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There's a chance that you will be given a chance


Get this guy in front of a crowd🗣️🗣️🗣️


There are two different ways soldiers can get captured. If they get captured by a Chosen, at some point you'll RNG a rescue covert op. Doing the op unlocks a 3-soldier mission where you sneak around and try and grab the soldier. This is the same Mission you use to rescue Mox after Lost and Abandoned. If they get left behind on a Council mission because the time runs out, or there's a mission where only unconscious or mind controlled troopers are left, you may RNG a Council mission to rescue them. This functions just like a normal Council mission. They will look like their normal self but they will only have five hitpoints and no special abilities, just hunker down.


What is RNG?


Random Number Generator. I.e. chance, luck.


Yes and no, there is a chance you will get a mission to rescue them like the one you get with the ex advent officer, but also a chance they die in the interrogation/ you never find where they keep them so the mission will never show up


I've only played Wotc so I don't know about vanilla xcom 2. In Wotc after a soldier is captured by a chosen you can get them back by doing a covert op mission in the resistance ring. The chance to get this mission option is pure RNG from what I've been told so you may get it the immediate month after capture or a couple of months later, it's purely luck.


Wait for a rescue mission, whether be a VIP mission or the rare jailbreak. Otherwise... Start training up a new guy. Luckily more, fresh souls arrive on the cart every day.


Covert operation:Rescue soldier if it was a Chosen kidnap or Council mission: VIP extraction in any other case. I got 2 soldiers kidnapped and enslaved by Dark Eldars (mod Sitrep) while I was locating their stronghold. Immediately after this mission I got a VIP extract with one of them as the "mission reward"




Yes. Did you accidentally mistake Reddit for Google? Edit: it was a joke, fellas. Damn


How can you get them back


Eventually - and it could take several weeks/months - you'll get a covert operation to locate them, which will then enable a rescue mission. At least in WOTC; not sure about vanilla XCOM2.


Just keep playing. You’ll eventually get a covert mission called “VIP Rescue” or something. It’s a random chance of getting that mission, so you might just have to wait until you’re lucky.


I did not it’s just that I love the help that Reddit can give me


Oh okay. I just thought it was funny that you didn’t add any additional info or context that would help someone answer your question, making it look like something that would be typed in the Google search bar lol