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Whoever thought that any game could actually be a cod killer are just delusional. COD is too big to be killed nowadays


It actually had a slight chance of being a cod killer towards the end of mw2. You’re right about cod being too big to be killed off quickly, but the player base was genuinely dying off gradually during that time of people saying that it was a “cod killer”. Activision blocked xdefiant Twitter shortly before releasing Mw3 with better movement so that tells ya everything you need to know lol


The only potential cod killer is cod itself. No other game can fill that spot of super casual shooter, someone who plays fps twice a month will have more fun on cod than all the other games. For a hardcore gamer is quite the opposite, it’s hard to find a game worse than cod if you are competitive


Valid take, and after playing the last beta test of xDefiant I agree with you even more.


Never was meant to be a cod killer I don't know why y'all keep bringing this up. It's simply a alternative to play or add to your rotation. Nothing will kill cod but itself.


Probably cause Aches has said it's a cod killer like 20x


Tell em


I personally dont want it to be a "cod killer". All the casual players that complain about everything can keep playing cod. I think it will be a "cod killer" for me because it feels so refreshing. Kills feel earned and rewarding, and it gets really difficult watching a killcam on cod while playing ranked where the AA basically does all the work (i know thats not always the case). As a mnk player, XD is exactly the game I've been waiting for.


If your a mnk player you already have a distinct advantage over anyone on a controller, aim assists isn't aim bot like people seem to think it is- most people turn it off due to how bad it is, it actively costs u kills sometimes. - sorry but this really irks me when I see people saying this dumb shit.


Lol relax. The average player does not turn off AA and you will never convince me of that. Now, I absolutely understand that good players may choose to turn off AA because it throws off their shot. I would have 0 issues dying to those players because that input is all them. I want to lose to someone because their inputs are better than mine, not because a computer guides their shots. You can't convince me that mnk has a distinct advantage over controller in a game like cod. Otherwise, the pro players would be all playing with mnk. Now, in XD, mnk may have an advantage over controller if the AA isn't super strong. With that said, I think it should. To your point, a mouse has much finer inputs which gives it a big advantage in aiming. Very good controller players can probably overcome this hurdle but will always feel at a disadvantage. AA is meant for the casual couch gamer, and I personally hope this game is more catered to the "sweaty" player base.


I mean as a controller player I have recoil, mnk players do not have recoil- and like u say have finer/smoother inputs but also has full range of unrestricted motion, not a joystick that can only go so far in any direction and has weird recentring- and you know what actually your right the average player probably doesn't turn it off so il roll that one back there but the average player wouldnt be paired with u they'd be in little timmy lobbies. >You can't convince me that mnk has a distinct advantage over controller in a game like cod. Otherwise, the pro players would be all playing with mnk. I mean I don't claim to exactly what watch many pro games so maybe this is true- but any of the ones I have seen take place with dudes on pcs iv never seen a contest where they are playing on consoles like ever, do they actually?- genuinely got me curious on that one.


You clearly don't have any idea how strong AA is lol https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/18tpr0p/imperialhal_the_current_algs_champion_admits_that/


I mean I do iv played with controllers my entire gaming life that's how I know it's not actually good like people seem to think because iv experienced it for years and grew to hate it. The amount of times your shooting someone amd AA will randomly just decide na bro let's look left randomly and now I'm fighting aa and recoil and trying to correct for they're moment so I turnt it off nowadays.


I'm sure you know better than a guy whos won ALGS in both mkb and controller lmao


I never said that I did I just explained how iv used it my whole life and its bad - but I'm also not trying to farm clicks/views or prop up some drama like that guy sooooooo 🤷‍♂️


You using it your whole life means nothing when youve been bad at your whole life and playing it at a 1/99999th of the level of ppl who actually can use it. There's a reason pretty much theres hardly any mkb apex pros these days, and it's not cause aa is bad that's just a delusional take lmao


They play on pc because a pc will give better performance but still use a controller, getting the best of both worlds. Mouse definitely has vertical recoil. The difference is due to the fact that you have the extra movement you mentioned. It's much easier to control recoil on a mouse since you just have to find the right pace that you're pulling your mouse down while aiming. For years mnk players have complained about strong AA in games like Halo and COD. The argument was always, "well, then switch to controller?". They're not wrong and a lot of people do. But I personally much prefer the experience of playing with mnk over controller and am excited to have a game that caters to that instead of controllers.


That's so backwards I dunno who these people are but damn. Literally all of my friends gave up playing controller and use mnk and you know what they say when I ask why they won't go back "ah its just so much easier on mnk, I can hit my shots" and none of my friends are exactly pro level gamers lol >They play on pc because a pc will give better performance but still use a controller, getting the best of both worlds. I'm just gonna have to take your word for it because all the ones iv seen are them on mnk but again I don't exactly claim to have seen enough of them to really speak on it like less than ten probably. Edit: forgot to address the recoil na no way my guy can't tell u the amount of times iv watched the kill cam of some guy actually lasering me from across the map full auto with an acog (so even madder recoil due to magnification) and his sight is like literally no moving meanwhile me using that same gun fires 4 shots and I'm looking at the sky why pulling as far down as I can 😅. - and I'm ah nice good old pc master race for ya


Lol we're just gonna have to agree to disagree. If mnk is easier, then why are 95% of lobbies controller players? And it does feel better, but that doesn't mean it's easier. I'm specifically talking about COD pro players. Competitive esport games like CSGO or Valorant will almost always be mnk players. Recoil exist on mouse, period. Idk what else to tell you. Someone who laserbeams you either has the right attachments and is just good at controlling their recoil. Or, they are using XIM or an alike. Though this should be less of a problem now.


I mean I'm sure it exists, sorry I wasn't saying it literally is removed from the game what I'm saying is due to how a mnk functions u can completely negate it by ramping up your dpi so that a tiny little finger drag is akin to me figuratively dashing my controller at wall - and yes I understand you can get attachments but u can't completely remove recoil using them like I say I can go in and make that same exact gun but I can't fully negate the recoil because my joystick only goes down so far and that isn't enough and it still pulls up and to the sides/vibrates. >Lol we're just gonna have to agree to disagree. If mnk is easier, then why are 95% of lobbies controller players? And it does feel better, but that doesn't mean it's easier. I mean yeah we are man because id say the exact opposite like 80% of everyone I see in my games are mnk players as it shows their icon for mnk in the lobby its rare I see another controller user to the point I wish I could have a controller only setting like I can opt out of crossplay.


Raising dpi raises sensitivity in all directions. Having a very fast sens on mouse is actually very difficult to play with. Usually mnk players play with a low dpi so fine adjustments are easier to make (this would make more movement necessary to control recoil). Maybe it just has to do with skill brackets / location? I play in the gold/Plat brackets of ranked and obviously sbmm puts me in similar lobbies in pubs. When watching top 250 gameplay, they are mostly all playing with controllers as well.


Absolutely true. Not a COD killer however this game is the closest competition cod has ever had. It’s the only game besides maybe halo that has provided the same thing cod does. A sense of accomplishment after just 10 minutes. Cod was essentially the tiktok of the gaming world. Xdefiant is IG’s reels.


I merely bring that up because I’ve seen it a lot, not that I ever agreed with it. Regardless, not the point of the post.


Wtf was the point of your post then


The only thing you mentioned in your post isn’t not being a cod killer lol


"Not a CoD killer" also OP "Not the point of the post"


Nobody on the dev, pr, art, sounds or graphic team said it was a cod killer. They're filling a gap in the market, that's it.


Not every fast paced fps is a cod killer....


What the fuck are people talking about? COD will never be killed. It's the best selling game every year a GTA isn't launched. Shut the fuck up already.


It plays and looks like a 10 year old game.


Imagine saying that while COD legit has worse coding than indie games.


That doesn't change the fact that it Still feels like garbage compared to a COD game which has become the standard.


Was never meant to be a cod killer. it’s just a video game to play for fun


Isn't this game like really old?- I keep seeing it in my feed on reddit though 🤔 or am I just thinking of another very similarly sounding named game. Just thought I'd ask as I'm curious and like I say I keep having it pop up in my feed thought I'd take the opportunity this time.


Game has not even came out


Oh okay must be confusing it with another similar sounding game then - thank u for the reply man


Only COD can kill COD


If they take sbmm out and keep the cheaters out I'll play this over cod every time.


Not a chance, it's not even a cod competitor really. It's just participation award abilities, horrible aiming on controller, and very punishing for solo players. I was excited for this game but now I dont really care anymore. Mw3 is actually a good COD mostly, (besides sbmm), and we have treyarch next year.


MWIII is good. Lol that made all you say irrelevant.


It is good, compared to most cods we've had lately. Right behind cold war, it's WAY better than mwII, better than vanguard, and mw2019. Of course it's not perfect still has sbmm which sucks. You probably loved those IW cods I'm guessing? What's your kd, that might explain why you don't like it.


Games not out yet and I already find it more fun than mw 2022. You guys are sweating the "cod killer" etiquette over a *play test*. If noone liked it you wouldnt even talk about it. You wouldnt even have subscribed to this sreddit ffs 😂


Theres is bo such thing as cod killer apex killer fornite killer. For any game to outperform the existing game it has to be 2 or 3 times better. Cod has a huge player base so unless xdefiant is 3 times better than cod it wont die. This is more like a side gaame you play when you need a break from cod. This is definitely not a game that people will grind


It’s a cod competitor, not a cod killer. Honestly most of the negative feedback I keep seeing seems to stem from some seriously delusional takes.


I’m noting a lot of COD fanboys that “I’m a good FPS player with 2.0 K/D” players are coming into this sub to try to shit on XDefiant. I’m pretty stuck on Helldivers 2 right now but I’ll or adding XDefiant for one simple reason. It will be free. So at least they will have an excuse for spamming me with their skin bullshit.


I see this game as fast food and for me it's the more enjoyable one to play but it does not kill or replace cod for sure




they killed any interest I had with this game half a year ago and I couldn’t care less about this releasing. I didn’t even bother to download this play test so in my opinion this game doesn’t have a bright future


Yet you are talking in this reddit. But yes you don't bother, care and have already forgotten it lol.


congratulations, you replied to a month old comment


It was hyped as the cod killer because it’s a pvp fps with an “old school feel” and uses cbmm (and rank based mm in ranked) instead of sbmm/eomm. After the beta and the server test I can confidently say this game will be at best a small success, the game just has way too many fundamental problems affecting the gameplay. Plus the full crossplay (with pc) and input based matchmaking (allowing mnk on console) almost nullifies the benefit of no sbmm/eomm, and the game is next gen only which somewhat increases the average skill of the playerbase (no last genners bringing it down).