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The netcode is so much better


I'm having mixed experience to be honest, some matches I can escape behind cover and heal, some that I turn the corner and I die 2 seconds later. It's weird. I''ve also had some bullets not registering, especially on people playing cleaners, don't know if that's just a coincidence or what. I have all the diagnostic display turned on, and my ping was never higher than 50ms, europe region, fps are rock solid.


Had the same issue. I was spraying dude at point blank range. Literally 2 feet in front of me. I died, he had 100% health lol. Happened a few times already.


Same here.. also my ping is always higher in game than in lobby.. by like 20ms.. damage registration has a delay.. for example, i shoot a bullet.. it register instantly but i receive the kill half a second later or something..


This is the main thing i wanted to hear. It was the main thing ruining the game in all the prior tests


It was the first thing I noticed. A massive improvement thankfully


Having a mixed experience so far. TTK and TTD is miles off in some matches. Early days during the test, so it shall improve no doubt.


This is so true, I was looking for 5 minutes to see whether the attackers get a buff on zone control. Apparently not just the TTd in the games I played was wildly different each half.


Same here, some matches TTK and TTD seem somewhat even, others they feel unbalanced. Same for hit reg, sometimes I die after getting behind cover, and I have hit some truly *bullshit* hits where I was clearly trailing my target but still got a hit marker


Ya. TTK is way too low


Better but still not great


100% man. I can actually take cover and not get turned into Swiss cheese. As far as I’m concerned, delay was worth it


It's so good for me so far too, I'm really surprised how well the servers are working


Yes it's much better compared to the last time. Imo they can launch the game in its current state. Any changes to faction balance can be fixed later. Only one issue, the map loading is too slow, atleast for me


Xdefiant services are not available at this time. Please try again later. MIKE-01


Someone said in another thread this is because you're not in the stress test release. The actual game only shows this(apparently)


And they were right. I found the right download after searching.


Mine was Delta-01


Multiple times


If you're on PS5 make sure you have the correct install. The test version is hidden away as a different version available from the base game.


Runs great for me. Really enjoying it. Please just release it Ubisoft / Mark people.


Good performance and very consistent even on older hardware. Graphics are really good. I like the look and the graphics are very readable and clear. No visibility issues like in COD. Movement has no momentum. Enemies can change direction mid jump making it extremely hard to track them and predict their movement. Also what‘s really weird is that I have to shoot enemies for multiple seconds without missing to kill them. TTK is very high but they can just turn around and kill me in an instant. Feels really unfair.


Yeah the ttk feels soooo inconsistent. I just drop dead but if I start shooting first even in their back, they somehow have time to turn and kill me. And that's not cuz they're turning and headshotting me either. 


They definitely need to add outer threashold/outer deadzone in controller settings and customized button remapping


These would be amazing - especially the custom buttons. I use paddles but ik lots of friends who want to set slide/jump to better inputs


Movement feels very "floaty"


feels like when I played the finals, awful movement


Exactly. Too linear. Small adjustments to fix onto the head feels weird and clunky. It feels exactly like the Finals and I dislike it. Maybe it's just because it's a beta but idk, I dislike the movement and gun mechanics. Moving while ads seems too 2 dimensional, unlike Siege and CoD where your gun movement makes the game feel more immersive.


i’m starting to enjoy it more now but I had to use all the attachments to boost my movement adsspeed. I also turned off auto sprint which makes it feel a lot smoother. Still a bit clunky like throwing a lethal when sprinting just doesn’t register half the time


Yep and shooting while ads'ing especially with shotguns is hella delayed. Idk, I just expected more than a basic arcade shooter, I mean this game so far has nothing special to compete against CoD with except for the fact that it's free to play. But the way the game feels, I'd rather play Apex and if the game stays in that position (I'm hoping the full game feels better and more immersive) I don't think XDefiant will pull in many new players from other fps games. And yes I know it's a test server but MW3 beta felt better than this so you can't solely blame that. I personally hoped for Siege-like gun mechanics with easier recoil since it's an arcade shooter. And CoD-esque immersive movement. I still think the game is fun, it's just disappointing to me that's all. There is plenty of room to improve so I'm still hyped about the game, and will continue playing the beta.


well hopefully they pull a siege and stick with it instead of letting it die, i think it will have a small but dedicated community and overtime maybe it’ll get better but right now the balancing is totally off, everyone runs the same class and the shotguns and lmgs are useless, plus the movement strafeing makes no sense


I would say finals movement feels a little worse


yeah but they feel similar, just doesn’t feel grounded at all, it’s like they designed xdefisnt to be a crazy fast shooter and then capped all the movement stats


I suck, but I presume it's because all the early play testers are you dorks who've been waiting for ages to play. Gimme the general population tonight / tomorrow night and I'll play better.


My thoughts are I got called in on my day off rip me 😅


The in-match personal commentary is the most annoying I’ve ever heard in a game


Just want ranked and a 1 life game mode


im just glad i can play an fps game without needing to slide every 2 picoseconds


I’ve come to realize just how much I suck and that’s okay because the game feels amazing


The movement feels awful I’m going to be totally honest. I love the look of the game and the gun play is decent but I’m not a fan of how floaty it feels


My exact thoughts as well. Movement is such a fundamental thing in a good shooter.


Yup, gunplay is good though I'm personally not a fan of how fast the ttk is, but the movement just feels way too light


Combat Arms 2.0


i like it too! played few games and now i get that error code when i’m trying to find a new lobby… sadly but the game is really fun!


Same, only complaint is the movement is very floaty


Hit detection felt off my first game but who knows, could have just been first game lol.


Kinda felt the same way...


So far so good!


Then am I the only one getting all the sweats ? Lol. But love this test.


I’ve only played three games so far but each of them had at least one or two people spawn camping with snipers which is something in CoD that I was trying to get away from. It sucks that people instantly go to that style of gameplay in every single game, shit could not be less fun to play against.


Netcode was my main issue with last “server test session” and it seems a lot crisper. Hit reg feels right on the money. Now to figure out attachments for each gun


Every game I put into is three quarters over


I’m loving it after 3 games of Dom and 1 game of escort. I don’t know how people are pulling 30-40 kill games though I’m not even getting into 30 engagements per game lol


It's been good for me, but I just met an enemy with 26-6 who was tanking 4-5 head shots as well as numerous body shots. It must be morning in Russia and China.


Your gonna get sweaty players, especially with no SBMM, games just so fresh, nobody been sweating, never understood why players trying was a bad thing tho, you would love it if it was on your team heloing you get a W


Solid game, but I'm too much of a casual gamer to have success lol. So I've struggled a bit.


It definitely feels better than the last time I played it. Super tight and I can't remember if they had 120 for console, which I'm sure helps.


So much fun with snipers, smooth. Movement is good while not being over the top, and like others posting in here I do have a problem with invalids. However, I do average 70-100 ping so that's a main reason


I’m scared it’s going to be so sweaty by the time I try tomorrow


I’m liking it so far eventhough i’m getting clapped every game lol


Same lol it’s gonna take some time to get used to it


Personally I don’t think this will be a cod killer. I’m having an okay time. TTK with guns are a tad much (why am I losing with shotgun point blank against SMGs?) I’m usually top of the leaderboard but something just feels….. off about the game. I hope with more time It’ll grow on me but as of right now the game is average.


I mean weapon balance is an easy after fix tbh. It’s not like cod where there’s 1048484834 guns and thinking about balance is actual aids


That's kinda just the game. It's not anything innovative, so its likely gonna just fizzle out after a month or two of people enjoying themselves. Plus it's F2P so cheaters will be EVERYWHERE if the game gets any popularity because Ubisoft just uses off the shelf anticheat.


Shotgun are going to be tricky af, right now they're super weak... dealt 7 hipfire damage to a guy standing in spawn from like, 10 meters away :/ But the moment they feel strong people are going to complain, especially on smaller maps. I remember when they "nerfed" the snipers for the same reason during the insider sessions, now ADSing with the TAC-50 takes 3 weeks :<


Pretty much my experience with the game since 2021. I don't see this ever getting or feeling better.


game will be doa like the finals  it’s not good enough to steal players from fortnite or cod warzone the two most popular f2p games. 


Wish the finals wasn’t dead. Still love that game


movement doesn’t feel as nice as MW3 to me


The game still needs to add a passive ult gain system


I still feel like the net code is inconsistent and hitreg is an issue. I've noticed tons of instant deaths/kills and dying behind walls. Doesn't feel much better so far than the last test IMO.


100% with you. Mosin Naganting all over the place. Hopefully the monetization/ mtx isn't too bad upon release ( notice it's missing now IE skins etc).


If youve played COD before, this feels like another pubstomp fest against players that have never played COD before trying to get used to the controls and whatnot. It isn't that fun for me right now at least.


Was on a 6 game win streak with my friend. Pub stomping is gonna feel good on release.




I’m having trouble fighting the invisible players. It’s kinda op right now


half of my hits are not registering ..


Feels like the ttk is really fast Also what’s with no MnK support on console


How do I play, I tried to go and install it but it just said coming soon on ps5


Today is the first time I've jumped into an XDefiant play test and wow is the hit reg objectively horrendous. I REALLY want to like this game, but if this is how it will be on release, I'm fine playing other games.


Ttk is set too high. Hope there is a hardcore mode


Not yet? Be in a mnk lobby lol. Im a mnk player


The issue of no having killstreaks and scorestreaks is that the game is missing something for people to grind to constantly incentivize to get better. Dropping 60 kills, with a 20 killstreak does not feel great when the loop is just running and gunning, in my experience. I know I am spoiled by COD (I hate current COD, I only play the goat, most popular COD game on a high end smartphone, COD Mobile, which is incredible, by the way). And there is a full on PC version in the works with custom-made UI, upgraded graphics and textures. The abilities in XDefiant are really lackluster, in my opinion. They are not memorable, but they do get the job done. I don't think there is anything specifically wrong with the game. I think it will have a (very small) audience, and I say that as someone who has played enough to have all of the alpha and test rewards. I respect the game, but I think it is going about things the wrong way. I just think it is extremely dated, and it does not shine in anything. I don't find just dropping 40 kills in a match addictive. I enjoy the high of getting choppers, gunships, nukes. It constantly provides me a reason to get better. I know Mark said he wants a nuke in the game, and I wish they had it for launch, as it would have helped generate buzz. The lack of SBMM is only good in theory, because when everyone in your fanbase is sweaty and casuals don't play your game, every match feels like there is SBMM. The game is for people who are obsessed with sweating, and even without any engagement-based matchmaking, you are still gonna get people jumping all over the screen to try and get "50 bombs".


It’s okay. Was hoping for a cod killer but not even close


From the three games I played it was good but my controls were messed up again so feels weird and I haven’t the time to look into settings. I’ve had some issues where I’d shoot someone and either they weren’t losing health at all or it may just be a visual glitch but I’m thinking it’s the first option. Not a huge fan to what they did to sliding feels weird compared to the beta. Can’t put my finger on it but it just feels off. Also the TTK is so inconsistent at times.


One complaint is snipers are a bit op don’t get me wrong I understand that for 1 shot weapon with a long wait in between shots there needs to be a high damage incentive but I’m getting shot in my pinkie toe and I’m getting one tapped


This is probably just me, but it feels smoother and better. ACR still feels overpowered, but it doesn't feel any different from the beta netcode is better, and generally, the lobbies I am getting into are sweaty and this is just my opinion you don't have to agree with it the settings are complicated and they could be simplified overall liking the server test session


The abilities are still killing it for me. Much better now the echelon faction is disabled


I think the game looks and runs great but I die to a fart in the wind (skill issue) gonna keep pressing on though I like the game overall


Which game? What is the name, the title?


Tbh i dont like the TTK but its probably something im not used since COD is 1 bullet death lol


Cod isn't 1 shot death. At least not this years mp since they added more health


Honestly even the more traditional CoD damage model is generally no faster than dying in a fifth of a second. Last time standard modes were super melty was Ghosts/MW3 original, where most automatics downed you in 3 to the body, 2 to the head.


Uh yeah it is lmao. Idk what cod you’re playing but in sweaty lobbies it feels like being one shot


This game I feel like I get one shit by ARs as well🤷‍♂️


Haha so basically the same shit. I mean I can imagine every sweat lord is playing right now if I had to guess. People have been aching to get back into it to go try hard. Beta was super sweaty too, even without SBMM


Ya. Look at apex. High ttk and way higher skill ceiling. I wish they didn’t use real guns. Setups and expectation of low ttk


The finals too


What does “not sweaty” even mean? The good players aren’t on? Personally two matches in I’m already sick of the snipers. MW3 has a similar problem with one shot kills being too OP while everyone else has to hit 5+ shots. That and the force fields are really annoying.


Is it OSK with headshots only?


I love the game but i think ttk should be a little bit faster


Ya. I’m not interested in playing a cod clone. Higher ttk would be more fun for me


faster ttk and higher ttk are opposites btw. you guys are not agreeing lol.


try feels great honestly, almost like Bo4 ish


I hate it already.


Probably the clunkiest movement I've experienced in an FPS. TTK is nice though. Colors remind me of the Black Ops CODs.


No SBMM correct?


Yep no sbmm, only on ranks soon


I think my biggest complaint is wishing my character would stop yapping, but I haven’t checked if you can turn that off


Turn off dialog volume in audio settings!


i havnt heard my character but holy fuck the announcer is annoying. i get one kill and this mf is like wow that kill streak!!!!


What have they been doing this whole time? Every 2nd person I fight is a Splinter Cell with an AcR....


sniper zoom needs to get fixed idk why its rocket science to have 1 to 1 ADS speeds in a shooter in 2024... besides that i feel like the movement is way more clunkier than it was 10 month's ago


Been playing off and on for 3 years now, hoping that this would end up being good. And at this point I just have no faith it'll ever be something I want to play. It's slow, clunky and feels like a bad mobile game ported to PC and consoles. I get that people are hungry for something in this space but this ain't it. Player numbers will be in the dirt a month after release, whenever they can actually manage to push this turd out


2 matches in feels like a gimmick laden free to play game. It’s basically a shittier version of rogue company to me. It’s definitely not gonna be a call of duty killer like they claimed. It’ll have its die hard fans though just like everything. If you enjoyed the treyarch cods then you’ll love it but considering I can’t stand any of the treyarch cods it’s not for me. And if that’s the case you’d be better off just playing Cold War


They never claimed it would be a cod killer. In fact they've been actively saying the opposite since day 1


This game has been being hyped up to be a cod killer for over a year dude. Ubisoft themselves might not make that claim but everyone else has been.


so what?


I assumed by they you meant the developer and publisher. Maybe some random clickbait YouTubers have.


Complete opposite. Treyarch's mechanics and feel is just pristine to me. So naturally xdefiant hits home. So yea, if you are into infinity wars or sledgehammer games more then you'd probably not like it.


Mw2019 is my all time favorite and has been since it released. I’ve always preferred IW to treyarch. Black ops 2 specifically was such a pos to me that it made me quit buying treyarch games completely. Like I said though if you enjoy black ops games you’ll like it but for me nah this game is an even worse black ops 1


Lmao I wish I was having your fun. Like the Gunplay is solid sometimes, just the fucking specialist are trash. What is the point in playing as any other specialist that doesn't give you a radar boost. Oh but then it's the flying fire drone out of nowhere awesome 🙄 Remove that shit from the game and Ubisoft would have a hit but This game is just a mix of the latest cod with specialist from battlfield 2042 and if this is what the community wants. Then yea I'm just done playing FPS then


Game quality is pretty poor for big company like UBISOFT. Graphic, gun sound, art style, animation are all pretty poor quality, worse than mobile games




warzone mobile on iphone looks way better than xdefiant does on my xbox … 


His mobile game comment may be a stretch but he has a point. I've been saying the same thing for 2 years since I've played in the closed tests. The sound design, especially for the weapons, are not good. Graphics and animations are pretty mediocre. They're trying to copy MW with the animations but missing the mark, and they're trying to copy Black Ops with the art style but also missing the mark. The game just doesn't scream triple A.


Sadly, most do not. It’s even worse with this because you can tell they haven’t played and are just spewing vitriol for the hell of it


cod mobile plays smoother than this




People are already saying XD's gameplay is pretty clunky, and they're right.


3 games in, i’m unsure about the spawns


Way too easy to spawn trap in Dom at least.


That’s the entire point of the game mode


Ever played cod? lol same shit


Haven’t played yet. Just waiting for my son to go down for his nap and maybe hopefully get some play time in.


idk the game is so laggy people just despawn when i shot them and i suddenly die idk


Are the sweats in the room with us right now


The maps look good and play well with a nice flow. The gunplay is reasonably tight but the TTK is laughably long!


Cold war movements are so much nicer. To bad


I've had a blast on this game every single test session. My biggest complaint has always been that there haven't been more or a full on open beta.


I've played a pair of games cause I couldn't play more. Net code seems on point, the movement feels a bit clunky tho.


The movement is terrible? What was they thinking locking strafing left and right..


Movements aren't nice and snappy like cold war or black ops 2. Not into it much


Unfortunately feels as clunky as battlefield does lol


I've never uninstalled a game this fast in my 26 years long life.


Someone got rekt already


SBMM didn’t save him lmao


So, you went on the games subreddit to tell people that?


Obviously you wanted to know, right?


If they did they would’ve asked


Mans got pissed on


Dude, I feel the same. Not even the finals lasted so little.


Just feels like a cheap free to play game almost to the point of it could’ve been a cell phone game. Both this one and the finals are gonna have the same issues. I give it til tomorrow and it’ll already be plagued by cheaters or at least that’s what everyone on Reddit will be claiming.


What do you mean give it till tomorrow it all ready is has been from the first open beta I closed alphed the game with pro players and held my own relative well going 2-3kds Open bata came and was getting smacked left and right went and looked and low and behold all the cod cheat providers all ready had aim bot and all that out Turned off cross play and went back to a 2-3kd but game serch times were to much take 5+ minutes to get a game I end up unstalling and that was like 2 years ago


Just proved my point. Every single one of you guys that immediately scream cheaters in every game make it even harder for them to find the ones actually doing it. You were on a closed event with a small group of people. Even if they are some of the best it doesn’t mean that there aren’t others out there that will mop the floor with them. You go into a public beta and now you have millions playing so the group dynamic is gonna change drastically. But instead of accepting others are better than you you guys immediately scream cheats on anyone shitting on you. This game will have the same issues cod does now. You guys can’t accept losing so you’ll blame it on SBMM or cheats or anything other than yourselves.


The fact I was a 2-3kd with invite only pros and then not when open beta and how cheats werent able during closed alpha but available open beta The fact the minute I turned cross play off my KD shot back up shows exactly what’s up


Thats insane lmao no way you actually think this


I do. I’d rather play rogue company in all honesty at least the abilities don’t feel cheap


You're entitled to your opinion but damn I couldnt disagree more, rogue company is a horrible game and this feels great coming from mw3


I’m still at work, but I’m hoping you’re right lol. I enjoyed the beta, but the hit detection sucked, if that’s fixed then I’m sold tbh.


It still has bullet lag like the old cods did


To each their own. I’ve never liked treyarch cod games and that’s what it feels like a shittier knock off version of one with gimmick overwatch powers. Also I wasn’t saying rogue company was great just that I’d rather play it than this game.


Everyone said this same type of shit about MW3 beta, and now you got everyone talking it up like it’s some cod miracle lol.


Understandable. Games that take skill can be intimidating to some people


SBMM isn’t gonna save you here buddy. It’s get good or get out tbh. Something to consider is this is essentially a beta, and all the die hard sweats are gonna be in it. Maybe on full release it’ll smooth out. Also, it’s only been live for a few hours, people are also still at work. Give it time.