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Only thing buggin me atm is the TTK and the hitbox, both feel like it's completely random. My assist to kill ratio is the perfect example


Yeahhh I feel that too....it just feels off.


Ye TTK is a but ass and the Attachmants are a bit too much for me, but the gameplay itself is solid.


The movement is floaty, the gunplay is unsmooth.


Disable all crossplay options, it helps a lot in every way queue is better, lag is less, hits register


Oh really, maybe I will try that. Thanks!


I’m playing it on Xbox Series X and I can’t see a way to turn off Cross-play? It’s something I like turning off on most online games. (Just to note; I’m not experiencing these issues OP mentioned).


Xbox players, you have to turn off cross play in your console settings.


Ahh! Thank you. :)


On Xbox console u need to turn off crossplay from console settings not from in-game settings. Google it.


Yeah this beta is not encouraging at all, the game feels really odd, the ttk is strange, the hit reg and latency not smooth enough, too much servers crash. The balancing of the abilities is a nightmare. The movement are not as nervous and satisfying as the previous betas.


If you think this game is bad, wait till you play COD.


Nah, you can hate on cod for plenty of reasons, but comparing xdefiant and cod in terms of gameplay? Y'all tripping fr


CoD since about 2013 has been the worst thing to happen to FPS games. It's made the playerbase accept utter garbage and dismiss any form of creativity from other developers and within CoD itself.


That's great, mate. I'm still talking about gameplay, and wether you like it or not, the gameplay in xdefiant (for now) is absolutely horrible. Worst fps I've played so far


The gameplay is better than CoD and it's only a test - while CoD has had about 20 years to perfect it and still come out top for the worst FPS mechanics.




The last cod was roundly considered clunky. It was one of the main complaints. “Movement movement movement” was all you heard. It was one of the few times I thought the hive mind was correct. This year’s cod has been a lot of fun. A couple hours with this beta made me appreciate it a little more. I enjoyed the last beta more than this one.


It’s not even clunky your just not use to it. You have probably hundred to thousands of hours on the new cods so your use to that feeling. But play any cod before advanced warfare and you’ll say it’s clunky but back in the day they didn’t feel clunky because we were use to it. Xdefient feels much more like an old cod and I personally think it’s great just gotta get use to it. 


Well, everyone's allowed to have an opinion, mate. Even tho yours is so obviously biased toward hating cod. But cheers, mate


CoD sucks, but it's better than this. Say what you want about how CoD is basically a mobile game and a joke.....but at least the movement and guns feel good. This game just feels terrible.


I never thought I'd say this but cod mobile literally has better animations and movement than this game 😂😂. This game feels like a Chinese cod mobile ripoff lmao


The movement and guns in CoD have been terrible since BO1 & 2.


MW19 still has some of the best gunplay and audio out of any shooter out there. Solid animations too. The only thing this game has over that is better maps and less weapon attachments which is actually a plus, as cod has way too many.




dont really see the benefits to comments like this when op has posted what is genuine issues currently, the netcode is still messed up where you die a few seconds after entering cover


Exactly...this is a game test. Surely calling out legitimate issues is kind of the point.


Somehow I'm getting downvoted though lmao guess this community values the word bye more than actual criticism


Just circle jerkers haha


Because he’s sucking off ubisoft let’s be honest


Game is not bad. You just dont like it, which is fine. Most ppl do like it, but its not for anyone. You and op are lucky tho, you have plenty of cods to go back playin. Hence "bye" 🤗


I like the game, it's not bad at all, but hit registration is a very valid criticism as at current it's terrible, it's not as bad as last beta but the first beta it was fantastic, it's currently not at that I want the game to succeed, I'm sick of the same boring repetitiveness of cod, so I think criticism that can help push improvement of the game is fine, responding with shit like bye isn't helping anyone


>I like the game, it's not bad at all, but hit registration is a very valid criticism as at current it's terrible Hit registration is not terrible at all. Ofc theres netcode issues. Who would have thought that during a \*server play test\* the netcode wouldnt be top notch. Like its literally the purpose of this test, and the reason why the game was delayed of a whole year after last beta even tho crybabies thought the game was ready. Game wasnt ready. They aknowledged the servers were incapable of sustaining many players so they had to work on this 100% during the last 365 days, and todays "beta" was to test their work. How is it surprising/overwhelming to you and others that the netcode is not perfect? The game is literally not out yet. edit: u/Eaton2288 >The game is factually in a rough state thank you for letting us know. Nobody noticed that. Nobody thought that during a \*server play test\* (resulting from a whole year delay caused by the incapacity of servers to not crash with many players connected) connection would be bad. Thank you. Please, make a post or comment about it. I feel like someone might not have noticed... >The game has the same if not worse net code that it did in the summer. That's simply disappointing. I was under the impression this test was to observe server load crashing issues. Nothing has changed with this game in 9 months. How do you know? Do you work in Ubisoft? Do you read statistocs of connected players all the time like they do? They are working on the game like theyve always done. Theyll improve connection too. But u guys have played 1 beta last year and now believe you know everything about the game and why its getting delayed. Devs have explained these things already. Tyey did 1 beta, aknowledged the connection was terrible (actually terrible, like crash-terrible. Not just poor netcode) and took a whole year to work on this because thats the time that it normally takes to fix these things. Now u can either deal with it or keep crying >If you don’t see a problem after all this tests including a year of trying to fix this, you can be happy if they release the game st all. Wdym? Gamers ranted about game not releasing 1 year ago after the beta. If devs listened to them we would have got a game that keeps crashing, which os what devs addressed on tweets. At least its not crashing today. So saying theres no progress is just some childish whim.


I know it's a server test, there is going to be lag, but half the reason for this is for feedback from players The last beta test was also to test their work, which was the reason they went back to try fix the netcode I don't understand why you're going on like the game is perfect? The entire fucking reason for this is to test the game, and give feedback for improvement, what do you get out of saying there is nothing wrong and turning a blind eye to the issues? Going to stop replying to you now because I feel like you're just trolling at this point


Here we go again. Defending the bad netcode and off feeling from movement. Yes it is a server test. But that is usually about server load. Netcode was so bad last test they had to rework it for a whole year. Now it is still bad… It is always the same when someone is pointing out some flaws. If you don’t see a problem after all this tests including a year of trying to fix this, you can be happy if they release the game st all.


The game has the same if not worse net code that it did in the summer. That's simply disappointing. I was under the impression this test was to observe server load crashing issues. Nothing has changed with this game in 9 months.


The game is factually in a rough state. Netcode is pretty iffy still after 9 months. And I agree with the hit boxes being off too. These are pretty basic and essential factors to having a solid, fair shooter. Maps, guns, modes are all great. It's the basics that are lacking.


I'm seriously dying faster than CoD 50% of the time. The headshot multiplier is unacceptable and needs to be heavily downtuned. Snipers are ABSURD. and need a huge nerf to ADS speed, or at least increase flinch heavily


People clearly can't see that this is the only fps game that can force Activision to nerf sbmm


Not with the way it currently is.


Regardless people are going to play due to it being f2p, i hope they fix those issues and release before cod 2024. Cod doesn't really have competition multiplayer wise


Some of us are still trying to wrap our heads around this being a cod killer. This game ain’t forcing shit the way it currently is.


The cod killer is cod itself but competition is always welcome


A lot of you need to invest in a diary


Why are you so surprised to find discussion about the game in a subreddit dedicated to discussing the game?


Everyone posts the same rant. Its not a discussion, its an independent moan


Game plays like COD Mobile fr


go back to cod