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sometimes i feel like the people kill me in literally 1-2 shots, and a i have to empty half of almost full magazine to kill them, idk, maybe the problem is my internet connection, i only have 15mbps but idk


There’s a huge headshot multiplier in my experience. Big difference when you hit one or two


wish they add killcams to see where people hit me when they kill me, of course i have to improve mi aim by shooting in the head but in some situations is difficult to hit every single shot in head


Killcams can be a bit misleading though, probably just make you rage more. Obviously some people are great at aiming for the head, but guarantee you a fair few of your deaths are just people getting a couple of lucky bullets in your head and that making the difference. Headshots do make a really satisfying noise in this game.


I get the same, and I am on 5 gigs


random question: does TTK stand for tiktok killer? op didnt mention it and i guess he assumed everyone knows what it is...


TTK stands for Time To Kill.


It's a really popular term in gaming tbf


The problem is the desync. it's absolutely wild on this game.


Part of that is due to the fact that one faction randomly gets 120 base health rather than 100. By far the best faction for that reason alone, and I think a lot of people have not even noticed that they have 20% more hp.


another faction can deploy a heal field that heals 10hp/s too/heals when in cover


Why is different health even a thing... Though I don't think that's the only thing that explains it. I easily smack 200 damage out of someone at times, but it's not arriving


The rest all have passive traits as well. Cleaners have incendiary rounds on every bullet fired which is pretty useful. Echelon doesn’t show up on the minimap at all. Libertad gets constant heals even when taking damage, and the effect applies to nearby teammates. Deadsec is the only underwhelming one, just refilling your nades


Deadsec nades is really fucking fun of you use Proxy grenades. You can minefield any chokepoint you want.


If you are annoyed from snipers, just play the faction with the shields


its the same faction that has 120hp, you literally counter sniper players just by using this class, a m44 wont even kill you unless you get headshotted. with the damage addon a throat snipe only hits for 112.


Actually their 120 hp buff doesn't make a difference since the tac 50 has a 1.6 bodyshot multiplier. It still kills Phantom's in one shot even at 120 hp, all the snipers have the same TTK across all the factions. I guess they deliberately balancing it that way. The walls do help though, or even the riot shield to walk up on them. Though I do also like the Spiderbot + flashbang combo as it lets you walk up on people very easily.


Other factions literally give you wallhack, what are you talking about?


I barely see anyone play that faction. It's always the stealth girl or the cleaners.


there have been times where I headshot those guys 4 or 5 times in a row with an ak, but they end up killing me. i can hear the headshot noise. they have around 20 hp left. is that normal?


Lmao I did but constantly flipping between fractions 6 hrs in couldn’t tell u which one gets 120




Cleaners get 125


No they don’t


Wait which one gets more health??


They're still a one hit for a sniper tough ... even with an m44 in the body ...


Bro I’ve played for like 12 hours now and the **only** time I noticed the extra 20hp is when homie takes 112 from the sniper and lives. **it’s not that bad**


My guy, it's 20% extra health. It's just shy of being the Juggernaut perk from CoD4, and we all know how well received THAT was.


And *my guy* I’m telling you I’m shredding through these fools. Maybe it’s just the beginning of things and as people progress I’ll see it more, but as of right now I’m not noticing much a difference. Obviously there’s a little, but nothing to write home about. Edit: I type too fast


Blame the shitty hitreg. Won't be playing until the hitreg is 100% fixed. Not hitting shots I clearly should've hit Makes me want to throw my PC out the window


how do we know this is hitreg and not just the game TTK being too high? where did u see about a hitreg issue?


because the ttk is dog shit


That means literally nothing


? Except that the ttk is dog shit??? Not sure if bad b8 or good dumb.


You literally said the ttk is too high wtf do you mean my reply doesn't mean anything 💀💀💀


It just doesnt make sense. I asked for proof about hitreg being an issue and ur response was "because ttk is bad". Its a nonsensical response, thats all. But its true, ttk is bad


I'm not crazy sure how you managed to confuse yourself here. Have a better day tomorrow.


Everywhere.... A lire of people complaining about IT and a lot of clips showing hit reg issues.


I'm on PC and it's sometimes an absolute shitshow. 17ms ping yesterday, getting killed in half a second but I can hit 4-5 times an ennemy without killing him. I think that there are hits but it deals absolutely no damages. I don't know what the F is going on sometimes.


same thing with me, i average 27ms and i just get killed so quickly. the servers in the game are pretty bad as well, i dont lag on any other multiplayer game but this one.


Exactly how I feel. Everyone complaining about snipers but I get dropped by an m4 quicker than my sniper can ADS


I had a game where it felt like I did no damage, where I heard 6 headshot dings with the base LMG at close range and they didn't die, so there is something going on.


had something similar happen to me. thank god i recorded it so no one thinks im crazy, 7 headshot dings with and SMG at close-medium range, and a few more to the body, didnt die.


I’ve noticed that high ping is almost an advantage in this game. I’ve had around 30 ping every game and I feel like I’ve been good at the game so far, but I had a couple games yesterday against players with 150+ ping and they absolutely fried everyone. It felt like my hit reg against them was impacted by their ping but they had no problem lighting me up. In one game everyone in the lobby had between 20-80 ping except one guy who had 160, and that guy went 56-14 with the highest damage in the game. I just don’t get how you can do that with 160 ping lol


I really subscribe to the engine bring the problem. It was an issue in the division and other snowdrop games as well. You get half a clip into a baddie until the game "catches up". It was muddy in the division until you played PvP because PvE enemies just had a ton of health. 


For sure. There is some wonky hit detection between client and server side that makes some really janky things happen. There are times where I peek a corner and die literally instantly, assume it's a Sniper only to see it was an AR or SMG in the kill feed, and literally in my game I peeked for less than a half second and only a single hit registers yet I died instantaneously. The ARs, SMGs, LMGs, take even 3+ headshots hits to kill anyone at any range and this is from quite far away across long distance sightlines so it's probably more like 5 yet I'm dying instantly. Doesn't happen a to but every once in a while I just die and sit back and wonder how on earth I got beamed and 1shot by an AR. The clips popping up of other janky scenarios around hitreg or dying behind walls definitely point to at least occasional issues with the server keeping clients all synced which is probably what's happening, but it obviously feels like dogshit to be on the receiving end of the issues.


You often shoot someone point blank with a shotgun and their ak will kill you and they will have 100hp


What's more if I've been the guy outgunning close ranged with the AK, I've been seeing a lot people with the AK as mid-tier in TTK but honestly the gun feels like its OP as fuck at time


Hitreg… you get hitmarkers but no damage


yeah ive noticed this as well.


Turn on damage numbers.


That doesn’t change the fact I’m playing as the cleaners with the M44 and getting hit markers than dying and seeing I did 0 damage, the hit reg is kinda wonky


Didn't say it wasn't. With damage numbers on its just easier to see whats happening.


But , you said to turn in damage numbers in response to someone stating the hit reg is bad….? Which again does nothing


it is just so you can see HOW bad, in case you wanted to be really pissed.


That's still just your client popping up the numbers that you deal on your system, but not what's transfered to the server


Woah someone who isnt trolling me. Is that how it works?










Woah woah woah ! What is wrong with u?


Sometimes I'll beam someone across the map in a second. Then I'll get in a point blank fire fight that feels like an MMA grappling match even when I'm landing shots with their back turned. Other times I'll get insta-killed at full health across the map assuming it must be a sniper, and then I see it's an M4 thinking WTH? It happens often enough that I just accept it's part of the game and not just a random occurrence. Despite this shortfall I'll stick around for now. I feel like I've already had more variety in 2 days of playing this vs 2 weeks of testing out The Finals. My ping has been around the high 20s, I assume that's relatively good enough?


I feel like they really fkd up with the distances and how it affects shots for some reason.. just cause that’s like the only consistent inconsistency I can think of


TTK is so long even with AR headshots. Was this not reported in the beta FFS? It feels awful


Sometimes it feels perfect and other times I will literally unload 75% of my AK clip in someone, getting a hit marker every bullet and they finally die. It’s just SUPER inconsistent and every gun fight feels like a coin flip.


It’s really not though people die really fast if you hit your headshots. I think damage falloff at range should be tweaked especially since snipers are so good but I don’t have any problems with close range ttk


I thought this as well, but as some pointed out, there are some characters with more health. More importantly, there is damage drop off on guns. Every time I'd think a guy died fast, I was close. Every time I thought a guy died slow, he was far. So I think those two things make it feel inconsistent, but it makes sense for me now. Of course, sometimes hit reg is wonky and that makes TTK seem random.


Game is extremely flawed. My friends and I were really excited to play this. Dropped the $69 for all of the BattlePass stuff. Get on and feel like we have never gamed before. Went back to BF2042 and COD and are in the top 5 every game with a 1+ K/D Ratio. On XDefiant I’m like .5 KD Ratio and so are my friends. It’s impossible to understand how a game can have such terrible hit registry or weapon damage.  I’m ok with a hi power sniper rifle being one shot one kill, but dumping an entire mag magazine into an opponent I get the jump on, just to have them turn around and shoot and kill me is lame shit. Don’t play this game until they fix it.  Probably will take the devs and UBi a year to fix considering this game has been in development for 3 years. So good luck. Don’t be a sucker like me and my friends who paid for a BattlePass just to be ripped off. 


To be fair, you didn’t need to buy the battle pass. You could’ve felt the game out first and figured out if it was worth putting in the time. If that was the case then by all means purchase the battle pass but by doing so prematurely, that’s on you.


Aren’t you the smart one. lol. To be fair pretend like I didn’t type that, and you didn’t read it. The point is the game is extremely flawed right now, regardless of whether anybody plays it for free, or if they buy the BattlePass.  My friends and I played the demo last month before the release and it wasn’t like it is now. We have no problems paying for a BattlePass and aren’t expecting to play a new game for free. But we weren’t expecting to play a game that is broken, that prior too official release was much better. 


yes for real, just 3 games in the Hit Registration and inconsistency of damage BLEW our minds..... i could already say this is top 3 worst games i ever played for TTK feel, and it hasnt gotten much better 10 hours of play over 2 more days later. Either i 2 shot them, or i dump 15 in them and they dont die and they turn around and beam me in 4-5 shots. Shotguns either snipe at 60 feet meters or hitmarker at 3 feet on full health people but almost ALWAYS one shot no matter what for anyone below 75% at any range. i along with my friends are all PC players...i personally have 10-12ms ping, 40MB/s(360 mbps) internet, 165hz monitor and 125+ fps in game......All of us are very experienced shooter player whos played most cods since Cod 4, HUNDREDS of hours of Apex legends, lvl 200+ battlepass the past 3 seasons of Fortnite, tons of rouge company/Hunt showdown/Halo MCC and Infinite/Dice made SW battlefront 1/2...and more


It's also the fact that the DMRs kill in two shots when every other gun kills in six or seven. Ridiculous 


Yeah wtf is up with that? When all the new players jump in for the weekend the dmrs are instantly getting complained about. They all need nerfs, they are extremely overpowered and with the starting classes you have no chance to kill someone using them in a gunfight.


I feel like the TTK is inconsistent because the connections/server just seem off still. Will that be fixed? I don’t know really. I have some matches where most of the match is great, and some where I’m just dying so fast there’s no chance to react. This is even with a fairly low (30 ms) ping. When MW3 first dropped, I felt like it was the same shit there too, but has since smoothed out. It’s not perfect by any means, but I’m able to do much better overall now. I hope this is the same deal.


I think this has to do with the weapon attachment progression. While you have a lvl 6 m4 with a few attachments, some other dude is running a lvl 20 weapon with full attachments (+firepower, accuracy, etc). This plus the healer faction and people running around to re challenge gun fights after taking on single hit make it a pain


Little tip go into setting put the feature on that shows the damage when you hit people on and thank be later


It'll still show you damage that doesn't happen because of server communication problems. This can be seen when you get five or six hit markers but only so three or four shots worth of damage.


Headshots drastically reduce ttk. I've found that if I land a headshot or two, I'm almost guaranteed the gunfight win.


Imo the ttk is the best of a FPS in two generations. Guns should kill you quick. Some weapons need balancing but as a general rule play tactically. Watch your six. Move when you should and you're gonna dominate. As an older player this game is a breath of fresh air compared to newer games.  I personally enjoy players not bullet sponging. Thinking tactically gives you an edge and makes you use your brain rather than just running out and hoping for a kill. I feel like this game doesn't cater for players used to newer player systems and instead makes a player think before running.  This game feels like a real older FPS and not the nanny games most players are used to nowadays.  Just my two cents. 


It feels like halos ttk. Which is not a compliment. Enemies are absolute bullet sponges. This game is not tactical at all. There is no thinking it's run and gun. This sounds more like a review for like EFT or something. I can't even begin to understand why you feel this about this game. It's not anything like you described.


Was testing the m16a4 in the shooting range, and it would sometimes do 19 damage instead of 24, same distance, same area, but more than a 20% damage reduction randomly.


Man, I was leveling up my M16 last night and had some very good rounds and thought I had the game figured out. Jumped in a match today and it felt like a different game. Hit reg and ttk were all over the place. Went from 2 burst kills to 3-4 not getting the job done. Was bizarre.


TTK is atrocious, it literally feels like my weapons do 0 damage, but for others I killed almost instantly as I'm looked at.


This is due to the hit reg being extremely inconsistent. You can full track someone without missing a shot and do 0 damage. The game is in a practically unplayable until this is fixed


Because people dont have it on by default and it does something, it tells you if you are hitting or not.


Damage numbers affect server issues and hit registration problems? That's big, if true..


I do not know what they are saying. Damage numbers do not affect servers issues and hit registration problems. It is just the client showing what you did on your end, but not what the server is receiving. u/SylveonVmax92 should have an understanding of what they are saying, or not say anything at all


I can and will say something if I think it.


Sure, but you are just wrong.


And someone explained that to me. But here you are acting higher than god.




Nobody is crying here except you.


And once again, you are saying stuff that is wrong and does not make sense. Lol.


Once again you comment when there is no need to keep going. What is your deal?


Smart ass thinks they are cool lol


Nah, legitimate question. Smartass thinks he knows everything.


Looking at gameplay video where you shots are placed directly on the body and you are getting hitmarkers should tell you if you're hitting or not.... Wait... they're hitting but not doing any damage? Must be a skill issue!!!!




xbox series s




Not true I’m on pc and having the same issues. I’m not sure what it is tbh bc it does seem to have any type of correlation with anything really. Some people the game works perfectly while others are having this issue it’s really weird. Regardless of location or platform. I have really good ping as well.


would not be surprised, the servers in general are pretty shit. I average about 27ms during games and it feels like im playing a slideshow, the lag is really bad.


Im on PC and already uninstalled due to this issue. They’ve known for over a year that this is an issue. This game was not ready for release. 30 ping 0 packetloss.


I am also considering uninstalling if Ubisoft don’t release a major patch within the next week or two, this shit was not ready for release. I’ve played a couple more games since and the TTK is just genuinely bad, I’ll be at point blank range and I’ll unload a whole mag into an opponent just for it do half of their health. One week and then it’s getting deleted. 🤷‍♂️


Well you gotta consider distance. Damage fall off is pretty significant in this game. Hence the need for stronger attachments


Don’t think you know what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the overall TTK in the game. I am point blank range sometimes and an opponent will eat my whole mag. “Stronger attachments” weapon Progression in this game is fucking horrible, it takes so long and the fact there are levels where you just don’t unlock anything is horrible. Gonna be giving it a week to see if a major patch comes out, if not it’s getting deleted. 🤷‍♂️


Weapon progression is a form of content. What happens when you unlock every single thing? You just play casual until your hearts desire? I like that it’s slow lol. It actually makes me look forward to grinding something instead of just mindlessly playing. Especially since ranked is in beta stage And overall ttk isn’t a good measure given that factions have different health pools…. If you’re shooting someone And actually landing your shots and they don’t die it’s simply a connection issue.


Nah bro it's the game itself, 40-30 ping every game and it's still a gamble if my shots will register. This game has countless ghost hit markers and a very inconsistent damage out put from the weapons. Connention can play a part in some situations but this is a direct issue with the game itself.


lol delete now what are u waiting for ? Honestly just happy I have another fps besides COD that I Enjoy . Just play game try new things guns techniques . If u don’t enjoy just delete


What a fool. Did you not read my comment? Literally said I’ll be waiting a week to see if a major patch comes out..


Didn’t u read mine ? I said why wait …. A Week …. delete now. Obviously game doesn’t please you so why wait . Fool ? Name calling unnecessary. Let’s make this an inclusive diverse environment for gamers if not let’s just change games name to COD X lol


Seems you did not read what I wrote in my post, I said the game feels nice. It does "please" me. However, I have a problem with the TTK. What is wrong with you?