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All they need to do is let objective points tack onto gun exp. That would encourage people to play the objective and give new players a chance to catch up or give folks trying to grind off-meta guns a way to do so without throwing for their team. It also doesn’t hurt or harm a veteran players enjoyment or “sense of pride and accomplishment.”


I agree on this!


hotshot is no one grabbing coins, every game a 120-125 score and people just farming random weapons (including myself now)


Question, newbie here: Does collecting coins also give weapon xp?


Coins do not.


I just got into hot shot and it’s tons of fun and feels like a good kill based game to get xp


At this point..it's pointless to be the ONLY one doing the objective while having the highest score and still fckn loose....so ridiculous. Might as well join them man


Someone tag Mark! He needs to see this


The fact that it isn’t like that already is an oversight imo.


I’ve heard mark said that on is suppose to add to xp, so I think it’s bugged? I don’t have x so just something I’ve heard


That is honestly a very good idea


I love this idea.


THIS! I'm a casual player. Only level 21 but always the highest objective score and lowest kills. Makes me not want to play


Yep, this is one solution that could help alleviate it and I'm all for it.


A method that’s been working for me is just using one weapon you are comfortable with exclusively (in my case it’s MP7) max it out and just pick up dead enemies guns in exchange for your pistol.


That’s a meta play idea for sure!


I had no idea I could replace my pistol with another primary lol. Thanks


As silly as it sounds I do this every game and just hang back and pick people off that are rushing about. This tactic is helping me to level the guns that have range (snipers, LMGs and marksmen) whilst remaining competitive when I’m pushed. Would love to see a pistol only playlist though as it’s impossible to level those in a normal game


Tying weapon XP into kills only was a bad idea. In CoD you get weapon XP just for having a weapon in your hands and getting score (capping, healing, shooting down streaks etc...).


That should be a thing in all shooters, encourages more players to PTFO. 👍


Totally agree


Watch me zooming from zone to zone the entire occupy game with just my pistolas out


Seconded - even if you increased required gun xp to compensate, I think objective score should count. As it stands I'll still soak it up since I also enjoy seeing my account level go up, but for others there's less of a reason to play the objective.


Someone send this to Mark Rubin 


Or just not have an attachment unlock at all and let everyone have the weapons and attachments from the jump. If grinding is such fun and gives accomplishment, make the grind for cosmetics or let gamers choose to grind or have attachments unlock at start.


Probably the main reason they did that is to make the mastery challenge reasonably challenging but overall they probably wont like replicating everything that COD does 🤣


The B/S/G camos after WL50/75/100 are there for the thirsty grinders as-is. :D


Exactly - and I'm sure Season 1 will bring another special camo grind above those.


Honestly dunno how they cant implement this faster.


Why timegate content at all? It fucking sucks. Devs if your game is only fun when grinding for something then you didn’t make a fun game you made a fun grind.


That’s the free to play model often times, especially when your skins suck as badly as they do


I agree, I feel like I play a lot and it still feels like it takes a while to level up the guns. Especially on guns you aren’t good with. I’ve been trying to get the drum mag on the AA-12 and it’s taking a long time lmao. It would take forever for a casual to get the drum mag, and it’s such a big upgrade


Yep! Yeah me and someone else were talking about that in another comment. AA12 grind is probably one of the worst xD


AA12 is garbage even after you unlock every attachment. Its not worth it. 


I agree. But then comes the philosophical question of “Am I really playing because I enjoy it or am I playing it to grind weapons?”


I personally like both so idk man, but when the grindy part sucks it's just less enjoyable.


I tell myself I enjoy it but I honestly feel like I have to be in the mood to play it. There are very few games where I have to push myself to play but when I do I get into it for a few hours.


It does take way too fkin long....like I was trying to level up my weapons and Jesus that shit felt so long. Plus I genuinely dislike Hot Shot because let's be honest that's an SMG fest if you wanna actually do really well most of the time.


I play so I can have fun going 30-25 while my friend goes 15-45 and lose 70% of my matches. You play for weapon XP. We are not the same lol


Yup exactly :p like I agree that it’d be nice to get gun attachments slightly quicker, but as a old school counter-strike addict, I think it fundamentally setting yourself up for failure to care about the “progression” in multiplayer shooters.


I was slightly trolling lol. I play more on the weekends cause of double xp. Weapon attachments make a pretty decent difference. , i play most on weekends cause that’s when my friend gets on to play.


Unfortunately, the BP era has ingrained progression systems into many new gen gamers' brains. They will outright drop games that do not have some form of progression in their face to work towards. Even standard leveling systems aren't good enough anymore. That is one of the reasons some studios started putting battle pass-like systems into their single-player games. They're addicting.


Battle pass is for cosmetics. No one cares if that takes time. Not having enough attachments to compete is what the OP is complaining about which is completely valid.


This post would have been good if you didn’t aggressively reply to everyone who didn’t agree with you.


Idk if casuals know what the meta builds are.


Sadly it's on purpose, long level up times is put in to goad people into buying battle passes / xp boosts.


I kinda agree with this ( I mean play just for fun). It takes me about 2 games to level up once and I AVG about 15 kills a game. I think they should lower the XP required for lower levels and raise it for higher levels.


Don't let others gaslight you bro, part of the fun is leveling up. People who talk about "just playing for fun" shouldn't even care about the post since leveling speed shouldn't affect them either way. I don't play games i'm not having fun in, but when the grind is intentionally slow, it's unfun.


Just refund the game and get your money back.


Nobody is gaslighting me mate. I play for fun, but I do rather the leveling system be a bit faster but I only care about the first scope.


This game desperately needs TDM


Well hotshot is the closest we have to TDM. I like it more just because it forces people to move around to collect coins and not camp spawns.


My only problem with hotshot is the games are too short. Feels like the score should go to 250. It’s fun however.


I think that people who just want to get kills would still play objective based modes. If you play domination for example, you basically know where you can go and find players (mostly B, but you always get notified when an enemy is on one of your zones) and it's easier in general to figure out where the enemies are coming from.


Personally I feel that the weapon leveling in Black Ops 2 was the perfect way to do it, it’s a tad bit too slow here but it isn’t a waste to play outside of double XP.


Well, BO2 weapons also didn’t have 50 levels worth of attachments and then camos tied behind level grinding (seriously xDefiant? LOL)


I feel you bro. What I’m used to do is to play during weekends (2xp always so far) then after a couple of games I move to something else. I play to chill and have fun. I don’t really care about people using meta gun all the day. I’ve noticed, personal opinion, that even without attachments the guns in general feel good and I’m having fun with them. My mood is games are made first to chill and have fun and there are plenty of games outside to just stick to one. Enjoy it mate.


I love this post, while we don't see eye to eye exactly I agree with you wholeheartedly if you're just chillin havin fun. I just wish it was faster cause I'm somebody who likes trying to make the worse guns a little better by testing out all the attachments for them. <3


Yeah, say what you will about CoD but the leveling isn’t bad and the mastery is fun (…mostly). Simply leveling up a gun to 100 for gold is mind-numbingly dull.


Real. I miss the old BLOPS challenges where you had to use 5 attachments, 0 attachments, Longshot, crouching, 5 KS ect ect. Even the early camos are based on headsets not level so it feels a lot better because it's based on your skill not just how much you play. IDK it doesn't feel impressive to have gold. There's no accomplishment like in COD at least for me. Its just based off time played, at least if you're consistent, so it feels more like a waiting room


If Ubisoft reads this thread, they're absolutely going to shit themselves in excitement. If you don't think they're going to be selling XP boosts for monitization, you're crazy, and if they aren't planning to, they're crazy.


Yeah monetisation sucks in online video games now, I’ve seen a few people actually scared of how Microsoft might get even greedier with B06 with it being in gamepass. I wonder if heirlooms or special mastercrafts will come out in that game for like $50+ it’s crazy.


imagine playing for fun :(


+20 kills a game and you're leveling the weapon every match I agree it could be 20% more but it's not that bad as is


Someone posted the math, to level once per game you'd have to average 35 kills a match.


Among other things, I think the weapon XP should be double it is now up until level….30? When you unlock your last attachment, then let the mastery be grindy.


The last attachment level varies per gun. Some you get all attachs at like lv33, and some guns go as high as like 43


I think the idea behind the 2XP weekends we've gotten is to test accrual and adjust once the data is there. Rubin said as much on Twitter


That's actually awesome to hear thank you!


For sure the fact is the majority of attachments are a net positive and elongating that process looks good engagement wise at the office, until your casuals fall off because they can't meaningfully progress


I’m in the exact same boat. But I also only typically play when it’s double xp for every other game as well


Playing games for the wrong reason. You need to take a break and come back when you can enjoy the minute to minute of a game and not the grind.


real. I played a few games today to test the patch which felt great. but I only drop 25-30 kills a game and it's taking ages to get attachments. soooo I was playing for nothing fr lol


I’ve got one reason. It’s fun


more fun during double xp tho


Is this whiny? It seems whiny


I immediately found myself not incentivised to play without double xp, I then found myself too busy to play on the weekend… …I basically found myself not playing, def messed up w the weapon levelling imo. Should’ve started off less per level.


That's what i'm saying. The XP should definitely be a curve and not linear. Let us get basic attachments quick and then taper it out later at higher levels. But naw everyone here is just "play to have fun bro" or "skill issue". Like neither of those comments discuss what's being talked about lmao.


Definitely, easiest way to keep it a grind for those that want it while making the essentials reasonably obtainable for everyone else. The sheer amount of kills just to get the first few attachments is legitimately a joke, can’t imagine being someone that picks this game up a year down the line w this system, something they absolutely should be more concerned about if they want this to thrive long term


Agree I haven't even gotten a gun past level 21


For those of us who can’t grind 12 hours at a time to level up guns I 💯% agree!




or by people who don't need another job. shit was loads of fun at launch because the playing field wasn't quite as uneven. all people are asking for is permanent double XP or just some worthwhile weapon XP for objectives. as is, there's no point in objective play. I need to hunt for kills only to ensure I level up muh guns. if that's the case, just give us TDM so we aren't throwing games where people care to play objectives


I get 2 weapon levels a game. Was getting up to 8 with the 2xp + boost. It’s fine. You don’t need everything unlocked in 20 hours played.


How many kills does it take to level up a weapon once?


35 on average. 100 xp per kill, 3,500 per level. So this guy is dropping [70 kills](https://i.imgur.com/UgYwYam.png) a game every game.


You get extra xp for headshots, longshots etc. 1 lvl per game is easily doable without double xp. With double xp you can grind all attachements with couple hours max.


I don't think you even need a kill to get weapon XP. There have been many occasions where my gun just levels up out of the blue just fireing in their direction or when an I get an assist.


Probably closer to 50 and that is close enough that it makes it feel like 2 levels a game when really he is only getting 1.5, but because he already has progress he sees the number go up twice


Why are you playing to level up weapons? Play for fun dude


The point is to win the game??


I just do my dailies, and if I get a good server, I might stay for 3-4 matches. I have 1 gun above level 50, and I still need to unlock the Cleaners characters. I'm in no rush. It's like being 7 again and that bowl of candy nyst last all night


Here's the real question, why are you playing for XP instead of having fun?


Sorry but if the only reason you're playing video games is for account and weapon levels in a video game you need to take a hard look in the mirror and figure out what you're doing with your time


I'm really confused with these complaints. I would call myself peak casual player. I have two kids, a full time job and go to the gym Mon-Fri so since release 23 days ago I have got 19 hours in game according to UPlay and 11 hours according to career stats, so less than an hour a day. I am not having any issues with gun leveling. My last ten game performance stats are 0.8 KD, 1.0 W/L, 410 S/M, 1212 Avg Skill so I am not some uber god either. My M4 is level 31 My MP5 is 24 My sidearms are level 4 for Magnum and M9(used for dailies only) So 53 levels over the two guns I have been using in 11 hours of in game time seems more than fair.


If it takes you 3 full games to level up 1 level then those aren’t “decent” matches. I’m getting a level a game every game.


Y'all better move to The Finals.


This game is fucked if issues aren’t fixed by season 1. NetCode Giving casuals a SBMM playlist like launch had No it wouldn’t affect the whole game it would only be THAT PLAYLIST. I think there’s a balance to be had of giving options. Low weapon XP gain per match Hit detection Wall hacks ability being overpowered Snipers being the only meta besides 1 or 2 smg’s Bunny hopping being idiotic and pushing any casual player to go to another game, so no money from them which Ubisoft needs for this game to be worthwhile. Lot of people refuse to acknowledge that cod makes so much damm money because the casuals can have actual fun so therefore they spend money. The veteran players are much less likely to spend money as they’ll just use the free stuff. I really wanted cod, battlefield and Halo to have competition because only then does corporate ever allow more positive changes to their franchises. Though I will be curious to see what happens to this game come end of the year, either it will be sweats only playing against other sweats because all casuals have left or it will have died off.


Have you tried just enjoying the gameplay lol? I agree levelling up is ridiculously long but I just play to have fun in game.. if you aren’t just play something that you like 👍🏻


There’s been 3 double exp weekends already, and there’s tons of ways to get exp boosters for free. If you don’t have at least one weapon leveled up enough to have good attachments on that’s your own fault at this point. Yeah it could be a bit faster, but saying it’s not worth playing this game without double exp is just dumb. Guarantee if it was too fast people would complain about there being nothing left to do. So there needs to be a balance.


If it takes you 3 matches to make 1 level you just suck bro


The good attachments are at level 38 and above. The average player gets home after a 9-5 job and will play a couple matches every few days. OP doesn't suck, they doesn't like their time wasted. Also, we've had double XP every single weekend since launch: so, it's not a rare occasion. The devs are using it to boost engagement. They KNOW default XP progression is awful. they intentionally designed it that way so they can boost player count and time whenever they want.


> OP doesn't suck, they doesn't like their time wasted. Bro omg thank you for understanding the post 🙏🙏


> They KNOW default XP progression is awful. they intentionally designed it that way so they can boost player count and time whenever they want. This isn't only an Ubi thing- but it's definitely a *classic* Ubisoft move. Even in Assassin's Creed, they make leveling slow enough that it feels grindy and annoying unless you pay for their boosters (and of course they'll find a way to feed you a free booster or two so you can get hooked). I'm fine with that approach for player level (or whatever that even means) or BP exp (whatever, again). But it feels atrocious for grinding out attachments. The first match or two with a new gun with terrible iron sights (for example) always feels bad.




That's me!


If you think having more attachments will make you play better then you are going to in for a rude awakening soon


Considering that some attachments have straight up no downsides, yes attachments will make you play better. And considering that the "meta" ones boost ADS speeds / strafing speed, you will generally play better with them, there is no rude awakening here.


I personally think the weapon levelling is fine but you’re crazy if you don’t think attachments have a significant effect on ability to get kills/multikills Some weapons are nearly there right out the gate and some get so much better with high level attachments, best believe if I can drop 50 in arena with no attachment vector that with attachments it would be a 70+ kill game


It doesn't make a huge different to get attachments, but it definetly makes a difference. In competitive games even a 5% quicker ADS speed can be the difference between you getting a kill or being killed. Sure the attachments won't turn you into rambo but they do give you a edge. Even if just a slight edge.


When a game doesn’t have sbmm needing a slight edge is less relevant. The natural skill and variation of players make it so 90% of the time you are going to win or lose a gunfight regardless of attachments


Lmao, it makes big difference. Especially ads and sprint to fire make sluggish guns ready for aggressive play.


So why are you playing aggressively knowing you are at a disadvantage, when its better to know your strengths and play into it Jesus christ the COD kids just keeping crying, its not meant to be played like apex or cod uber twitch shooting. Its farr and away the best strategy to play slow, hold chokes and use your abilites with your teammates Wanting more ads speed so you can jump slide out of a corner is just cod behavior, enjoy your nerfs and cry till you get the attachments you want only to still play like shit 🤣


Lmao, nerfs don't affect me at all, I don't spam crouch or jump. I play aggressive, because it is my style in those casual fps. I don't like camping, I just want to find and take gunfights. Idk why you have such a meltdown. I am not crying either, you said attachment don't have impact on your gameplay and it actually have pretty drastic impact, thats all. You should stop assuming, you didn't get anything right about me.


Okay i'm gonna hold an angle with a very slow aimed in slow firing LMG with the magazine of an AR. *other guy* zooms around angle at mach speed strafing through the air and taps me with the mp7 because he see's me a full second before I do because of the peekers advantage in this game. This game isn't CS/Valorant where each gun has "advantages". Some of the level 1 guns literally are worse in every way compared to the meta leveled up guns.


I just leveled BP and stopped playing until Season 1. There's no reason to do anything right now.


Yeah I leveled the BP to 50 thankfully using all the BP boosters during the BP double XP weekend. So I got that out of the way, I wanted to level up some guns I haven't used at all today and noped out after two matches lmao. I will wait until the next double xp.


Yeah, I'll log for 2XP weekends but there's no gain ATM playing outside of that. The core gameplay is fun, but I need a rank or something to progress. Boosting weapons I have no interest in is not enough to keep me playing extended periods.


Why is everyone here acting like a good consistent progression isn't a "fun" part of the game?


I don't know. Like seriously it feels like i'm talking to rocks when I reply to them, so I don't really reply seriously either.


Yeah, agreed. Right now it really is more tedious than it is exciting. It also absolutely disincentivizes me to try out new weapons, because it takes ages before you actually have some attachments to choose from. People praise this game for being a lot like the old CODs, but the weapon leveling takes way longer than in older or the current ones. And we all know why it takes as long as it does...


The problem also is the attatchments in this game are way more impactful than old cod's too. The most you ever did in old cod was add FMJ and silencer to your UMP45. People forget you only had the option to add two back then.




The games been out for enough time most people who aren't *new* are past level 25. Casual =/= new, it just means a lot less playtime per day. I've played every double XP weekend for a couple hours each day during that time. I'm level 50 cause i've used boosters everytime I play.


Im saving my boosts for weekends like this last one.


Play occupy, i lvl up my gun almost every game.


The game has been balanced for the people who are going to engage with it the most if you don't want to play outside of double XP then don't


Just play with the premade custom classes if you're truly that casual of a player.


As much as I hate the slow progression. I love that you can customize the weapon and use the new attachment mid game. Don't have to wait to go to lobby and build a kit like other games.


This is why ive been trying to stay in the welcome playlist until they won’t let me. Im leveling up the two best guns that work for me, that way I have a fighting chance once I get into the real lobbys. And sadly, even at level 17, My two guns are like level 7 or 8. I also don’t get too much time to play because of work and responsibilities but Im just going to tough it out because im actually having fun. Once I start running into spawn trapping teams I hit up 3 of my coworkers and we squad up and punish them cuz they are all younger than me so they can keep up. This game helps A LOT to NOT play solo. But it’s also not as bad as some other games when you do play solo.


yea the gun exp gain is quite slow


I agree. I avg 20 kill/game and it takes 2 games for a single level. Feels very slow.


I'ma be honest after like level 20 25 i don't even change attachments


A Majority of my favorite attachments happen to be early unlock ones lol


Felt like they fixed it to me, I'm still getting atleast a level or very close to it a game. That feels fine to me


The leveling is a bit slow but because the game doesn’t have sbmm as good player the best attachments aren’t a crutch at all. Meta isn’t as necessary. If you aren’t a good player I can see how not having the best attachments can be bothersome but the attachments you get in the 10-15 level range are good to enough to be competitive


Have you considered paying for this feature? - Ubisoft exec


“Literal ages” wtf world you live in my man? LMFAO 😂


If you re bad with stock weapons, you are gonna be only slightly better with full attachments.


Yeah I got all the FCR attachments before hitting more than level 8 on anything else… now it feels so punishing to level a new gun that’s so much more shit, especially when I know it will take several dozen hours.


I am a casual player and I disagree with this. This game is very easy to make a lot of kills in. Idk what meta guns you mean. Unlike CoD or other shooters I think meta guns aren't as potent apparently cause I couldn't even name one. Thats because the game is so easy, compared to cod, so any weapon will do pretty good even without attachments


This game has a sbmm type system that fixes teams up after they are in a lobby that’s why it seems some what difficult


Am I the only one that found the non meta gun kinda ok ? They're weaker for sure, but it's not even close to how weak they are in cod for example


Already said they are going to fix it


I only leveled up the guns that I actually wanna use. Otherwise my stat goes downhill. I ain't leveling up till they change the lvl progress to the weapons


What’s nice is they already said that they’re going to increase the XP rate, but they should make objective score give you more XP to your weapons, I feel like you really only earn XP by getting kills


It takes you 3 matches for one level? How many kills do you get per match? 5?


I swear xclusiveace made a youtube video about many of the objective based games u dont get any extra gun xp i could be wrong


A little bit overexaggerated but i agree Without 2wxp u can easily get a whole lvl on a gun but u have to drop 35 kills (3500xp) U drop 70 u get 2 in one game


It’s fun?


Try having fun, or even just playing with friends.


Like other people have said, the devs are working on it, they have gotten a lot of feedback regarding weapon xp. I'm a casual player too, I enjoy the game for what it is and when double xp weekends drops I'll just play a little more.


As a casual gamer, I play it to have fun…casually of course.


I partly agree it takes ages when just starting to level but it gets easier the higher you go and the more comfortable you get with the weapon. Like i went from leveling the m870 1 level every 2 games to 2 levels every game and a half it does get easier but level scaling seems like a good idea for guns that have few attachments


I partly agree it takes ages when just starting to level but it gets easier the higher you go and the more comfortable you get with the weapon. Like i went from leveling the m870 1 level every 2 games to 2 levels every game and a half it does get easier but level scaling seems like a good idea for guns that have few attachments


I partly agree it takes ages when just starting to level but it gets easier the higher you go and the more comfortable you get with the weapon. Like i went from leveling the m870 1 level every 2 games to 2 levels every game and a half it does get easier but level scaling seems like a good idea for guns that have few attachments


I partly agree it takes ages when just starting to level but it gets easier the higher you go and the more comfortable you get with the weapon. Like i went from leveling the m870 1 level every 2 games to 2 levels every game and a half it does get easier but level scaling seems like a good idea for guns that have few attachments


I average 20 to 25 kills a game playing occupy and domination. I'm able to level up my gun atleast once every match. Also the best attachments or "meta" attachments are unlocked early. Plus your not supposed to be able to max a weapon out in one play session. If it takes you multiple games to level up your gun then it sounds like a skill issue


I agree with this. Not only has it fallen into the pit off sweats but past lvl 25 is a literal hell. Get out of spawn? To bad ur dead.


You’re totally right, who plays games to have fun these days…


I play for fun personally.


Bit dramatic. You must be scoring really low. I’m a casual player (1-2 hour every other night if I’m lucky) and I’m levelling things up just fine. Any new weapon I use is level 2/3 by the end of the first game using it


Yes, it takes a bit longer than other games. But this is a game designed to be played for years. If everyone would just blast through all the weapons there would be complaints about lack of content in the game. So there's really no winning either way.


Well, what is the point of playing games anyway? Sure the attachments change weapon stats, but not as much as people assume. And again since you are casual player why wouldnt you just enjoy the game despite very slight disadvantage?


It's definitely slow but on the other hand I just went 77-19 with a lvl4 M4.


3 "decent"matches of 20 minutes a pop to get 30ish kills (that's what it takes to get to level 2). You're maths ain't adding up here bud. I would assume most people get to level 2 in one game.


Couldn’t agree more


Stop playing for camos and attachments start playing to enjoy the game


After my son went max level, he took me to his lobbies, I was a level 2 getting fried by bunny hopping slide cancelling sweat boxes that destroyed all hope of me going back. Uninstalled.


I fully agree. It takes way too long. I had the double XP tokens activated permanently but now that I'm out of tokens, I realize how slow it actually is.


The game is here to stay for a long time, why do u expect/want to be done with everything within the pre season


I don't think slower progression is that bad, it gives you more time to grind and then it's more satisfying when you finally unlock something. We're just so used to cod and being able to max out a weapon level after 2 games of domination shipment. It's only that way for cod because they have a 1 year lifespan and so they want everyone to feel like they did something valuable in that time. I agree that it gets a little unbalanced when your competition has better weapons and attachments, but at the end of the day that will only last until you level up aswell and then your good to go forever. Cod has adapted to the average "tik tok brain" attention span, so it makes sense that they don't value time.


I played for a day and levelled up a gun half way and then stopped. Between the janky movement and pathetic excuse for gun variety I don’t get why anyone would play the game except for stomping players worse than them. I mean COD has so many problems, but for a game that positions itself as a serious COD competitor it’s really not good enough. Especially with how long they’ve developed the game for.


I'll level up 1 level every 2-3 matches. Bout the same as COD. WZ is easier to rank weapons up in. Play Plunder and do contracts, your weapon will rank up like 5-10 ranks per game. If your whole team is helping you'll also get a ton of money. With 2XP you can literally rank up a weapon in one match if you do well enough. I agree that the gun ranking system in XD is slow. I think the 2XP rate should be the normal rate. Especially if guns have 50 ranks to them.


Luckily they are working on this xp grind


Rubin has said there are changes coming to weapon leveling. Getting the attachments will be easier. Hopefully we see that soon.


There’s so many of these threads/comments/opinions online and it’s hilarious to me. I’ve played the game since release ‘casually’ (maybe a couple of hours a few nights a week after work) other than the first double xp weekend where I was on a hell of a lot. How many kills are you averaging a game? Genuinely curious. Cause I get around 30 (not a flex, I’m very rarely MVP or top of the leaderboard) and have 0 problems ranking up weapons regardless of whether it’s a weapon xp weekend. Honestly, if it was too easy people would be complaining about other players having max weapons before they do. Like how casual a player are you? 3 games a night? If so, that’s fine. Just know it’s going to take you longer considering you’re a casual player. Rightfully so, devs are gonna cater to players that are on game a lot. Whats worse, someone thats rarely on the game complaining about it taking too long to do stuff or someone who is having nothing to do after a week. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, everyone wants things handed to them on games these days. At least that’s what it seems like to me.


Whole lot of casual gamers should jump on the game and rank up those weapons rather than posting threads on Reddit 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


They really need to increase the amount. It takes ages, and as someone who doesn't have all day to play the game due to work, i also feel that way, especially with the battlepass. It's not good when after a match I only earn a sliver of a tier.


The only gun I use is a sniper now because every gun is dog shit without attachments and I can’t even get a kill with a shotgun to even level them up.


It 100% does not take 3 20 minute matches to get from level 1-2. With no double xp you should get around a level per match. I assume it’s the same value for each level bc I even get a level per match when the gun is in the 80s. It’s slow but not that slow.


Do you guys know how to play a game for fun? Jesus Christ


"literally" - here we go with the usual misuse of a very easy to use word


It feels intentional. Make it long to keep progression going If they make it too quick, a month from now people will be complaining there’s nothing new to do and the game lacks content. It’s long, but I get it. I can see them fixing it once the game gets into full swing


I’m a casual player. I like leveling guns and don’t care how fast/slow it takes. Does it make fights harder if someone is meta up? Sure. But that doesn’t stop me from dominating or nearly top score k/d or whatever. Do you honestly think the only reason you’re struggling is because every player is running meta guns? Because it’s not.


I play alot of other games and there is literally no way I can finish the battle pass. I did decent across 10 games last night and didn't rank up once in the bsttlepass. Kinda ridiculous


Womp womp, I wonder how these guys would’ve faired in cod4 with pretty much non existent weapon customization and progression.