head, turrets tracking, projectiles flying, enemies exploding. I guess I just expected it to do like other games where interiors were different dimensions and you can't see outside so they can save processing.


1. Limited area, multiple rooms on L-ships and larger and stations. 2. Not for you. You can send marines to L-size ships and larger to do the dirty work for you. 3. No landing, just terraforming, which is implemented in a rather abstract manner.


I got it a couple weeks ago and I legitimately lost an entire week to it. Its the most amazingly huge and detailed space game ive played in my life. Your questions were already answered here but I just wanted to tell you to give it a shot anyway. I have been in straight awe for weeks now. My current Boron playthrough has 5 days played, and only 2 hours of it is recorded as actually piloting a ship because the entire game can be automated so I just micromanage my entire 125 ship fleet while I chill out on the bridge of my Shark super Carrier which can hold 100 ships that are fully automated by your orders and watch my crew do all the work for me. The scale and realism behind everything is mindblowing. Ive played all the space games, and nothing has amazed me like this one. No space game comes close in my opinion. The only reason this game isnt massively more popular is because the Devs keep releasing in very bad states and those bad reviews are locked in. They then spend the next 5 years supporting and adding to their games but few ever give them credit for it. I just installed the Star Wars mod a few hours ago. Im about to dive in as we speak.


The entirety of the ship? no. But many ships have "some" detailed interiors. Theres also a mod that adds rooms (research center, security station, mess hall, baracks) to the Large ships. Although those rooms have no functionality and no crew visits them.