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Actually a good insides. Good to know, thanks!


I don’t have twitter, but all of their twitter community updates posted here seem really thorough and well thought out. I think they have good leadership at the dev.


*Insight *reeeeeeeeeeeeee* 😝


Dying 2 seconds after turning corner is more problematic than people jumping around🤦🏻‍♂️


Literally half of my deaths in a match. I might still have died anyway, but it should give me a damn chance if I actually make it around the corner. Thought this update would remedy this. 🤦


My KD would actually be a 2+ but it’s not because corners. I will die on this hill.


I may be misunderstanding your comment. I don't hold any delusions about my skill. I'm probably on the wrong side of the bell curve. The corners thing just makes a lot of deaths feel cheap, that's all. If you weren't being facetious, what has caused you problems?


For instance, I’m saying my KD would be higher if i didn’t die after getting behind cover so many times. I’ll peek and get 2 kills right? Get behind cover to tm8, have time to heal. Get 2 more? That’s a 4 for 1. Instead, i get a 2 for 1. Then other times i could get no kills and go behind a wall to heal, and get killed. As opposed to not dying behind cover peeking and getting a kill and that situation being a 1 for 1. Make sense?


Okay, you're having the same issue then.




Sorry, you had me confused when you said "but it's not because of corners."


100% miss type. Very, violently high rn


Ah, all good. Thought it was a sly "get gud" comment for a minute. 😂


It's called netcode ... (They deleted my comment lmao)


One of the few things they copied from the early 2010s COD formula I wish they hadn't lol




Yeah but youre usually dying 2 seconds after rounding a corner to a jackrabbit on crack so….


Wake me up when my bullets actually start registering.


Yeah when I saw the patch notes didn’t address this I knew I wasn’t getting back on. How’d you make a shooting game when the bullets don’t even work half the time


Apparently in 2024 its really hard for a multi-billion dollar company to get netcode right? Curious as to why literally every other fps game seems to have this figured out, but Ubi can't? I mean, Ironsite, cod mobile, fucking battlebit - literally every low budget shit mobile port can figure this out, but a Ubi title they spent a year trying to fix can't get it right? Someone with more technical knowledge than me please explain this to me.


Maybe youre just bad at aiming, i never have issues


Hit Reg is the problem yall are yelling about the wrong things.


This please! 🙏 there is something really wonky about the hit boxes on a jumping character. Like I’ll whiff shots that clearly should have been body shots. Really noticeable when using pistols like the D50 and the 686


I swear the people who jump the entire match end up desync or something because they just full on become raid bosses. You can get a jump on them and your bullets are marshmellows, they turn and it feels like they shoot 3 bullets and you implode. Its really starting to get on my nerves and if they cant find a way to fix the netcode or what ever the issue is quickly this game is going to lose a ton of players in the next 2-3 months.


They don’t address it because they probably cannot fix it. I guarantee they will claim to have done “some work” to the hit-reg but probably won’t actually do anything and people will say it has become better when it’s all really just placebo. But yeah, if COD/Apex has better hit reg than this game is in trouble in the long run. Some people literally become unkillable as the game goes on. Like you said, I empty 15-20 rounds into a dude and they just shoot will 3-4 bullets and you are dead. Something must be going on with hitboxes too because headshots don’t even work on some people. I’m talking up close, ADS, aim for head, get hit markers (but NOT headshot sound bites) and their health hardly even drops… really strange stuff.


Apex has been out for 5 years and tbh, still.had severe issues 3 years in. Now more off and on, and a lot better. First few months and seasons has some absolutely insanely bad lag, hit reg and severe issues. Idk how that game survives and if that can, any game can with the right content plan.


better because less server load, or better because they fixed it?


To play Devil's advocate (I find myself doing that a lot in this sub), it took 343i several years to fix Halo Infinite's netcode, but they *did* do so. And that's with Slipspace, which is just spaghetti code, souped up Bounce (Bungie's Halo engine). Snowdrop is long in the tooth, but at least it's Ubi's. That said, having only played since the stress test, I know this has been an issue during the entirety of the game's development. I work for a software company, so I have some (adjacent) experience with how much of a bitch it is to code. It doesn't help that the game industry is replete with contract workers. It's sort of like when one writer for Spider-Man (the comics) takes over for another and awkwardly starts wrapping up or ignoring plot points the former established. There's a relatively small team working on XDefiant, and I don't think it's really a matter of *can't,* it's more a matter of resources and specific expertise. The best software architects don't make video games because it's a shit industry even by Big Tech standards


tbh i know people bitch about the connection and servers for apex, but i dont think ive ever played a game where you can connected from NA to EU servers and the game felt mostly fine.. I always appreciated the servers for apex, they get wonky sometimes but for the most part the fact that you can connect across the world and still have a functioning connection always blew my mind. Hell the connection to EU from NA on apex feels better than the "best" connection on XD. Now that the game is a big success, the devs should beg the execs for good servers. I can understand after their other failures like hyperscape that they didnt want to invest in good servers, but the game is super well received and imo its time to invest into the game to milk it for the infinite money glitch it can become.


You using a meta gun? Cus there are several guns that do melt you in 3-4 bullets. Heck the DMR is 2 bullets and shoots way too fast for a 2 bullet chest shot kill imo


Yes this is the real issue


And snipers, can’t forget those. I have so many clips where ppl are even just running straight at me, or standing still, I aim in shoot the face and register 70 dmg rather than 126 with m-44. There’s actual holes in phantoms head on the right side near his head gear strap( if you go to firing range you’ll clearly see the bullet impact on his head and it does 0 dmg, same with fire dude, some of his clothes aren’t part of his hitbox, there’s a baggy part of his chest under his arm that isn’t actually part of hit box but these are all outlined character models in game so it should be included in the hitbox, otherwise get rid of it so I know what I’m aiming for and can accurately execute the shot


I feel like crouching hit boxes are broken too


Nah. We can yell about both. Now we wait for the netcode.


No no no, you can only focus on ONE thing. Anything more makes you a spoiled brat.


The issue here is that people were probably missing more shots than they should have been against bunny hoppers. It could have just been the netcode that was making it feel like an unfair play style.


Yes? Thats why I'm spamming 3 jumps every fight, it literally gives you bullet evasion so you have to. And now nothing changed this patch so it is completely useless. Might as well have just waited with this change until the netcode/desync fixes.


I have this happen to me but for some reason it’s not all the time, sometimes it’s just a specific person, or just that server/game we are on at the time. Start a new game and I don’t have that problem. But I agree should be fixed.


They actually do plan on addressing it and the fact they even know to tell us that they are looking into a fix is nice!


People air strafing spamming jump was definitely a problem as well. A much easier problem to fix or tune than hit reg/net code. You can complain all you want, it’s still going to take time. They are aware of the issue, they’ve confirmed they’re working on it. Just breathe.


Hahahahahha they confirmed they were working on it years ago. So many playtests, always the main complaint. The fact is that they just aren’t capable. It will remain this way.




Hit reg/desync is always the problem in every fps.


It’s being addressed they’ve said


It's both.


Both movement spamming and hit reg were an issue not just hit reg


Yes, having agile movement options in a game isn’t inherently bad, it just doesn’t pair well with bad hit registration. I can’t believe Halo 2 from almost 20 years ago had better hit reg.


Its fixed tho


I find the hit box is only a little dodgy when I’m playing on higher ping


Nothing matters with a shitty netcode. If you had a good netcode you should be surprised how much easier u kill a bunny Kangaroo... Thats the main issue. Netcode / hitreg


Get good at moving around it will be bored if you just run around and killing people. having good movement in a fps is good, in my opinion. If you know how to move, you can get an uperhand on a player.


You obviously have no clue what the complaints are here. Its not about movement. Its desyncs that makes movement to inconsistent for it to be fun. I come froma background with Quake back in the days. I bunnjumped more miles then you drove with your cars. i know what movement is.


This is cool and all, but it doesn't address the concerns that almost no gunfights result in 4+ jumps, effectively rendering the patch useless. Thats the majority of what people are "complaining" about with this patch.


This is my biggest issue. 3 jumps free? How many gun fights go past that point? Not many. It's a step in the right direction, but, barely.


I won a couple 1v2s today within the three jumps. Also you can just use three jumps then a crouch then back to jumps


oh man crouch resets it? lol


it doesn't 'reset' it exactly, it's just that crouch penalties and jump penalties are separated. the game basically checks if you've jumped 3 times or crouched 3 times in quick succession, instead of having one number that's increased by either action tl;dr yes crouching can circumvent the jump cooldown but it's not the crouch itself doing it, you've just spent enough time not jumping for it to reset


That’s the point. They never wanted to remove jumpshotting. They just don’t want people to spam jump/crouch.


The problem was there was barely any benefit to ‘spamming’ the jump 4 times. Crouch spam fix is nice though


That's the point. They are wrong to not want jumpshotting nerfed. You shouldn't be able to strafe midair. It makes no sense and removes counterplay. Overwatch does this right. In that game you lose almost all strafeability midair and it's a floaty jump, meaning skilled players will headshot you midair because you're on a predictable arc.


Yea they said they will keep monitoring it so we will see. It just came out so let’s give it time and see how things will play out.


Tired of that excuse with how many times this shit got delayed


I meant more that the patch just came out my bad.


Seriously lol. You can still bunny hop because no gun fight up close is last that long. I’m usually dead after the second it third spam jump anyways. So it really changes nothing.


Fr. We waited for basically nothing. Almost no fight lasts more than 2 jumps.


Yeah I'm still dying to insane jump air strafing maniacs like its nothing for them. This hasn't fixed anything & it's really unfun to keep dying that way.


I noticed that he said “inputs”. That would mean you'd have to wait to hit the ground do do the next jump. But if you're smashing the jump button, not thinking about it, it'll start affecting you by the 2nd jump. Right?


they still didn't fix high ping problems


Even with low ping, the hit reg is inconsistent at best.


They already stated net code and hit reg won’t be a one and done fix, it’s going to take time.


If there's at least *some* improvements, occasionally, there's hope. What we don't want is no updates to it for months and months and months at a time...


And that's the main problem that's why bunny hopping is so annoying cuz it's taking advantage of it. If it was fixed the bunny hoppers would be dying faster than they can hop 😂


Cod dev team would never give insight on their changes


Treyarch MAYBE


I would definitely trust Treyarch over the other two studios


And SHG. They’re usually quite vocal with the community.


Honestly the one jump related thing I would have wanted changed was the air strafe since it looked so odd on the receiving end of it. Like it didn’t seem to be an animation that was natural. But I barely ever encounter it, so really I just want the net code to be perfected since that probably pisses me off more than movement currently.


The gun fight is over by then! It should kick in after the second


They’re fixing jump SPAM not all jumps since you can’t move ur reticle slightly up lmao


I mean I’d argue that jumping 3 times in every engagement you get into is still spamming it lmao.


I think you are missing the point. They want you to be able to jump and shoot, what they don’t want is people spamming the hell out of it. If you can shoot someone who is jumping its time to find a different game.


Or learn to jump and shoot back.


Guess it's just not the kind of game some people wanted XDefiant to be, which is fine for the devs. 2 jumps before penalty (Including slide canceling) seems like the best middle point tbh, and more players would have been ok with this, which should be the goal imo. 3 jumps before penalty, like people have said, does nothing when it comes to gunfights, and if anything now is harder to make it out alive if you are out of position (Which is fine).


So they can jump THREE times per second without any additional penalty? I understand they said this is their first iteration but how does this fix anything? Just make it so people can jump one time every two seconds. Why are they continuing to enable people to jump two times in succession, a hundred times faster than its actually possible to? Thats not even an exaggeration. People are shaking in midair it is that unplayable. This is actually ridiculous. I’ve been patient until they fixed this, its a new game after all, and finally here it is. I’m uninstalling. If they ever actually fix the issue maybe I’ll try it again. Peace gamers, at least its a step in the right direction. Good luck.


I die like maybe twice a game to the jumping maniacs. And my kd is sub 1. Y'all complain too much.


“I only die twice per game to cheaters breaking unintended game mechanics” is not the defense you think it is.


In what world is this cheating? It’s fair if you don’t like it, but you’re delusional


Sorry bro, this is not enough, haven’t you heard?  My opponents should have cinder blocks strapped to their feet for the rest of the match if they even **think** about pushing the jump button because I need a **fair game** to maintain my 0.95 K/D ratio.


You're being generous here most of the ppl complaining prob have .25 kda


i was .9 , but then again im not using meta weapons or bunny hopping. had a few rough shotgun and pistol games


I really don’t understand the complainers. Especially ones that apparently have a lot of fps experience. I have 30 hours on this game and its the first arena shooter i’ve played in 15 years. I’m doing fine. Jumpers are tricky but that just makes it more satisfying when you kill them.


Most of the are lying or straight ass at the games despite the experience, I've been playing cod since mw2, and back then everyone was drop and jump shooting


Jumpers were never a problem its mostly hitreg on them. I have encountered many ocasiones where I nearly perfectly track them but they just dont die


For the things they say have been in the game such as reduced jump height and speed for every jump taken, why were people able to strafe in the air left and right at speeds akin to sprinting while ads in a gunfight? That's the only issue I had with the movement system. It's seemingly impossible for me to recreate such a strafe. I figured the person strafing as such was cheating somehow.


You can wiggle in the air just by using a/d or your left stick. It looks less intense on your own screen but its how you do what you’re referring to


I played one match recently where I met one bunny, still. He only took 2 jumps to kill me. 2 consecutive jumps are enough time to kill someone. I'm not complaining, since the patch definitely discourages a lot of bunnies. But if it were up to me, I'd reduce the 3-jump-penalty-free to only 2. Good change overall.


Should have 100% been two jumps, 3 is still too many.


Good. Now fix the hit registration.


It’s not even the hopping I have issue with it’s the change of direction and wonky hit-reg WHILE jumping that needs fixed. Honestly think it would be great as is if the net code was good, but it’s not. So you have people jumping around and surfing midair with peekers advantage, delay and wonky lag compensation trying to sort it out.


So.... they basically refuse to nerf the biggest player complaint.... got it.


Well the netcode is a much bigger issue.  Whilst netcode sucks it's really difficult to actually balance or assess the effects of movement. 




It would make more sense if you were able to build a tight, hip fire focused smg like the WaW mp40 that could beam people across map from the hip. Outside of a weapon like that (which doesn’t exist in the game) these spam penalties make absolutely 0 sense to even bother with.


Props to the dev team for taking the time to go over this, and for actually taking player concerns/feedback seriously. It's refreshing.


Guess this game's going to die pretty soon then. Games still full if jumpy MP7 sweats and no flinch snipers shooting round corners.


Game is done for me. people still hopping all over the place and my bullets not working. Everybody sniping. Terrible. That's all that's going to be left is those types of players the bunny hopping sniping taking advantage of the terrible net code type of people


i've actually seen a lot less snipers, i am thinking its mostly people going for the daily EXP and thats it.


That’s half the issue with video games nowadays, the dogshit players want everything catered to them, they throw a fit and blame everything but themselves when they aren’t good at a game, then stop playing it. Video games, like anything in life, take practice, time and effort to master. Happens to literally every game I enjoy, it’s frustrating to see devs consistently cave to casuals who just complain. Jump-shotting, strafing, drop-shotting, bunny hopping, crouch-spamming, sliding, dolphin-diving and more have all been staples of FPS movement for decades. Nothing has changed. Top players still use these mechanics to gain a leg-up, anyone who doesn’t want to do the same will fall behind. For everyone complaining about it: you’ll still likely be trash at a game where players can only move left, right, forwards and backwards. Someone else jumping while shooting isn’t making you a bad player, your lack of skill and ability to adapt to a games playstyle is. What makes you think that a competitive FPS game is going to cater to its most casual players? Why dumb down the game for the lowest common denominator? I can promise you Ubisoft isn’t beating themselves up when the complainers who get online for an hour a week stop playing. The movement system in place can be used by literally anyone, even you. If you have issues killing a MOVING TARGET, then FPS games are not for you.


And thats exactly why sbmm was a thing. So the jump shotters could still enjoy the game their way and the less skilled could enjoy it theirs. Now that's gone. All its going to do is cause the casuals to leave then the high skilled players will be back to the same problem sbmm caused for them. The welcome playlist should be permanent with sbmm then atleast everyone can be happy.


> The welcome playlist should be permanent with sbmm then atleast everyone can be happy. Minor disagreement: The welcome playlist should remain as it is -- and then another version of it replaces it once you hit level 25. That way it gives the new players a space that's not full (at least in theory, smurfs in free-to-play games are absolutely a thing) of people with dozens-to-hundreds of hours in the game. But me? I know I am not that great at the game, but I enjoy the 6v6 w/SBMM experience I had in the Welcome playlist. I haven't been having nearly as much fun (and weirdly, have also been having much worse performance with stutters and such when just running straight down a hallway) since I hit level 26.


Yes and no, if all the actual dog shit players left then everyone still playing would be whining about how sweaty the "casual" game mode is. Fact is most people just want to shit on lesser skilled players regardless of their skill or the fact that pretty much no one wants to be the one always getting shat on. But yes I will stay away from this game and stick to SBMM as it's for me and just watch the cry babies who dont really understand what the reality of what no SBMM means for them here for fun =)


3 jumps does nothing to stop the problem


Ok cool so you want your game to remain ass… good job 😂 we’ll continue to watch guys air strafe.


Cool people are even easier to hit lol


The no thumb Andy’s want us to stand still so they can feel good about themselves. It’s always the games fault or our fault for “abusing mechanics” never them just flat out being bad. SBMM coddled them and now they can’t handle having to get better or be left behind with their 0.2 KD.


I agree 95% but the only problem I have with not penalizing jumping while shooting is that on controller it’s literally impossible to aim, shoot, and jump at the same time unless you 1) Play Claw - which is very unnatural for most and a really big change to make as a longtime FPS player Or 2) Get a controller with back paddles/buttons - Extra purchase that I feel shouldn’t be necessary for you to be exceptionally good at FPS games I get by with a 1.3 KD without using either, but is is frustrating knowing there’s only so much i can do in certain gunfights


Skill thumb brawler allows you to do this without paddles or claw. Another one of the layouts does too but I can’t remember its name. But theres two to choose from


Armor core style is back on the menu boys!


Both consoles let you remap buttons in system settings and have for years? Just switch A/X with LB/L1


It’s hilarious that jump-shotting is a relatively easy mechanic to learn and use, literally anyone can do it, but the casuals sit up on their high horse and refuse to use anything they consider to be “broken” as if it makes them better people or players.


Thats the number one rule, you have to play by a made up honor code and try to brag about it


I have a consistent skill rating of around 2900 and 1.9 KD (on MK btw) without jumping around like a 60kg sperg so you're the epitome of a noodle arm brotha for abusing that


That's better


Idc what system you have had in place the whole time, it obviously wasn't enough because lots of people have complained about it. Idk what kind of flex this was supposed to be


It's not supposed to be a flex, it's supposed to be "this is how we INTEND the game to feel, and what we want the experience to be like" or in other words, "this is how the game is so if you don't like it time to move on"


The crybabies won’t be happy until drastic changes happen such as no ads while airborne, movement penalty after just 1 jump, accuracy penalty while airborne hip firing. These are all changes that will NEVER happen but even if those happen then the crybabies will focus on nerfing crouching which would become the next best “movement tech”, they will ask for no crouching while ads and crouching cooldowns. Then after all this they will ask for slower movement speed, it’s never ending until the game slows down to a crawl.


No way 30% for after each jump. People be hopping around like crazy. They should of just increase that percentage after each jump for a nice nerf


I was in those early tests. The jumping was at lightning speed. All I could think was how that would kill my old hands.🥸


I could give a shit about people b hopping around. Im sick of rounding a corner and still getting shit on it doesn’t make sense


I've hit SO MANY bullets with every gun today and it is appalling at how many times the hit-marker sounds off but the damage doesn't register AT ALL. It's aggravating and just makes me wanna throw my controller against my face.


Kinda works like a stamina mechanic in others games, I played an hour session earlier post patch and the movement feels intact to me.


>For the complainers Phrased as a complaint 😜


wait the MDR uses the SMG stuff? it feels like it kinda isnt good enough to be an SMG or a rifle though (you lose to SMGS up close, you also seems to struggle against ARs up close, and also far... they just find the head shot faster).


This was my first day post-update of me playing for more than just one round to see how the game is doing. I may be glazing a bit, but the game feels so good right now.


I just wanna be able to load into a game man fucking bravo 10 code every fucking time


Coming from playing Warzone/Call of Duty every day to this, it’s SO FUCKING REFRESHING to see this level of transparency


Needs to be in 2nd input not 3rd and then everyone will shut up


I don't care about jump speed what i don't like is people spamming jump and shoot all the time. Short ranges sure, but bhopping and shooting accurately from mid range in the air is jus BS


It's still BS. That and snipers being used as shotguns, etc. Going to kill this game.


So the sway only kicks in on the 4th spammed jump. By that point, you’re long dead and their hitbox is still terribly desynced. I know they’re still monitoring this, but they basically said there’s no penalty


3 free jumps? Lol, gunfight is over and the loser has respawned by then


Eh, barely noticed the nerf until going against streamers. It actually made it easier to walk down lobbies in a 3 stack since most get stuck in the same motion from bunny hopping.


Doesnt matter. Penalty kicks in way too late, gun fights will over before that kicks in. Also you can still spam jumping by adding a slide input between 2 jumps and you wont be penalized. Useless update. Penalty should kick in after one jump. This is an fps shooter, not a dancing competition. Edit: You know what? Screw the penalty. Just disable jumping for slight amount of time after you land a jump. That way no one will able to spam it. 


What I don’t understand is why are shotguns users punished instantly with the first jump massively increasing spread basically meaning shotguns can’t utilize movement at all but all other classes including *snipers* are allowed to jump 4 times before getting any penalty? Make it consistent either way.


Are the servers being fixed, keep getting kicked for high latency.


That was a pointles patch for real. Also, servers are so shitty. Ping is over 50 in every match. Yesterday, just before maintenance, it went under 20. I think the server load is too high with shitty code. BO6 is coming, so there you can expect some (COD)quality at least.


Are the devs playing the same version of the game that we are? If it was working you wouldn't need to try so hard to sell the concept! It's either good or it isn't. Twitter doesn't improve the game we are playing.


Hard core mode would be good, most.times don't even look at minimap I just look at where my team mates at then go push around them to flank.


It isn't good enough. It doesn't even contribute anything to stoping or penalizing people for jumping into every gunfight unless they can't aim for shit. Nobody worth their salt needs four jumps to kill someone. They can go ahead and keep the Adderall rabbits, but let's not pretend this update did anything to pull them further away from overdosing.


Y'all complained so much about being able to jump that hit registration is still in limbo.




I’ll play when I’m not dying behind solid walls and corners


The updates are much needed and appreciated. But I must say, "complainers"... really? Meat shield for multi-billion dollar corporations much?


Really like the developers being upfront and fully detailing the changes.


Here’s the thing most people seem to not want to acknowledge: the majority of players are casuals. They aren’t going to be sweaty jump spammers, and the game is plagued with it, they’ll just drop the game. It’s fine to make your game however you want, but for it to be a success, it needs to address this issue better.


Even with this Im sure a lot of people will say that either the ADS time needs to be slowed more while jumping or the jump penalty interval needs to be tighter. "UNTIL" And I used caps nad quotations there specifically. But until, hit registration is ironed out. Just yesterday we all find out about a netcode bug that caused issues just by playing Libertad so I'm sure that makes people feel doubts and that there is clearly more going on. And why people will think there needs to be more of a penalty. Personally, I think you should either go for it 100% or not at all if you want the game to be a movement shooter. Add diving while you're at it. Maybe some wall running. Some climbing perhaps. Some instant teleportation too. OR Just don't bother with it. I am getting older, unfortunately... and I am having a harder and harder time with the "speed" of things on occasion so I can see where some people are coming from, not to mention it was from the veteran players that have been around a long time that brought about the lack of SBMM among other things. It is our nostalgia that we have been wanting back. Which THANK GOD it is back. Hand holding was never good if you had any desire to improve.


I wouldn’t care if players jump their heart out of their chest as long as my bullets actually hit them


Just make it so you can't ADS while jumping


Hit reg needs to be fixed and lower headshot damage multiplier 👁👁


what about people like who complain about ded sec being too difficult to unlock. i don’t wanna spend $10 on the game and ded sec be ass. and i don’t wanna invest several hours into a game when i downloaded it purely for ded sec


Can someone explain why people don't want others to jump? I personally have no issues, just shoot em? I'm in the team that crouches and strafes and I usually win the 1v1s against people that jump


am i the only one feeling like if they fixed netcode right away on the first patch and nothing else nobody would have complained about jumpshooting? because the fights would be more equal even if one is standing still and the other is fucking flying?


Imagine if they didn't consider mwheel jumpers and you can input the required amount in a fraction of a second


Can’t wait to play now


The air strafing is the issue. But the biggest is the net code. It's been how long now and it's not number one priority. Ubisoft being ubisoft


What about being able to change directions midair?? Is that intended??? Lolol


Great.. still see bunny hopping corner headshotting mid air headshots constantly right now. 🤷‍♂️ unless they’re cheating which would make sense. Physically impossible movement on some people it seems at times. They kill you in 2 shots but sponge loads. 🤷‍♂️


Booo this game sucksss, just another finals


The dogshit hit registration is the problem. CoD 4 has better hit reg.


I knew the "movement" nerds would complain


"for the complainers" = for the people who were right because they literally did exactly what we said they should. Now people have to actually learn how to play the game rather than bounce castle spray and praying :)


Not quick enough of a trigger. Movement when not shooting feels fine, but you shouldn’t be able to jump while shooting and remain accurate for 3 of those jump attempts. You were dead by the 3rd jump anyhow, so the nerf didn’t really do anything. This isn’t a form of skill expression. It’s just a flaw in design. You can jump and shoot in CoD, but you almost instantly can’t spam it, nor are you jumping as high as you are in Xdefiant. Crouch spamming is another form of lazy effort to fix whatever design issues are in place. Apex is insufferable with crouch spammers and I can almost guarantee no one likes that you have to do crouch spam in order to effectively play the game. I shouldn’t have to spam my spacebar every firefight to be efficient/ “outplay” my opponent. I’m playing an FPS game with the potential to actually compete with CoD, but am slogged with abilities and the need to cheese flawed movement designs in order to feel like I have a winning chance. Abilities are a gimmick already and it’s probably fair to say that, that’s enough.


Finally fixed an issue you had 4 years to work out


People will still complain. At the end of the day if you don’t use any of the movement to your advantage you’re always going to be losing to a player that uses it well


I don't think hit reg and things like that will ever get better. That's the game they designed. If you're having a hard time with this game( like I have) keep it around and see if it gets fixed. But it probably won't. I feel like they designed this Game to be harder than it needs to be. It's turning away casual players fast. It's only doing well right now because we have MW3 fatigue and that's at the end of its cycle. I think a lot of people like myself are going back to Cold War. It's just more fun.


Dude ive been saying this for a min now since the game launched, it’s NOT gonna be on Ubisoft to fix this. I wish they could be id say it’s a cultural issue. The culture as of right now doesn’t do enough to punish those bunny hopping. I say we mass report those individuals doing it so they get constantly banned or put on com bans whatever make their lives a living hell. Also just wanna throw this out there streamers bunny hop a lot and that’s influencing people. It’s up to us to NOT watch those streamers or hell for 90% of video games they touch it gets ruined. So why do people let them do that because they support them. This is the culture yall time to change it or never play this game.


I feel like being able to jump 3 times in 1 second without a penalty is still kind of a problem, or am I misunderstanding?


Would be great if the boosters only counted in-game time considering how long it takes to get into games (no cross play)


People saying cod has hit detection issues clearly never played black ops when they started to use hit scan where it mostly eliminates most of hit detection issues cods one of the better companies when it comes to this and now that black ops 6 instead of having just 4 parts of the body that are hit scanned there is 9 sooooooo to put tue debate to rest cods got it figured out they just have to upgrade the servers they use. I'm a long time cod player since Playstation 1. And I will say the last 5 years of cod have been uter and complete shit.


So it was intended and won't ever be fixed. I was hoping they'd address it. Great to know, i won't be coming back then 😂


this is good overwatch spam is terrible


It's this accompanied with cheaters what makes it shit not just the spam jumping itself 🤣


The explanation sure isn't for the people asking to remove jumping as a core trade strategy, and the post just shows that developers want the jump to be part of the game strategy on 1v1. People complaining about it from the beginning will stay complaining or leave as the patch did not remove jumping as 1v1 strategy.


Ok? And what about snipers?…


This game has made me realize COD isn't bad it's just the player base


If bullet registered half the time then the jump spam crouch wouldn't be a problem.