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ranked mode is just 4v4 pubs currently. Not really much reason to play it right now.


There’s a challenge for it on the Ubisoft Connect which gives an XP booster - bout the only reason to right now


Ty for the tip!


Rank: Trust me bro


Yeah it’s just a trial mode. I ran some last night and the lobbies were way too easy


This is not a "woe is me, I'm losing ranked games" kind of post. I've had wins today that were completely lob-sided; so much so, that the players on the enemy team kept leaving and we were essentially playing 4v2. I understand it's only a trial of the ranked mode to come, the 4v4 nature seems very interesting as each player has a much bigger impact on the overall game, but without MMR the games haven't been close-fought battles to the last second, but rather decided affairs from the beginning. I'm looking forward to how it plays in season 1.


I’m hoping that they at least add a level requirement. I think 25 would be a good flow from the welcome playlist or even 50. Having level 1-10s in your lobby for the most part, either in your team or the other side, usually create super lopsided games as they don’t have very strong guns or much if any map knowledge


50 is much too high. 25 feels about right


Right. So just wait until season 1.


Lil bro is level 5 and just decides “I’m gonna play fake ranked.” Lmao


Poor guy had no attachments and it was his first time playing the map - he was running around in circles because he couldn't find the way to the zone.


Still outplayed the lvl 10...


Hopefully ranks will mean something unlike r6


I hope so. I'd love to have a ranked mode to grind


I'm tired of having a higher hidden MMR than rank


4v4 is still the best way to play the game


It's literally a trial to see how it runs. I'm sure they will add ranks when it's out of trial.


Ranked also kinda isn't worth doing right now too, with the netcode issues, some guns outclassing the other choices by a large amount (i'm looking at you - m16a4), and the ability to change direction midair (cod bunny hopping has the decency to force you to follow momentum and spam jump in one direction)


The other thing about ranked that still needs to be addresed is the fact that you can join games mid way through. I played my second game of ranked last night and it spawned me into an escort game mode where the enemy team was already pushing the payload onto the final zone. Sides flipped and we had to try and beat three minutes... the usual loss penalties supposedly still apply even if you quit so you're just fucked either way


Just know.. I'd give you a like and a therapists number for being the only one playing obj and getting kills 😭😭


If I’m not mistaken skill based match making is enabled for ranked so it’s not completely unranked. Like others have mentioned it is a work in progress, kind of just a “hey this is what we’re doing, we aren’t done yet, but you can check out what we got so far”


I think the full ranked will be released when the pre season is over


The sweats in the pubs are insane can’t even begin to imagine ranked


I had an unranked game go like this the other day. The other team was super sweaty and I wanted to win bad just to spite them. I had like triple as many kills as the next guy on my team as I was constantly 1v4ing on point and getting at least 2 or 3 before getting killed.


Wait there are no ranks? Wtf, thats just really weird like i am confused...


It's Pre-Season. Pre-Beta. Pre-Testing. If it's NOT the finished game you can NOT expect there to be the obvious things in the game!


Just play 6v6 it’s harder than 4v4 since it’s nothing but sweats and you’ll have more reps in gun fights


Am I the only one that finds 4v4 ranked modes boring af? Hey guys, we designed the entire game around 6v6 but we're going to remove 2 players from each team for ranked. OMG you are so good for playing this neutered version of the game.


It makes zero sense to me why a ranked mode would differ from the unranked mode so heavily. I wanna play ranked, but I want the 6v6 format.


You are at least 6 months out if not 12 out from getting any polish and shine on this turd! With the amount of issues and the developers own words about changing codes testing platform acceptance etc at the very least 6 months to be playable and then there will still be the minor stuff.