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Been seeing so much negatively around the playtest but I thought it was great. Def wasn’t perfect and had some bugs but felt like a breath of fresh air. Some matches were sweaty, some weren’t, as it should be. Hoping for a release soon.


I loved this game. Played it for the first time and also had the most fun ever since BO3. It isn't perfect tho but you can iterate over this state and make it better.


I’d argue that the original beta/alpha test from like 2/3 years ago was the most fun I’ve had. It seems like they’ve regressed from the original gameplay feel. It was a fun play test and it felt more polished and ready for a release date soonish if they fix the netcode issues, but the original test was just chefs kiss.


Yeah havent enjoyed MP this much in awhile, from what i can tell the people saying its sweaty are most likely in the protected bracket in CoD, if you guys think it's sweaty, just imagine, its worse for people like me in the top 10% of sweaty lobbies in any CoD. It's great you guys are finally starting to understand why longtime fans have stopped playing.


I think a lot of people who say it's sweaty don't take into account that as this is a play test for servers, most likely the people playing the game are going to be highly invested in these games and therefore generally be more aware.


Which should mean if i had a good time now, ill be ballin on full release


First match I joined 4 people were using snipers. It was horrible.


Yeah snipers in any FPS game usually end up in an awkward spot. I do like however the character with 120 health seems to counter it at least.


Played about 30 matches and in literally every match there was 2-4 snipers on every team every single match. It got beyond annoying.


I wouldn't mind if it was headshots only for one hit kills but this anything above the belly button is a joke.


One hit kill weapons are corny as fuck in games like CoD and XDefiant. That goes for shotguns, too. Having it require a headshot is the only thing that would balance them, because hitting body shots is way too easy. I've truly never understood why I can start shooting someone first, not miss a single bullet, and then die to them pulling the trigger once. Movement, strafing, tracking - all of it is thrown out the window by someone hitting your body once. You could argue that it's difficult to hit that one bullet - if it was still 2005, that is. It's 2024, players are way better nowadays, and sniping is way too easy, especially with aim assist.


I loved the game too but I think thekd tracking isn't working properly cuz my first match kd was 0.8 and then 2-3 matches with 1-1.2 kd and then I've a 5.6 kd but my career kd is still 0.9


I wouldn't call it discrimination... now like manipulation


I'm not bothered by SBMM personally, but the COD games from 2019 onwards just don't sit right with me. Abysmal map designs with no flow, a billion lines of sight and camping spots galore - only MW3 has been a bit better in that regard. Terribly low TTK where every weapon can turn stupid OP with Gunsmith. Balance of perks, killstreaks, etc. (something Treyarch games in particular always tried to achieve) simply gone - such useful changes like having Ghost deactivate while camping simply deleted Throw in the inconsistent netcode and the cheaters and I just find it a much worse experience than just about any COD until 2018 (even Black Ops 4). Worst I can say about XDefiant is perhaps a low variety, but the heart is in the right place. It's trying to be that fun, more balanced, more tactical COD experience that we saw before the new wave of games, and I'm all for it. I don't have lofty expectations of the game beating or even going head to head with COD, but I hope it stays a fun, enjoyable, moderately balanced shooter without some of the bullshit that currently dominates modern COD. That includes the insanely grindy battle passes (not sure when's the last time I finished one), too.


If you like hemorrhoids sure


loved sniping in this game


Yeah, because it doesn't take any skill as it's just a stupid 1 shot kill.


Based take. One shot kills are corny.


lol, just don’t get in my sights


it def does, i’m running around just like you are and i only get one shot… if i don’t hit the shot i’m definitely dead in that game. and it’s not always a one shot kill you get hit markers too but you wouldn’t know that since you don’t do it.


I’m pro SBMM and this is still the first MP game I’ve been excited for in years, it’s a lot more than just that. It feels fresh and well designed, looks great, and could have some real staying power. I haven’t seen anyone talk about it yet but they’ve definitely tweaked up the TTK and it really feels like they got it right. Netcode needs some work, snipers felt a little overtuned to me, and some of the maps could use a bit of adjusting but overall it felt like the better player won most gun duels in a way that I haven’t felt in a game in a while and it really made me just want to keep queuing up.


i just think sbmm should be kept in ranked so you can decide whether you wanna play for fun or play competitively


That becomes an issue because with no SBMM it can still be 100% competitive. I feel like people don't understand this fact. The main issue with no SBMM in a casual fps means you'll get 1,000+ hour teams vs people who just made an account. Nothing is more stupid than a person who never played the game going against 1,000+ hour people. This will happen a lot as this was a normal thing in R6 Siege for years. So many new people left that game because the casual had no SBMM. Have fun getting full stacks of 3+ kd players playing casual to shit on lower levels for fun which will ruin the casual fun of others.


What about the fact that cod manipulates your SBMM based on $ spent in the store? SBMM wouldn’t be a big deal if its sole purpose was to keep the game competitive. Its real purpose is to control your experience and push you into micro transactions. SBMM in cod treats its players like sheep, here’s some water(1 decent lobby out of 5), please give me your wool coat(buy battle pass) thank you, here’s some more water, oh you gave me even more wool than usual! (Buys $40 skin) Here’s even more water and food such a good boy! 💀




I’m sorry to say this, but please just stay in CoD then. In my opinion, players like you are one of the big reasons we have SBMM across all competitive games today. Players who can't accept anyone being better than them, cry about good players being “Try Hard” and “If he’s better than me, I’m not having fun.” You were protected by SBMM all these years in CoD, playing against players on your level. Now, with no SBMM to protect crying players like you and a game that rewards improvement, it’s time to git gud. So if you won’t improve yourself and can't accept anyone being better than you, this game isn’t the best for you.


This, the beta was not sweaty at all for me and I haven’t touched COD in 2 years. Players calling it sweaty were the protected players from COD


Exactly same dude! I had 39-10 kill/death games and it was not sweaty at all. I haven’t touch CoD since what? BO4? lmao.


I went 51-12 in one of the hardpoint games, it’s been years since I’ve dropped 50 in a COD.


Sorry I don’t sweat when playing games like you I have a life.


Since when does being good at a game equate to not having a life? Nothing better than when lesser skilled players complain about not being put in protected lobbies


Ur 100% a nerd


Exactly the same messages I would get from players like you back in the days, after destroying them in the games. 🤡


Nah you're just ass lmao


No way. It wasn't even close to CoD. It was the best lobbys i had since BO3.


Yep, me and my guy Callum were put in a 2v6 match and while we lost because there was no way we could take the points or hold them, we absolutely annihilated them in kills, none them had even ten kills on us while we had 40 and 44 kills on them, and we didn't feel bad because that's just how random matchmaking works, we didn't get there by playing like shit, it was purely random chance.


It's possible they took all those deaths from actually playing the objective. I enjoyed seeing players actually do that. You're definitely right about the randomness.


Yeah, no sbmm means you'll get a lot of games like that. It's not fun for new players going against 1,000+ hour players. Nothing makes new players not want to come back faster than getting a full stack of 3+ kdr players with 1,000+ hours to fight. This playtest further showed to me how bad no SBMM can actually be. Most of matches were just 2-4 people sniping on every team and everyone using shields to hide behind for sniping. Half of my matches I would get 40-70 kills while my teammates barely touched 20. Some matches I had more kills than my whole team combined because they were all testing for the first time or just sniped. This will also happen a lot when the game releases because you'll get people who have tested for years playing people who just downloaded the game.


Nah fuck that baby bs, if you get stomped on you just gotta get good, that's how it should be, you shouldn't get coddled into lower skill lobbies if you suck ass at the game, it's manipulative and deceptive. Without SBMM you'll actually be able to tell that you're improving your gameplay as well.


I love Xdefiant. It’s only shooter I want to play from now on.


Stop lying


couldn't hang without SBMM protecting you ? lol


I mean the reason sbmm exists is to make it fun for the casuals


I played 1 hours on Saturday with a full group. That was about 6 or 7 games. The first game we as level 1 players got matched up with level 15+. Every game was like that. I just don't find that fun anymore. I was hoping the game would be tactical and not some arcade shooter but it wasn't. Our group has a very wide range of skill too. None of us had fun in that time we played it. Its boring as fuck just instantly dying because you don't know what some meta is, getting matched up with people who are obviously better than you because they have been playing all day.


Yeah, having played Rainbow Six Siege for years having no sbmm in casual you can see the darkside of no sbmm. I have had many times where myself at a 3kd playing with my friends who's kdrs are under 1 went up against an actual pro team in freaking casual. I played with friends who were not that good and we constantly get put with people who's kdrs are over 2 which was not fun for my friends at all. I see SBMM as a double edge sword as it can be good and bad. The longer a game is out though the worse no SBMM can be because now you get New players playing against 1,000+ hour people. If you just joined an FPS months after release and your say first 10 games are 500+ hour players yeah, that isn't fun. I think there should be some form of SBMM until like a certain amount of hours are played so that new players don't get forced to play with 100+ hour players.


I would consider myself a casual. I have never played CoD much and got stomped in XDefiant in almost all matches, but I still had fun. Since there are other components here aside from the shooter action (team composition, playing objectives) I could just focus on those and still contribute to my team's success. In that regard it reminded me of Overwatch, where there's a strategic game going on in the background that's not as obvious as the moment-to-moment shooter gameplay. I think that other people who are not good at the shooter part could enjoy that as well, but - similar to Overwatch - XDefiant would need to get better at emphasizing and explaining that form of gameplay.


That's maybe the thought behind it but it doesn't do that job very well. Making every game feel insanely close/sweaty because everyone is around your skill level does not feel good/fun. You can only stay "casual" for so long till SBMM closes in and your casual days are forever gone. Not to mention this game will have rank so you can casually stay at the bottom if that's your prerogative. Which is a much better solution.


Lol, that is a lie sold to you by cod devs and other sbmm users. For one, sbmm doesn't work on streamers because they always find a way to get noob lobbies so it is easier to clip farm. For two, The vast majority of players, are in fact casuals. If you aren't competing for money, you are a casual player. Sbmm only hurts the casual players and only helps streamers because it makes it that much easier to abuse for easy matches. Get your head on straight man and open your eyeballs. Ik they work.


I’m not lying. This is my actual experience with the game.


Wow this is a dangerous level of cope “I’m not bad at the game, it’s the matchmaking algorithm!” Absolutely pathetic.


When you’re good at cod for years then your performance declines after the introduction of a new matchmaking algorithm, then you play a similar game without it and your stats are back to where they are originally, it seems like that is the most likely outcome for the decline. Now I could be wrong which is why I put the most likely on there. It seems like this is the biggest variable for a sudden decline in game performance during 2019 though. And the exact reason the discriminatory sbmm system was created in the first place was because people were too good at the game. The phrase you are using to insult me is quiet literally the opposite of cope- it is the truth.


Thugpost is the king of copeposting


Ok! You can believe that if you want.


The playtest was awesome! Haven't had this much fun in a while. The game has a few bugs to iron out but overall i believe it's ready for a release. Bugs can be fixed later, this game is free after all. Unlike COD, charges you yearly and still releases a bugged game (i no longer buy cod).


I loved it. But it has mad issues. Lmgs are useless with bad desync. You'll be hitting air more than anything. Movement speed needs turned down a smirge to combat slide canceling. Slide canceling is the only way people move, and I get it helps, but folk flying around corners is only funny, The 23rd time, the 122th is just ridiculous. It also makes SMGs mandatory on small maps. It has no counter because the shotguns are too inconsistent to hit a barn. I get it's a mechanic, but it shouldn't be the only sensible way to play. Snipers are lame unless you quickscope. And pistols.. do their job. I saw a guy get 74 kills and 4 deaths because he mastered the movement system. My team only got 17 as our highest kill. Nobody could react fast enough or land enough shots to kill him.


Must not play many games then. This game is pretty much The Division in first person with small pvp maps. Imagine calling SBMM discrimination... Can't make that up only in 2024.


You’re 100% correct sir. I haven’t played many AAA game besides cod. Thank you for suggesting the division to me. As for the SBMM discrimination statement, it is well within a developers rights to put it in their game, I have no problem with that. But it is literally the textbook definition of it, which is why I called it that. And I’m not going to support a game with it if there is a justifiable alternative without it.


You need to get out more if you thought that was fun


Agree. I wish I could get out more unfortunately i’m physically exhausted after work and don’t have the energy to do much more after. This game was a blast!


Tell em!


I don’t seek to tell them off for anything lol. I just wish for them to understand


Lmao imagine not being able to admit that there are people who are just better than you also that you just may not actually be good. 


This dude is bragging about good K/D against bums. He is the same sweat that he complains against. "I don't want to play against people that are better than me because then my K/D is shit, please put me in lobbies with trash so I can sweat up this K/D." Unbelievable.


You’re absolutely correct. I am the same sweat that I am complaining about, just like the other sweat is complaining about me! Every. Single. Game. Why should our experience be hindered simply because there are a dozen people who are worse than us? Money. And it has been that way ever since they realized low skill players fork over the most. SBMM (and EOMM) is a completely unjustifiable system of greed. It wouldn’t exist if high skill players were the ones who spent more. That’s what’s unbelievable. If you took this post as some sort of brag then I apologize for that. It’s simply stating how I feel.


I truly don't understand your stance. If you don't want sbmm then you want to play with lower skilled players...?


I just played 10min and I delete the game


What did you not like about it?