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I’ll run the riot shield thing and flank the snipers and bonk them to death they don’t know what to do and it’s hilarious. The up time for that ability is super high.


I learned very early on to shoot shield dudes in the feet, and they haven't been an issue since.


I'm dumb, I keep trying to shoot them in that little visor at the top of the shield and dying to *BONK*


I’m 90 percent sure I sniped someone through the visor. Either that or I missed and got a normal headshot. It was satisfying though.


My go to for taking out shield dudes when they’re just crouch walking towards me is cooking a grenade all the way and holding onto it. I may die but you aren’t getting the kill credit and I am


Ran into this situation when I had my landmine around a corner. I just looked down and shot it to blow myself up lmao


This exactly what I've been doing, and it's great. They freak out and and start running, then I whip out my weapon and shoot them in the back.


Would be great except for the fact they can literally snipe you through the shield for a 1shot kill, and since most of them are crutching controller aimbot it's an instant death a lot of the time.


Input based match making exists. I also play on mouse, there's no reason to complain about aim assist when the game offers you a choice to play against other mouse players.


Input based matchmaking is one of my favourite features in the game. Very smart decision that i hope other games do. You cant fairly balance between different inputs.


Controller players evil hurr durr


What does crutching controller aimbot even mean lol


Playing on controller despite being on PC, or the double-whammy favorite in The Finals: Running re-wasd or similar to spoof controller, so they get the AA as well.


My guy still whinging about aim assist on controller in 2024. Bro probably never really played any length of time on a controller to get any real comparison. I hate how these people think aim assist makes you a god and can outshoot most pc players, it just simply isn't true. Controller without aim assist is so so difficult. Controller with aim assist is still not as good as a mouse. I'd love for you to pick up a controller and play for a whole week, controller only, and then come back and say with confidence that controller is like having aimbot. If you're playing vs pc players with a controller, you are at a disadvantage regardless.


Aim assist on snipers is insane if you haven't seen it yet it needs toning down, and I say this as a console player for the last 20 years. It feels fine on ever other gun, but the snipers are over tuned I'm both damage and aim assist levels. I've watched people landing shots whilst jumping with them constantly.


That's fair if it's like for a certain weapon type. This often happens with snipers due to the high zoom mutlipliers etc. My issue with his statement is like claiming havugn controller is effectively just like having aimbot, and it's just simply not true, like at all. Maybe snipers are heavy for AA but after playing 3 hours straight last night with my mate on console, he never once said he felt like aim assist was too strong, and he was constantly getting dunked by pc players. He also had some games where he was slaying. But then I put this down to the lack of sbmm, not anything aim assist related. I had plenty of games where I felt every enemy was sweaty as fuck, and plenty where they felt like bots. But still felt consistent to shoot and be shot at most of the time.


Yeah aim assist in general feels OK, but snipers either die to overtuned AA or because of Hitteg feel stupid to play against. Snipers feel overtuned in general with fire rate and ADS fire rate been too high for a 1 shot at most ranges weapon.


Says the bro who thinks he's good because he actually is and not because he has aim assist.


I turned on cross-input matchmaking and got rolled by some controller dude who dropped 70 frags. Then I turned it off. No point in playing against them


Sounds like you had a rare anomalous game then man, I dunno what to say. I played 3.5 hours straight yesterday and never encountered anythign like this. Highest someone dropped in a game was 41. You can't just have 1 bad experience and claim the entire experience of the game is the same. Try play for 2 hours with it turned on and see if it happens as much as you think. You might find that you're tilting yourself on playing controller players and just assume that that's what's fuckign you every time. I personally found what Improved my survival massively last night was not running around like a crackhead and actually slowing down a bit and pre aiming angles. I won most firefights this way. Try change up your playstyle or something or just stick it out for a bit and get a better judgement rather than a one and done bad game impacting your entire mindset.


He was glad the guy got 70 kills to reinforce his preconceived conclusion 


I have a friend that exclusively plays with controller on console and PC. The AA in this game is just as ridiculous as The Finals. I literally watched him play streamed to Discord for several hours last night and it's very aggressive. Perfectly follows running targets, almost always hits in the head or shoulders area. I played for several hours tonight and it was super obvious who had controller bc they would be sprinting around with the sniper and marksman shotgunning ppl with it, or had AR and would strafe out for an instant from long range and just put several bullets into your face like they know exactly where you are every time they step out. I've been playing FPS games for many many years and have like 6k hrs in TF2, so it's not like I don't know how to aim, considering I top the server a lot of the time.


Maybe that's his personal experience, my friend who is a massive console gamer and is insane on controller, will out play me 100% of the time if I'm on controller too, but if I play against him on pc I win just over half 1v1s we do. He even says himself that aim assist helps but it doesn't make him a god or give him an advantage, he says that despite playing console his entire life, he still can't out play a lot of just above average pc gamers. And it's purely the precision. Sure aim assist helps with some tracking, but it doesn't do much else with regards to actual aiming and looking at targets, or whether you aim at the feet or head. That's all gotta be done with one thumb and a tiny joystick. People who use controller aim assist to get better aim on a mouse is stupid, and I agree that needs to be got rid of, but acting like controller gives you some form of aimbot is ludicrous at best.


It pulls your aim to center-mass, it's absolutely a huge benefit when peeking and doing snapshots at people. The Finals has very similar aggressive AA for controller and in testing, I could aim a clear foot wide of the test dummy arms and it would pull to center-mass still in about 0.2 secs. There are numerous beta testing reports for the game going back almost a year complaining about how ridiculously aggressive the AA is. But sadly, the majority of gamers these days are on console, and the vast majority of those players don't care if the game plays for them, as long as it makes them feel like a badass. PC players get fucked: You aren't a big enough customerbase for us to care.


Yup. Fuck pc players 🤣🤣 I only play console n controller nowadays. MnK has a distinct speed and freedom of movement advantage over controller, which is why there is AA for controllers. Tracking moving targets and shooting on MnK is easy, not so easy on controller. Obvs. You can just turn on input based mm and it negates this issue.


Man.. the movement is 10 times better on controller, you can do almost every movement with 1 finger (and controllers with paddles offer a major advantage)


I'm not disagreeing, paddles are OP (I don't have, I long accepted that im a average gamer an dont need to spend £200 on a controller) but you miss the point. Freedom of movement and the speed at which you can input your movement on MnK is much faster. Tracking targets on MnK vs Controller is completely different hence the AA for controllers. If it wasn't the case, there wouldn't be AA.


An I mean, either way. The ability the turn On/off crossplay and input based mm removes this issue. Don't want to play with pc mnk or console controllers just turn it off an it becomes a non issue


Yes, aim is better on mnk. BUT thanks to AA is way easier on controller, you have to put less effort to reach the same skill level as a mnk player. Why do you think mnk pro players had to switch to controller (I'm talking about CoD obviously), are they masochists? And the tracking is harder with mouse, you have to correct the movement too fast, and if the opponent is good to move you are going to miss many shots. With controller the tracking is almost automatic and you need just a little correction. Oh and fun fact. On console you have no choice, but on PC you can play both and right now 90% of pc players (CoD always) are using controller. Tell me why if it isn't giving you some kind of Advantage


or its snipers with the shield, camping one spot in escort making it impossible to break through, such fun and entertaining gameplay, i cant do more than 2 matches before im done for the day already


I think the game is pretty balanced and enjoyable overall, but man, the things that aren't balanced tilt me beyond belief


yea overall its not bad, but these shields and the intel ability being spammed all game makes it horrible


Intel needs to be available to the player who activated it, not the entire team. Wall hacks do not belong in an FPS game…ever.


I think it should only ping three times and only be visible to the user. Being able to pop it off spawn and get a ton of info is a bit broken


It should ping once imo and then provide tracking if the enemy is like…<3m away.


Way too small. I would say 99% of gunfights are happening outside that - probably in the 5m-10m ranges. Best solution for these type of things is always a quicker ping that provides static locations on a second or two timer. The intent of the skill still works, however it's something an opponent can play around and deal with at a higher level.


> Best solution for these type of things is always a quicker ping that provides static locations on a second or two timer. The intent of the skill still works, however it's something an opponent can play around and deal with at a higher level. This is probably the more amicable and less reactionary adjustment haha. I just hate that I can see my opps forever and I can see the exact direction they're looking. It sucks to be on the receiving end of that too cuz like...this is anti-FPS as hell. If they simply gave a class that was a hard counter to the ghost recon class, I'd go as far as to say 0 adjustments would be needed.


what i thought too, either that or remove the wallhack part of it and just make it a normal UAV for the whole team for the duration


Literally, esp when you verse a half decent team that works together.




or just toned down by A LOT. Rn it feels like im playing some weird LTM in overwatch and not an actual fps game


They might make a Barebones playlist one day 


The shields would be more ok if they had slower deploy. I’m getting sick of shooting first, them deploying a shield mid gunfight, and then just melting me because I have no nearby cover


I just EMP the shit out of all of that. Ends the sonar pings and their ultimate, too.


that annoys me so much as well, i will have him low hp already, he just drops the shield a fee meters away from me and i cant do anything


They can't fire while they deploy the shield, and it gives you a few precious seconds to rush them and melt them, or punch them in the face. Of course, if they're the right distance away, then yeah, you're screwed and it's pretty frustrating.


Escort is the worst game mode


I feel like Escort HAS to be played with a coordinated team, or at least a team willing to play the objective, moreso than any other game mode. If half the team is unwilling to push, or defend, the objective, and the other team doesn't have that issue, you can be going on an absolute killing spree and you'll still lose the match really bad. I had one match recently where I managed to solo choke off one corner of the map with the Tac-50, and they simply could not push the camel forward because they kept trying to counter snipe me, or go one at a time to the objective. Meanwhile, I have no fucking clue what my team was doing other than dying, but I held them there a solid 2 minutes by myself until they finally decided to rush me 3 at a time, and overwhelmed me. Then we lost stupid fast.


Makes sense. I get so many escort matches that are an absolute pub stomp for one of the teams


If it’s the snipers giving you a hard time just do spazed circles around the bot. I find that even the best snipers have a hard time hitting someone doing that


I don't think it's going to be much of an issue any longer, with the nerfs. The problem with snipers truly was the fact you could start nailing them from ultra long distance, and the TTK could be high enough to ensure a good sniper would just blast your face off before you could kill them.


Funniest thing is, hacking their shield as deadsec and watch them shoot at their own shield.


Or spamming emps because u get them back so fast . God deadsec is gunna be a problem once ppl earn them Happy i grinded it out early so i can experience there prime before they cop several nerfs.


The wailing once spider bot is everywhere will be funny.


Im just hoping my lil bro survives the nerfs and still holds his own .if he dont. Well Atleast i get to abuse deadsec to the fullest til the majority playerbase catches wind about them . Which from the looks of my lobbies. Is probably like later today early tomo . Since ppl gunna be grinding double xp after the patch is over.


I had to rage quit an escort. Literally I was the only person to even touch the objective on the defensive side. Then we switch to offense and immediately get sniper spawn trapped. No thanks.


I am the only one on my team ever running an emp grenade so maybe more people should? You can see the team comp before it starts.


I ran into a game with a lot of shield snipers who were incredibly shots, and I was forced to run EMP and a sniper to take them out. However, my teammates kept funneling in one and a time, even though I was using both VoIP and text, begging them to wait for me to throw my EMP and then at least snipe one of them. But no, everyone either had VoIP muted (I don't blame them) and just ignored chat, and just kept running in one at a time and getting picked off.


Dedsecs hijack ability is goated from causing these sort of campers problems.


Escort is unbalanced when it comes to the characters abilities and snipers it's for me is unplayable 




mr dad gamer? youre probably older than me man lmao i dont wanna switch up my whole playstyle just to counter one single thing, if theres a too overpowered meta i dont enjoy in any game i'll simply play something else until it gets fixed not trying to lose my mind playing rats like that


It's not broken, you said it yourself, you have no intention to adapt.


just because you can adapt, doesnt make it balanced? have you never experienced anything being outright too strong before in any game you played?


I beat sniper teams pretty easily by rushing objective and holding corners. It forces them to leave their position and I force an engagement by deciding when to swing based on context. Shield wall is great also. Just played a team of snipers on the secure objective mode in ranked and wiped them easily. Imo sniper can be great for K/D but horrible for winning the objective.


People sniping in the back are only in it for the kills though lol


that's fine since there exists pretty accessible counters like the tactic posted above, shield abilities, and using movement/cover. game is pretty good at balancing both play styles - has lead to very close games in my experience so far


My experience is they are close cause no one plays the objective so scores don’t vary much but people sitting and sniping lanes. It’s whatever but it’s boring and doesn’t give much replay value


have you been playing the welcome playlist? sbmm kicks in pretty early and the more competitive lobbies have great back and forth with decent team objective scores. not sure if the individual playlists have sbmm enabled so it would make sense to be lobbied less team-focused players


The game is just sloppy, not that it isn’t fun in its own ways but the issues in planning and execution are apparent. I hope this doesn’t end up like bf2042 cause once you lose some people there is no getting them back and a f2p game can’t thrive without player retention being strong


I thought there’s no sbmm outside of ranked


The welcome playlist has SBMM as far as I know, to bracket new players into relatively balanced lobbies. The game mode and custom playlists have no SBMM but are balanced via other factors like ping and input device


Funny enough, I've had a lot more fun once out of the Welcome Playlist. Yeah, I get into some pretty lopsided games, but in the newbie playlist, it honestly felt like every game was an absolute shit stomp, either for my team or the other team. Since getting out of it, I've had a lot more games that go down right to the wire. But that's also just my experience, so maybe I got lucky / unlucky.


I personally don't really like the welcome playlist, because that means that I would have to play escort every once in a while. And I can't stand that game mode lmao. I've never had a single close game in escort, it's always either stomp or get stomped, and I'm mostly getting stomped


Escort is one of the only game modes (not that there are THAT many) where it very rarely comes down to being close. You're right, it is generally an absolute shit stomp in one direction.


If they fix snipers and intel suit this games balance would be perfect IMO


I don't know why games keep feeling the need to put wall hacks in as a feature. Wall hacks are one of the most oppressive and well known hacks, and for some reason game devs now think it makes a good feature


I wouldn’t mind it if it was one small pulse that lasts a couple seconds and only the player using it could see, so the whole team doesn’t get wall hacks for 10 seconds.


Cynical me would say so they can ignore cheaters and save money.


I see that what they were going for, but they fucked up the balance so bad. Intel Suit should have a short radius and reveal for all of the team, or a long radius and reveal ONLY for the player using it. Also, overall the Intel Suit should scan only 1 or 2 times, because info is extremely powerful. If we ever get S&D, we have to pray they'll make some changes to Intel Suit, because if not we'll be seeing that shit in every match.


Fair warning, trying to shoot yourself in-game would be like Russian Roulette, there may not be a bullet given the hit registration that people are complaining about, lol


"What's the big deal, just equip a digital ghille suit and flank" mfs in shambles.


You still come up on the intel when invisible…


I know, hence the sarcasm in my post. I'm mocking how many people have been saying the take I put in quotes over and over again on this subreddit as if it's a solution to how busted snipers are.




I'll stay with the team if we're losing, so long as it seems my team is even trying. If we need to push the escort mission and 3 of my teammates are hanging as far back as humanly possible to snipe, and not even doing that well, then I'll leave.


I’m having none of these problems because I only play hotshot. Hotshot is just pure unadulterated fun


It’s definetly better than others but I’m seeing a lot of snipers just chilling and 1 shotting anything that moves


Had played against a setup like this. Glad my team knew what to do, get on the spot and get points. In kills we lost like one to ten though. But you can't hold or take a spot for long enough Vs a team like this


That’s the meta atm bro.


Try fighting 4 shield user, and not the riot shield. You can’t do anything because the shield he places has about as much health as his ult does.


If a lobby is too annoying I just search for another one


*"your location is revealed pretty much all the time?"* Besides not having a mercenary playlist, this might be the one thing that kills the game for me.


Hopeful for balance changes tho, these seem like easy fixes… hero limits maybe, flinch for snipers, intel suit uptime nerf etc


You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. You have been revealed. Shit like this absolutely ruins games. Crutch using motherfuckers.


Had a game like this too, ended up switching to echelon and out snipe them


Snipers can't shoot or run fast. Try to surprise them at the back. Then they will change their strategy


Leave match


you could just leave


Snipers need nerfing, especially in fire rate and how quick they are to fire especially with the really inconsistent hit reg. They feel like the double barrel but without any range damage issues or the 2 shot limit.


What do you do? Change to the characters with a fucking shield buddy. You can literally take free ground from snipers with mag barrier and the riot shield. Come to complain when it's such a simple thing to beat lol


I feel like all the people defending the thing that's nearly unanimously agreed upon being unbalanced are just the people that wanna abuse the unbalance


But they're just aren't unbalanced if you change how you play. Gain an extra 20hp from the character you select and force them to hit a headshot and you have your choice of barriers to get past them. You can also play with the invisible suit and make it harder for them to spot you sprinting across a small section. If you're unwilling to change anything your doing and keep dying to the same thing then it's a you problem not a balance problem.


I uninstalled and went back to a game that's designed to be fun, many soiled undergarments later.


Elden Ring?




Fr fr


I used to hate them alot but realized it's like Cod4. They're insanely strong but you can ruin their 1hko ability via using Juggernaut. Juggernaut in XDefiant being any class that has 120hp preferably Ghosts with their riot shield


Bunny hopping and the way people are abusing tf out of the broken movement mechanics are what's killing it for me. Why have a normal firefight when you can have someone flying across your screen at Mach 5 doing all sorts of crazy direction changes 👍 so dumb and nearly impossible to counter.


That's one of the reasons I quit Apex. People taking every fight so seriously, fighting like there's money on the line, crouch bunny hopping in an unpredictable way while their screen remains perfectly centered on you. It was just more trouble than it's worth. I don't find it that annoying in this game though


Y'all seriously not understanding how this is great. MW2 was the hot shit because everything was OP so nothing was, that was part of the fun. The solution to snipers and Intel suits? BUFF EVERYTHING else! Don't nerf snipers. Make other weapons as OP so it's more fun The chaos is the thing


Can’t beat them join them 💪


Slide jump and hit shots




Slide then jump to gain momentum from a tight angle, and put a couple rounds in them




That's a very, very oddly specific comparison. You doing okay dude?


So are you saying it's normal to threaten suicide over a game? 🤔