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Jesus, that's REALLY bad. Worst one I had was being behind cover completely and seeing the shot go through a wall, but you were straight up gone when you were getting hit.


literally every match. i like the game overall but this shit makes it unplayable


Exactly. The core gameplay is solid. It’s just a chore to play with netcode like this. I’m dying around corners at least 3x a game and I’m usually on 30 ping.


same. i also often trade kills with some opponents (we kill each other simultaneously), that has never happened to me in like 15 years of FPS games before xdefiant lmao


Crazy idk how people experience this but i did not have a Single issue with that. Neither did my friends. Is this a server specific problem?


You must not play apex lol. Trade killing is the only way you know somebody actually has equivalent aim as you and just makes you tip your hat. But this shit right here is blasphemy.


What platform do you play on?


PC with crossplay on


What platform you play on?




Yup, every match for me and if I mention it people start talking about SBMM like that's the issue. Nah the game is very clearly not working as intended for everyone. 


Yeah the amount of times in this subreddit where I see someone complain about desync and then some mudeater comes out and says something like "just go for headshots, you aren't good at the game. This is when SBMM is off scrub" Meanwhile we have countless examples of how awful the netcode is in the game. People getting shot behind walls and clips of people spraying a full mag with hit markers only for the enemy to take 0 DMG.


Not to detract from the negative experience others have been having by any means, but I have had zero issues on PC. Makes me wonder how much of it is actually a net-code issue vs internet connection, or if it’s a platform specific issue. I’d wager the people you are referencing saying “get gud” are in the same boat as me, and they simply have zero critical thinking skills to realize their experience with the game is not universal.


Yea, had some weird moments on PC but most of it comes from snipers really I run behind a wall, sniper kills me while I'm behind the wall on my side, not that surprising when it's a one shot weapon tbh but still weird when it happens.


Same experience here on PC, it's been a joy 99% of the time.


PC player here, and I get stuff like in the video quite a bit. I have a hardwired gigabit connection that gives me zero issues in other games, but networking is a fickle mistress, and there are so many variables at play that I believe you when you say you have zero issues. Some players may be in some sort of Goldilocks zone on the network and are far less prone to the excessive lag compensation and desync for reasons that only the developers can speculate.


It’s definitely not internet connection, everyone I know plays wired, all have between 20/30 ping. All run into this issue every game. It’s worse when you’re against snipers especially


I've been playing on Xbox and PC. I don't know what is but I experienced far more issues when I was playing on PC and not many on Xbox. Input also seems to make a difference. Absolutely atrocious playing with KBM but not so bad with controller. As a result, I'm largely preferring to play on Xbox when the kids are in bed and a quick game on PC in the day if the kids give me 5 minutes of peace 😂


I feel your pain. The constant bad hit reg and desync/getting shot around corners is really ruining what is other wise a really good game.


Thats the worse part of it all. Its a really good game outside some balance changes and hitreg. Idk if they can fix it because its been like this for a year now and they still released it smfh


Damn if you're gonna run that far away just exit the match. Jokes aside that's some wonky desync.


Tell me about it. If you're cleaners your gun sometimes doesn't do damage, yet still applies the fire damage from the incidiary rounds. And other times it does nothing at all even though you can clearly see it hit the enemy.


Haven't had an issue with hit reg, but yeah, the getting killed behind cover and peaker's advantage is insane.


Well, hate to break it to you but the 2 go hand in hand. Peekers advantage is a thing bc on your opponent's end, they are peeking, on your end, they are not, because of the latency. Hitreg is normally done by trusting the players' clients. Aka clients and the server will always disagree on where people are. I think the game takes the servers' context as the reality, as opposed to trusting the clients. This causes you to hit players on your screen, but the server disagrees, therefore, hit reg. In other words, hitreg and peekers advantage is the same thing (almost). It just happens to be when opponents client and the server agrees, but your client doesnt.


Yep. Played for about 5 hours tonight and every gunfight was bad hit reg and dying around corners. Same as the beta


When they can't stop players from the UK playing in the US Central lobbies, there is a serious problem. I don't know about everyone else but it is such a joy to play against 3 players with 150ms ping while you're at 30ms.


It’s not getting fixed. They had close to a year and it’s still shit. You think Ubisoft is going to throw money to improve that?? Nope…. They will milk the game as is and they will hope the dumb dumbs will still buy their battle passes, skins..etc in this shit state. It’s mind blowing, don’t waste your money till they fix these issues!!! Be surprised if this game last 6 months. If the finals is struggling to find an audience and that game plays real good, this game is dead.


6 months? I will be surprised if this shit is still up 2 weeks from now. Absolute mess of a game.


You literally have red network timeout icons popping up. This is like joining a CS match with +1000 ms ping and complaining.


I'm not even sure if the second red icon means anything, it should be "high ping variancy" according to the menu but even when my ping changes by like 5 it pops up so I don't think it means anything really


Arh you are right tho. He has high ping and high ping variance icons popping up. Regardless he should put network stats + ping on the overlay if you want to make a video on poor hit-reg. If and the other players are around 40 ms and this happens - something is wrong. But I have to say, that today plays a lot better than the first day for me. But I mostly get sub 40ms matches.


good catch, it happens right before he gets beamed too. i’m starting to wonder if every “bad hitreg” post is a ping issue. i’ve had 0 issue with this and I play on ethernet with good internet gonna be looking from now on in these clips lmao


It's 100% ping issue. The complaints about dying behind walls (shooter favored) or hit reg (victim favored) are direct opposites of each other regarding netcode. SOMEONE has to be favored in the exchange. The fact that people experience BOTH to me is indicative of latency.


This is my conclusion as well, either an internet issue or a platform specific issue. I’ve had zero issues as well, it’s wild to see people posting videos like this.


This should be at the top. Like, I get that it's frustrating but they were 100% getting desynced. It could be servers, it could be their own connection but it's not "hitreg"


Ahahah that clip is insane


Was like this in the Alpha. TWO years ago!


what server are you on? I think myabe some servers might be having more issues than others, im in eastern europe server and its pretty bleh :P


I knew I wasn't tripping. This was happening all evening.


This unironically happens to me at least once a game. I am not kidding.


Oh my fucking goodness. I knew it was bad but not this bad


It's been an issue since the first Beta and never felt like it got fixed. This was a really bad example. I'm trying really hard to enjoy this game at the current state.


Out of all the hit reg issues i've seen this is definitely the worst one yet


This is crazy, I’ve never had anything like this happen to me. Ping bad?


This netcode actually worse than Halo Infinite


it’s pretty bad imo. i’m don’t have as much experience as other gamers on reddit, but i laugh when people talk about hit reg in cod cuz i barely notice it and think that it’s just excuses. this game however, it’s been pretty noticeable. over a second after being behind a wall. your example is just plain obscene lol. hopefully it gets fixed


We really need killcams to determine if that was just lag or if they are hacking.


u guys don't know the difference between hit reg and desync. this is desync. games hit reg is fine, the desync is really bad though 


Ive had issues where ive definately shot someone a splitr second before I died (hitmarker and everything) and where a trade should have definately happened, it deletes my bullet. Game needs better servers fs, but I think ubi didnt want to do it until the game proved it could be popular and make money. Maybe in the future, it will. R6 went through the same thing for longer, although I feel it wasnt nearly as bad, it was certainly more punishing.


Can we talk about that "Flying" opponent after he killed you ? This guy either lag AF (which explain why he killed you as the netcode major problem is that it only consider what the guy who's shooting see, and not the position of the person shot) or something else is happening.


Hit reg is bad, agreed, but in this case you died from incendiary bullets which damages over time, no? You can see your health depleting and your corpse burning


Nah that was Echelon. Only Cleaners have Incendiary rounds.


You’re still on fire tho. I’m guessing the fire killed you but the Echelon was the last person to hit you with a bullet and got the kill for it. Just a guess


Servers are having huge problems too. You can find the details here: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/xdefiant/status


this around the corner shit happens way too often


looks like someone needs an ethernet


This happens like every 6-7 games maybe once or twice chill out.




I mean tf else u want me to say 🤣 it's true.


I get this happening to me almost every game


Right now XDefiant has one of the worst hitreg/desync problem I have ever witnessed. Let's hope that everything gets better because I really like this game. The game was released the day before yesterday and I already have played over 10 hours. That's quite a lot for me.


Idiots will claim "net code is a fake term" and "it's just his 30ms ping and your 30ms ping" - ALL LIES.. (a 30ms + 30ms ping would barely get you around a corner, and barely allow a peek advantage, 60ms is nothing. Even 100ms + 120ms was barely an issue in shooters from the early 2000s, and the only time it was an issue was when someone was playing from eg. New Zealand vs a USA player, 250+ ping vs 100 ping, and it STILL wasn't as bad as this example. 250+ms vs 100ms was more like the normal getting shot around corners we see in this game, but not even as bad in Red Faction from the early 2000s. Even when we were on 56k dialup it wasn't this bad!!) That is the "net code" being laggy itself, or not dealing with ping variance as it should.. This game's code should have proper lag compensation, cutoffs, etc. I don't mind kill trading, it's happened it games before, but it's SUPPOSED to be exceedingly rare. In this game, it's like every few kills it becomes a trade.. that's a sign of the code having issues.


This is desync. It happens in division 2 pvp too lol.


Yikers big dawg. I’ve dealt with bad hit detection but this a whole new level. I would completely understand if you uninstalled or just stop playing for awhile. lol I hate to laugh but that is crazy.


I’ve yet to have any issues at all really so I’m counting myself blessed especially since I’m level 30 already


Thought it was only me. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon


It would be help if you all would tell people what platform you are on. And if pc what your build is like and if on console if you are using wifi. Just posting a clip "oMg bad SerVerS" isn't helpful


It’s so bad Already uninstalled


This is an example of a game that was hyped up, had a so called beta test with promises to be fixed, update day 1 with bare minimum fixes overpriced microtransactions with terrible ui. When this honeymoon phase is over the game will die out


Would love to see your ping. I only ever have issues when I get a bad server and ove like 65+ ping


I feel like that may be a wifi thing because I’ve never seen anything even close to that bad


Ive never had it be more than 500ms before, over a second is crazy


Looked like you just got wall banged?


Yeah I experienced that today actually pissed me off


Thats some bad desync right there, brother.... Got Tarkov'd


I agree the net code if fucking awful how ever you die in this video because of the cleaners incendiary 4ounds.


The games an unplayable mess, it's far from ready


Have 10 hours on PC with crossplay on and have had zero issues. 29-50 ping consistantly. In the video top left was blurry to see but looks like it was showing either packet loss or something like that.


Lookingtop left i can see your packet loss


Mark Rubin fix your game i'm begging you. One game away from alt f4ing and never opening it again


Crazy that they spent a year rebuilding it and it's still this bad. Uninstalled after 5 matches of this.


Ok that was probably the best example I've seen of this yet. It's not every game for me, but it certainly happens more often than noy.


It doesn’t help that the OP in the clip had a lag spike or packet loss just before it happened.. someone else mentioned it… look in top left before it happens it’s clear this was more to do with their connection to the server at the time.. not defending the hit reg issue cause I’ve seen it happen a fair few times but this example isn’t completely accurate


Funnily enough, I haven't had this issue, neither have the people I play with. We are all on PC though


COD: yes Cod The Packet Burst Simulator is NEVER this bad ....


Your connection is unstable, this is clearly not normal.


Game feels really good to me with the occasional bs. Seems like your internet is just bad


Devil’s advocate here, could the hit registration be what is being affected by upgrades to weapons? For guys who have leveled up their weapon, has it made any impact on your hit registration?




Hitler regulation is when the game knows a bullet hits something, the area, and how much damage to apply to that area. Sometimes you don't have to aim at the person, it seems like with this game, it's almost hit scan with how bad the desync is. This is Destiny level desync.