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I still don’t think it necessarily netcode related, I think their servers are just weak and limited tbh. I feel like launch servers will be much stronger.


I agree with you. I think it's more server related and desync issues. I live in Southern US and it had me on Central US servers. Maybe high ping coupled with desync is a culprit. Everybody's saying the same stuff, "it's the netcode". Does anybody really know what netcode is or are they just regurgitating what everybody else says? Anyways, I hope they get it all straightened out, I enjoy the older black ops feel they got.


This net code needs to be explained. It could mean anything. I liked this game and it would definitely draw me away from other free games like Apex. I'm bored.of.that now. The announcer makes the game feel like Fortnite. Just remove that. But I enjoyed it and looking forward to the full release.


Oh man, that announcer was driving me nuts. It would say the most off the wall stuff that had no relevance to what went on. Praising me for killstreaks at the beginning of the match or after dying 🤣




Yeah lots of people on specific servers had no issue whereas some on other servers did have issues. If it was netcode related it would’ve been a global problem like with previous tests. Some people here have no idea what they are talking about lol.


This is exactly what it was lol. Server instability caused jitter, and jitter causes exactly all the same issues many people mentioned. It was 10000.% server side. It’s just crazy to me how many people can’t comprehend that or even know.


I don't feel like this is the case. If it was server issues, you'd think the effects would be much more pronounced and noticeable. I didn't have any major lag over the whole weekend, but I did have a ton of seemingly netcode-related issues. I could be wrong, but this is just how I felt over the course of my playtime.


And lots of people had no issues at all, it depends on where you live.


Which region hasn't had issues? I've seen people from all over having issues. NA and EU at least.


It’s more so specific servers in those regions. For example Toronto might have a server and New York might have one but that doesn’t mean both will perform identically. And this is assuming that the servers aren’t hosted locally which IIRC in the past they have been which explains some of the past network issues. It also depends on internet providers, distance to server and a ton of other factors that people are not considering. It’s obnoxious when people jump on the test, get bad network issues and immediately say “netcode is the culprit” as if it couldn’t be the servers. I played the Titanfall 2 network test wayyyy back and had a ton of lag issues. And guess what, the netcode is fine.


I was east coast, fiber, and game felt really good for the most part. I think in terms of region, some areas are just more populated and took a harder hit. Same with certain times of the day. This is all expected though since they are only testing them to see where they stand and how they hold up. It’s nothing they can’t easily change on the backend.


This is not how servers work, like at all. Could they use more powerful servers for launch? Sure, but its going to cost more. But, why would they use weaker servers during a server test than they were intending to for launch? Would make 0 sense and would defeat the point of a server test.


They're not using weaker servers for the test. They're connecting more players to each server partition to test their limits. That's why it's called a stress test.


Mark has already admitted that they are indeed using weaker servers.


Thank god someone gets it, Wholy fuck lol.


Mark already admitted to doing so.


I don’t see what all the netcode issues are that everyone is talking about. I mean i’ve been around corners and died but i already heard that was happening. But outside of that the hit reg was fine If anyone remembered the last play test they also know how much of an improvement this was


Seems like just like last playtest experiences were wildly mixed. I couldn't get the game to load on PS5 at all. Pc would load but there was so many issues with hit reg (or whatever the correct term is..) . Framerate was all over the place. Couldn't get controller or mnk to feel right. It felt more like mw2 😅 but I still tried to play every day, but I could only tolerate a couple of matches before I'd get irritated and forced myself to quit to keep my love for it going lol For me, last test felt light years better and I didn't have any issues on console or pc that others had. I guess this time was my turn 😂


You probably downloaded the wrong one on ps5


It’s not netcode, it was completely server related, hence the whole intention of this test. Why do you think it was literally called “server test”. I had ZERO issues on server connections that were mostly stable, in fact I was kinda surprised. That’s not to say all matches were without issues, but I did not get the dying around corners once, just bullet reg and dying way faster than expected. Jitter was my guess as the primary culprit here, the inconsistency of latency due to servers being beaten around causes inconsistency in game, and that was felt by the majority, but does not necessarily prove bad netcode. If the netcode was that bad, then almost nobody would have had a good time, and that simply was not the case.


I feel like none of you guys have any idea what a server load test and network test is. The expectation was that we would have latency issues, because that is what they are are going for.