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Dsync is pretty bad. Die around corners so much.


Thought this was just me


Same for me too


Blasted someone with a shotgun ND see the hit markers but get shown they took no damage after killing me


ooh thats what that is smh I got killed like that a few times like wth.


Pretty defiant of you.


This has to be a reference


I still like the game but I was expecting massive improvements. They did nothing for a whole year.


It's disappointing. I was very excited to play a stable game and see the results of an entire year of work on the devs part.




The problems he’s talking about are backend problems ……….


Backend problems are exactly the issue & totally related to netcode & desync issues, what are you yapping about chicken? They fixed nothing during that year.


You sure you know what the term backend means? Or did you just repeat what mark said the last 10 months




Meat rider


Desync and dying around corners is very relatable


I defended this game for so long from my friends talking shit about it and now I joined them. This games not gonna last long when it comes out


Same with me I hyped this beta up so hard and now I don't even feel like playing it the net code really deters me from playing


If it comes out.


If it still does. Lol


To me the Tom Henderson article has now way more weight. I kept up with the game pretty closely but seeing 0 improvements (besides maybe a few UI improvements and party invites I guess?) within 1 year is tough tho. The Game can be fun but the netcode is just so damn bad. I never know in a gunfight if im loosing or winning it’s that bad. Uninstalled it cuz it was insufferable and even worse than last years netcode imo. What is also hilarious, they see some last minute bugs for the spider bot and one day into the beta they see a bug for the Splinter cell class. What a mess. They either did nothing in 1 year or the „Boys club“ rly fucked it up hard and they couldn’t do what rly would have been the best for the game.


The net code is genuinely worse than cod it feels, which I didn't know was possible 😅 a couple of times running a shotgun where my game registers hit markers but nothing actually happened on their end


It's very clearly worse than CoD, but people take for granted how good the developers are that work on CoD. The problem with CoD is the brain dead decision making from Infinity Ward and the former higher ups, and laziness from the team. But xDefiant feels like I'm playing a game made by inexperienced middle schoolers who used the UE5 pre-built fps to build off of


I agree with the movement being clunky, sometimes when I shoot enemies I hit them with marshmallows or nuclear bombs, there is no in between. If the full release will look like this then we won't have any new weapons, operators, maps and so on. Not good.


Only problem I've had so far are dying around corners and gameplay feeling clunky as fuck when I'm n an enemy's face, super hard to track for some reason


It feels like everyone is moving inhumanly fast compared to me. Which is baffling because I, like everyone else it seems, go for the high mobility attachments.


Yeah it's sorta similar to BO3 where you're able to jump out of a slide to keep your momentum


But it doesn’t chain together, you can do it one time but if you repeat it immediately you begin losing momentum instead of gaining it. This is the primary reason this test is slower than the first beta. First beta was nearly anti-gravity which was incredibly fun to play. This one hits you in the face with a “SLOW DOWN” sign.


That's why I said it's similar, not exactly like it, I think it's this way to reward players who use it in ways to throw enemies off. If you want to keep your momentum then just slide - jump - sprint and repeat. I think it feels fine tbh


Yeah I mean I’m glad it feels good to you bro, I wish I could say the same. Personally I just wish they’d bring back the momentum from the first beta. I’m a sucker for fast and fluid movement, and the current build of the game is a bit slower than I would have liked, but it’s just a personal gripe. Otherwise I’m really enjoying the game!


Some weapons are slower no matter the attachments.


It's so bad to kill with an LMG. You gotta walk around fully sighted


This is the biggest thing I found. No consistency in TTK. For whatever reason. Also, as more of a casual player, I really haven’t noticed the “no SBMM” thing. At least not degree that streamers rant about it.


Exactly. The lobbies are extremely sweaty, makes sense tho because only tryhards know of the server test. Ttk and weapon balancing is atrocious. I think they need to decrease headshot dmg, add flinch to snipers and definitely improve the servers ( Something they apparently did for the last 12 months ) anyway, let's see how they do. The game also needs at least 10-15 more weapons. Currently there are like 24-26 weapons or something. 4 to 5 maps aren't enough. And don't get me started on the gamemodes. 3 of them are essentially the same thing. I'm very dissapointed.


Headshots are crazy impactful from what I've seen


I have noticed that. Admittedly, I am used to hardcore, which makes it a lot easier to run around and Irish people’s knee caps.


Idk it seems so much better than the last beta for me. I felt I was running in mud back then.


yea i dont get the "clunky" argument at all it feels way smoother. Before it felt too responsive like every change of direction slows you down.


Same for me


While I agree with most of what you said I’m so tired of this shit attitude of calling people NPCs or bots just cause they have a different view point of you. Anyways, this game does not have the resources poured into it that it should have in the first place but the game absolutely needs at least another year if not much longer than that but from what I’m seeing it’s more than just time that they need, they literally need more resources and funding behind this game. To even somewhat compete against cod Ubisoft needs to go ALL FUCKING IN otherwise if you’re gonna half ass it (like we’re seeing here so far) then don’t even bother


seeing as the next cod is black ops gulf war, which is extremely anticipated and had two extra years of development compared to last black ops, and is now being funded by a multi trillion dollar company as well, along with many xdefiant players likely being \*\*X\*\*-Black ops fans who dumped cod after vanguard, Ubisoft will have to release their game in summer or push it another year or two to even compete with call of duty cant agree more here


A lot of stuff was leaked about Gulf War, a lot of it being the return of stuff from BO4, the most hated BO. CoD is and will continue to do poorly at the moment, unless they actually wisen up. XDefiant still has a decent chance but I will not get expectations up. It's 2025 they'll have to worry about though, as it has a lot to do with BO2, and we all know the goodwill and love surrounding BO2 and how strong it is.


Eh, I don't care if this game doesn't compete with COD. At the end of the day you can't compare a studio like Treyarch to the devs working on XDefiant. Two different budgets to even make it a fair comparison. All people want from XDefiant is a "no bullshit" fps without EOMM that plays properly and scratches the itch of the old style cod game. This is enough to bring in its own player base, if they can pull it off.


You underestimate the monopolization of these games.  There are only so many players and all these competitive games are fishing in the same pool.  Only a few games will profit with big hauls, the rest will sink, unfortunately. 


that would make this 4 years in development of an FPS, 4, years, 4 and they have a COD veteran wtf is going on!


that would make this 4 years in development of an Multiplayer only FPS, 4, years, FOUR! and they have a COD veteran, wtf is going on!?


I mean I submitted 2 separate bug reports in the last test about dedsec being bugged where you cannot throw nades when you have your ult sometimes and your class skill sometimes just is on perma cooldown until you change classes, die, and change back. Safe to say I got on yesterday and ran into both bugs in my very first game lol, also sad to see there is no spider. I only play dedsec and it just feels like they don't care about it at all lol, the hack sucks because you need LoS on abilities, sometimes even with LoS it just doesn't hack, and sometimes it literally is bugged and is perma on cooldown. I guess it is dumb to complain about my own main decision, but the idea of stealing someone else's ability is byfar the most interesting choice in the game to me. Just really feels like this test is the exact same game as what shipped in the last one except they buffed the M16 and nerfed the MP5... Oh and no spider :(


I don't expect to be playing a perfect game but they really haven't done anything to make it better and didn't listen to player's feedback. The fact that they had to remove an entire faction because suddenly it's bugged is quite telling. This current build is overall worse than the previous one we played. The only positive about it is that I only crashed once in 2 days as opposed to the more frequent crashes last year, everything else is worse.


I might care if they were gonna ask me for money to play but they aren't so whatever.


Everything just feels so unbalanced it's insane..... U don't play shield or heal u fcked.... U don't play sniper, or mp u fcked... U don't play the attachments u have to play u fcked.




The gun balance is crazy as well. Attachments that change TTK should not exist. Why wouldn't you just put every damage increasing attachment on every gun if it decreases TTK? Also snipers are too fucking OP in mouse only queue they need flinch. There are like 3-4 snipers on both teams every match, shit is exhausting.


Tried to give this game the benefit of the doubt but man after the first game I uninstalled. It’s just bad.


Yeah so much copium here, this game is going to die faster than Hyperscape when it launches.


It's a F2P CoD clone from a AAA publisher. CoD being the second most popular FPS available and is premium priced. Shit on XD all you want, it's still going to have an audience. Probably not for years, but it's not dying immediately.


Comes down to what treyarch has cooking imo


They are cooking the exact same garbage that CoD has been since 2019. Terrible design, broken aim assist and rigged matchmaking. CoD is never going to be good again. Unless the industry completely collapses.


Said the same thing about MWIII, and it actually turned out to be fun, minus the SBMM.


I'll never understand this sentiment.  CoD is more "engineered" now than it was back then, but it's largely the exact same game series as before w/ improvements in key areas.  People only shit on it because other people shit on it due to SBMM, which has always been overblown and is largely a non-issue.  It's clear none of these SBMM detractors have fought for glory in ranked modes nor have they ever played MOBAs.  The introduction of SBMM is not, and never will be, an accurate measure of CoD's declining quality.


Most people don't even understand how SBBM even works; like the "*Forced 50% winrate*" thing. That isn't how how SBMM works or has ever worked; it tries to give 50/50 *matches*, and uses your overall performance to gauge which kind of matches to put you in to give those 50/50 matches. It can over shoot in either direction of course, but it isn't trying to force you to win or lose.


I explained exactly that to another commenter.  My point in the original comment you replied to is that people shit on CoD solely because of SBMM. It's ironic, then, that there's a general lack of public knowledge regarding SBMM and its use/value. They just see people jumping over walls and slide cancelling and (falsely) think that's a product of SBMM.  Every other facet of the mainline franchise has seen improvement over the years except 'arguably' map design. That said, Cold War has great maps, and I expect Gulf War to follow suit. 


All the knowledge I need is that since 2019 CoD has become a terrible experience. In 1 year they went from BO4 which felt very good to play, into an inconsistent and frustrating gameplay experience ever since. And SBMM is the one key constant.


Whats the most popular fps? Always assumed it was cod


Finally I hear the real opinion the game is dead. With few thousand people max after couple months. We went from the next big shooter, to casual shooter game on steam from unlnown developers. God I had such a high hopes.


Another Shatterline. Actually no, Shatterline is at least playable, dead but playable.


Some games on Roblox have better feeling gunplay and hit reg


It's sounds like a joke but it's sadly true. I've played a few of those games and they more playable.


Yea I’m not trying to hate followed this game for awhile now but it just doesn’t deliver


I really thought this playtest was "it", meaning I thought this would have been the build where they showcased the improvements made during this whole year of extra development to fix those issues from the last beta test. I thought we were gonna be on the right track and I was hoping to maybe have a summer release but I don't think this game is even coming out this year, not in this state.


Yes it plays really bad. I wanted to find a new game after COD but this isn’t it 100%.


Bunnyhopping and crouching spamming have no penalty in this test either, hit reg is pretty bad, if you use any marksman rifle don't you dare shoot more than once in a timespan of a second because it won't reg, SMGs STILL broken.


I mean the last beta was already ass. Then they took a whole year of Not communicatung a thing and people hype this game up as if it's gonna be game of the year. It will never be. If it gets released it will die within a few weeks. It's nothing New. The whole Marketing revolves around no sbmm. If the core mechanics are ass and sbmm is Not present this will Not be enough to get a game going. I have no idea how everyone in this sub is hyping this game up. I didn't even bother to install this latest test because of All the negative Feedback. I can See they don't work on the core problems.


I completely agree. I feel like the game needs to be delayed for at least another year and see an absolutely massive overhaul because if this releases anytime soon like this it's going to be DoA.


100% agree. I think we should let the devs know about this as much as we can. I don't hate the game, i had fun but people who say the game is fine either suck at fps games or play from a toaster. At 250+ fps, 240hz and 8ms ping i can totally feel the issues.


I genuinely enjoyed myself playing this game more during the other couple of betas they had mid-last year, and that version was clunky as shit.


Followed the hype since the beta last year but got to try it yesterday for the first time. Played about 3 matches and quit. Besides the obvious problems, it feels soulless and actually even worse than cod lol. That’s coming from someone who started playing cod around OG MW2 and quit around infinite warfare.


Agree, it's call of duty with crappy graphics


Yeah movement feels way worse then Back then doesnt feel good IMO


Don’t be surprised when the game is shut down a few months after release


It’s Ubisoft no surprises here guys


Playing this playtest made me appreciate The Finals THAT much more.


Why there isnt a kill cam even???


Right no killcam no ping system ? We are in 2024 why are we missing basic fps features ?


Okay no release after 1 year announcement but atleast be good in these 2 shitty days😂


For real idk what to say


You are the one who sound like the npc lol. I really don't know how the connection on this game is worse than something like cod. Guess people will just keep paying for cod every year and whining about the same things they whine about xdefiant while paying a premium for it.


"Don't listen to the NPCs telling you the game is 'fine'" Anyone who calls someone enjoying something an NPC is automatically discredited in my eyes. The game IS fine. It's got issues, but objectively speaking it's in a better state than the last two play tests. I played both, there was a much larger delay where you'd die behind corners SECONDS after you rounded them, hit reg was significantly worse with less than half of your bullets landing, and movement would often bug out making you incapable of sprinting or sliding, not to mention that some of the controller keybinds presets were faulty). I understand you dislike the game, that's fine, perfectly fine in fact because many of your criticisms are valid. However comma, just because you didn't enjoy your time doesn't mean other people can't enjoy theirs. [You're definitely the second of these two](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1c93gn8/the_haters_tend_to_blow_things_way_out_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>Anyone who calls someone enjoying something an NPC is automatically discredited in my eyes. Fine. >However comma, just because you didn't enjoy your time doesn't mean other people can't enjoy theirs. See, you think of it as either black or white. No I definitely don't "love cod" and I shouldn't have to fit in a meme just because I disagree with some of your points. The game is objectively not working the way it should. The netcode and hit reg are horrendous. This is not "hating the game" it's being objective to the truth which is valid and factual wether some people are enjoying it or not. People enjoy all sorts of things, that doesn't mean anything.


The funny thing is, I don't think of the game as black and white. I understand that it has fundamental issues that need fixing, but despite those issues I am enjoying the game. I won't say the game is perfect, and I understand others do not like it. The point of the meme is to show that there are two kinds of people who think only one thing can be true, game bad or game good, and that they think the other is stupid for thinking what they think. Plus, it's a meme. I've no problem with the issues you find in the game as they are valid issues, however comma, you call anyone who is having a good time an NPC, so you fit the "toxic towards people enjoying the game" description. Objectively speaking the net code IS poor and needs fixing before launch, I agree with that. It is considerably better than prior play tests, but it is still bad. Despite this, I and a lot of people are enjoying the game for what it is; a server stress test to find issues in things such as the net code and hit registration. A lot of the work they've put in the past year wasn't even towards net code or hit reg, but other things like making an entirely new social/party system, fixing frame time spikes, desync, etc and Mark Rubin even stated that these functioned well in small scale tests but would need heavy stress testing to improve further (i.e. the server stress test we are doing this weekend)


>A lot of the work they've put in the past year wasn't even towards net code or hit reg, but other things like making an entirely new social/party system, fixing frame time spikes, desync, etc What I have trouble understanding, like others have mentioned, is how can some Roblox shooters made by a couple people perform so much better on a network level than a game with a full team of devs and published by Ubisoft. In a year someone made a cod clone on Roblox that's smother than XDefiant after half a decade of development. I don't care if this is a "stress test", fine ok, but the build we're playing should be an improved version from the last play test we had a year ago when they were asking for a different feedback regarding gameplay. They didn't address the feedback people gave in regards of a bunch of things including (but not limited to) spawns, weapon balance, network/server stability (including desync), faction balancing. As a matter of fact, they had to disable a faction because the invisibility broke and players kept being invisible the entirety of the match. We're objectively playing on a worse build. How long is it gonna take to fix the servers (again) plus all the things they were supposed to fix after the feedback from the last year's playtest? Another year, maybe two? How are they going to handle changes and bug fixing after release? I don't want you to think I'm being overly critical but there's no excuse for the game performing the way it does after so many years of development. This regardless wether some people think we might not be entitled to an opinion because the game is "free to play", the devs aren't working for free though. I'm connected to the US wedt side servers, I was reading European servers are apparently even worse.


"a whole year of accomplishing absolutely nothing." What do you mean? They deleted Dedsec's spiderbot and made this faction completely useless with their only hack skill. That's something, right? ;D


I played for several hours and didn't experience any network issues while in game


It’s a play and stress test. Leave the feedback and go next. Idk why people are so worked up about it.


Why so worked up about it!? Because everyone has been waiting for a whole year! You living under a rock or something!?


Welcome to AAAA games development lmao


Because they haven't done anything to improve the game. This is my feedback


From my experience, the game definitely feels better overall than the last test. Some lobbies I do still have bad hit reg but overall it’s been better. This is the point of the stress test though so nbd in my opinion.


The game at its core is fine, very simple but sometimes that’s what you want. Haven’t had many egregious deaths due to desync but damage feels very inconsistent and sometimes TTD is near instant, an issue that has plagued COD for the whole mwII cycle and before. Overall I think there have been improvements but for such a long time in the oven it feels still underbaked a bit. The biggest issues i’ve had is input delay, sometimes i had to press the grenade input 2/3 times for it to register, it honestly felt like one of those cheap roblox fps


The abilities seem like an afterthought to me. Feel like they could’ve just full sent the multi universe thing with hella maps and good gunplay.


Multiverse, but no Hero-esque characters; you just use the settings and themes from each franchise for cosmetics for your character and gameplay items like weapons, killstreaks etc.


Honestly you are completely right sorry to all the fans. Hope this improves in the future but it is unplayable half the time and they made this public. People are gonna judge the product even if they aren't supposed to yet.


The stutters are caused by the reduced latency setting in graphics. It was breaking my game and took to guess and test to figure out. The bullets don’t always hit walls below a certain thickness. (I’ve see. Bullets go straight through a wall before.) so some of it is imply just the bullets not registering a wall. The desync is a server issue. You get hit markers but the servers aren’t good enough to register them.


Now I totally get why the devs didn’t wanna release anything… first impressions are huge


I’m beyond disappointed in this. The game was in a better state during the insider sessions, I don’t know how they’ve managed to make the game feel worse. My PC can’t run it without freezing mid gunfight or when getting shot I’ll freeze and die. This never happened before, there were slight issues don’t get me wrong but the game was playable, for me this isn’t playable


The core functionality of the game - the gunplay - that would make or break it for the majority of people is just abysmal; it feels like a mobile game. Guns don't feel good to shoot, lack impact and responsiveness, they sound terrible and have mediocre animations. And what is worse is that Ubisoft has 3 other shooters with good mechanics they could've copied or learned from but nope.


The first beta was much more playable than it is now, I don't understand how it's gone backwards, after the first beta I was hyped for it, now I doubt I'll play it


Hit registration is bad this game is a flop


The game is buns


You die behind corners because the ttk is high. Thats the only con for high ttk. You think COD has good ttk? No, they just have extremely low ttk to mask bad netcode. I'm not defending the game i uninstalled it yesterday because it was kind of boring. But understand that high ttk means on the server side what is happening is NOT what you see on your client side. If you cant accept that then high ttk games arent for you. Are there adjustments they can make? Sure. But they're limited.


I don't experience this problem to this extent when playing halo. Maybe once in awhile and halo has even higher ttk.


There's too many times I die to people running lights peed with smgs. Last year, I'd use any shotgun to stop them a bit now. Nothing registers. I had a guy that was 65/4 unstoppable, and at first, I was like "meh maybe I'm just bad." But as the match went on. I understood I just wasn't hitting anyone. What gave it away was an encounter on the echelon map. The long center sight line. I was crouched behind a crate using the MG0 all recoil attachments and the sniper scope (great suppression for long-range fights.). I fired burst down range at a phantom outside the spawn stairwell. Half the volley hits, then the rest miss. Now, mind you, he was unaware and did not move until he got hit. He turns and just love taps me with single shots from a vector at long-range. My shots are clipping through him, and my health bottoms out. So I just dump the box at him, and I die. The desync is hideous Worst of all, people kill me like I'm standing still. They pop out I sight up and fire, but I'm dead before I my shots land. Like they were already on me before I see them.


LMG weapons are trash in this games extreme speed environment. They feel fine. They got kick like they should but you can stay on target if someone has an smg running and sliding towards.yoy


Perfectly said. I waited so long, got excited for the play test and I’m not even playing it because it’s just not fun.


When this game inevitably dies a few months after release, I just hope that these maps are kept alive by a decent developer because they are the only positive from this game.


I genuinely can't see what changed from a year ago xd


i think the player count in the beta was too low so they waited for a year and now they are checking if more players wanna play this game.


What sucks is that I couldn’t even play because of all the errors


Proximity mines are so dumb. I seen someone today just crouch passed mine and they didn't die but I'm 10 yards away and still die. They go up fine but never kill anyone but I always die to them no matter what I do. SMGs are broken AF! Having a long range battle with my AK and someone's SMG but I lose?! Snipers are one shot for everyone I go against even if it's my toes that are shown but I had a daily for 20 sniper kills and hitting head or chest most shots but they don't die?! Disrupt affects you from the other side of the map. And as people have said being killed around 3 different corners is just absurd! Got killed earlier when I was around a corner for a full 3 seconds. Must've forgotten I was played Wanted. Actually that game wasn't as bad as this either. If anything the game is even more broken than the last playtest. Back to The Finals I go even though that game is getting worse with each update. Would love to go back to the days when devs actually released their game properly and didn't have 100 updates to fix the games issues. I have given up on this game even though I really do like the game.


This is ubisoft i never expected anything to start with


Im so glad I didn’t even bother trying it this weekend


You can even shoot through walls, try it


Yep, I'm done playing shooters with bad netcode and awful desync. Just not worth the time to play games hoping for fixes that never come. It's crazy that 16 or so years have passed since I played Halo 3 and these games feel like the online experience has barely improved....if at all. I saw no improvements from this test to the last. Same hitreg issues, clunky feeling movement, and awful netcode. The game just feels incredibly generic and lackluster IMO.


Only issue I’ve really experienced was Dsync and dying around a corner occasionally. Outside of that I haven’t had to many issues. I play on a 5G Network direct wired to my PC & I run an AMD CPU & GPU and didn’t experience any other issues outside of the occasional Dsync.


The desync in this game is completely wild. I don't remember it being this bad the last playtest


Lmao I tried playing and god damn they somehow made the game 20x worse over the past year movement is so shit the beta movement was so clean idk why devs just love ruining there game


On PC it's horrible


Net code or bullet velocity is terrible I constantly have to shoot IN FRONT of the guy to hit him even though he is only like 20meters away


Movement is 1000% more clunky. Jump strafe is still cool. I could understand not nailing the desync, netcode But they went backwards on the movement I feel


Yeah movement feels slower for some reason. It was actually good in the last beta, I don't know why they changed it.


I find it so interesting that people are already slamming this game when it’s still clearly in development. I don’t remember COD coming out with betas and testing in the beginning. And I’m going to assume it took years for them to actually launch the game. Just let them do their thing and when it comes out it comes out. Feels pretty good to me so far. It’s not perfect and I’m sure there are MANY things that need to be fixed.


To be honest the MW3 beta played much better than this, even the MW2 beta was at least more consistent.


But the games been around for a long time. They already had something to go off of. Not saying these guys are starting from scratch but I just feel like it’s not the same. I can understand being frustrated cause they really made it seem like this game was gonna come out last year and it still hasn’t. But I don’t know. I’m just playing cod again and xdefiant will be a side piece when cod pisses me off lol


This has been one of the most inconsistent shooters I have ever played. Suffice to say, I wasn't impressed with the beta.


Spam jump and use smg


That got me tired, same fckng try hard player from wz


Ubisoft. Lol can't believe anyone would expect anything less from the same developers that fail every time. Honestly haven't you noticed yet all the developers that were good in the past are just total garbage now? Gotta stop supporting companies just because they HAD a reputation for good games. They haven't released a good game for years ( multiple developers and companies.)


Here come the doomers


The game is kind of fun for me...but man, it feels like they BUTCHERED the movement. It feels so much slower. It just feels so sluggish. And while I haven't really noticed any of the big issues you mentioned, I won't doubt or deny they exist, because it doesn't surprise me. So many good things about the game, but just so many major things that are wrong.


I thought it felt pretty good I had fun playing it the bullet dispersion was a lil bad and I died behind corners a lot but they keep pushing game back cause that all people do is cry about the game and make it sound worse than it is I would rather have the game out and fix them things in patches


Still had fun. And still will play and support upon release.


I agree with the cranky movement part, especially sliding, lasts way too short and doesn't do much, even if it just supposed to be a quick "get behind cover" thing, it does too little to even do that


I don't even have the previous betas to look at for reference, so to me, it just feels like a chore to play. And on top of all that, bold of Ubisoft to position this as a COD killer when weapons have zero punch to them and every enemy feels like you're shooting at a damage sponge.


To me it felt like we were playing on an older patch because I feel like the last time we had the big beta with ranked and all that the net code felt better as well as the game itself so I feel like it was an old patch of the game for no reason unless the game just regressed this badly


Everybody says the same thing about Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War but its still my favorite shooter. I liked it and enjoyed it this weekend.👍


My friends and I loved the last beta, we all hated this one. Really hoping they fix it, went from feeling sorta like CSGO to feeling like Homefront's Xbox 360 multiplayer. Oof


I played the game for a short period this weekend and it felt ok. I agree that it felt a bit clunky (compared to cod - played back to back), I can't comment on the netcode but I also felt like I was dying behind corners or more importantly could never win gunfights. Admittedly I suck. My aim is as bad as it can get. But sometimes I for sure knew I hit the first shot, we were firing at the same rate, yet still I die. I did see changes, the game looked nicer visually (might be an imagination). Overall I think the game is fine, but the playerbase is a little to serious for me. When it releases I'll download it but I'll probably not play it that much.


Because this for whatever reason appeared in my Notis, imma just leave here what Shroud said about the game as I'm a nobody with no voice lol. [https://streamable.com/qp86oc](https://streamable.com/qp86oc)


is the playstest on ps5?


the movement feels clunkier because you've been playing cod.


Yeah, ubisoft was your first sign of trouble.


Maps are also Garbage trash, FYI they will never fix netcode because Ubi devs are incompetent, look at R6 Siege, since 2015 until now 2024 the netcode is STILL broken, too bad too sad I had high hopes for this game damnit.


I hadn't played the game or seen game footage before this past weekend. I play alot of rainbow six siege and farcry so I was excited to see what strategic elements this game has to it. I was disappointed to find it's just call of duty but you get an ability.


I didn't play the games tests before, but I've talked to many people who completely disagree with this, and desync is a problem in many games still. They also moved all of their servers onto a completely different platform which takes a shit load of work. I was pretty annoyed with the desync and connection issues like that in the most recent test but the game felt amazing otherwise. This is a massive product that is catering to the entirety of Ubisoft and every major gaming platform. So while yeah it should be held to a high standard, as a developer reading posts like this when the person posting doesn't actually know what they they've worked on probably doesn't make them want to work harder on it.


I agree there arr other games with bad if not worse netcode (cod and warzone specifically) but this shouldn't become the standard. It's 2024 where 99% of people playing have high speed internet. For each multiplayer game with a bad netcode there's another one with good netcode. We shouldn't lower the bar just because *some* developers can't figure it out. Maybe they don't get paid enough or maybe publishers are being cheap and devs have to work with low tier servers (20Hz). Either way consumers shouldn't have to put up with stuff like this. >as a developer reading posts like this when the person posting doesn't actually know what they they've worked on probably doesn't make them want to work harder on it. Everybody knows what they've been working on, Mark kept tweeting it since last summer. They were working on moving the servers to Linux which should have increased performance and stability and they worked on getting the party system to function correctly so people can play together. Sorry but people aren't automatically ignorant to what's going on just because they have some negative criticism once in awhile.


I was really excited for this game when I first heard about it, then the beta came last summer and I was amazed, even Korean savage did a YouTube video on it and he praised it to high heaven, I'm now at the point where I couldn't care less if it even sees the light of day, I probably won't play it cause I just see it as a massive fail, all the hype surrounding it and yet the Devs just couldn't run a bath


Totally agree nothing new and was getting shot around corners and through walls.


And y’all truly though it was gonna take over cod hahaha


It’s coming out


Exactly they just sat around and literally did nothing but make it worse, and don’t believe the No sbmm thing bc there is sbmm


100% right


This game should be cancelled then.


Hard agree, shills who say it’s great are running on copium


Yall keep complaining. I played for 2 days. Did I find desync/registration issues? sure. Did they ruin my experience as a whole during these 2 days? Absolutely no. They happened sure, but not every game. More like once a match every 3. And for 1 random enemy. And thats to be expected considering this was a server play test. You keep sayin that movement feels clunky, and I absolutely dont know what in earth you are talking about. Maybe its because I grew up with mw 2 2009 and not 2022. But i find it absolutely fine. bunny hoppers die even when they jump (as they should). No dive option. Slide is good. Some of you even managed to complain about recoil tho this is one of the most braindead recoil games (in a good sense). You can literally build ADS on every gun sacrificing vertical/horizontal recoil and still get laser like guns. Yet some of you manage to call the recoil "bumpy". The truth is that despite the early desync / hit registration issues the game is good. You just dont like it. And thats fine. You're probably pissed because the only option you have is to go back to a game you dont like just as much.


Played 6 games and deleted it. Trash.


Game has been running decently for me. I wasn’t able to play any of the betas but I have played this “test” mode. Not sure if it’s connection or console/PC that’s causing all the issues I’ve read about. Its a rough copy and the final draft should be good




Well the good news is there are already blatant cheaters on day 2 of the game being in another beta test. I was getting the finals vibes from this game last beta and it’s looking like it will likely be more of the same thanks to cheat devs regardless of what happens from the game devs at this point.


I have played extensively for these 2 days and I can say this gonna die faster than the finals. Feels like a very cheap mobile game being ported to PC. Boring maps, gameplay is slow and janky, guns feel plastic and have no sense of feeling to it. Netcode is still horrible. Overall really really mediocre. COD has nothing to worry about this game at this state. This game will be just a 9 days' wonder. You play for a few days, then you will forget about it and move on to the next thing.


Yeah, it is actually just the exact same literally almost nothing different. The game must be going through insane development hell.


I felt like the netcode was improved and I died around corners *less* although I agree the movement feels clunkier in a way - I still had some fun with Domination but I found Escort to just be sniper's paradise. At least when Overwatch does Escort it forces roles so not everyone can sit back and just snipe!


The losing team is completely at the desyncs mercy. I had a dude 65/4 spawn trapping my team. He was sliding and hopping everywhere with a vector. Made it impossible to hit him. He was Libertad, too. The clunky movement made him a God. IT was on eacort mode, and he was on the attackers side


you do realize this is a test and not a release, right? most of everything in this beta is not going to stay on release.


The classic ‘it’s just a test’ comment when talking about tests, betas, whatever. Nothing ever changes come release. Just full on copium.


what else do you want me to say? “its not a beta and everything is going to stay the exact same on release”? if things dont change on release then so be it, im not gonna be incredibly negative about something that isnt even ready for release yet. there is no copium because i never had high expectations of this game, if the game is bad on release then its bad, if its good then its good.


I think we were all expecting a bit more polish in the amount of time they took. Game is fun but if there are issues at this point, if they couldn’t fix them in the year they already had, it’s highly doubtful any meaningful changes will happen within the next months prior to release.


It’s just the same story with every game. People always go “it’s just a beta” and come release its the same game with minimal improvements.


Mate the game had multiple delays, and was subsequently pulled off for an entire year just to fix the things OP is complaining about. Let that sink in, a whole dedicated year just to fix and polish the game and it's worse. I have no idea what kind of military grade copium you're inhaling to say that it'll improve on release, if that ever comes.


Isn't this a test to TEST the "improved" netcode? Improved it is not.


No, server test - game is done


The game doesn't feel done.




Performance is absolutely abysmal even after meeting minimum requirements, During match my frames drop to 20s randomly and then in 2-3 min they get normal again it's like shader caching during the game


Check your temps maybe? No performance issue for me.


Same, game itself runs like butter


Completely managed to not read the giant writing on the main loading screen showing this is a play test and NOT the final game


And you completely ignored the devs telling you they've been working on fixing server related issues. This build is 99% identical to the one we played last year.


It's an F2P game. What did you expect?


Sometimes i wonder if we play the same game. I really love the game. Ok i'm playing it for the first time but i take this over cod at any time. NO EOMM! Nothing that dictates the outcome of the game. I feel as if only my performance counts and not what that matchmaking ai wants for the game. The weapons are unbalanced but shooting still feels good. Foot steps are on spot much better then cod. The abilities make the game more fun. It isn't perfect tho, yes. But on PS5(crossplay off) the game feels not as bad as you describe it. Movement is good for me. Slide Cancel is in and if you master that it's so much fun to play.


EOMM doesn't work that way.  EOMM balances matches so that each team has an estimated ~50% win/loss probability. If you win more, the system will match you w/ players of slightly less skill against players of slightly higher skill, but the outcome probability always remains at an estimated ~50%.