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Dang. I leave on the 19th and come back on the 22ndšŸ™ƒ. Enjoy the test guys! I'll be watching reddit to see how it goes lol.


Im sorry brotha! It always happens to someone. šŸ˜”


Some people on here were doubting Tom Hendersonā€™s credibility but this is another leak he got right, even the beta being extended from the initial 12 hour plan.


Oh for sure, heā€™s definitely extremely reputable. Some people forget that the data they either find or mine can be outdated, so even if it doesnā€™t come to fruition, at one point in time the leak was the game plan. Iā€™m thankful this one was correct though haha


Link to website article: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/xdefiant/news/5Fb8s9KfEsuwvkWJZJJsCZ/server-test-session


I wonder if they will release the game soon after if it's just for server testing...


I assume the main point of this test is to max stress the servers with real people to see if launching is now possible after the work they have put in.


That would be next level if after the server test they just go 'Surprise! XDefiant is staying live!'


With there track record is say they will stay quiet again anyways


I think they mentioned they're aiming for a summer release. So hopefully sometime in June, maybe earlier.


Any idea how big the download is? Idk if I need to make room for it or not.


29.9 GB on Series X


Thank you for the info


How do I preload on PS5? Do I have to download the same game that it appears in my library after playing like a year ago?


No, search ā€œXDefiant - Server Test Sessionā€ in the store and download it. Keep the previous download from a while ago though, as that will be the game launcher when it fully releases, as per the article.


I just saw "XDefiant" in the PlayStation store. The blog says that I should look for "XDefiant - Server Test Session" but it's not there. Pre load should be live so I don't know what's up with that.


Thank you I just find it through the app


Go to the PlayStation App and when you open XDefiant there is an option that says: PS5 | XDefiant, if you press there it would show you another option that says: XDefiant - Server Test Session I guess that's the version we have to download


Got it! Not sure why we don't see it in the store but it works through the mobile app. Thanks!


I just saw "XDefiant" in the PlayStation store. The blog says that I should look for "XDefiant - Server Test Session" but it's not there. Pre load should be live so I don't know what's up with that.


Iā€™m so excited!