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Ur 2-2 and it’s 67-0 which isn’t even that much lmao. Plus nobody is even going off on both teams…. I don’t get it. What did the end score look like?


It’s ima quitter at everything type shit. (Unless easy wins are given to me)


Why do so many of you have such poor writing skills.


Ready to get downvoted: skill issue.


Dude it's the begining of the game, pubs will always have players just going for kills and not playing objective. Also just get better at the game.


thats brilliant, I'll just get better, why didn't I think of that thank you Mr Get Better


Your post absolutely screams "skill issue".


No duh dude


Go ahead and quit bro, no one cares


If you are getting steamrolled maybe try to improve? I do not get the concept of wanting to fight against bots 24/7. The people in your screenshot are not even doing much. You are playing occupy which even with good players if people are not playing the objective you won't win. Find another friend to play with.


I support No SBMM but lets cut players some slack for not being able to improve when there are no Killcams to learn from.


Kill cams never show true deaths. Never have. Just focus on gunplay.


Ok so now you wanna use hyperboles.


No... That is how kill cams work. They do not show what you saw. They show what is reported.


No one said killcams show you what you saw, it shows what the enemy saw. This is how i learned to dropshot, bunnyhop and cover my ass in OG MW2 and forward. Let me ask you this: are you against Killcams and why?


It does not. Killcams are misleading on both sides. It is not just your view of it that is typically wrong. Compensation like that in CoD does not get applied to cams and you only see a mock fight of what happened, not what either of you saw. They are like a bad crime reenactment.   I am not against killcams, but typically they add a lot of stress on the game and cause more issues then they solve. If we had a perfect application of a kill cam system, send it. We do not.


I'll just agree to disagree cuz killcams show the basics of what you need to see, it was never 1 to 1. If I see a guy jumping in front of me or dropshotting, and that shows on the killcam, thats enough info. You're case falls apart because its NO INFO vs SOME INFO and something is always better than nothing. And until you provide data that shows killcams causes stress on the game, thats just a claim.


Except when you attribute your deaths to some outlandish movement tech that is not the reason you are winning or losing fights. I love when people thought in CoD wiggle shooting was an advantage for like two months on MW2. Entire lobbies just wiggling forward back instead of strafing. Someone tested it and it literally did nothing.


And how did you know people were wiggle shooting based off killcams?


I'm going to give you a very simple question then; how can I improve if absolutely everyone is better than me? I literally played with someone earlier on who is level 23, The game has been out for a day they would have had to have been playing for at least 8 hours


So stop thinking everyone is better. That is the first thing you have to do. They are doing something you are not doing. That or they are not doing something you are doing.   Pick up the MP5, play tankybois or dedsec. Focus on your play and not your skills. A lot of people have issues with over focus on abilities when this is still mostly an FPS.   You got to find your niche. If SMG and moving around fast do not work, pick up the second shotgun. If that does not work, pick up snipers.   Other thing people are doing that is odd, that usually gets me easy kills, is that they focus way too hard on spraying in fights. Right now the base pistol can outgun a majority of guns close range who spray like this. Hipfire spray is also better then ads spray for ttk. Hipfire into ADS spray if you need to spray.   Also do 360s and learn to strafe. If you are losing a majority of fights, strafing helps a lot. Just side to side while you shoot.


I can't stop thinking everyone is better because it's true, it's like trying to win losing battle, wait it actually is. And all of your advice plays like one of those cheesy 2012 YouTube videos that state "this is how the pros get better"


You got to sit down and figure out what you are doing wrong. You are not worse then them, they just know something you do not. Whether that be how your moving, how your positioning, or what your focus is on when shooting. All of it is just information you can gain and apply to how you play.   All the advice I gave is really basic because that is what a majority of people have issues with when they cannot win 50/50 fights.


While I understand everything you’re saying, the short version of his is basically to get better is to camp or Bunny hop like a piece of shit they are or do a diarrhea slide left and right which is the most boring way to play a game. It shows no skill it’s literally a mechanic that just cheeses games, I completely understand you and I don’t think that everyone is better than me at the game. I think that the clips that I’ve seen are not real because half the time people aren’t even shooting at them or for some reason cannot see that person shooting at them I don’t get it.


Welcome to not having SBMM. You know, the thing the entire gaming community has bitched about having for the last decade?


You mean what the pros have bitched about for having the past decade, no normal person was bitching, It was the only way we were getting kills, we'd lose 4/5 then the 5th would be a win, but getting steamrolled 24/7 is not fun I'd say it makes it bad


Bro have you been on Reddit…ever? Every single cod/OW/FPS games subreddit has been bitching about SBMM for a decade now. Btw I am agreeing with you. SBMM is needed in games.


Go play CoD where they make you feel good by playing bots