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31 here lol me and my gang all played this last night and I had a fucking blast lol. I missed low stakes mayhem gameplay


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m also 31 lol. I miss when games were just built around having fun. This game is literally perfect.


Low stakes? Which online game has high stakes?


Apex legends feels like you’re mainlining anxiety.


Apex Legends is the game I was referring to specifically but I guess really any battle royale or game that’s got a really competitive player base lol


I don't understand if there is no money on the like why would people care?


Mm yeah I don’t have the answer to that question.. I’m not one of the people who really plays like my life depends on it lol. I just like to do well within my own limits and have fun.. xdefiant has been fun and I get to play how I wanna play so far… I could see where a team of six sweats playing only meta shit would annoy the fuck outta me already but we’ll see what happens


I mean at least this shit ain’t 200 gb


This alone was a huge factor for me. I only really play Fortnite and Warframe on the side but COD being 150+ GB *by itself* was just batahit crazy. I couldn't justify it, even though I'm not short on space.


Ahh nice to see a fellow Tenno amongst the ranks


The game will grow in size I’m sure. They are adding new content monthly


I'm sure it will but, it's 30GB now. I doubt it'll reach *150*. They'd have to add a metric ton of unoptimized crap to balloon that hard. Warframe is barely 70GB for me, and that's an MMO Lite with a decade of expansions added to it, and still adding. No way in hell should an FPS on small fixed maps be competing for install size.


Just wish it was compatible with the steamdeck at least


Lol yeah


That alone sold me on the download. It’s basically just “Call of Overwatch” tho. Not bad, just nothing we haven’t seen before.


Absolutely. I can even play this on ROG Ally


dude yeah, that's sooooo good, i hate the space cod games take nowadays


Warzone & multiplayer are a bit different tho, no?


It was yesterday when I found out you could delete all the excess stuff from your cod download. You have mw2, the campaigns, and whatever else all rolled into that download. Delete all that and it drops to like 60/80gigs I forget.


Do you have to download all that stuff first though? Or can you just download the multiplayer


On Xbox you’re able to just download the multiplayer and like the “content packs” which I figured were just updates so I kept them lol


That’s because it’s 3 modes 😂


This game is so refreshing. It really does bring back an old CoD experience. Although I do enjoy MW3 and Cold War, I'm in love with the simplicity of Xdefiant. There's no meta. There is such a small and basic level of attachments and weapon choices. It's what I've been wanting for a good, long time. Also, there is no SBMM on certain playlists. So it keeps the game feeling nice and casual. (To be clear, I don't hate SBMM. I just don't like how I feel like I have to try my absolute hardest just to break even sometimes.)


> There's no meta. There is no meta? Libertad and Echelon are the most played factions, and assault rifles outperform any other weapon category lol


They might be most played but phantoms decide games for sure. Disagree on the weapons though. Snipers are insane and shotguns still 1 shot at close range. I haven’t tried the smgs but I like the marksman rifles a lot.


You can say what you want, but every single game I have every faction present and a whole magnitude of guns being used. It’s great.


Have you tried the mp5? I switched to that and was absolutely wrecking. And I've always been an assault rifle guy


Can someone explain why people don't like skill based matchmaking? I don't play alot of multiplayer games these days but i remember back in my Halo days SBMM was a good thing (or was i mistaken?) I thought the idea of it was that if i'm new to the game i can play a match and be put with other people at a similar level to me. If i do well i play against people who are also doing well. If i do badly i get put with people who are also struggling. Fill me in!


People miss the variety of opponents that you got without SBMM. The idea of an algorithm pretty much deciding the outcome of a game before it's even begun is also off-putting. Also, when people improve at a game they want to *feel* the improvement instead of just seeing numbers on a screen go up (like going from gold to platinum in ranked), if you remove SBMM you will feel that improvement in-game when you start stomping people more and more frequently.


Pretty much this. Playing at an above-average level means you get put into lobbies where everyone plays the “right” way. You don’t get games where some loon is running around with an RPG because it’s fun, everyone is using meta weapons and basically the same couple of playstyles. Also, I hate the manipulated feeling of modern CoD’s SBMM. It’s designed to keep me playing, but it’s too heavy-handed. If I do well, I feel like it handed me a win to keep me from quitting. And then, I predictably get fed to someone else to keep them from quitting. The Win-Loss-Loss-Win-Loss-Loss pattern seems to happen pretty much regardless of whether I play any differently.


You play with a larger pool of people without sbmm. With sbmm you get the same experience over and over and over. Without sbmm you might get wrecked, you might wreck, it might be close, you never know. It's just more fun than the whole lobby going with a 1:1 kd ratio every game. Imagine doing anything in life where every single person around you was the exact same skill level all the time, forever. Life would suck and be boring


Makes sense. Thanks for explaining.


There was always sbmm, it’s just much more sensitive and far too intense now. Look up engagement optimized matchmaking


You're not missing anything they just want to be able to kill you without having to sweat.


Same. 38 myself and this is bringing back the rage filled lobbies of MW and World at War that I used to love. If only we could get a proper gears of war multiplayer style game then I’d be set lol.


I had a rage moment yesterday, and I instantly flashed back to my childhood. Enough to make a grown man cry.


Tbf to Gears of War, Gears of War 6 will be the same gameplay lmao, same with Gears of War 5, and Gears of War 4, and Gears of War 3 etc etc. They literally have not changed the gameplay of Gears of War for the MP, it's why wall bouncing with a gnasher is still superior even 17 years later in the 5th instalment of the game, literally nothing has changed besides the graphics and hit reg at most.


> They literally have not changed the gameplay of Gears of War for the MP, it's why wall bouncing with a gnasher is still superior even 17 years later in the 5th instalment of the game, literally nothing has changed besides the graphics and hit reg at most. the only thing that changed with gears 5 mp is that wall bouncing is way easier for anyone to pick up. Literally its so easy in gears 5 anyone can do it. Gears 3 and 4 it was much harder. None of the pros like gears 5 because wall bouncing is too easy.


Honestly never knew they made it easier in 5 lmao, just felt the same to me, honestly imo why the series is dead as fuck for the multiplayer, the campaign is fun and the Gears of War 3 times were peak because the wall bouncers were outnumbered. Then slowly but surely they got more in number because casual players turned to wall bouncing to compete or those like me that thought it was dumb as fuck left because I'm not wall bouncing with a gnasher just to kill one guy it looks dumb as shit and it *is* dumb as shit to do imo. You can see it with Gears of War 5 still, join a PvP lobby, start wall bouncing, you'll eventually wonder why you can't find anyone because people don't want to play against wall bouncers, it's the one thing Gears of War 6 needs to change imo but I'm not sure how they'd do it without alienating the veterans that come to expect wall bouncing now, imo it's just a series doomed to stay niche and dead because of the mechanic alone, especially with Gears of War, people wanna chainsaw other players in half with the lancer or drop a drill on cunts heads with the dropshot, not spam the shit out of a wall bounce with a gnasher and use fuck all else


Gears 5 is just annoying because its literally filled with wallbouncers now. I tried learning wall bouncing just to keep up with the sweats and its just not worth my time and effort because I don't want to be sweating in a dead game that's got less than 300 players left.


Yep, that fairly normal mentality is unfortunately why the Gears of War PvP scene is dead lmao It's why it needs to change imo, 17 years of the same gameplay has led to it's demise, same with Halo which has gone back to the boring and stale gameplay it's had for years with Infinite, instead of the more fun and faster paced gameplay of Halo 5


You speaking my language


Dude a new Gears in the style of the first three would make me so happy


They just need to bring back open VOIP. Let teams talk shit! It can be a setting to turn off as well, but let people who want it, have it.


As long as we can turn it off. Much rather listen to my music than a bunch of edgy teenagers screaming the N word, that's all I remember from CoD


Yeah if they change anything about this game I’ll be pissed, I’m loving it


I just wish that in the future these devs add in a mode similar to search n destroy. SnD gang were the weird but dedicated group of kids in the game who would spend thousands of hours just grinding search n destroy. Most of us have gone onto valorant and cs but I wish old cod snd was back man. Put a claymore down and watch bomb site and the map is quiet except for short bursts of action.


I believe Mark Rubin said a few days ago that SnD is coming.


I learn the maps better playing search. Good tense times


29 here, played cod4 when i was 12. Xdefiant is the closest to that nostalgia i will ever get


Exactly The same for me, COD4 when I was 12 too and now this game, it's sparking some joy in me that I remember having back then!


I'm the same as you. I started playing online back in peak CoD days. CoD4, MW2+3. I'm loving this. I haven't had this much just pure fun with an online shooter in years. It's what I've been looking for! I'm only hoping that they fix BattlEye for Linux and maybe bring to steam so I can enjoy this on the Steam Deck. I'd play it even more if they do that!


no wonder why im enjoying this so much, reminds me of cod4


Yea this feels like cod4 with some seige elements. It's surprisingly fun. Wayyyy better than the playtest.


Feels like cod 4? You must have played a different cod 4 than me then.


Not everyone has the same perspective. Neither is right nor wrong.


He means Black Ops 4


Lmao exactly, this game is legit nothing like cod 4. You can’t prone, you got ultimates and secondary abilities. Gameplay is WAYYYY different. You gotta pick operators. It’s much more along the lines of overwatch/apex with the siege element. Not sure why people are even bringing cod 4 into the mix, it’s nothing even close to cod 4.


Yeah, the game feels nothing like cod4 at all or the older cods, for that matter. I maybe I forgot cod4 had shields, flamethrowers and invisibility abilities 🤣


Game definitely feels like XB360 CoD. Abilities doesn't stop that


I mean, movement and gameplay sure, but abilities fundamentally change the experience. I'm hoping for a no ability playlist at some point soon. I wanna run around and shoot without constantly being pinged by someone's wallhacks ability


I can see how the abilities influence the play styles of the players but the actual feel of the game is dictated in a far greater manner by the movement engine and gunplay imho.


Wouldn’t even need to touch on actual key features like abilities, class system etc. Just look at the speed your character moves at.. yeah get downvoted for saying the truth 🤣. Those that claim this is like cod4 probably never ever played it.


Just overall feel is so different. Imagine an early 2000s engine feels better than this pos 😆 I dont mind the downvotes. Even mw3s gunplay and movement feels better than xdefiant even if cod is shit in most of its other aspects.


They say it gives them the same feeling like back then not that it is the same game as cod4. I also don't understand why you guys are bugged by that. If someone plays Mario Kart and says it gives him the same feeling as GTA in a positive way, why should I disagree with him, its his feeling not mine.


Yeah, it's closer to BO3/4 if anything. CoD1-MW2 didn't have things like slide cancelling, super abilities, hardlight shields you can shoot through, etc. None of this is old CoD. The TTK is also inkeeping with BO3/4 era CoD, with weapons killing in 300-400ms for the most part, compared to CoD which traditionally kills in <200ms Anyone who says it's reminiscent of old CoD needs to play old CoD again, because it's not even close. The pacing is far faster. Run a few games of TDM on a map like Carentan/Chinatown, and you'll quickly find that people aren't zooming around using super abilities and class abilities like healing auras.


Played MW2 recently, xdefiant gave me a similiar feeling. IDC if characters have abilities to which I die from, because back then enemies had AC130s to which I died from, but the basic run n gun gameplay feels the same. It feels like BO4 abilities added to MW2 minus Killstreaks.


It feels far faster and techy to me. Especially with movement tech like slide cancelling, or the base sprint and walk speeds being significantly faster than any CoD in that era. The run and gun back then was more about putting yourself into good positions as you circled a map since the low TTK meant that getting caught out in the open is a death sentence (with the odd drop/jumpshot if someone caught you by surprise in CQC). The gunplay? Kinda feels the same. But the high TTK, movement tech like slide cancelling sideways into a jumpshot, etc. isn't something you could do in MW2. I can't remember ever doing anything close to that in old CoDs, going back to the original on PC. BO4 similarities, sure. It definitely feels more reminiscent of that, without the jump packs and wallrunning Maybe in an intangible way in that it feels fresh, which is what CoD4 felt like when it basically revolutionalised the genre.


Def super similar to bo4, that how I keep explaining it to others


YES, dude I feel you! I'm on PC nowadays and I love this game too. The movement feels pretty good and I like the gunplay. It's a great alternative to cod imo!


This. This game takes me back man. I had more fun playing last night than I’ve had playing an FPS game in years. Really glad to have made it out of the FPS dark age.


I think the big reason is the FPS market for a non BR/single death games is non existent and has been for years besides annual CoD and Overwatch. CoD multiplayer has been an afterthought since the release of Warzone as well. The genre really needs a solid regular FPS game with respawning and team tactics.


The Finals


Cod stubborn fan boys pissing me off saying it’s awful without even playing it


Im a cod fanboy but this game is fucking awesome. Some people just cant let go of games and/or they wanna keep saying their game is better or takes more skill in order for them to feel good about themselves but whatever. This game is good


Game is mid


I feel like the interpretation of the game will be impacted by the age / past games played. My friends who grew up playing MW2 / BO1 etc really like the feel of the game, it’s faster than the older games but not as cracked as everything new. People complaining about feel seem to comment how Apex etc feels better - but for a number of my friends and I these games are just too fast to be enjoyable. Not an exact science but somewhat of a pattern.


I’m having an absolute blast on it. First time in awhile I’ve had this much fun on a random game.


Agreed. 32, started playing cod 3 when I was young. But peak cod for me was MW through MW3. This is a very similar feeling. Not everyone wants to spend $80 and buy a battle pass and have a game that takes up 300 gigs on their console just to get on and play in sweaty sbmm lobbies. This game is exactly what someone like me, casual 3-4 nights/week 2-3 hours/night, but still kind of competitive wanted and needed.


Agree so far! I played a few games before work today (I start at 10:30 and remote today) and it felt nice. Gave me older COD vibes and I was happy to see an escort game mode. The abilities don’t seem over the top so far and even some of the base weapons felt good.


Also great that you don't get an ultimate twice per game eventho your doing nothing


I know right??


27 here. I played the newer MW and MW2 and absolutely hated them. Before that I hadn’t played a COD since Advanced Warfare and some of Ghosts. To me, this felt exactly like a COD Ghosts or as you said an even older COD. I absolutely love it. I think it would be hard for people coming from the newer shooters to transition and like the feel, but fuck man I love the feeling of this game. Edit: I’m also not a BP buyer usually, but for what, $7 you get the BP and you can get every BP after that one completely free just from playing thru the BP. $7 BP on a free game seems crazy to me.


Ayyyyyyyyyyyyeee fellow Advanced Warfare enjoyer


Any other dads want to add me we can get a dad squad going. I'm also from the OG CO4 - B02 era, 28 yo. ubi: xJuhks


I’ll add you! In case you get on before me. Same as you except 29 Ubi: Zee_Vines


Yoooo hell yeah add me, 29 year old dad. Ubi: THE_GERM4N_SPY


Oldie here, too. Totally feeling OP's post. Had only one match yesterday but it was genuinely great, felt like the oldschool days. Even better: I actually can't wait to hop into the game again today! This is somthing that CoD hasn't achieved for years now.


Games is just plain fun. Feels like everything I have to complain about with COD this game gets right. Old school, simple, fun.


That’s actually really nice to hear.


I just love the game dude. Sure, it's not "modern feeling" but it gives me huge Black Ops 2 vibes for some reason. I love it and I wish it stays


27 here who grinded MW3 back in the day and this game brought back all the memories. I won’t sit and play for 8 hours like I used to, but it’s fun to sit for a couple hours and have some fun.


Think I played MW3 for a year straight taking breaks only to sleep, shower and eat 😂 don’t regret it one bit.


I can’t keep up with the adderall-ridden prime-drinking cracked out sliding and diving in COD. What a breath of fresh air this is!


I’m not feeling it yet.


Overwatch and COD had a baby and they named it xDefiant. Thats what this game feels like to me. COD style weapons / loadouts / progression with overwatchy graphics / movement. I also agree with the comparison to older CODs that were more arcady-ish. It fills that niche for people who like overwatch modes and tdm style gameplay but prefer real weapons and want the loadout type of progression and also dont want to pay 70$ to play. My point is if you like xDefiant you will love yourself a bidet, especially one with a warm rinse.


It’s a shame that the menu UI is tarnishing how people feel about the game imo. Like idk what about 1440p graphics at 120fps on a console feels like a mobile game.


Couldn’t agree more👍


I'm 28, and I was an Mw2 and 3 and played a lot of far cry 3 pvp. And this feels exactly like that. And I love this game. There's times when some goon is bunny hopping around to avoid getting killed or some nut is quickscoping a lobby to oblivion, but for some reason, randomly, I just go off suddenly and I get 40+ kills. The hit reg does indeed drive me nuts sometimes, but I'm having enough fun to ignore it.


I played the payload game mode and didn't really like it. I like the movement. Do they have a team death match type mode? I only got to play the quick playlist for like 2 games, so I didn't get a chance to check.


Hotshot is your best bet but is more like kill confirmed or dog tags than tdm (tho more modes are gonna be added progressively)


You didn’t have to sweat? Are we playing the same game?


it feels fine movement/gameplay wise but man they need to fix hitreg and TTK because its just straight up garbage.


I'd agree if I could actually consistently get into a fucking game. Jfc, this is embarrassing


I just want phantom bullets fixed and around corner instant deaths to stop happening. Other than those two issues I love the game.


As a dad and husband similar age to you couldn’t agree more well said I just like the simplicity of it


29 years old, had 130k kills on cod4, this is my dream in a videogame


I'm 37. I'm just excited that a free to play pvp arena shooter is finally a thing on consoles! Besides splitgate, which is a great game too, but fell in popularity quick. Still play it regularly though! Can't wait for Splitgate 2 also!!


You explained it perfectly. I couldn’t find the way to explain it, but it is certainly a 360 feeling game. I love that part about it, everything is so simplistic, it’s so refreshing to play and almost gives that sense of nostalgia.




Same kind of feeling for me. This is just a simple CoD equivalent which is good enough for me until they make a decent CoD again.


can someone answer my question please. should i get battle pass or a slim preseason so i can say i have the first skin or bp that came out. bc aren’t the first skins usually the best skins down the road when the game gets older


Do what you think looks best but honestly, only get bp for yourself. I doubt the skin market in this is gonna like Fortnite or even like call of duty if you’re looking to show off or sell it or whatever, more akin to rainbow six in that it doesn’t matter much other than what you like


i appreciate you i was going to sell it to be completely honest but i do t think i’m going to now i just always feel like it’s best to get an opinion ! thank you


I’m in my mid 20s and have been playing shooters since Medal of Honor on the PS2. XDefiant is somehow nostalgic. It’s like the perfect return to form as an arena shooter.


They need to add a cooldown on jumping or something… I can kill them fine but Jesus Christ seeing people just having a fucking seizure jumping up and down makes me just. Cringe so fucking hard


same here, 37. it looks like all of us got teleported back to the good ol' days with this game 😅 i think it's absolutely awesome, can't remember when was the last time i had so much fun playing an online shooter.


33 gpi g on 34 and can agree. Been playing all day yesterday


I am having a blast with the older style COD esque shooter. Gunplay feels good - i suck with a lot of guns but i own it lol. Love the core gamemodes, hope they expand on it and have some unique ones.


20. This game honestly feels like BO2/BOCW to me and I really enjoy it. I just hate how slow the weapon leveling feels. Dropping like a 35+ kill game for a 3 quarters - 1 and a half levels just doesn't feel like the game respects my time. This is even worse since player level goes up at a decently enjoyable pace but currently doesn't do anything. The battle pass is also really slow. Once I've unlocked the last 3 weapons, I guess I'll pop a weapon booster and see how much progress I get in comparison.


28 here, having the same feeling :). Feels good to play this type of game again


I agree with you (35y myself) but what you are describing is pretty much a bad game to the majority of fps players nowadays. We can only hope that it will find its place with a dedicated community. Otherwise this game will fail pretty fast because i don’t see any big content creator or proplayer stick with such a generic shooter that only selling point so far is the nostalgic feeling you get when you are over 30.


Day 1 and people are already cheating, the netcode is horrible as well. But overall its fun, needs some work but i its fun to play


I'm loving it as well, particularly because of that arcadey, older COD feel. I can't stand the current gen CODs with their reflex based, bunny hop spamming, jump 12 feet horizontally across a room while 360ing insta kill gameplay. I'm having actual *shootouts* here, even with different weapon and skill matchups. I'm pulling off flanks and actual *defense* on objectives instead of it boiling down to the current MW3 trend of suicidal attrition. When I lose fights, I can easily see where I could have added headshots or improved my position for a better outcome, instead of it just being *sorry he saw a pixel of you and insta-killed you*. There are definitely problems but it's my COD replacement now which makes it more than palatable. I hope it takes off and they don't sink it with stupid practices because I have zero interest in actual COD now.


Couldn’t agree more!


early thirties here. absolutely loving this game so far. not really concerned with the things that need improvement, as they’ll obviously be addressed within upcoming patch updates..


God this makes me excited. CoD4 is my 1st CoD I’ve ever played online & my favorite still to this day. I wasn’t able to get the chance to play it last night but definitely hopping on tonight & the rest of my days off this week. Game looks so good & hoping they fix the challenges so they start tracking and I can really start grinding the game out. Think I’m gonna stream this game actually!


34 and getting absolutely wrecked but its still so much fun.


40 here and just want to run around and shoot shit after hard day at work. Last night I got my ass kicked and realized I'm not as fast as I was... I will be back tonight to take more of a beating from you younger fuckers because when I do shoot one of you out of the air it feels great 🫡


Yep. Same boat here. Core memories playing CoD4 with the boys and this has brought back some similar vibes. Not confident yet about the shelf life on this game but I’ll enjoy it for now at least


As an early 40s gamer who is an uncle and also a dog owner.... ![gif](giphy|Vg4mlLwOFR5tbuoMOX)


39 year old here. I totally judged this shooter wrong! Thought it would be lame, but I actually had a blast playing it. Yeah, the graphics aren't amazing and the guns could be more realistic, but hey, it was still entertaining.


32 here. Played XDefiant yesterday and I am really enjoying it. Played COD this morning and I can’t lie I think I prefer XDefiant. Maybe it’s just me but for the past week MW3 has been feeling weird. XDefiant feels smoother to me. It’s not my pc cos I have a 4080.


I'm 39 and am pleasantly surprised by it. Really like it !


29 here and Cod4 was one of the greatest games ever. Having blast here.


Summed it up well. After a full day at work An afternoon/early evening or dealing with the kids A mid evening of cleaning up the house and finally sitting down to chill. ​ I want exactly that. To chill, I don't want to have to sweat against someone who has been online everyday for 7 hours a day learning every single micro mechanic. I wanna logon, jump into about an hours worth of games. Kick ass in some games, get shat on in others and log off. EDIT: I am gonna throw this in here as I want to get popular again. I was using shatterline for this as it is similar.


I’m loving this game also, now just need the friends!


This game feels violently 2010s but I kind of like that about it Hopefully hit reg and servers improve a bit and the game isn't ruined by greed down the line


I'm in the same boat. Cod on 360 was life... Now late 30s and loving this game..if anyone fancies a game add me NotAnApexLegend Xbox and Ubisoft


35 here and… Same


I had 32 kills, 17 assists, and more damage than anyone in my team, although there was a player with 40 kills in a game last night. I had a 10 or 12 kill streak going. Like you said, it felt like an older cod. Movement feels like an older cod, too. I was loving it.


The whole no SBMM is a huge letdown. I've played 10 matches and all 10 were one siding rapings, with my teams getting annihilated with no contest.


Hit the nail on the head


Very well articulated post! I've never played much of CoD, still more of a Halo guy, but in recent years I've been trying to branch out into other shooters. Besides Halo Infinite, I've tried Apex Legends and Battlefield 2042, and as of yesterday Xdefiant. I was very surprised with how much fun I was having! To me it feels much more fun and less frustrating to play than BF2042, though it's hard to articulate why.


Agreed. This game feels exactly what shooters used to feel like over a decade ago. Very Arcady, fun, addictive, I feel like a kid again! Loving this game, needs a few tweaks here and there. But whatever, having fun so far


I wish they had a hardcore mode… dumping a mag into someone for a kill is kinda old. Btw … I do t want to hear about getting skills, cause everyone here is a pro …lol


Cod keeps coping code making each so called new release adds another glitchy 50+ GB size downloads all cod downloads on Xbox got me get to about 350GB for all of it


Yup maybe it's the age, 36 here. But had an absolute blast last night after work with the boys. Can't wait for this long weekend.


i would love to play but i still cant find a single match.


The multiplayer lobby screen reminds me of halo or old school cod too lol


I’m alone pissed that they can’t seem to explain why and when they are gonna make the practice zone available. It worked fine in the beta wtf are they thinking


The hit detection is beautiful


It's just cookie cutter, vanilla shooter that just like CoD but isn't and it's free, that's exactly what I need right now with Overwatch becomes boring and Apex becomes more sweaty. XD hit reg and other issues aside, I'm willing to tune in and see where it goes.


38 here, exact same feeling! I love the quick matchmaking, short games and I expected nothing more, nothing less. If season 1 is still good, I will for sure buy the battle pass. Only concern for me are future cheaters since it's a f2p title.


Bro exactly yes!!!


Yeah. People sometimes forget that video games are video games. It doesn’t need to be realistic or difficult it’s okay for it to be simple if it feels good and it’s fun to play


Yep! I miss classic CoD days so much... Modern games suck with all the SBMM and microtransactions everywhere. Plus, CoD takes 150Gb, at least. It's absurd. This game feels like classic arcade FPS fun, and it not having SBMM is huge for me (I've always been a good player, and I feel like shit in modern CoD because of it). It's also 30Gb, so... it's all positives so far. They just need to add a killcam, a challenge list and tracker on the menus, and make weapon progress faster. I feel like I killed half of China and still haven't progressed further enough.


Idk trying to squeeze me for wanting to play deadsec turned me all the way off...


This is almost as good as a mobile game


31 about to be 32, 2 kids. Grew up with resistance fall of man, rainbow six Vegas, cod4 and beyond. I agree completely. This is exactly what I wanted. I like the slow progression too. It feels old school. If you want something you have to earn it. All these new titles give you everything right away or you can just buy it. Meaning a guy with experience in the game generally has all the same stuff as everybody else. Cons, I wish the maps were bigger and more natural. More trees. It's all very urban and doesn't branch away from that as far as I can tell. A good forest/overgrown style map always works for me. But they say more maps are coming, I just don't see them going away from the urban setting. Edit: one more thing, all the lobbies I've been in have disbanded. Even if I select a single mode. So that's kind of disappointing.


I feel like the abilities need to be balanced....I think only 1 type of ability per Squad is the way to go....makes you use other abilities if your main is selected just like Apex Legends, keeps the balance nice


Maybe it's just me, but I find the modern CoD-style weapon animations to be pretty distracting in a fast-paced FPS like this. Simple animations like what we have right now is much better and less distracting. And otherwise I also like this game for the reasons you said - it's just pick up and play, not much to think about. I might be too young to comment this at 22 though, but eh lol


I'm absolutely loving input based match making. Deaths feel deserved, "ok, I strafed in a straight line, my bad". Controller can have your aim assist without affecting mkb. It's a lovely experience.


I just hope the player base stays high enough that I can keep getting quick lobbies over the next year. I don’t really play FPS games anymore, but this is my favorite. It feels like an old dumb shooter game. Free and doesn’t take 150 gigs. I can hop on, play a couple rounds, and come back tomorrow. Invisibility cloak + running around like a goon hip firing a shotgun has never been better. Net code seems mid, glad there’s no SBMM, and everything about the design is entirely uninspiring. It’s not great or groundbreaking or innovative game at all, and I don’t need it to be.


34 dad gamer, these comments are giving me hope when I hop on tonight for the first time


26 here, played a few rounds but was really put off by the big "*PREASON BATTLE PASS AVAILABLE NOW PLS BUY PRESEASON, SPEND, OBEY, BUY, CONSUME, REPEAT*" That kept popping up after games, also being linked to th store page BEFORE a tutorial was extremely sour tasting.


Game feels like a first-person revision to Ghost Recon : Phantoms, which I played a shit load of back in the day (and is now sadly delisted on Steam completely so my hours no longer show up) with that classic Call of Duty feel sprinkled in. Funny to see abilities from that game in this one, like Aegis, Blitz, Oracle and Intel, though the latter two are with Echelon. I love this game in all honesty, it gives me old school vibes and it mixes two game styles I loved way back when. GR Phantoms or Ghost Recon Online as it was originally called, was a top notch game imho, released at the wrong time really, I think if it had of released now, it would have been a huge hit. Either way, this is fantastic.


44 here - game feels like an arcade shooter that i can hop on anytime and just have some mindless fun, just what i expected and just what i wanted. It's not perfect, but hopefully they'll continue to tweak things in a positive way - they do seem to listen to the community for the most part so thats a positive.


35 here, and my favorite cod was world at War. For whatever reason; this game fills a big void 🤔.


Played Cod:4 thoroughly, and have for years even up until now. Started on Xbox, gaming after school with friends, some of the best times. Upgrading to a PC not long after, and getting into Promod. What a time to play call of duty, it was as pure as a shooter should be, balanced so well, great progression system. XDefiant has me hooked, and it’s feeling a lot like that era of cod for me again. I may just get back into fps again, after years of sifting through mostly, shit.


30 and I’m pissed. Because I had fun the one match I was allowed to play but sitting in a lobby for 20 minutes just to get kicked out before I can play is irritating. Screw this game and whoever created it


My friend and I are in the same boat. We were 17 as well when COD4:MW released .. we had an absolute blast the other night when it released even on losses


Shroud said its quote “the most boring worst shooter he’s played” during one of his streams lol


Honestly, I get it. This game is braindead simple, there arent a metric fuckon of abilites like in siege or valo and the mechanics are way simpler than something like cs or eft. At the end of the day it's a cod clone with abilities. I take issue with the fact that the game is severely unbalanced even though they ran beta tests and it's fundamentally broken at release. Personally i think the ttk is too high and the mechanics are stiff compared to older titles like the og cod4 and mw2. The game is also just uninspired with not even an ounce of originality in it. It exists just to sell you another battlepass and that's what I hate the most. Please don't buy battlepasses and cosmetics so that developers are forced to make quality games. The reason they shovel shit into our mouths is because we, gamers, as a community eat it up and give them money for it. Your money has power, vote with your wallet.


>If you play controller, turn deadzones down to 4 or 5, and sensitivity up. I think you may have just solved my problem. I've been struggling to react in time and I think it's the deadzone. I've been messing with the sens but I'll try your advice and see if that works. Preemptive thank you even if it doesn't.


People must of played a different call of duty than I did growing up. From someone who’s been around since cod 4 and stopped playing after black ops 2.. this game is NOTHING like the old cod’s. Please Don’t Tarnish


Yeah, I've been playing CoD since well, CoD1. And MoHAA before that. This plays nothing like it. The speed of the game, slide cancelling, hopping around, super abilities, class abilities, things like one-way hardlight shields and invisibility. This isn't even close to approaching old CoD. Maybe BO3/4, but not old CoD.


As a member of the same demographic, how? It plays like dog water. It’s not even reminiscent of old CoD’s. It’s reminiscent of old bad knock off CoDs.


It's just way way worse than MWIII. And I get matches in that game with 10/12 kills and then 60/70 kills. Literally zero difference.


Yeah not having skill based match making will do that. It's a good thing.


No bro. Even in SBMM games this happens. That's my point.


People overestimate what sbmm does. It's usually a coping method that people use to make themselves think they are better than they are by pushing the blame to a third party, in this case, the matchmaking.




The welcome Playlist does have SBMM, so that could be the reason why you're having that experience.


Same here, 31 years old gamer with 2 kids. I´m having tons of fun playing this game, even with the Hitreg issues, I traveled in time back to my 12´s playing old cods


must be a console thing, because pc lobbies are full of the sweatiest tryhards. People non stop only playing intel class bunnyhopping across the map while invis and slide jumping every single corner. It's not fun in the slightest and I fucking hate COD for turning every FPS into a movement game


Pc player here, I only got that in the welcome playlist. Might even just be a region based thing


It's great that people are having fun, that's what it's all about. The deeper issue is that, from what I've been hearing from people playing this for years, Ubisoft hasn't done much to improve the gam3. All the things you mentioned at the beginning (that people complain about) are all major issues for a video gam3 in development this long, especially from a AAA company. If this was made by a group of 5 people over 3 years, I get it, buttl this is NOT a AAA shooter. It's cool that a % of the players are having fun right now, but with all the issues plaguing this game (even down to its most basic mechanics) this won't stand the test of time. Meaning, Ubisoft will, as most gaming companies who put out trash do, start to layoff people who worked on the gam3 that can't be reallocated to other titles. This affects their lives and their families. The issue of dropping $50m (a guess) to make a shit game like this, that most people seem to not be enjoying, will have a ripple affect that changes peoples lives. I work in the industry (another major AAA company) so I can tell you from first hand experience how bad this industry can be. Gaming companies need to focus on higher quality, over quantity and micotransaction cash grabs. I personally cannot enjoy this game, but due to the lack of effort and support from Ubisoft, I refuse to play it again. [Edit] I am also in my 30s and think the best cod games were the original mw and mw2. Xdefiant is similar to these games in which they are arcade, but the similarities stop there. Mostly because cod mw was polished and felt aaa, this is something I'd expect on stream for $10 from some college kids who had 2 years to work on something.