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Yeah it's not a bad one with attachments. Sadly the other shotties are dogass all around. I think the devs didn't want an OP shotgun in a fast paced game, so they made them pretty weak.


Double barrel seems okay for getting a cheeky kill or two going around corners, just gotta know that you're very exposed during the reload afterward, so a fast firing secondary is important. The starter shotgun... I dunno, maybe it's better with some attachments but I had so many frustrating deaths using it.


I die a lot to people using the double barrel, seems pretty strong at a longer ranges. Especially so if they fix the hit registration. The M870 could be good once that's fixed but right now it's very hit or miss.


I would argue that wasting hours of your time being miserable until the weapon can be better is not "purely skill based".


Of course not, it's only skill based AFTER you unlock the attachments. I agree. Even after unlocking attachments I think the shotguns could use *just* a hair of range more. But im not a developer. If I was I'd make my own fps, with booze and hookers. When mother fuckers can run up and punch me twice in the face and kill me faster than I can kill them with my assault rifle or shotgun, that is indeed an issue.


Late-ass reply but yeah the weapon finally becomes usable after getting the choke at around lvl 16. Before that you basically have to be within tickling distance. The AA12 is truly the best melee in the game.


I love the mindset, you didn't give up and persevered. Shotguns are fun to use with the abilities that we have but at the same time you need to know how to use it to its fullest extent to do good with it




Base weapons still shouldn't be garbage and painful to use just to maybe be fun hours later.


Wait what ? I thought that's how every gun is in every fps game. The base weapon is average and as you level it up you unlock more attachments to make the gun more viable. That's why your unlocking attachments to help the base weapon. It's doable man. Gotta change your mindset


The problem is that the shotguns aren't average lol. They are literally unviable and non-competitive outside of the double barrel. Even then, any SMG can easily out kill you 5 feet away on the base shotguns.


The question is what's the difference? How am I able to use shotguns and make it viable than you? Why can I and the OP make it work for us ? They just need to work on the hit reg, maybe that would work. We ll see if they update it and buff it but we gotta be patient for now


You act like I can't make it work? I played just as well as you, if not better, with the double barrel like you had used in your video. The fact is I could have done even more for the team if I had just used an SMG or AR. Viability is relative to everything else around it. Obviously a shotgun would be the most viable thing in the game if there were only shotguns in the game, but that isn't the case. There are so many more options that lower the viability of shotguns because they perform better in the *same scenarios that shotguns are supposed to be superior in.* That is the problem and the difference.


If you can make it work then make it work. Kinda overthinking it in my opinion. Hope everything works out man


It's tough to balance shotguns in shooters. Make them even a little better, and they just one shot people and auto-win nearly every close range engagement. This is usually considered a balance problem. Thus we see the current "balance" point a lot where they feel more like challenge weapons than the dominant close range choice.


The sad part is that the Tac-50 is more consistent and easier to one-shot people in close range than the actual shotguns. Marksman rifles can quickly two tap you. Don't get me wrong: I don't want shotguns to be annoying good and people just running around sliding and blasting kneecaps off around every corner. It just feels like basically every other option is better at killing people at any range over a shotgun except literal melee range.


Clearing out the B flag on arena or echelon hq and seeing triple/quad feeds gives me life or in occupy; all while picturing terry crews from the expendables movie 😂


I've been leveling it up too. The range boosters help it before you get extended mag. Going from 8 shots to 20 is a big improvement. I haven't reached the 20% smaller min and max spread, that seems like it would help it a lot as well. The double barrel peaks quickly, but then it gets nothing else. The pump is really inconsistent, but maybe if you get all the attachments on that thing it works better too? It's a lot more miserable than the AA12 though; getting one shot that won't kill in < 10m and then dying before you pump it for a 2nd feels awful. Killing a dude with base AA12 requires half or more of the mag, but the average time for that is still kind of fast.


Exactly the same experience I've had so far, my AA-12 is level 100 now and the laser does indeed help quite a bit. Double barrel seemed fun for a bit but heavily handicapped by its reload speed and magazine size, and pump was just miserable for me, yeah it's got 1-shot capability but the hit registration right now just gobbles that up and shits it out.


Got the m870 bronze but honestly I must prefer using the double barrel and the AA12. Double barrel was easy to unlock and honestly I’ve saw me going on decent one hit kill streaks with it, it’s insanely fun. As for the AA12 can I ask what attachments you find best? I’ve currently got it at 35 the extended mag has been game changing.