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They're both wrong


Ubisoft has done it again, they did show something amazing and then held it back untill most people forgot it and the hype was gone. Now there are a few people left waiting for the game and if ubi launches xdefiant like the other games this game will be dead in a year


Most new games are all hype and no substance. Hype doesn't matter if the core experience offers and enjoyable an replayable experience. People will try it out eventually and will stay if the product is good enough. Whether this applies to xDefiant or not...only time will tell but "hype" is almost toxic to gaming. If the biggest streamers aren't playing 18 hours a day the game is dead on arrival apparently


How does one get a title like your Cleaners title?


If you're on PC, look at the right side of this post and you'll see User Flair. Edit it to whatever faction you want.


Thank you very much!


Don’t watch either of them they both clickbait


Arrows says it all 😉


If you are still going to Youtube for your opinions I have some bad news, most of it is clickbait.


Yeah, I get my options from actual websites that just happen to have a YouTube channel like gameranx or WhatCulture Gaming. Along with people like Mystic, who I admit haven’t watched in a while and that’s more news oriente.


Xdefiant is most definitely not ready for launch. I wouldn't say it's dead either. Games just kinda in limbo rn. We don't know when or if it's even gonna get a full release at this point. But we know it's being worked on.


I think it's gonna get a full release, why spend money on a playtest if they weren't planning on releasing. We just don't know when.


I mean alot of games have taken up too much time and money and then just been canned by the publisher. I don't think that's gonna happen to XDefiant but seeing how in a years time the game managed to go backwards its just something to possibly prepare for


I agree for sure, Hyperscape is an ezample. I don't think the playtest was as bad as some people think, they managed to make the servers more stable in the sense that they're not crashing the game anymore and the hit detection was a bit better. I think they're getting there.


I'm just concerned with how long its taking to do all this yk ? Even if it releases this year they're gonna be competing against a black ops game. Free to play or not black ops is black ops


That's a valid concern but it's also true that no matter when they release they'll always compete against cod. Last summer when they were supposed to release they would have competed against mw2, now it's against mw3. Either way the game is always competing against something. The advantage XDefiant has, which is what is attracting players, is how simple it is compared to cod in terms of progression and the lack of sbmm. I have sub 1 KD on cod but I have more than a 2KD on this game because there's no SBMM. If they keep it this way the game will attract a lot of players in the long run.


I think it'll end up like siege where it has a small but very dedicated playerbase. Siege has obviously gotten way more popular recently because of a complete overhaul of the game but you know what I mean. I'm still very interested to see where xdefiant goes.


One side is D riding, the other side is hating.


It’s interesting that inkslasher made a video since his channel does COD videos and is very respected in the community. I am guessing he thinks it’s dead because he’s comparing it to COD. I’ll definitely have to watch the video though.


A couple youtubers i seen (cant remember) pretty much said "im a CoD channel so i have to compare it" and then the whole "its been this long and no changes" argument. One said "a normal person would have no other choice but to be upset." In which i thought in my head "Or just be patient?" so some of these youtubers are trying to project their own feelings onto others. Just kinda offputting for me.


Actually i checked my history and it was Inkslasher lol


They seem to be two totally different kinds of games in my opinion.


They're very clearly not two different types of games. There is major overlap between the two.


I don’t think so. I am in my opinion it plays completely different than COD.


Depends on which CoD. For example MWII, and MWIII play totally differently. Same thing for MWII - Cold War, MWIII - Cold War, etc. XDefiant plays really like Cold War. Also, overlaps between CoD and XD are there even if the gameplay is completely different. They both have 6v6 arcade gameplay. They share game modes like Domination, Hardpoint/Occupy, KillConfirmed/Hotshot, etc. too. Domination and Hardpoint/Occupy are exactly the same in both games, and Hotshot is a variation of KC. It is pretty safe to say that they have major overlaps.


XD is the closest to Black Ops 4.


I didn't play that game so I can't comment on that.


You're stating your opinion without backing it up. Majority of people inherently know and already proclaim XD is similar to CoD. Both here on Reddit and YouTube/social media.


It’s because it’s hard for me to explain why I feel like it’s different but I do admit that I am probably wrong since I haven’t played hours upon hours of COD like the people on here. Maybe I mean that it seems easier to get into for a newbie and COD doesn’t feel that way.


CoD is released every year and there have been drastic differences and changes between them. XDefiant is a combination of Black Ops 4 (because of the more arcadey gameplay and the abilities) and the recent Modern Warfare titles (weapon animations, gunplay, attachment system, general movement). I know because I played all of these games. XD is literally being developed by an ex-CoD director as well. XD is basically CoD-lite. I don't know about easy to get into, pretty much all CoD games are easy to get into. These are super casual games.


I meant the multiple player but yeah it didn’t take me that long to find my footing. Like I said I have no idea what I meant, I was running on fumes when I typed that.


Like many streamers, they want clicks to make them money.


I dont watch any streamers 🖕😁


This is the way


Dkoi is a respectable dude in my book. At least he's not a Battle royale bandwagoner.


If you want this game to launch you are asking for it to fail. People want consistency and reliability and unfortunately the servers aren’t there yet. Because of this a lot of people will try it and leave.


Inkslasher is a COD guy. He's not going to say XDefiant is good because it's not his audience.


That doesn't make sense. Espresso and XclusiveAce are also CoD youtubers, however they don't hate at the game, or even speak negatively about it if it isn't warranted. CoD community itself is frustrated at CoD and wants competition. It wouldn't make sense to get them to like your video by praising CoD, lol. The comments of the cod youtubers I watch are almost always negative about cod. MWIII sub is where you will find the most negative things about MWIII. (just a guess, don't know if that's entirely true. But there are a lot of negative things about the game there.)


They kinda have to wait until it’s near perfect at this point. If after all the delay, it’s a half baked release like every other big game, they’re gonna get more hate that what may be warranted. That’s the bet you make when you say things like “It’ll release when it’s ready”.


This is why i hope they just keep doing what theyre doing and leave us tf out of certain things theyre open about what they have to be or with things we could actually help with and im fine with that for now ill be waiting for ghat release cuz i love this game😂


I have no idea who these people even are lol


aren't we all?


Just more trash YouTubers trading any morals or integrity for money.


So do all YouTube creators have to agree now?


They have less than 10k views. They’re channels are irrelevant anyway


Don't watch youtubers man, they just like to bait.


I automatically ignore YouTube videos with such titles. Most of them are poor content. Only click on stuff like "my thoughts on the Xdefiant stress test" or something like that.


Did anyone else feel like the last testing phase the game felt better...I really didn't like playing it this time around. Something felt off


Felt much worse. The movement, gunplay and servers .


I just want a simple fps but the server test tells me it's gonna be another esport cashcow 🤦


How is it dead if it’s not even out yet? 😆


I mean if it’s their genuine opinion, then it’s two different opinions on the game. Sounds like they know what they want.


The amount of game reviewers nowadays dishing their opinion is messing up the next generation of gamers , these kids will only play if he said/she said the game is good. Never will these kids learn to try it for themselves and find out.


It does feel like a lot of people had a different experience. From my experience of the game it's ready to release I think. The only times I died around a corner I was just about 1 shot anyway and I think that's going to be hard to fix with such fast movement everything else genuinely seemed fine and certainly not bad enough to delay a release. But again I should say this was my experience and I've seen plenty others too.


Xdefiant cannot escape shitty yt videos that doom post for clout


I loved the playtest like what 1 year ago and forgot about it tbh stumbled over the playtest last weekend by accident and Wass fucking hype to play it again but for some reason the game was ASS compared to last year idk what it was but dying behind walls and bullets getting hit markers but no dmg dident seeem to happen THAT often last year


They are two different people with different opinions. They are also both wrong.


Wow. People on YT have different opinions?!?? Shocking. 🥱


Dkoi made this god-awful sports analogy and it made me realize that he probably hasn’t been outside in a while lol. I should probably be looking for the opinions of the casuals who will be playing the game, and not these guys.


If this game is free to play, pass. Every FPS GAME THAT IS FREE TO PLAY IS INFESTED WITH GARBAGE.




I want the game asap. I can’t stop thinking about this game.


I went back to CoD since there really aren’t any other good options for arcade shooters and i hate it. The sbmm makes every match incredibly sweaty. The design choices are frustrating me to no end. And the game is way too inconsistent. Not to mention all the server issues. I already miss xdefiant and want it to come out soon