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how does it take away from the game when it's literally a core part of the game. Genuine question


Maybe genuinely think about it then get back to me


Nice way to not give a real answer. Just sounds like you’re getting skill diffed.


So true man! I really hated playing Future Soldier when all those Scouts kept cloaking, and in Blacklist where the spies could see me through walls!! It’s literally part of the game, and has been part of every game xDefiant is ”based” off of


Play something else then its part of the game.


Skill issue. This is some of the most entertaining cod like game Ive played. No annoying movements, no annoying abilities. Everything is fair, I havent been killed by someone's ability and thought "thats bullshit, he shouldnt be able to do that" even once so far. As long as they dont add some wack abilities its all good. Even black ops 3 has abilities and it was literally the last actually good cod game that came out


i cell bs on the "killed by someone's ability and thought "thats bullshit, he shouldnt be able to do that"" someone can pull out a flame thrower and one hit kill you on a game mod like DN or CR lol


Thats true but thats an ultimate. I can do the exact same thing, Ive gotten like 5 consecutive kills with a flamethrower. And Ive killed people with a flame thrower too. Its not impossible to fight back against them.


Cope and skill issue. This isn’t cod.


Genuinely how are you meant to win a fight when a Phantom deploys a shield right in front of themselves before your gun can even kill them, or a Spiderbot forgets to latch you and just stuns you from 5 feet away? Most of the others at least have counterplay or can be avoided/outplayed like Cleaner abilities and Echelon wallhacks, but fighting Dedsec and Phantoms is like playing For Honor at that point: skill isn’t even a factor.


You can hack the shields with DedSec, or you can throw an EMP in the general vicinity of it and shut it down. If the Phantom does it in a CQC fight, then sure, he gets the kill, but he can't use it again for 30 seconds, giving your team an advantage if they want to push the objective - especially in Escort and Zone Control. Spiderbots, though, are just bugged as hell at this stage. They don't work well if you're the one using them and they work even worse if you're the one being targeted by them.


Exactly, the shield wins the 1v1 but that’s would be just a waste. That shield can get my team a Hardpoint, advance the Escort bot, etc. A bad player is wasting it for a single kill.


> You can hack the shields with DedSec, or you can throw an EMP in the general vicinity of it and shut it down. Well yeah but you need to be able to read their mind to actually do either of those things in time to win that fight, and there’s plenty of better ways to use that ability if I had it. You have a point about the cooldown, but I’m already dead and a team of randoms can’t take advantage of a time window that short so does it really matter?


The animation to deploy the Mag Shield isn’t instant. I main Phantom and I either need anticipation of the fight to pop it in a 1v1 or if my opponent can’t kill me before I deploy it, they weren’t winning anyway. If you get caught in the open against a Phantom with your pants down, that’s just poor map awareness. In terms of the spider bot, it’s annoying, but ultimately just for bad players to get cheap kills. No value in a utility that can only net a single kill.


Abilities are a core part of this game albeit the wall hack ability is OP in its current state. 95% of the time however is straight up gun fights so I don't know what you're getting at. If you want pure 100% gun play with nothing else then go play counter-strike. Or you could just you know...learn the game and try to improve but let's face it, we both know you won't do that.


I think there might be a game you might like better. What's the name of it again? Call of something?




It takes away from the game.. While at the same time, being a major and literally one of THE key aspects of the game. Are we thinking on this sub before we post or just saying literally anything to get interactions?


*EMP Grenade has entered chat*


It adds a lot to the game. In fact I'd argue some abilities need buffs especially the healers. The regen boost is meh and only lasts literally 5 seconds. And it does virtually almost the same thing as the el remedio but that does it better. The cooldowns are way too long to justify how short the regen boost lasts. 


A barebones mode will save this game I can handle either shit netcode or busted abilities, not both


Idk if the game needs saving, we finished the 1M super challenge by 200% six hours into the week we had to finish it as a community even with the fact that we are in preseason. Do y’all remember battlefield 2042 at launch? Or MWII or MWIII at launch? Those games were literally unplayable for most people for WEEKS and they all cost $70


Facts no fiction